momcow CalmMiss Jane so speaks 1=an1Heatna¢i Mall Give No Warning gunman oi snowman nus ably will happen again At Emmon 2A lime crowd in Barrie ii and surrounding district It carried thesarcennual Wommegs anary etymenl at Emmaoael Baptist Chosen last Thursday evening The president Mrs Lloyd presided Ihe meeting open with sang service led by Mrs Evelyn White with hymn Mn Ross lhompsou It the piano The Scripture was read byMrs ViilIrd Greig Prayer was given byw Greig and Beers Mrs Brandoomnd Mrs Madison and in times like those we need Saviour ans Ward welcomed all pro sentInd thanked the Couples SWEAERSKIRT 15012 casua LOOK Canadian women favor the casual look big drawer of sweatcrs and just few skirts add up to plenty of variety At left perfect sweater tor the outdoor girl is unusual Club for dispensing with their regular meeting Murray Tyn dall president of the Couples Oiuh expressed thanks tothe WMS for being luvited to this meeting andyfelt it privilege to hear the speaker Miss Scott An accordion and guitar duet by Mrs loan Penman and Mrs Dorothy Bulmer was enjoyed Mrs Ward then introduced the spccial guest the widely known Ind renowned Miss iane Scott columnist with the cowlncck set all by the much Toronto Telegram and author turtle neck Designed for ac tion is the fall sweater right It has bold snowflake pat tern aud dainty ribbed Johns ny collar lot My Adventures With God is Scott so grateful and serene chose as her topic The Poured Out Life As tire face to herrcmarlm she told Home Economist Reports On 4H Homemaking Clubs By JEAN IRVINE Simcoc County Home Economist winter has come as we ex pectedit would Let us all hope that it wont be quite as bad as it was Last year cer talnly hopenot because am in the midst of malcing visiis to the 44 Homemaking Clubs in South Simcoe and do not relish the thought of getting snowbound or stuck on any oi the concessions or sideroads Speaking of club visits would like to report that the clubs are doing an excellent job and the girls seem to he thoroughly enjoying this pro ject have seen many new and original idoas halng used in the pyjamas and some of the ensembles the girls are lnaking are certainly wool 01 art will be visiting the clubs in North Simcoe starting this week and hope Iwill see some perfect tca biscuits in my travels In South Simone some of the ladies started the senior course Focus on Finishes inAliiston today and think they are enjoying it thorough ly When they have finished they will certainly know how to make their clothes look as it they were made bya pros fesslnnai There is also training school in Stayner on Thursday and Fridayof this week The Homemaking Club leaders have returned from tbs Royal Winter Fair and from the reports that have had they hadya very enjoyabletime Christmas is one month away llhatls notavery long is lit put at least small dentin that Christmas shopping Now is actually the time to go mosey iogthrough the stores to get Your HEALTH PROBABLY you have heard about some person who under goes careful physical eimmina tion ls pronounce healthy and then drops dead of heart attack short time later This has happened and it prob CAUBESJT How can perfectly healthy individual sufier fatal heart Lack Theanswer in mdst cas is that the person actually wasanot as good shape as his doctor and he believed Chances are that the paiientis coronary art eries had been closing gradually ior along time HARD DIAGNOSE lIenrt disease you see can exrstwitbout patient lmowihg flnfortunately the gradual casing of arteries in runnycéses Is not easily diagnosed we call such condition gressive atherosclerosis This is the underlying disease that causes what is commodiy refer red to as heart attack Deposa its onthe artery Mall causea gradual tbickenin and harden ing of vital arteries APPEAR nuances Very oftenpersons salve atheroscleras to be completelyhealtby hen given physical exa on by ytinctor Eitheri there tn prol areno symp ms slight thatit recognised than ideas and possibly to make low purchIses The stores are notss crowded as they will be and you will have better opportunity to get good look at the selections the stores are offering Also many of the stores are having proChrist mas sales now and you can often get quite good bargain Dolbe careful though when you go to these sales because many of the article are not worth half of what stores are charging Examine every thing iirst to see that it is oi good quality andwoll made However dont do all your shopping now and thenflnd that in the two weeks before Christmas you dont have any thing to go shopping for always find that rushing around with the crowds seeing all the happy faces andilsten log to the Christmas carols be ing played in every store is very moving experience and helps to enhance the feeling at Peace on EarthGood Will tnlt hope that you have in word menthat should be in evoryoops heartespecially at this time of year What about all that baking that isahead you hope you have all started your fav orlte fruit take so that it will have plenty of time image and blend the flavors of all the fruits together Someyof your coolale batter can bemade now andstored in the ireezerif you are fortunate enough to have one Most batters will freese unite nicely it they dont corn non oil as the oil will separate on freezing Shortbreads and cookies that keep well can be made ahead of time and stored in aluminum foil or tightly sealed container without spoil until those Christmas cel eb ï¬ons begin Another thing that will help you overtlte Christmas rush appear is to make some ofyour decor Now in some cases blood clots may closeup narrowed artery in the heart very suddenlylbis is called coronary thrombosis About four out of every five persons who suffer such heart attacks survive the firstone GBADUALCLOSING In nther cases persons whose arteries have been closing grada unilyforyears without sysop toms also suffer acute attacks without any actual bloodrlot In fact one recent study re vealed that inmany castes of suddenyand unexpected fatal hedrt attacks there were no trash bloodciots Death was due instead the advadoe of other osclerosis which caused vital arteries to close entirely GnnArj HELP Obviously it wouldbe great help to bothdoctor and patient itth about the gradual shutdownof the arteries great many clases of course are de tected but many moreare not Certainly further research and better methods of diagnosing the diseaseare needed QUESTION AND ANswno Mrs What causes urinate Pressure on ur allyonused byun ir ritated bladder This ay the resultant infectioni following childbirth durinalysis and gt ntions npvvhpm last years Christmas cards or materials that you have in the house The December issues of all the magazines are filled with sug gestlnns you dont happen to have any in your home your local ilhrary will have them When you go to look through thomhdont forget to take paper and pencil to copy down any of the ideas that youlike one last thlrig Dont forget to lot the whole family take part in the Christmas preparm tion You will find thIt they will he more than willing to help and that it will make much less work for you Youd be surprised at some at the wonderful ideas the children can come up with THE STARSSAY nznsmntms FOR TOMORROW This days planeth influences are especially inspiring for men tal work teaching research in scientiï¬c ilelds and writing gen erally also for making new and useful improvements in technical projects The evening hours find tha stars infiuo aspect lorgroup activi ties Cultural and creative pur suits are on the favored list as are domestic matiars and con sideration of travel plans FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday splendid indications for you and we minotw to lofted Just then the chimes on the neighboring church he ganto peel out thebeautilui he more Love my Shepherd is She felt it was being played Just for her At the close 01 the service she with men others sat around the Liar Table tor commun ion Ind Just as the service rin lsbed the chimes again peeled out When Survey the Won drous Cross it seemed to be speaking to her saying am debtor She intended writ ing the minister at the church to tell him what this music had meant to her but she didnt do it One dry soon after letter came to her from ladies group at this church asking her to speak to them She accepted the invitation and took IS her topic am debtor She said We are all debtors to God He has put us hero and given usop portunitlos but what srewo doing for Him Are we as in the talents Iie has given us God can use the most humble people to win soul to Himself Look at theunléarn ed disciples and see what Jesus did for them They went out and turned the world upside down preaching and teach ing word Now let us look yourselves Each one of as needs to pour out our stew ardship for God Jesuswcnt tn Gethseniane and poured out His life for our salvation and yet he is rejected by so many The world needs consecrated men and women that are wile ins to give their all for Him God wants us to take what ever we have and use it our taleniour tithes and every thing we hnvo We do not own anything it came from God Ind we Ire debtors so we mustgive our oil to Kim Lot enjoy the of Heaven it Remember We re ed Scott iorthls shelled ing rnessage Rev Mr Nul meyer rloscd themceiing with Relreshmentr were prayer served in the assembiyhall by air1 Johnsinith Iodher com mlttee gt ONT PRESIDENT ADDRESSES 352w Miss Nazis LvDane will ad dress the amines and Prof sional WomensClub at din ner meeting at the American Hotel tonight Miss Dane isln chargeof thewomens and educational divisions of the Canadian Life insurance Oltlcers Assocla tionand presith of the Bush aess and Professional Womens Clubs of Ontario Miss Dane will also speak to the students of Central and North Collegiate Institutes to day us he channels of blessings not reservoirs but be reIdy to send out theJlorious gospel that Christ receiveth sinful men Jemis often referred to II The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley two sweetly perfumed flowers These flowers were crushed when He went to the cruel cross for your sins and mine but His sweetness still re mains Iii iguconcpmed abgï¬t Ill and ng or our He came not to call the right eous but sinners to repent ance and thoblood of Jesus Cbflltcanclaanseus£rbm all sin Let us be like the per fumahottle with the atomizer attached lust llttie squeeze on this bulbacnds the frag rance all around Atomizer Christiansare willing to tell the stories of Jesus Ind His love When we stop pouring but God stops pouring into our storehouse and we will not your interests are presaged in your chart During the next seven months manuaigoccupations are equally favored withteachiog re search study chemistry medi cine and purely artich matters so that whatever your work you should he inspired to forge ahead with optimism and confidence From the first of July until the end of 1960 the celestial spotlight will be upon your personal re lationships so youhavoa great deal to lookforward to where do mestic social and romantic mat tors are concerned Make up your mind to take advantage of this fine planetary cycle and you should achievé top goals child born no any will be scientiï¬cally in ad hut may have to curb dencies toward impatience jealousy and over aggressiveness NEWBDMER fHave loll Or has son an youknbw just novella new harlot Wllvn gm and rlendly greetings linen mo condo 0500900 STUDIES SKULLS Dr sham MacNeisb 4i sehinrarchaeologist at the National Museum of Canada in October exarnlnosakulls unéaaflied hear Johnatown Ont endldele is those of Iroquois indlans who liv ed between 1800 and 1500 AD For the last 11 years Dr MaoNeish has been con ducting the most sustained archaeological program ever undermken in the western Arctic Photo ton Dunlop Street West undo Baptist This column is meant to represent the tile and activities or interest in the ctty pi Barrie news inserted by phoning theWomen Editor PA 55531 Mrs William Stewart Dunlap Street entertained may and relativm at atrousseou toa last week in hbaor at her daughter Miss Shirley Stewart wboss marriage to Douglas Dunn will take place this Saturday at St Andrews Preshyteriao cam Stewart wore figured royal biua wool jersey gawnlo receive guests assisted hy the brideelect wearing black It terued wool jersey sheath is Bruce Thompson and Mrs Henry Moore pouredtea Miss Stewart was entertained at miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs William Gray cup and saucer sbowcr at Miss Helen Burtchs Dunlap Street West Dr and Mrs Tumbli showed pictures of their summer trip to the United Kingdom and the continentat St Andrews Chinch Wednesday in aidgni the Canadian Save the Children Fund Neutydive oliars was collected in silver Many friends entertained for Mrs Joy Armstrong priortn her departure for Saulte Ste Marin Ontario where Mrs Armstrong has accepted position as Tech nicalLibrarian tor Abltihi Pow er and Paper Co Limited Re search Development Division Mrs Fred Norris entertained her bridge club Mrs Ross lilckiing was basics to badminton friends and Mrs Smith entertained at an Au ravoir parn ty and presentation MrszrmA strong was an active member at gcholi Club and Badminton Captain and Mrs RReeves and Mrs Reavesmother Mrs Heavner New York City visited with friends in Barrie yesterday opt and Mrs Reeves rc ed to shade two weeks ago aboard the Corinthia and ducked at Quebeccm and travelled my motor from Quebec to Toronto where they have been Nunmeyer flunk BARBIE EXAMIN TUESDAY Blnion of Barnes nov 195913 visiting with relItives Cap Reeves was staff olier with the 4th CanadiInIniantry Brig ade during their Genneny tour Mrs Reevu is the former Mary The Knights of Cdlumhus hold fowl supper at St Josephs Auditorium ulcester Street from 580 to 00 pm Nov gt Mr an Mrs liunter Thornton thaw tslugroamed the engagemen yo daughter Catherine Mary utiliti bert Cornell Wail Ion nl Mr and Mrs Wall Big RiverSask ntchewnn The wedding will take place at Thornlon United Church December ii gun Nettleton only iieid Street his sonlniaw and dAugbtcr Captain and MrsTcd Selwyn and daughters Laurie and Carol arrived at Quebec City aboard the Empress of France two weeks agoand mot ored from Quebec to Barrie Mr Nettieton has beendn Sues Ger many with his sonlnlnw nnd daughterior six months Captain fSelwylrlashas been posted to Hall ax Robert Stapleton and ion of Toronto were Saturday via itors with Mr Indium Cough Crown Hill Miss Mary Multan visited with her mother Mrs Mason Castietooat the weekend Miss Norma Bombs waiL known local singer was guest soloist at anniversary services at Lansing United Church Sunday Mr and Mrs Ciyno Penn tang Street entertained man bers and wives of St Marys School Board at Ininiormai lei FORTRAN CIIIIISIM rc Your moan as wt accuset mucosa SMiTH STUDIO neoan steam gt tom auneui soanPEasonaLl vanes Mrs Iiarris nasalvases convensr dent Corby Hostess vihompSo Mrs Mrs Gibson Mrs Mrs billnilht Mrs Mrs Webb Mrs Moore Mrs Gray Mrs Nixon Mrs Newton Mrs MDuval Mrs stun Mrs Dangerfield Mrs Norris Mrs Bell Mrs Walls Mrs Marshall Mrs KO wardrhirs Lon lthPresi Sectionhtrs Relve Mrs EJohhslnll Mrs Brodnhn theringSundayevoning Among the guests were John aim itthnoi hoardvlnwyer mad Mrs umy Inspector on Mrs Frank MacDonald1Jslnes Kelly chairman oi the boardpland Mrs Kelly Mr andMrsW MimeSoymonr 11 Mar rick Mr andM Charles Hur Mrs Glen Scandretz Mr and Mrs William Mrs LaChnnce Dr rum Dr and spam GOMILETEWANH ovannam rm Gilt eclei ives silï¬mrvo as clelnl mush re All was Hunter See WWI Wesrou CREDIT JEWELS Businesan oiTankard