Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1959, p. 16

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Armsnnl soon no0 iCHARDSON Township Clerk 21Auction Solo SATURDAY NW at EltS SALE can TAXES lClPALlTY or 0F BARRIE iRTUE or WAliRANii be hand or tile Mayor and the puntlon or the Burns Jaerim tad data or L1H any of July AD 1355 rnrndlnd me to levy upon the ds mentioned tn thefnunwlng 011111 of taxes therebn and on as herein set forth norray lve model that unless such or rear and costs no aoonrr Ell mail in compliance wmr As acument not rocccd to roll by Puhlllclau tioln snldbiand or re nine as may necessary or one mes costs and cnnrm at the Council Chambers City Hall at Cotter street Barrie 0n urlo 19 in day or neeernlm AD list at no hour or oclock in the allotnoon if necessary an ndlourned sun will be holder that lame tlmo nod place one week later on December flth lvss AD wherut The Cu oration ot tire cwormrrrlo pumilsc any mdaii parcels ozglrnd 11 um price oilcred is less than tha on rear and costs accrued GIGG Treasurer lbruins 21 Auction Sales AUCTIONESALE SATURDAY Nov 21 of Farm Stock Household Eftecu for tiny Jacks northhal of Lnt 20Con lil nixdl Terms cash Sale 12 oclock noon SPROULE Auctioneer rofi54576ose656r7o1l tale Aucion Tern Cub SATURDAY Nov 21 are Terms cairn pm alum ancUoncer rate 1117 Second Auction sat at loud house hold enccu will be held at Gravu Garage Cundlu ouowlnz the El Sate Cougnltn Auctioneer Jerry ll of good household lurniture at Graves Gnrlle Cun Slle will he held in aeuod No rorem it In an estate sale sun It Jerry Cnughlln nucleus Steel Shifts Kills Truck Driver 37 lllirlilLTON or Truck driver Thorns Slratford 87 was crushed to death Thursday night when he was caught under load of steel pipe that was jolted from the trailer of his truck alter the brakes failed Police said Stratfofds truck hit cor crossing on thi then smashed into and crushed it against tree green light parked car Mr and Mrs Gerald Aiken 2s and 22 respectively of Stoney Creek were taken to ospital in Hamiltonwith unde juries Tlleir cond fair mined in itlon is only vaEsilGATrz stems TORONTO cm Controller Jeah Newman Thu the chieibuilding lnspecler to make an immediate investigation Impremml adrof dozen slum homes ianur onto have seen lot of ter rible places but have never in my life seen slums as bad=as these Mrs Newman said of two reas raday ordered rnorrssmulu nonon MUSIC LrssoNs JESSIE it BRYSONLMIT LEGAL new SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyance ote Money to Load oldenl Owen st barrio Brlnch officevaak om Rowe cc Senmm Qt CONDERfiSLiGG tion the Piano Conscrvato Ail ry Teacher or patio Singin Thea Pupils progrreld lar exomlnnuog nya Moria Toronto ancc Modern memofi mnlldlflld 5L PA 84713 ANGUSM ROSS an csisterod Musle Teacher Ins Theory coanbmmln ol es inc studio llnnnnlsrens soucrrons hun in mm 140 ounlo St East Ham M775 NOTARIESPUBLIC coNDrm BA SUGG Bus nvut Dunlop st East PA New gt LIVINGSTONtar MYERS dimmers jut Solicitors is cooler at nanla Pb FA H407 JOHN OTiON BA canister soucitnr Notary Dunlap St East BARRIE PHONEPA 85322 SMTH McLEAN Hebe smurch Arthur McLean A0wen Bru Barristers Sollcltors etc 20 9wen5t Phone To New sPhoon PA szm THE nAviEs OF CANADA Voice Flauntpram £17 Napier street Tmcrrcn on Musrc PlANth Tllcony studio PA HBDI st Andrews on Barrie gnomerev ROBER RO aluminium Hours daily 53 Dunro STEPHENSON Ate2535 NOEL optometrist RAYMOND DAN ELSf SMITH SI East fllrrle R0 Miss Marie Atkinshn oi Toron 33C LE CHARGED PER SIN Iwardextral lha earrin Bumlner will nouns its la classifieds in no Ln Orvl were tirst of the week visitors with Mr James John stone of Uhthoil Mr and Mrs John Ants and baby at Creighton and Alvin Armstrong and twins and Mrs Ballof Oriliia were recent vir itors with Mr and Mrs Arm strong SYMPATIIY OF COMMUNITY Sincere sympathy is extended to the family and brothers on sisters of thelnte Jack Keilml tonof Orili who passed away last Sunday Clarcdcc Booth is spending iowdnys in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair and Visit ing with Mr pardon Booth who isin Sunnyhrook Military Hospit alfWe arepleascd torenort Gor don is doing nicelyrind expects to be home in the near fulure SUNNIDALE Mr and Mrs Snm Burgess Mr and Mrs Roberts ol Toron to Mr and Mrs Art Taylor were recent visitors with Mrs Reilnn Carmichael and Cook to and Miss Edna Atkinson oi Midlnnd spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Atkinson thin and Mrs Babette and boys of Barrie spent the veek end with their parents Mr an Mrs Fleming HUNTERS nacx group of hunters from the district including Ralph Morgan are in the Nobel area Mr and Mrs Herb Elliott and boys of Maltonaiid Mrand Mrs John er Chiltenham were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs JohnMorgan Karen and Bob My Mrnnd Mrs Rob MeFallane and Sheila or Toron13visitodon Sunday with Mr and Mrs Atkinson and family Mr and Mrs Rod McDonald Bradley and Bryan nt Clerks burg spent Sunday with Cul ham HOME ON FIRE Mr and Mrs Sacerty were CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824l4 Condensed andwclasgihed ade vertisements are inserted at the ato of to per word per insec ion for one and two tunes per word for thre four or five times and 21 per word for Cor moratnserticns 10 additional chargeit not paid within 10 daysmE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT IS 80¢ 1Ll COST FOR ANX CLASSIFIED PAID WlTHIN 10 DAYS 0R GLE INSEBTION Co Notices and Cards of Thanks 81 for up to 25 words ova words 5e per word extra in Memorial No tices $150 it verse usedje per main responsibility fornny error innnveruxcmcnt taken over the telephone nor crimes in copy Euler notifiedllter in on inner on woe Istyrea roi slmt Th edobtalned 131m er vermin apartment hares an All WANT copy should be in our bills by pm the day before publication on saint ay ilynoon ur and Mrs nanomean baby girl born to Mr and Mrs Charles Simpson in the Ho yal Victoria Hospitai8arric on Sunday CHANGER mums Cecil Sditofis tarm purchased by will be now known larm with Frank Halo as man ager News render interesting news 4011 ON We will be glad to receive only Please phone Doht lorgetlhe Womens TheNovember meeilng oi the Womens institute was held at innennd family Cienrvicw Mr andMrs Harry Lush 15v ited theiruncle William re who is apatient in Mcalordhos pitnl Mrs Art Taylor Mrs Howard McFarlrine Lewis Allen and Donna véreTucsdoy visit nrs with Mrs Bruce Currie Not tawosagn Littles Hill Coronation It will meet for the November meeting at the home oi Mrs Ross Emms on Tuesday evening Nov 24 at pm Mrs Hoskin Convener of Home Economics has arrang ed aninterestlng demonstration Roll call iszbring Christmas dc orntion youhnve made Mot to lsz apenriy saved is apcnny chrned Lunch is in charge of Mrs Igougheed Mrs and Mrs Price Aroundzs ladies gathered in cancel their first meeting It will be held Nov 14 pm in the new St Pauls School word that she has successfully passed her nurscs examinations Congratulations Joan on obtain Might ing your RN John who is new on the nursing staff of Royal the home of Mrs Levison with 16 present The highlight of the eveningwas the sh uresrby MissNlailis of er trip to Alaskalost summer wing of pict Mrs Will Cockbum entertain ed few triends to celebrate her grandmothers birthday are five living generations in Mrs Coékburns family There ST Phillis LThc Parehts Group had to SUNNIDALE cns Miss Joan Vochhas received Holly Sunday school room Fri day evening to lionnr Mrs Graham with baby shower for Shirley Joy Mrs Dyer was hostess for the occasion nnd con ducted st on jumbled girls names which was won by Mrs Kenweil Mrs Elliott assisted Mrs Graham in unwrap ping the lovely gifts al lunch was served NEWRESIDENTS Welcome Breneh ia ily oi have take up residence in the new house they havebuilt Huliy WA tire collecting bale of used clothing etcwhich is to be sent to the Ramnlndidn Re illia early in Become ter which extended to the Barrie who serve at or her Would anyone having any dan Victoria Hospital the weekend with tier porenisMl and Mrs Harold Wood The Legion members train the district attended the Legion ban quet held in Stayner on Remem brance Day The ladies of Zion Church catercdflo the supper CHILDREN OF THE CHURCH The DOC mct on Thursday November 12 for their regular monthly meeting with an attendlt ance iii 23 David Pnitcrsonled in praycriand Adrian van Bed read the sqripture Mrs FPar sons ave an interesting topic de eious lunch was served by the ladies Miss June Bates New Toronto spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Melville Bat 25 mm CHRIS year old Fernando Dcdomme istoo excited with meeting Santa Clausto rlues than why Christmas has arriv ed so early Because Fer nnnde has livcr condition known as Bantrs disease and smcEST noon BUDAPEST AP Hungarian Lajos Mohacsthmnn has writ ten what is believed to be the wnrldtssmallest book measuring only inches square The 23A page work contains in longhand the full text of The Tragedy of with Mr and Mrs MrsHereward Martin Monday alians leave them with any WA member orintbe Sunday school room snllurr BAY Mr and Mrs Ed Turner and Mi and Mrs Vilrred Turner Toronto Were recent visitors Hereward Martin gt Congratulations to Diane Huxp table who won second prize in the Oro annualschool speaking contest Dianne is Grade study out and pair on Florence Nightingale The November Ladies cuild meeting was held at the home oi November 15 with good attend ance We were very pleased to have with us Dr Light4 burn who thanked the lid fol the splendid supper put on or the West Simeon ane WI Prissick read nape earned the buy trying to re membe the text in church but finding too many other things to take his mind off what he was supposed to repeat when he got home to his grandmother An exch go Christmasgifis and tidal ustlunch rought ahap py evening to acinsé The next meeting will be held the home of Mrs Ralph Hickling in Jan uary and will both annual meeting BAZAAR SUCCESS Despite the rainy afternoon the zaar and homemade bak ing ale held theladies bi oping for another gettogether in the community he before Christmas Th an nu supper brings new and old residents closorand to get aclt quainte with one an ther ili Roy Victoria Hospital also Mrs Boss We wish them both sp edy recovery vlts another ronddaughter for Man Hungarian epic poem of 34000 words the Cnnununist Good Shepherdmet on Wednes day at the home of Reverend and Mrs Fairhead in Eimvale Midland rewsPresbytelian Church quilb ed on Wednesday and Thursday at the homerot Mrs Rankin VISIT end with hisparents Mr nd Mrs DavidDougias Verna and Murray spent Satur day ev ning with Mr undMrs Will Jackson at Uptergrove turned home spent Sunday withMr and Mrs Failis wt MEETING mens Institute was held at the home of Mrs gtWoodrow Mchne nail01 Monday evening MrsW Faliis were Taylor andArtie and Harvie Fallis of Vasey and Mr and Mrs Albert Mount of Melduf Saturday and Edwardlichatter on Sunday from th hunting trips with Mr and Mrs CharlesIloun some wereLMr and Mrs David Montgomery and iamin of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Handsome and Children of lMidiand Mr manner The Guild of the Church of the Mrs William Eakley is pat in St Andrews Hospital The Ladies Aid of urefsn And Ross Douglas spent theJveek Mr and Mrs William Faiiis Mrs rains of Toronto re ith them ra special meeting of the W0 Sunday visitors witli Mr and Angus Rawn returned nm respective isitors during the weekend party organ Nepszabadsag saysf oLDEST socrnrv ALGIERS chutersA French expedition in the Sahara has found traces of what may be one of the oldest human civilizations ever discovered accordingtn re ports reaching here today Signs of the ancient civilization were uncovered by the chief of the pre historicarchaenlogy section of the French Institute of ijnrth Af rica Archaeologists were said to have estimated its 000 years age at 600 IF THE SHOE FITS LONDON AWScotland Yard is trying to trap vicous woman hunter by circulating picture of hue of his shoes The hobnailed shne was found after recent violent or on London Woman The initial WG were hammered out in nails on the T0 micron honour BUDAPEST toriJanos Mak kai 22 must die for robbing the post office at Diosgyoer north 192000 prinths all ngthe building after douslnglt with gasoline The Supreme Court upheld the death sentence imposed byga county court the party newspaper Nepszabadsag says Communist annrvonca Laws CANBERRA APYA bill pro viding uniform divorcecude for all Australia was approved by he of representatives Thursday Senate endorsement is expecte church oppns on votedwfi or controversial next week Despite and Mrs Gordon Sallows and children of Wnuhausheneu and Mr and MrsWilliarn and John of Penetang Emily Feltha ekend with her Crippen niii Toronto clause making separa for five years ground forl divorce PLEDGE PEACE IVE LONDONrtReutcrsi wo day congres Sovie republics of Georg rAr in Baku withthe una mousadnp meniaan Azerbaijan hastendcd TMllS may diefany dny Santa turned his sleigh towardiher suburban home following his annual parade in downtown Hamilton Nov l4 bringing her doll and carriage she hadbeen wanting There was WORLDNEWS IN BRIEF above Wniiops Island Va The rocket worked line but again the sodium did noteject as launch The same thing happene Thurs day at dawn when civilian space scientists lofted twostage Nike Asp rocket to 160 miles but got no spectacular cloud of vapor SHOT TO DEATH ST LOUIS lAPlThe presi dent of the St Louis County Water Company was shot to death Thursday by man on whom the firm had foreclosed deed at trust VictorWeir 57 was shot twice in the chest and three timesin the right arm with 38ealibre pistol iAJirstdegree murder warrant has been issued against Snm laconnetti 49 oper ator of restaurant in therforee cinsedbuiiding CHEER FlERY MARIA DALLAS Told AP Maria Callas singing her first opera separation Irom her husband Giovan Battisia Meneghini re ceived warm reception Thurs day night for her performance at Cheruhinis Medea The soprano witha reputationior fiery tem perament beamed as the near capacity audience of anon gave hera standing ovatioy and called her back six times snow or ANYTHING 1559 deer hunting season is less Lima week oldbut already er rant riflemen have shot donkey cowand now an automobile Thursday that he Iound two bullet hplesin the righter fen er of his car after huntingtri SORRY NO JOBS BOSTON AI Samuel Waoll10whn published female help wanted ads but had no jobs to offer was convictedyThursday by deral court jury of using the mails to defraud He will be sentenced De Women who answered Wunlfs got backa pamphlet suggesting they breed tropical fish raise rabbits or address envelopes the prosecu ran Venn WHO since an Italian courtlappruved qBARRE Vt AP+Vcrmonis Louisz Hotte oi Barrereported MliY DIE Christmas trce and candles and presents from neighbors also Fernando daughter oh Mr and Mrs JosephDen ommc has spent twothirds of her life in hospital Silehns two brothers Dennis and Lur IY lieelecting Gillis Shows Good Sense VlNNlPEG CF Winnipeg accountant Alistai Stewart for mer CCF member at Parliament says members of the interna tional Union of Mine Milland Smelter Workers 11nd at Suds buryshowed good sensoln rm electing President Dan Gillis Mr Stewart whose audit of the locals blinks earlier this year provoked storm of protest from the unions national oilicerswsnid the nationaluninn is delarminedH to regain control ofthe Sudbu local His audit reportsaid the riafional union was mis using funds collected from Local 593 Canadian President Nels roi bauit was given thetask of doing this with all the supportp the Canadian Communist party Mr Stewart said in an interview Thursday His failure is tribe ute to the good sense oi the miners of Sudbul End Wilch Hunts TTCs Chief Asks TORONTO cc comma sinner Allan Lumnort oi theTor onto Transit Commission called Thursday for an end to witch hunts in connection Withrthe ore glanization He was commenti rn Dene nisou that an investigation be held into the personal expcnsa accountsand office expensesoi llC membersandhtc officials Mr Dennisonsaid the lavish ness head oliiee furnish ings cates Metro should have had watchdog at their meetings some years tiger He said money was va tartan wail toewali broadlonm in fliees of the commissionersand topotfi cials TORONTO CWThe national fund for the University of Tor onto stood at ssszowao Friday at the end of the second week of its drive The target is $12600000 or more fol fiveyear development program HUBEBTTZ Mr andMrs Preston and ridren with the iattcrs motile Mr Wilson old arrrlo Edwin wn tmzuflfokst thy rs ruuy oc on en trained lefldlnaf bualop st rast narrl Pu lion of an appeal to Mosierps through the world to ark ace tifetyrfiir easing international ten sionv Tess news agency reports Lennmnslbarmz Drew Gives Britons cuisineinns Maurice Goudeket yeareold ourn ReporiOn Canada gt Lennon poet who the widower of Canadla contour not ITSYFUNERVAL HOME Gr ARRlsoN Chartered Accountant 21 French novelistColette and Mrs Lucien Lelong widow of the iGeorge Drew fasbln designer weremam ghcommissionet in business men aglowrng re orttlglursday nigh on Canadas economy Thls he told the Westminster Charn of Commerceis whats CA Arnold rum Collier it Phone LION ATTACKS TRAINER KANSAS CITYAP lion tacked trainer Joel attend erforrnahce of the Aralat Sh neClrcus Thursdayand nuuc er earnedin the firedhis Post They arespendin mm andMVingma before Our exports ar bah aefiouaénndihan Hey bitten on the shoulders an lid timer vusawf canals Bananas

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