gt Mrs Jessie Minn zxmm rhmnknnvrixnn rum11 Mrs Fred granddaughter Patsy Toronto Mrs Edith Anderson of Midland Krunnd ans Harold Parker Beth dz spent Sunday Nov 15 With Mr and Mrs Gordon Bushx ï¬Mrs Ernest Hammond spending law day with her son and dauxhierlnlaw Mr and Mrs Eat aney Windsur Mervin 115013 returned home qn Saturday alter weeks hunt up north Also Oscar Lin loiireï¬lrned home Sunday from Parry Sound Mrs Kenneth Wallmr and OConnor spent Monday with Mrs annnn dine at Greenm Mr and Mrsr andiord visited Monday wilhMrs Page mother Mrs George Buyie wh ii patient in Shalburna Bo pitni sutiering frnnra stroke Eldon Lnumcr and Mrs Pele Gysel spent Lhe weekend inlb ranto and attended the Ice Cap ades and the Royal Winter Fair Mrs Latimer returned home with them on Monday taller spending week with Mr and Mrs Brittun Mr nd Mrs Britten also returned ith than for weeks halidnys Mrs Frank Dunn Mil Vic crown Mrs William Edgertnn and Joyce are home alter hif in Philadelphia USA home on two weelm vacailan Congrninlations to Mr and Mrs Alfred Salisbury nn the arrival of daughter on Nov 15 Joyce is in hamster ans vm Hodlt Mrs Duckwarth Street United Chm Barrie an Thundu attirnqon Nov pruvmis rmum rdsrznva you HOUBSADAY comncr us NDWFOE SPECIAL P1 mnrmm34o Ian SIMCDE PETBDLEUM mu 14am NOW OCAIED Al mu ol JOHN and ANNE 5T5 Bill PA 82563 gt neePA5089 Ednnb Morgan Wire Props We as pdvnggo dohgmoré in on =1 prescription department dram vitamini nonnat lcs and ruppii venlence PHARMAcv 14 69mg Mum esnre her 10 your on has Vorfdsf GO LENC mfrHE Auromorwm Planar Rmbiagivesyalmebaeogbothbigam pi Bumf axcél is are magma this mem all other Gompad Carsare judged Ramble1960 flae result 10 yandexpaienmhaedï¬ugdevdbpinsand rake look Chasmoour design obthenew Ramblers flié spacious flryitoutanddmo ver the and handling supgrioï¬tyrflantlcan ghlyaonï¬fnninï¬ambkfs Iyegrsol Wag mapIrooi nunllfmllmr lthIrIm EL inflict quick yolk null $61578 trachon of aegglipMiing SNOW TRA rracï¬on ban hnhh lt hating Whaal aim gum55mm and mm mm to km the bench VEL New Ilzelpeï¬jrflL emu seine Hundï¬ds of BIG D5 to plill you Nomad uncalled Smwl ï¬n upmhlliwheï¬ Canidiail Tim give such humid Wholesale counh on BRAND NEW rSNOW TRAYELU Buy Now TAKEALL WINTER TO PAY vmu Monks ssnmc NEW srANDARn roomandcomlortamailcarhandlingease TestAdrive Ramble 1960 at your Ramble dealer Drive the car that pioneered the Compaq Car conceptRainma 1960 mm ammo qrmcmaum Ezaeumaum Mm 600 mm 57015 uhnovourud also or misty EXCEILENCE mmhmm TRUE BALANCE 6F VAL Katmaino 510mg 51mm am LWWOO HZSNESSVJ XIS