Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1959, p. 4

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Clivecauntyc¢¢pegfi9n Means Thriving Thine cius who are damn closer to areaswhere there cpn be reasonable coopcration between county and reps arated city see no iustiilcation for the misguided plea that county councils be disbanded It would be ioolish to suggest that the basis upon which urban and rural administrations operate should not be cooperative to in modern trends It has been suggested that cities and counties have been drawing steadily apart in recent years That may be quite true in some areas but we are inclined to believe that here in Simcoe there has been an awakening to the need for co operative administration and that through such cocperation the rural and urban areascan thrive together There isgood reason why thiscoopers atlon should prevail In the Barrie area we now have the major concentration of industry for Simeoe Eventually it is to be expected that there will be much more 01 this industry Not all or the work iorce lives in Barrie Most nearby townships have some residents working in local plants The money these people earngoes in part to support their own communities through melebarits and through In turn such taxes go toward providing schools roads and other services has it occurred to many or us inst how much money the countyhas spent in roadoonI stnlctioo leading into Barrie to supple ment provincial highways There can be agreement with pro posal that some new approach is needed to city county relationships so that both may better distribute their slim slice oi the national tax dollar But reducing vthe eiiectiveneSs of county council is not the answer Rather ratepayers should be alert to the fact that their city and county administrations should have the utmost strengththrough the abilit ies of their respective members and we ieel that in Barrie and Simcoe we are so blessed Thus is the complaint of lriction in other areas one which canbest be corrected at the polls at the forthcoming civic elections If we can get the rural reeves and deputy reeves to work with the city may or and aldermen and understand each others problems we will have great deal less oi this nonsense aboutdoin away with county councils gt Significant News Items In the news the other day were couple or significant items which might have been run under aslngle head points out ghe Fidahclail=ost Toe rirstdealtwltn the new wage de iobnds of twooiCanadas railway un ionéf1hey are asking Sin increase which would amount to jnore than double the combined earnings last year at Canadas two major railways The second news item passenger service had ended on the first steam railway in the Western Hemis freported that phere Ipened in 1882 with locomotive designed by British inventor Stephenson and runnihg between two towns in the state of NewHJersey daily schedule had been maintained without break for 127 years But competition pins rising costs and dwindling revenu proved too much for this old line as eyhave for many others ill the United States and Canada 0n the final run only six regular pass engers showed oriust one more than the number of train crew Opinions of Other Newspapers manscamum noao OttawaCitizen Should the current schedule be met Cm dianscan expect to travel bycarmrom coast iocoast over the completed TramCanada Highvvay next year it is possible to motor across the continent now and has beenffor many years But lILaoy areas Canadas east WEI roadshave been inadequate being un paved poorly graded and excessively curved The TransCannda Highway will otter asa minimrlm 31 bardsuriaced highway with surface at least 24 feet wide and 10foot shoulders and with gentle grading and good visibility has been aileach task for acouniry so small pop lation to undertake started in 1950 the highway has beenrosiing much as $1 million permile in some see tl especially in Northern Ontario and British Columbia When the road is finished will undoubtedly be consideredanenginn coring accomplishment that would do credit to nation with many times ICaaladas wealth and population vrininnnrs1939 There was daring robbery the rnens store ova Craig and Sons Duolop Street involving 1403mm suits valuedat $3000 to $5000 was frustratedby the timely arrival or Night Constable Eugen Enrich about 11 prni on Tuesday night it was the nerviest burglary attempted in town for some time and it is thought that three orviour men probably experienced shopbreakerstve1eio volved Entry was made through skylight at shower of the roof and reached by an outside stair Thesuits all winter type were yremoved vwith their bangers from the front section nicks la the store taken to=the back room and parcellcd up and taken through the rear door tothe lane fence and car The Stoaosman family who oocirpy theupper floor of their store were awaylat the time Following the death of Howard Floyd Gauley 30yearold Essa farmer by electrocutlcin when he apparently touched live wirebrought to Paragraph many cases whdt Ipassee for toler is wellbalanced mixture cori andrpltyr sometimes 7mm erroneous west highways Newsbi Former Years lalliSPéékifi9 The road will not only opennew areas to4 tourist and industrial development but will log have the equally important function of knitting the nation more closely togetheeroolmerciaL hrafiic and holidaymakers will be ableto cross the country on an excellent highway without depending on United States roads This result desirable in building nation will alone make the efforts expended on the TransCanada Highwya worthwlllic Equany good results would flow tram other similar eastwest highways good road linking Winnipeg Saskatoon Edmonton Jasperand Prince Rupert would be highly useful injihe notiommaking process and seems like the kind of project in which the icderalgovemment would want to take an interest Dtherroagds linking the central provinces and the Maritimes might equally lend himselves ioviedernl participation The principl of federal contributions to interstate highways has long been accepted in the 175 itsapplication hereconld lead to great improvement in Canadas network ot mst oarthby fallen lice Drierdiet of 512000 and costs was re ed by jury in the Sn preme Court before Mr Justice Roach at the Court House here on November Mb 1939 in flavor of the widow and child of Howard Ganley againstthe Hydro Electric Power Com mrssion of Ontario Negligence included im proper inspection of trees and failure to cut dead tree which broke down the wire De ceased was not negligent in any way that con tributed to the accident in adaddress under the auspices of tb Community Life Trai Institute at the Pub Libmry HalionNovil 193 Ron Dr Simpson Minister of Education urged that the Homeand School Club is valuable institution in Ontario and communities might well consider the advisability of having them formed Elie was speaking on Education in the Progresswe Rural CommunityfiNo other or ganization is doing asgood job he de claredlt is brin about better under amnding between parents and teachers ew led téchnicolored skir in plaid zartcomposed music at he age or live Helived in abackward country that had no laws forbidding child labor Gananybody tell mehow pedple who vbeyond theirqirleams manage to do so asks somEDnewh Tworom MSWEli everychild confines The Right To or By SUTTON President Association or the Eclpoi Retarded children Quelnc Director Choldlnn Aseoclatloo ior Retarded Children Everyone in this world has problems real or fancied To each of us our own particular problems are important much more so than to anybody else and those oiotbers are pale in comparison It was theretore understandable hat person who was recenin told oithe diiiiciilties faced by is retarded child should come back wilkwthe question so what There are probably agreai manyipeople who while not hav the temeriiy to pose this question directly nevertheless eel like asking it Needless to say they are not parents of re tarded children themselves But the question deserves to be an swered and it is with thisiu mind ihat the canadlan Associa tion for Retarded Children with the cooperation of the press radio and television endeavors to explain to the general public whatfa retarded child is and whatmn be done for him as will it is hoped befewer Can adians who can trulhiully say Lhad no idea Judging irom the results of surveys that have been conduci ed in other countries there may be as many as 500000 retarded persons in Uaoadauand it it is munled that each one has father andmoiber the number ofpmple directly eliegied is gt more than equivalent to the pop elation oi the whole Province British Columbia wear is WRONG At the same time however it must beobsorved that muyjot these parents would ootconsider their child asretarded They dislike the term Expressions such as slow learners baodl finned and thatambiglious word ex the belief that they sound better andtherehave been instances of parents who felt so strongly about this that they refused to join an oclaiion for retarded dren is in their own interestsrto But what is wroogwiththe word wbiehvvhasr become widely lmown and recognized throughout the world and which describes SPECIAL CASES been estimated that the prop learn more slowlyihan normal children and will neveratioln the mental capacity oi normal adult BASIC NEEDS This does no mean however tho they cannot learn at all nor does it imply that ibélr basl needs are any dliiereut irom those ottbclr no brotbo and sister They need aiiectloo to greater extent than the av erage dilld and iheysreturn that aiiectlon tenfold Tbey bleed schools but there are iew Schools availableior them They need recreation but all on irequtly they iail to obtamit They needto have on DRINK aNnjroMoaaowé their diorts liihey know there notebook available to provide the education that cannot readily be given in the home and ii lbereis some useiul activity in which their child clan employ his limited skills when he grown up So what There is twoiold answer to tlrlsguestlon The iirst is the highly practical no that in terms at dollars and ceoLs it may well be less expen sive for society to follow coo struodvoprogram than to pay of lmnecessariiy largo mstiiutioos and the delinquency of retarded adults frustrated irom neglect and leit to shill for themselves the numberoi whom sense of below imam would if analyser made else aooe by those aroundtbem but in many cases theyere rejected someilma quite unconsoiously And they need to work here ag nlhe opportunity is too ol ten denied them Parent associations aim to have the retarded child recogniz ed as human being vide him with the is atmospherd to which human in this age of enlighten meet is entitled Theybave been joined by other parents result oi this publicity there an by nunlb peopie Whg once they became aware of the problem worked hard for its solution Their eflorts have been successful Some thae children it in tioo may bear sigh as tenth cannotbe admitted into special where are anything to go by comets an lmpleasantsurprlse to most people The second is one of philos ophy of respect for life it is the belief that no child what ever his handicapshould be de prived oi the right to grow Vbaioocy The revelation oi the depths or former nines availsm 1mm Toronto named allow Gnurt Nmuhe bliiooalw Pmgrenlvi instnew mask on nonw lo the Ottawa suburban riding onto our political been We do not require Madison Avenue tactics in our govern ment was his theme Canadians have long de plor the phony values which are being elated upoous lo the cause ol selling more soap Many Ca nadians disapprove of the luv ousodo and even the blackmail which has becouie an accepted rain at advertising currency south oi the border and which is in evitably spilling over into Canada through US magazines and broadcasts N0 FALSE FRONT HERE Our climate oilooraliiy does not iavar the bank balance were mine sleeve we react violently to the 115 concept than chrome plsied monster can symbolize ones success in liiehor that the uttering ofa certain spit drink improves onee standing in the community Frankly we are sim ple souls with honest uncompll calcd minds We just dont like which hucksiers havesuok and dragged the public in the States as eitémpliiied DYTV qlllz Show alias opened the eyes of any Can diauswho remained unaware of this debasemeot oigihe national iii lathecause richer oiiis Against this kgroun Mr Pearsons essentially decent re action against an essentiallyun Canadian aciiviiy rings like sound true bell Wedo not want Madison Avenue tactics in on public lite spoke to Mike Pearson to find out what blinking ls behlod his words was not surprised to find that be deplores the attempt to package any public iigure to pre sent him witha ossy but false ironiaod to sell to the voters assomethlng whichbe is not Some able Canadians will re use to go into public ie it they are going to be merchandised in this way he told me rnnroav noose The target of Mr Pearso cr em echoed in nevvspopers and politiciansapross Canada of the Wye goo unfiuparoJelmnae proponent introducing ilie even sold our be world like to have me fungi months to iellor me protested Mr Pearson Polliicx is for from advertising Grossert spent long years in til latter but he is new as whole time practitioner on the political scene He recently described at Mount Allison flatten the CBC program The Hidden Persuadcrs how in his View the two should be married in his words the Gros sart View is that an Estrada iuoctloo at political party is to keep in constant touch with the desiru oi the people so that these can be translated into the kind of legislative and execu iivc7 action the peoplewant The use of moarch techniques of all kinds is good way to take some of the haphaurdnes but oi the auction at the political ram Few Conservatives would agree with their hired help that their party is haphazard Few Ca nadians would agree that Mr Poarsooor Mr Dleieoheker need fiailoriogf Acute observer know but our prime minister possessed his statesmaniike qual iiies and political brilliance long before Gressart ever met him AndMr Pearson rciccis such alleo concepts preferring the tried and tested view that gem eminent oiien knowing more than voter should on occasion lead public op inn rather than bcvledby the chcrait of moti ilon researchers Mrl Pearsoqu goodqualiil¢s dominate his partisanship here He has pointed out something rotten in the stote of Conserva tism hick ould decay bis pollii cal ions ironiwitbio as surely as the Trdjdo Horse once defeated unessallable ramparts Behold what maoner of love the Father and bestowed upon us that we should be called the lone oiGodi John 31 When we personalizeGod as Father and Jesus Christas His Son and our elder brotherws be gln to appreciate what it means to be part of the Family of God turnsrgorHEEDooR Gives REASONS SCHOOL Barrie Nov 161959 To The Ed The BarrieExaminer zSir Inreply to Mr Cummiogs etter Nov 10 as ister of LheChristisn Reiormed classes for in addition Ring to yourlreaders what we have in retarded they have impairment or are disturbed There are munitions where lzhrsciai WWW forgotten chi en cepiional are sometimes used in ObnblyConfiniie to be backlog oi demand adml once One way of reduc greetedem spite of the mt that pass le retroo them to their homes who are of Christianp mind with our Christian School movement If the public school system still held to its original views of the p0 of the ting our children then shoul have no rejections aios lt There is This le ilie impossible situation of being at home So that choose betweenfll ir parean and their teachers The bestposs placefor retarded child in the fondly these children moreraccuraiely than any other Retarded sim means fheld backf or slow ed down Retarded children are held back by reason of Uié fact ibatflihelr brainsdlduut develop adequately or were damagad through ury iniectioo or an evens considerable the irainiogthat be re utre To provide this abnospbeij ver to from qualified eolmsellorsan the support and understandia of theirneighbors rular1y the nelghbo Theycsnalsobeeocourd edln not apart butall of the cureh posl induced at The bidet the Chambers jieavens and To illustrate Neona educa would say the world de veloped by some process of lu whereas the Bible ciiicallysiates God createdrthe the crib noted American Theologlcsl Presbyterianlroiessor Gres 111 Machen whoso Creek is varsity ad armgs truth the yga trulyChrisiiao ed ucailou is possible only when Christian convictlon underlies riculuru attire school True leardluganitrne piety go hand of th in band and Christianiw em braces the whole of lite these brie fin de public Wednesdaye ecuiivetcnuncllfflholdsas film me great 06mm conviction llb interest be the elegislaiion re field of the purpose oladduciog iacts to Marnimm may Wm sdm damentai that any investigation otlalleged combines shonldhe for ive systernreq iris ilfolfcément by audiotiiy ground children at the convenient in upderlieAihe Christian school can see tile consistency in ospel on the eods but fineglecis the arb aod on Church feel obligated to explnili Wordof obs God Experience shows that these childrenarc equally equipped as children irom public schools They are trained in English and not in Dutch as many suppose We welcome children to at tend our schools who are not neoessarily members of our chur ches or at Dutch parentage The Christian School we envisage is neither Parochial nor Denomin ational appreciate Mr Cumm statemeot that he agrees with that there are not enough Chris ian teachers to fill all theieach ing positions in the publi school This wouldrnean to discriminate against those who dont accept our standards of Christianity it would notbe democratic to force the Bibleon these enLa and is Lb ooly democratic and non dlscrlmioatory way to solve the problem stated byMr Cumm As to iinance is log Iobllgatio on the part of those who arewilling to support the Christian School movement Eegree with Mr cumming that economically we are actually suppprting two schools but we do ith usewe bell tobe ih of deihal our child re havebnjallround Chris an educaLi Shoal we not make cr wheolt comes to the eplrlual wellbeing of our children Here again like to quote from Pl sor Machen fllePre yterlan mien today with that which prevailedygll or 50 years ago and on will see that some tie coma about What sh donesbout Wellvarious iative me ures are me troduciion considerations of elopedienw tbemlikethe required reading Bibleill pub are them are woefully inadequate The real remedy as over against these makeshiits isiound in the establishment hr Iv Thats why we when it comes this cause dont llketo think too much about ccopomy Are not we ll ln danger to do something jabour it no munism public school of character education based on ely harmful Otheis of schools llaii ihlnk in th timefirsi Lall writer who studied at the Univ ersin at Minnesota and was at one time with the Indian Gov ernments internration Serviceln Washington is fiyearold an alyst now living in New Delhi quote in the great ideolog ical struggle between freedom and totalitarianism the we con tesianvs have already chosen their weapons and decided their tactics The Alnericans have chosen the external tan Lbles the bodys rapture the skin ghi bik the Christian Dior crea ion the frozen crab the ans split the carnalbroiled steak The Russians have chos en the great intangibles com dedication aspiration yictign ViSl the very human dream souls It is our conVlc loo that only real Christian education will be able toruisi the power of grow ing Communism as it is tea ing the onlyiniangible that is stronger and more invincible than all the intangibles of gems Sincerely yours JAC GEUZEBROEK cnr linens roses scaoor port YOUNG WEN Barrie Nnv la 1959 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner SinThrough the medium of your newspaper should like to briogto the attention at the Mayor and City Council ooeyery important ppintfiheing sadly erlooked in the progress of oin city towards the welfare ucaiiooof large group morrows citizens This city lequues School where young men from 16 to is years siege having left school could learn under supe vision some sort of iradéaod illeproper use oitheir talents thus helping toplan tarrgrea iii and thriving comm At present there is absolulely no chance for youngiellow or 17 years eager to learn mechaor leal trade with gram or col ihi oi gall ihei schooling Senior Metric toapoiy Withand allnr gs youn people we seeldling the stree do so bychoi What altcro ye do they have So sugges it Lh important brought to in teniion of those in iauihnrl pirub FULiC

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