Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1959, p. 11

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at Immune 7DEmployrrlent anted on can union to whammlAnIful will mu cum nhl oust Pboac FA flurry sx ml alum Column in nu also honi by on or was none PA urns mrcn glu LMK Illu own name Any non Flingnu vbnn mumfivllalcy oil to when own lornrl on PA IM 10407 wlnow Ionu ith work tree no muons the us bl Flt PA open nltlo 3832 10 round WOMAN colonists nuuL ififln n°il try To cc vhv Barrio miner vncol venetian rlmnlz Ac lady wishes posttlon In elderly sssuennns nan hmuekccper fiflwéo am on or crk inch 1D7ll HATUltl Woman mum and nuns would mm in can or cblle dun eidorly people or invalid Eventful Ind weekends Phonc PA 4171 For Sale ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BETTER SILAGE ssulré out Bakelltl Vlnyl sun 11 vu cussn Polyethylene rum FOBERTS GAS PSNLTANG ST HARRIS elm Newsprirll SCRATCH PADS For Sale Cut To Any Size 26c PERllfl 0rdch Accepted At THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS OFFICE onoou 10 DISCOUNT oil rcgulhr price or nuorlluRM on smcc humans ultsblc lnr fivc seven manna liloch 775 Snvcn only Ill whom HEAHNG plum sulcor cpcr PA assll USED 01L FURNACE ooo BTU censn nil tired wlrltcr ldcal lo onsemsnusss hours uh nwl space $9595 SPECIAL sNsw nll find490 sq foot olntton hot water boiler Com stn prowired package unit with rncr controls circulating pump it gauge lyused hct wall circular or ov and $25 no anlyQurlkcr Spacc Healer cdmadlun sire song so PHONE HEATING DEPT SlMCOE COOP PA 60531 1510 ldeLlIlflE Rcllning and Repairs 395m number at an coats apes snd juckcts lit in good can itto Your choice ror 5351 MILBImN AND SON l2 DunloplVest PAsmr 385 NEWSPAPER MATS suo 22x13 ideal tor lining baa houses attics lull cu per lcct insulator aserlali nozc Apply The film momma Hartley Ontario emu ELL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANltb PUMPED rsvhung and landing Water Delich cmsnedlumestohn DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA mom ti GENERAL El RangeVA hflme er 335 FA 600 377273 SPACE Heate BTU ca sonnhlo Phone15 camp gilrens Muslmuslstinrnz in soon con olunn size Price 25 Phone rs 542m 12 Space Hester with Phone How Le av 15ch COLEMAN on era in good condition Burners Ave PA 439865 13427543 5ltPIECE Dining Room Suite 59 mentor Gown size 14 pink nylon pnnns 81018 077012 un Acxar hlnck Persian lsnib size 14525 Trllitc Lamp com plete bronze ilnlsh anyxhaac 15 PA was 572 cat Cookrtown lam or confidence ISrRcarn audboa bar VSan ram gr Isnt mt Price non rpm IOfl mflcwrnyu Am do lnu edition so lupus and arr nu theiuohu in edition in one condition mun ms own in Ants motor laxre size any And bbu ni co co rotunda mu git mnlhlo lar kl file an on ero men ul noun lv hulcol rt phone PA Hus no 2h 705 mmum Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS AnchorJ mt Post tn WRITE MIGENN an Lu Darnm courts PKONE ALLAN PARK ma cumming unwrap Usso Steel noel sosts Buliaalo to moss win bre Ap Dun Cameron ml lde 50355 9an irmfl 10 Farm Supplies wrtl Beam on shouts PA MN loIru 10A Livestock forlSalq Plus wants on Aug Holmes near PA nice TWO cows or Ilsa uPull ctr Sow 2500 hale oi Ba phone Alln and Du Sutton 17a man hlmnAlu Cow you old cm Iceiu old do bllu or lly phone now hurrah nanaronu pulls serviceable ale AP Iy llm Tyndlle RR noells bums stmud smith registered TollllL moo ily°dn° is run ow old Let 10A6171 roy TEAM or ltllrelt Genenl on Apply Synott rm ncr ons mile north or Edcnvlc Airhan lost ll FIGS m5 0m leedlnl well Lunatic had York each Agni Murray Canon Elmvnlc 75 mt KIA70 MATCH TEAM ul your Bartel wclght about IIW also andrccu Barr youI old ms ll weeks old Apply to mm Stone Phel Ila IDA11 lOClmplements FARM EQUIPMENT SPECIAL SALE Fflwcr tskeou Combines mm L710 SP Combines 8715 nle 853 swathcrr reg wrench uso Tncton model 540 so macaw camsubaiflln PA 87123 loolsonrr was lOEPoultryl Chicks DEKALB The profit onusls The choice or better poultrmncn everywhere ror tons in mm ty at ere prooue tun large can cclieat ers guauu nnn morc income over cad Stnrted pullers coo onyolo ehlclu available For serviceuh HUNTERS POULTRYFARM STROIID 77 lopam busscn Cochcrell rol to 71 lbl 15c lb llAMortgage Loans MORTGAGES in and 2nd bmllbt bf and arranged Commercial Ind ruldentlll moncyl loaned on existing maflzllel Barrie Marv gaze co in com 11 mu i5 Lost arid Found LOSTA whshinl machine lid on sunninsle Road between Can And Barrie Phone PA 09 1512 if 16 Personal gt HYPNOTISM 11 you suuer from lnsomntslicr mcgsslva mom eiflnfl or drinking emotional or nervous disorders undeslnble hon its or lock of pence mind these can be overcome Free consults Hons DAY 0R EVENING room PA cost 1670 BEAU 330 Cold Waves or lime moments etc tnyonr own home by eflenced 11c ensed hairdrafier MESZ or FILE3581 16603 iBARoomys or Rent FURNISHED ficdroom Centrnl Phone PA 84043 IRA7L7 mmsncn Room cen lo cated or weekly Phnno trnuy PA H384 to 417 own annaootu modern apart ment sultnhls or middle aged lady Phone 94053 HAll72 rnorams Water Heater close lined Inglis 27gnllon Apply Tex soo Gus station 26 and luminan ways PA ooasz 12 ram or frphel bnnw 14 Rang Rotrlgslnt iéton Panel Fargo studio Couen nnachotr PA 458081 betweenra and pan a7u72 GILSON nerrlgerator cu lreczerncrasa top ylklng stove All lnexccllcnt cinnamon Craig VPianp Phone rA c2124 in young working 111 in 1an 072 an 17 girls amour WARM bedroom light housekeealus it corned Pulling PA scant nAeus nannooll with hrsum laund homePhoae PA COMFORTABLE bedroom in non tw blocks mm downtown erlly PA mu ED SITTING Room ens suppliedurangctts nd me One block tram Five Points Business 7174 CllibDSKCIim with some mat lressplartic covered or broader Lonny iwnon COOK srovc er nun WJmlrtz Plglrhhio Electric Jacket neat Lunlll SI Heavyout humor Kelvlnathr stove Adm Bctlroamvand 11 unrton ucn nylontriez lites rMnttt Pl LCDl Jllslr street YEMEN iicnorette mid slehtcd ttltlrltitee flu Itove oil rumlshsd mnt ltatlaekocnlngrnom wlth ms and heated Busincs penan prelencd rhon PA ram lnA111a ticboarders wafnred nooM AND lmAnn Centrhl ocs on Man 1397971 COTVLFOIITABLB Bearcoln on quiet phons PA home loord option 34475 ROOM ANn aoAltn John two 1er ahmlrlt room with let East PnnncP ATTRACT Rocm with for older lifllwlh tor house mpeuom snlnn war mother PA sltnl £2 about m7 PA InkI la keen and Bean 18C Boorders Wanted MW 53 iwnizifi or noon AND nosz printI homo 1n Allandlle rhohe Pk om 07111 l9 Legals Clarks Notice of Posting of VOTERS LIST Voters Listo Aer an Islll or the Milk nsuty or rs county or stolen Notlce ercb given Hall have complied II Section of the Voterr List Act Ind have at my omee 17 023 93 an UM IZLh dII November 195 ill II All pcraom entitled to votla ln llld municipality It MILIlclpll notan hereby all upon on voter to this Immediate proceest to have any errors or nmlntonscot leashed lacconglnl in law Iy In hunt the 15th do or Nourish loss gastch tho iii any at November Ant RICHARDSON Clellr 1500mm MASUEERSSALE OF LAND FOR TAXES MUNICIPALITY or CITY OF BARRIE TO WIT sr volrug or WAnnANr under the band at tho Mum non Sell or this colnonaoo or too City at hurls burl the ants cl thl uniany 404 Apneso commanding In to IM upon the lunar muttloncd in tho tolio list at arrears or taxes thereonan calls as hereto set mo hssnhy uve nouen thst unless such an run no costs on leaner lid shall in compusnee with is lessment Act ncoed to sell by public auction said lands or so much thereof ss my be necesstry or um um curts nnn elm5a st the Council Climbers ctr poll in colusl street Barri 0n tone the 1th day or Decunber an 1959 at the hour or oclock in tho nltemoon 1r necessarym solomsn sale will be bald st the sums time and plus onerweak isles on number minim AL The on oration or the Barrie purchase my In su psieels at land it the prlce offered is lug than the so reus son emu nutrues also runsum 1012110 flutemeans to part 1CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE FAB2414 Condensed and classified ad venisementr areinserted at the ata oi 4c per word per laser ioh for one and two times ac per word iorthree tour or live timeshnc whether word so hr more insertions 10 additional charge it not paid within to days THE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT IS 80c IF COST FORANY CLASSIFIED PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS 88¢ CEARGEDPEB SINv GLE INSEBTION Cuming Events as per word mlnlmum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards ward lexttal tiers $150 word iextra rh curl1s unlnnx will no Umbth Dr To 33 mitt IX 07 the WI n0 mfl CO nnlcu nohhsa sue nut tuna nnylu for semi Iflggdl my be bull minions Idsmud an wm an copy should twin our ofllccvbyspm the day before publication the ilveye United States has its eye on the Canadian traveller as it makes plans for big drive to pick up more tourist dollars in 1960 The reason is simple 0t all the money lcit behind by visltcrs to the 05 more than hall comes irom Canadian pockets travel customers of the US says the National Association of Travel Organizations as it makes plans to rry out President Eisenhowers proclamation that 1960 should been specth year for Us tourist hospltallty Lustyear Canadians were es timated to have made total at 4600000 trips to the US each lasting more than 48 hours Tho association iarccust this years total at 4500000 Last year Canadians spent an estimated 5425000300 in US trio vel This year the figure may risa to $150000000 more than bait thu 507900000 which the association estimates will be spent by all visa itors Mexico istlle second best LS source of travel dollars with $155000000 forecast to be spent this ycbr Next year the US tourist in dustry plans to do better The as sociation predicts the number oi Canadian visits of more than 48 hnurs each will climb to 5000000 with Canadian tourist spending rising to $400000000 It also hopes to draw greater This inturn could intcrlere with Canadas hopes at attracting more growing trade deficit DeathISentence ls Committed OTTAWA tCPl LThe cabinet has commuted to life imprison ment thedeath sentence pgainst JosephTakacs year old Hungarian immigrant convicted in an Ontario retrial lost Septem bernt the murder of his eight yearoidfsun Takars had been scheduled to be hanged next Tuesday llc ndw will serve life termin Kingston Penitentiary zlle lirst was convicted last March at the slaying Oct 18 1555 of Joseph Junior who came to Canada trom Hungary in 1054 with Takacs and the woman with whom hcghad been living The boys body was tourld in the Takacs home atjairgrouhd 29 miles southeastpt St Thomas where his father had been work ing harvesting sugar beets The throat cut After an appeal to tlie Ontario Appezll Court new trialwas ordered randrakacs again as canvictédwitlmut jury recom mendation for mercy last Canadians are by tar the host number visitors from overseas travellejrto liehrreducebervwlridgaul seménce child had been clubbed aad his tibiotic lcnicillih can find its way ihto drugto treat cow crisp mastitis an inflamms oh ol udder WK St John executive seem Plans Drive FOrfTourist Cash WASHINGTON cm rs The association estimates that the number ot overseasvlsiturs travelling in the US this year will amount to 49000 Their spending in the Us is placed at 14000001 Nextyear the association hopes to increase this number to700 000 with total spending by this overseas group to rise to 3430 000000 LONDON CPillow Winston Churchill sat in mans lap to broadcast personal message to wartime France will be recalled in radio programmarkhlg tho statesmans 05th birthday Also who heard an the Nov 30 program will be recording at the pee ch as delivered by Chur ill in specially rehearsed Franc The narrator oh the BBC pro gram will be Michel St Denis the French theatrical producer who spent almost whole dsy coach ing Churchill tor the wartime broadcast St Denis who has served as adjudicator at the Dominion Drama Festival will recall talli ing with Churchill in the under ground room at10 Downing treat September He did notappsal eithertb convictionocthe The commutation was the 27th made by the cabinet since the Progressive Conservative govern ment took oiilce in June 1951 There have been seven exccu tions in that time World Shows more Tolerance UNITEDNATIONS NY tAPi trend toward greater free dom oiworship throughout the world was reported Friday in survey by the till human rights commlsslon The 30000 ward report said Roman Catholicscuuntries in par ticular are showing more tolér once toward other beliefs The surveyiruit at more ttlan three years workwas drawn up by Arcot Krishnaswami of lndia for the commissions subcommit tion Its lindings Werebasedcu survey at all or member uaj tionsl Thev conclusion declared that allyman should be treeto ad here or nutadhere to areligioll or belief in acchrdwith the dic tateshi his consciencer tee on preventioltf of discrimina Prevent Penicillin in milk eaacatise re action in humans aemitive to the drug lt cartalso interfere um cheese production it milk ls Ilcitly contaminated Mr St John said that form ers coatinuctolollaw direction there can be MdAnKfl at milk haunting contaminated Health departm ntticlais said spot checks are made peri odically to check on whether pea icillin is getting into domestic milk suppllw They said there is ac indicationtbat the situation in gagadl is slmilcr totbat in the lntbell anewmeLhodbu been developed for quick dctccA lien or tbepreseaco at the anti biotlc in milk Federal and state governments announced that any milk found to contain the drug will be seized will Recall How Churchill Sat In Mathis Lap for Broadcast and running gauntlet ol tlylng splinters with the wartime prime minister during an air raid He also will tell how Churchill sat on the Frenchmans lap to deliver the broadcast in crampch sur roundihgs at defence headquar ters and bow at the end Church ill said with tears in his eyes We have made history to nigh The program will be heard in tb EBCs general overseas sen Vice LOtters Press New Pattern LONDON CPlWorlds Press News says publisher Roy Tbomi sons concept at newspaper commonwealth may set new pattern tar theprés The Fleet Street publication dcduces from recent speeches by the Canadianva publisher that Thomson is not creating news paper empire but rather commonwealth of equal self goverhihg partners assisting in the development of their respec tive communities and bound to gctber by tics ot trade and loyalty yihomsorl now owils about 70 papers in Canada the United States and the United Kingdom Worlds Press News says he has made considerable impact on Fleet Strcct and adds that we find ourselves warming to much in his philosophy Two Thomson ideas the lour rial sayshare that in the day of the big business unit newspapers in such units have the best chance to practise editorial ill dependence by reasoh oi their collective financial strength and that the business side 01 news papers owing toille complexie lies of modern production must be paramount while at the same time editors should be allowed to retain their independence World Press News saysThnm son believes ina form of pros portiqnalleprésentation or the pressThus the Thomson group could include Conservative and Laborgpapers as stable cam paluons BIRD Stall Writer OlTAWA CP gt No country suppliesthe Unit States with its mahyi professional and tech nicelworkersas Canada They flow across the orderrin search at higher pay and greater opportunlty at higherrate and ill more volume tb th from any of tho in main un cs from ws lmmigrants Among them are Scientists and engineers techni ads doctors countantshnd clergyman Nearly one lifth of Canadians with occupations who dcc stake the tutureirl the eriod from 1953 1957 were the professional skilled or semisk ed workers roarwan shonrAGE These are the tub labor Ids ada ha experienced cringe th Canada number of professl on his sin skilled workers graduating from Canadian niversltles and tech nical training institutions gt The 115 lrnmlgrpti éys thatcdnadaiu film plied the Americandabgr market with the lgbest pare volume of profes Ila nicalwnrllers Nn sing mount nurses teachers Auditorsahd hc groups Aboutbllek third were SuPPliéSlUS ifli TéChIlICictns nursing ardiy rgued that lmmi grants the highlytrainedskilis and profcssictns caused urlcmr be said The inflowto Can da ttra immigrants has been greatly in excessjot dc arturrsto the USl la but ew ceilings notably An veragc of 1100 tramedCa it nurses emigrated to the annually ln ibg105057 per od But in the same period Only 40 nurses came to Canada all Migraticn LuiI Is NOt Gilded By Momma noon Motion England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON Canada needs new Canadians In particular it is seeking new British Canad iuns There is definite upswing in the Conndiob economy The country has enteredarlothcr par iod oi expansion Canada needs immigrants and Canada fig make men way 0mg welcome them Those wordsiorm the theme hi lullpage leaturehardercd by the advertisements of steam ship and air transportation aimed at coaxing more tish people owesy from their homes to seek bett fortune in Canada apearihg in one at the London evening ncwspapers ltls power tul publicity and it has as its objective cvighrous and positive ciiort to increase the flow at im migrants to Canada from the British Islest LOOKS AUTHORITATIYE The whole lecture page has an authoritative look about it Framed in box inhlack lace large type isra special message tram Mrs Ellen Fairclougb Canadas minister oi immigra tion and citizenship Alter mak ing mllch oi the tact that build rods of thousands of British pct pie have round happinessand prosperity in Canada and ex pressing tlle hope that many more will follow in their not si Mrs Fairclough says To those who may ellvlsage making their iuture abroad can think oi no country that can olicr better promise than Cau ada where opportunities contin us toabound or those who are prepared to work hard in firm determination to succeed OFFICIAL STATEMENT One clthe loading icles is ill the form of an interview with Voiscy director of immi gration otthe Canadian lrnrni gration Service in the United Kingdom llis statements are direct He says fOur program tor 1960 calls torn vigorous and positive ef tart to increase the flow of im migra on litany new opporttmitl ies are developing definite labor shortage is showing up iii wide range ot trades and 0c cupatious VACANCIES LISTED Backing this up is the depart ments Iatestbuilctin listing the professions nnd occupations in which there are saidto be great opportunities Tapping the list is call from Taro to for proton sat of civil ell llecringl Accord ing to itthereis delrlend for physicians and surgeons nurses hospital laboratory technicians teachers accolultaats social workers stenagraphers ahd typ ts farmers in van beauticians imd fCanadiztns havemoved south ward into therUnited States at rather steady ace few years the 11 service says Movement itAmerican ants to Canada in the years was for below the number of Cauadi who ivorit to the melt many other traderclld railings The migration lily ltowever is not beirlgovcrgilded In dilielent articles the full stillx istold oi the conditions and dit flculties which prospective lttl grants will have to meat tblnk it is very fair and accurate statement and not one which ould mislead any Britons seek ada ltlr Voisey says Selection is carefully find We want to know how the inteh ing immigrant stacks up as person it we think the man has not the ability to adapt hlmscll to new environment our vice is definitely that be stpy where he is It he lacks the era reatlal qualities for taking up career in new land we just dont let him go forward it is pointed out too that the Canadian authorities are hot cal ling for hundreds oi thousands at immigrants oi all aorta pad con ditions What is sought ls flow of immigrants inlsuch numbers as can be readily absorbed Yet the whole publicity up is very attractive and ilislikd to bring flo9d olappllcouts to thev Canadisn imrrllgratlo £2 esintb Utdthgdorn oalrosnr TIMOTHY JAMES KIERNAN The untim ly passing little Timothy Jam Kielmm occurred suddenly Friday Nov at his home in Ivy Second son at Mr and Mrs Stewart Kierrlan be was born Wednesday July 22 at Stevenson Memorial Hospitalin Alliston Thefuneral Monday Nov was from the Lloyd Hugha Funeral ll eih Cookstcwn with tb service there taken hyVRcv Harper of Christ Church Ivy and Rev Adam or St Johns Anglican urch in Conltstown as the bereaved parents are at the Anglican Church lovely flowers brought frag rant message at sympathy and regrettrcm lamiiy and lricads also from Baxter Community the BellnTclcphone Company and friends from LOL Lodge 1201I at Baxter from Ivy Community and from South Sirncoe Truckers As sedation Neighbor present om at large area to gether with relativcsahd 0r from Toronto Rosemourlt field Alliston and Barr Interment was ill Allistoll Union Cemeteryghd the acting bearers Graham AllchAllea Nixon liming and Winston Ki ihg the pAreilts and one son Bra ey Kieman brother of littlc othy James 00 till WElCDME wcccu and friends werc

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