Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1959, p. 3

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imohlAN Nancy Cook mad number of jour neys to blessing or awards Three major benefits of high school education were detined last nightathariieNarths com mencementlexerclse by Seattle BA LLD former se ondnly edu atlon superintendent of Ontario Dr Scottiespeaking from flower decked platform to an auditorium crowded with stud areots and lriends defin edh three benefits as start oi creative thinking development or sense of dutyand willing ness to acceptresponsibilityfand starting ion for the future career more than so years ago he found he could get by on mem oryButln the top classes my memory didnt serve the pur pose He badto think Creative thinking separates us from the lower animals he declared They can be taught todo remarkab thingsbut ress proportional to the way which you can provide creat ideas This is the time of lite when we begin to use our reason 450 ingpowers Students were at the period wbenthey would cut the apron ings between LhCmSelVESalld parentsa painlul process both he said They should istengto parents advice but choose theirown direction That iswhere creative think ng comes in SENSE OF DUTY sense of duty continued Dr Bealtie also developed late in high school bothduring School work aodin art time jobs Wi the exception oflove there is no other emotion so pom gelling asduty aJIe cited the caseot five Etoblt icokefiremen who went to their tbs old swollen riverduring thirricanellazel in rescue at tempt sense duty developed during many years he contin tled builtup for thefuture in his case started during high school it said Dr Beatti warned against daydream ing You have to keep dreams in the limits your pos lbllities think theside ofamhiti Ba defined dream as the port which person aimed during sea yag of duty was the propeller and die tbinkin udder of you may 11 the port ofyour dreams this students edic or Nancy her niainder at th with pleas speech composed tlyof reminiscences and part work she suggested value nth developed not onlyiin the an Brim tclassroomrbut otbe acti F9 the achoo history nodaly sch honor graduation on Ayres byvirtue of al habet a1 priority Miss Cookmadeba urneysj to thestage to collage wards Diane Coileyt lfinuelm Jack on were gt iplomaswere presented to bodyofzstudeots Distinction of receivmg the first of these diplomas wentdo Char Here she has the Laveln As mussen award for die highest academlc standing in Grade 92 prano Rosita Pittfound time be tween receiving awards and han ding out one as president at the Glee Club to sing couple of solos in voice which seems to Ihavegaincd in power while re taiolng its quality since this newspaper lastgtreported it The ceremony was followed by pair oi social occasions While some of the adults drank cotfee and ate cookies in the home eclt onomics room the students let down their hair and had fun at dancein the cafeteria Parents lnvited read the notice at the entrance to the dance SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES Major FHersey Award for Leading Citizen as adjudged by the Staff Rosita Pitt $100 The Lions Club of Barrie Schol arship Dianne Colley $50 Brown Award Grade student with highest average Nancy Cook $100 hlaclaaren and Co Prize in Mathematics Sam Womens Auxiliary to the Ki wanis Club Award orProliciency in Middle School iatin and French Richard Boswell $25 Canadian Club or Barrie prize for proficiency in Middle School English Ruth Ball $25 Barrie Branch at the Canadian Legion Memorial Award in Grade XIII History Dianne Colley$25 Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion Award in Grades X1 and X11 Science Gail Atkinson SZS Venture ClubAwanllIighest Marks in Grade Xi Commercial Barbara Richarrkoo $25 of Glee Club with highest marks 15 Gradedlill Dianne Coliey luadies Ainnhary to Bnrrie Lions ClubHighest marksin Grade Xi Conunercial Subjects Margaret Rae $201 University Womens Club of Barrie Scholarship to Barrie who procures big marks in Grade xm and tall Degree Course at University NancyCook $200 Highest Academic Standing in Grade XIII Girl Nancy Cook Boy SamualBrown Ginnis Winners Project Greg Snider Carolyn cox Leighton Smith lord Money Proficieac Rural Garden Agriculture Clif Cameron Weaymoutbs MocLarén Reeves Jewellers Mathematical rams AND soaom LETTERS Se ir Pin Arlene Jackson Senior Letter NButh Jane Machar Jun Wllgar Cameron Elaine Drury Marg Swans Day Gir er Siocl Harrie Kiwanis Chin rm loi chanipion Elspeth marks on nine or more paper Johnston Glee Club Award to member Lavaln Asinussen Award TheRotary Club of Barric Bead Girland BoyAward as chosenxbyfellow students Girl me sense Dianne Coliey Boy Murray Mc 5i The Agricultur Home Project Urban Garden vegetable Brian Thompson Urban Garden flower Book Store Grade Leslie Jolliffe Mr MadlennamGrade x1 Elspeth CameronMrs MMacLennan Grade XII Liane Prize Pin Sam Ball Barbarallolloway Harold Kemp BanjLaurie Barron Elspeth upior Letter Bo Carol Ag new DoonuBowen Christina Cameron Mary Duosmore Jon ll Marquane Garner Ulie ma Susanne Levison Sheila Livmgston Linda Maishall Anne Barrie Flyara ckey Asociation Champion Don FlRST honor graduating class in the schools history nt Barrie North Seated in audience alter gethng thesc wait to be called back to stage to receive many supple received diplomas last night allimportant papers studeutl mentary awards Defines TheiBenefils Of HighaSchool Education Boys Barrie Fiycrs Hockey Assocln on Trophy Juvenile Champion James Nugeot Emma Electric Trophy Junior Champ ion Bill Jennings Brian Thomp son Roy Atkinson Empko Trophy Intermediate Champion Douglas Armstrong Brian Pig den Gordon Wilson Trophy Senior Champion Richard Ag new Greer lrophy Outstanding Girl Athletc Arlene Jackson Garners Sports Trophy Out standing Boy Athlete Corbett Adams Public Speaking Trophies Mansfield Rubber tCaoada Ltd Trophy Senior Girls Oratorical Contest Winner Susanne Ferris Senior Boys Oratorical Contest Winner Ronald HarrisL SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Joanna Andersen Sharon yr es John Bertram Gcraldine Bourne Samuel Brown Dianne Cglleyi Nancy Cook Patricia Cros land in rhes Mare innls Jackie Phillips Paul Penile nod ney Raikes Barbara Woods SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMASL Donald Anderson Gayle Anderr tonGail Atkinson Ruth Ball Carol Ballantyne Barbara Boers Heather Blogg Richard Boswell Judith Brolley Elizabeth Cath cart Goidie Chantler Wanda Clark Diane Coles Donna Coiley Michael Connell Brian Cooper Carolyn Davis Mary beagle Raymond Duncan Dianne Ells mere Ilelga Friedrich Ronald Gavin Elgin Green Janice Han dy John Hargreaves Ronald Harris Roy Hastings Mary Hor rlngton Murray Hill Barbara Holloway Deanna Hooegger Aru lene Jackson Jane Maanlen Jean MacLennan DennisMit chell Lawrence Mulligan Wil liam Mulligan James Page Jeanette Penarsky RositaPitt Patrrcia Ray Brian Reevie Paul Richardson Peter Robinson Wayne Russell William Shipman Dennis Tascooa Sydney Thew Brian Ward James Wilgar Shir ley VoodrowLWinston Wright Game scout Auxiliary Holds lTea at Villa WASAGA BEACH Thetea which was held by the Auxiliary Mothers of the First Wasaga Beach Scout Pack at Nancyvilla was qualified succés commune blazing in the fireplace tables were beautifully setand the teacop reader was ensconced beside stove of yesteryear which con tained most realistic looking flame Donations of baking were plen tiful and delicious and the maths ers thanked those who donated most heartily Scout scene had been art rangedjiy Doug Watson and Mrs OReifly and was quite an at tractionkwith someone always on hand toexplainithe why and bows ofScoutiog to those inter estged Mrs Marg Dyer welcomed the guests most gra ously and Mrs Oral Davies anti um At Ra Nov 2o roamin are Jaou Henry In hot4th your Daughter or the nuns ear and wow Addison to Henry Routine atl the Pathlek moral ere urvlce will el on Monday ROBERT lllilDLE oro Township last night pro vided the winner for the 36th Simeon County Trustees and Ratepayers Association Public Speaking Contest held at illll crest SchoolHe was layeanold Robert iiaidle Gradevastudn ent He will complete in the pro vlncial finals at the Ontario Edu Oro Provides Winner Of Public Speaking Contest George GJohoston MLA for Simcoa Centre presented young Robertwlth the winnera shield and cash prize of $111 The winner had competed against isother entrants each of whom had already won sim ilar competition in his or her own next Easter car this Tree cational Association convention municipality Honorable men tlons went to two at themRose mary Gray and Armand Middle brook Judges were Gordon Melurk Barrie Canon Allan Read Bac rie and McNahhAlliston five and seven min tes Contestaiitsgs oke lfor betweeo PUBth sponklng went to Susanne Ferris and Ronald Hanls seen aboVo 3010 trophies mhklng thopresentations to the two seniors in Jan sen oilpresident ot the Jams commencement capacity audience of families andjriends jammed the Bradford Gbmunity Centre last night for night of tba Bradford llllgll School com mencemcnt exercises Girls Injured car driven by teenager last night failed to round cor ner in Alliston and ran head on intoa tree injuring two girl pasA sengers and wrecking his late modelcar James Coughlin lahoflieeton was the driver of the cl Dave Pegs passenger in the carrwas un injured but two girls Peggy Lisk tn Reeton and Ann Moore 16 of Alliston were admitted to Stevenson Memorial Hospital Ann Moore was released alter treahnent for cats about the lace but Police said Peggy Lisk was detained for observation rot area this weekend is inact theflultlliston ieo aiif urgent fondly matte Hells askedto Allistonllolice seekllamiltonian Hamilton believed to the in the am asked Mrs later Hoes was Incl noun me an Henry possible fractured skull Centre Street at 345 pm No charges were laid Speak In Barrie Library Hall at its 11111 tMr Crosby is anatural and hiswork deaills mginlyuvgthgzu ave Jammy will tell about placesto go in Canada tosee own work at the museum He has written in Canada and he birds and about his many articles for nature aub cations and as his owndrawlngs Well as showin he plans to show slides iginal sketches his meeting To RomeMarch birAwa or Canadian Pacific Air tend is Mn italy Montrehl wi but pickup points The ltalian and Cana toga round each weekly paod in the The mishap occurred when Coughlinlturned olf Victoria into Naturalist Will JohnCrosby of the National Museum Statf Oitawa is to he the guest speaker at theBrere gt ton Field Naturalists Club Wed nesdayNov 25 in the Barrie he is giftéd school Closure some at Thezrneetingshould be at in terest to both the naturalist and the artist says cluh secretary Anastasia Hughes It is anopen CPllStarlsFlight Canada and Italy have announcedan interna tional airagreement undecmlncb es ex treatLisbon lugum the tlyhorRorn eflectlvaiMarcll granted th right to operate ona route from Italy to termed be lines are expected tofoperate with gt In an interview Transport Min sked why CPA pickedto nitlate the Cana service Romellesald it with the governments Eduraging Canadian at to put The possibility of bill on the Ontari came 111 Thursday in Simcoe County Council Councils con sultative committee reported it was the only way in which request oETiny Township could be met The requesr than two school sections of the lquIShipSlIOVlld be detached tram MidlandPep etang Districriligh School and attached to Laiootsine Contin There appears to be no legal provisi for the arrangement reported the committee Com mittea advice had been that the onlyway toisecure the de tachment was to promote pris vatebili Council accepted its commit tees recommendation that no Students Protest TORONTO CP fiMore than mograduates and students of the Canadian School of Practical marched on the officept Health Minister Dyrnond Fridayto protest threatened closureoi the school The group presented alvstateé meat which said there was great shortage pf nurslng care and that half the staff in one at Torontos largestahospitals con sisted of completely untrained that no final decision has been madeon whether to rEnew the licence held by the sehool to traincertified nursing assistants commercial training certified nurs farm and giltden their usual stand uationSchools district Sunday mos trciitedftogsn entertainment night maal the has grduiid telephoneAllis and her ieliowclasamates receiw in war studies hormonalrenown To SeparateSchool sections action battalion butthatm pri vate hillshould he supported if the township should decide to have one presented to the Leg islature WERNER Synopsis band at light snow spread into central and southern areas of the province during the night ahead hf weak storm centre whichhas nowI reached Lake Hur The eastward moi tinn of this disturbance will carry it beyond the province tonight and into the Maritimu bn Sun day However another stonn cen tre over the western states is fol lowing rapidly As consequence current snow falls should come to an end this evening in central sections of the province leaving generally cloudy skies but withrthe approach at the westeni system wet snow will begin again ay evening Little changevin temperature is anticipated for Sunday Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sunda Lake Erie outherrn Lake on Lak Ontario Niagara Windsor London ilton Cloudy with unny intelu valsand alew eveningshowers cloudy wet snow beginning Windsi southwest 5to 75today becomiiig lights nigh Li change in temperature Northern Lakefluroo Georv gianB light snnw he alteraoon The valedlctory was presented ear the evening but Marg aret didnot disappear trom the stage She pulled to use sports ter minology the hat trick by walk ing off with three awards besides the honor of being Valedictorian LODE PRIZES The loDE prize for general proficiency in Grade to nstu dent continuing studies The prize donated by the Municipality of Bradford tor the student with the highest standings in Grade 13 and the tonal prize Ior ntta ing the highest marks in English lnthe June examinations were all won by Marsala Margaret ughesis the daugh ter of Reeve Herbert Hugh of West Gwillimbury Some of the 0th awards given out were the Bradford Lions Club character scholarship andsports The Atkinson Cup for the boy Who during his whole course at high school displayed good char acter scholarship and sports manship was wonby Donald Met calfe Marleane Collingswon the Scanlonqup which is awarded annually tojavGrade 12 student for general proficiency Secondary schoolhonor gradua tion diplomas and second graduation diplomas were also handed out last night raunsnav Nioar Thursday nightsactivitiea in indoor comfort willie Clqré Hecla Gqs unlf Mansfield uhbe company which donated the trophies Examiaar Pbo Item useammo fieldday awards otherschotasr tic nwards and trophypresénté ed to the student winningth school oratorlcal contest Peter Schedlch talked hls way to this trophy Intermediate certlt cater war also handed out Thursday Entertainment was provided both nights hythe perean popular school choir upda the direction Vof Constance Nolan music director andteacher Pour numbers by the which improved as it wont brought healthy applause frona the audience one act play Thethtle School House was an ain little farce which though didnt present great theatre didnt fall to am orFIcEeR for the girl who excelled in NoarHsioEv agrwaru CLAPPERTON AND DUNLOP ST available PHONElA84427 They lookfor the same quail in their heating equipmen ClareHula Gas Unitsg

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