Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1959, p. 3

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pital Ihialtactiruimpmentativq 4w pwfiemgém low the 2foou$lnfmomn one em KSeErledcgt thexzadftableget 1°99 ei ld oer Cooke or lt lemony urn JudgeD iron Juflwwmm Latent George Johnston MPP up man Stewart Page Heber Smith MP Rev John Riddel Wnrden till man and the Warden County Wattle Beatbhand repre stainingWarden Patton was his son Roy ArthuryEvans in master of ceremonies said how diffith it was to take the place of warden like Mr Patton at time such and must replica Hui uthtsandheknewheex them an mweflpwm batter duality said Mr Good in picture of rural him speedy re covery He phoncdme to ask hangingg we 115 keep pace with thk had heart Baffle Sldvcéeé On Sudden Trip mwmm bats out you know where two Eggsmw OriiiiaJayceesbeedgdnottbe warning and climbed aboard BarrieJuniorChamberotCom with em gt901 and meme member who tripped ban over to Allendnle Ilatlm lul Deva Branch and Bill But we only use it for spay In poison ivy he added doubt anyone would want to aatpoiaonivyalterltbasbeen sprayed have served tbelr purposc want to say that he bollevcs there is great future ahead iur our people if they an soldered to handle it MORE HUMBLE He di not wish to say any thing out floor prices or the cooperative hog marketing plan but felt that those who gt are handling them should work them out to their best advantage As we grow older we become more humble am sincere in what saidabout the little red schoolhouse wish to say there is nothing wrongwith ogricul turethat common sense and co operation cannot cure hc coir tinned Qoodleilow likes cooperat that carry onwitb the show he said He mentioned the pres once at Lester Cooke repraent fliclnllihobyfil $333356 ing the City oi Baffle lid on illel hard completely now how closely he and Mr Cooke philosophy ref lo won511 zillichwglrlkde I221 Iggflcgfmgggfi forget the problems of today and and County separ on affairs mg lee mm NEVER parishionan FAMILY room In reply iltr Cooke said that he was glad to be than Willa wfrprgakhbiulbotbbulmpllammwm of the city of Barrie and Bit being doomed Mr Goodieliow sure that the relations between gala um time ynuld never came the countyaud the City CW when any corporation can re never deteriorate only Viil 50m place the small tanner Hun prospering could continued pros dredlncre farms were Common Polity 00ml Cook but as madlincrychas devoloped said constderabiccredit should that replaces 1m mm so to all the stalls who had as increasing in size witb fewer slated in the calculations and re fam worker In ivcs and hnsbecn mcmber of suits their committees hnd rcach ed one since he started tanning George Johnston introduced the HasaidnCopaco in Barrie is do speaker of the evemng Thn Ho century we producing lag wonderiul job not only Goodtciiow Minister of double the amountg foods torlhe local producers but across ricultureand told the audience Lheculmtry in showing that the GUMmany €005 lilllIWES that farmers would annexproducers can process teagoodlookntthe inhaliollefleiéled all isomorphisms illllfidlfiliifiifil bag Inirrigecretary who came mugged gum by great eéiect not cog on lhepro get kick at Gem the century we will have twelve 51ml megrflcessnrfi is said Mr Goodtell lie mini Wu in gwltlgllrm vs to va is nne ufthéfew men Ivvllo has with 25 Im ur cent anbeany palilo tig0 Lh never madedspcécbintbe Iieg population in how men may expu en FEM isiature In that in his score min Wing out dam In fifi°flfim its rov be to as many man has talked him We need be on with mom both old and new members at Barrie SoEd Club joinedgaily in party night at the Yiil YWCA iast night celebrating the opening of the clubs all session won roomful of poopch trying to crowd onto three or tour choirs as pictur ed above the morrirnent grew intense The reason its not nlghltoidwimnodnmdfln moltheoriiiia unitwmrun back in man convinced it was fiveminuth rsbpovuandwaeabolumdaed After all they were do when they learned they would kaEIIlfll ehamNSIFN belet wniWashagois miles 069 390m north Drink ABTY OPENS SOED SESSION mm who we mile Tbeyweroiudrythotrain was GAY musical chairs 31 sun Mt expressWu Moog walk were my itcgistrrltion wnr down from But Barrio Jayne were not Ck Juneaan previous yearshank flag the them in la lbw mules nor hiringorasm estraanour nn was Goo woos no or on no no no no barges Public Relations istration toes The clubs ser 1evcn saw Barrie again with it rugged Main Problem For Mutual Aid when is melt ch into Bo remission headroom or hirer rich hide Eflryfia Bumn prncmace eu ior cwor hard to guess the young folk Courts Examiner Photal their Joy to the footballersigners tho Sirnooe County Mutual Aid Councliglr Harvey said You Con it were we Fire Association it Was charged re won erfui asset youre stopover they were surprised in last night at th doingrn good job the middle of the conviviaiities ing held in Tat Mutual Aid is system drawn to feel the train start to move The confine wagaltended by upvwhereby fire brigade is call will new dolmflihréiwllifiogffil it allow tiltirioleliti Silvio étbie StepsW3 county glhoy heard President help either infighting blaze at the porter was adalnanknoon T9 5th 01 $6 Blfldltmi in king éfig Whid om go aim ere not so may ave enou enrea will me me uncde was ourselves to the public enpugb mum lWlldthllain Vlllll Fulfill 331 mum firemen the Running cards are drawn rlc and speeding toward drillia Egg heal °r my he the and each brigade calls speoli County council rcprmentatives mittee record their opposition also am with the Jaycees was filsgfisalmw Mung up fic neighboring department and on the board of Simcoe County to an increase in the funds oh confused Barrie Ekunioerre ed the assembly thereby there is no doubt as to Childrens Aid 1Society have located for protective services porter heymnmlht was as who will come and help should strongly criticized the societys lhs the amount allocated for the Butthe best plan was yet to wankthe on um an troubie arise policies in report submitted lzvmonth period has been ex Emu mat have Worms wear Ted Gapp threw verbaiflow to council the welfare commit pended in 10 months them to be meeting or at the Anoilxutiondby tee poincoui that funds aiiowtpd The managing director and Voices mm mam wed £133 m5 am as for this years protection servlc me board should have been that the idea hadmcrit sinceit fumes they Bradxw am as have nirencly been sptul aware that they were over Mm dill itll 3m inslyenr which destroyedalarge Both expenditure rind dcficjii spending the funds allocated for of fundsfortirc departments pm the mines jock are greater than in the corre protection and accgdingly should 213ml grufihnmfisnn it Auguéifl ulé an di cried of 1953 not have npprov an increase on our wear em spfllhllsg cport my be viewed in staff and the additional or lsBill Wk Consumers Gas corned over the little red school as critical writes chairman John Smn is intondchn be constructive and helpful to the board and director Councillor Small reports on im provement in the attitudetuwiuds pl in However shy the reportthere has been substantial reduclt lion in the number of children number of hours devoted to pro use thus involved care and tanincrease in the Gladys McKinley Slightly Improved This Morning every meeting dance parade its good publicrrelations suouu snow Orr Harold Hunter Fire Marshal iremeu to do more in the go iic eye He claimed thatthough for Simcoe County urged the in operate with local took over the floorafteLthe business was completed and ex plained several of the technical itiesnf natural gas and the ways which his company would co fire depart ments in instructing them in the self out of popularity 38 man ages to get more out of the var ious departments than maslrof the members especially my sec retary rate him as tops among the legislature members of Out ario He is quiet but effective hotuis said Mr Goddfellpw He continued his up saying that he had not intended to be so serious as he had come here for bra but he did producers and processors Lloyd Lethalby thanked the speaker in parliamentary man her and Judge Madmen thanks all the hills of St Giles for the splendid meal Ccndiiim or cindysircxiniey Mr GoodfeIJow said he was is RR Barrie found shiver tcctive services ganization increase in expenditure for the nine months 1s increased salaries $7500 board and clothing $4000 administrative charges $2590 Councillor Small told The Ex aminer luau exclusive interh view he and his committee had opposed the increase in salaries ed mu mtuweek staged of Managing Dmlorssalary ticials at Royal Victoria llosph increased bySi500 so LENms worker had hgdya 51000 raise Gladys was found near man We have only four votes on Wednesday after she had been board of 17 he explained missing since Monday afternoon Wards of thecounty in care in The second night she had spent other societies will likely cost in thei swampwasjn 57000 more than the budgeted near zero temperatures figure for the year thereport For mostofthe time she was predicts Payments to other soc wjumul shoes or groups lanes or the first lcnmonths of Nearly loo volunteers police the year total5 and firemen searched for her $320001ssiyear gt County council adopted the he on by mm port and its recommendations which arcunder live headings sponsihility to hear in mind That funds iallocafed for stat rection from County Coun By glory child canI but not expe dig increasingthe Mgagingamlbiretit ythe end of eyearbeappii ors salary su tanti against the cost oiwardsoutside board ignored the councils healthy 51 mm had WSL the county as as recorded the January ell SuchIdoes holders la lie That the board should mure minutes thy3 finauci rating and statis That each Board member should The NW ll mulled ficairepor arepresented in retain copy of cachrcportpre Shim Swat readily understoodfdrm sented to coun by the Welfare JustCSv 95 eth That the nominnting comrm Board lambs Tngelh Committee of the board attempt to secure Countycounc representatives New Elements bid 3995 two experienced businessmen to on tbgmboardarc Councillors be membersot the 1960 board John all carolran llawney Thatthellnardrecn zevitsre Rn Atkinson audW amGreer administration of the society He says the smaller board is cut abling themembers to deal with its problems more quickly and homely The field organizn lion appeared to be functioning eiiiciontiy and with improved morale undcl director Don Jack son At the same time he con tinues we feel that the board and the managing director must recognize the need to correct any Weakness which may be present in their organization They must be receptive to constructive cri ticism and be influenced by sound advice During the first nine months of this year the report contin ues the society spen $199250 on child welfare work$14000ih excess of thcamount spentin are same period in 1958 and $34000 greater than in 1957 Revenue was $197438 leaving deficit of $13312 The deficil wouidrhave been $6844 had it not been forvunhndgeted revenue oi $4582received from sale of cars and sundry revenuer For the same period last yearthere was ai5000 surpi The board is open to critic ism in having permittednu ex penditurein excessof that pro gt vided by council at its Jahuary session ior protective services Theyboard assured councilat the beginnihg of the year it would opergte vwithinits grant for proi tective services The amount spent for protective services can definitely be controlled by the Frost said Wednesda that Dr Fiyun Collier so Irfler by the field or they did much during fire pre tion week they didnt show mgand suffering fromexposure and frostbite in an Essa swamplmgmelves we work en Wednesday was stated to be slightly improved lbw mg but two Totteniiam councillors Doctors say several days will be needed to determine whether it will be necessary to arnp tells her frostbitten feet She is not likely to be relau Vam ways Ihghung awnl glad to get out of Toronto its first week during the Winter Fair as ml menus the 955 he would likely have had toido elation was called lm Ollllla something therethatwould have Jal required top hat and tails He me me his theorems CAS Direct were to see him He had suggested that he talk about agriculture as it is seen frbm the standpoint of Minister of Agriculture speaking without notes as he finds it easier to speak off the cuff He admitted thahwhen hewasMioistcr of Following Wednesdays doubly to have beeui made an entirely Mmmlal Mans the rk 35 council of Sirncoe Coun false impression has been left ty Childrens Aid Society over one quwfions are Comb spepdinogf Ctllllltltleillois Edayggllfld tees reason for submitting such 0012195 on El an unfounded report it is there FUTURE OF amen rum Slsued lu CA8 Managing fore urged that the Welfare Com Mr Gaodiellow saiglbe would Tv Jackm it flee propane supplementary speak of the future of agriculr Bows Jello based uilou fads and lure as seen by farmer from Gentlemen make more constructive and the 8th Concession of Brighton sent such an assault in closed ation at little redschoolhouse seasonrf Mr Goodfeiitwv said he tirmiy Thcre was no irrunediate de boilevcs that in order to hate on the letter in council equalityufedu tionilr Dairy Banners llsk Marketing Change TQRONTO CPL3 Biggsr provmciai dairy comlnisdiouer said Wednesday that Ontario dairy farmers are rumbling for chang themlik nrket lug system Addressiugr the Ontario Milk DistributorsfrAssocla jinn he sold the changes still are in thetbinkg lug stage and the settlpg central marketing board been definitely decided jupon at the presentmoment it such market board were set up Mr Biggssaidali farm ers would roceive the same blend price used on the utilizationof the kthnt ls hoovmuch of it was din bottle on cartnnyhow muchfor evaporated and pow dered milk and how much for cheese fllARRlS Flowers Dunlap St PA 6540 less strenuous as inrhgriculture nothing seems to finalize with searching studylhls unwarrant Township which is where his ed attack has been serious in changes taking place all the time discretion The Society must re gpain nuke Although he received his edu sue with their report of yester day Until this time one believed that absolutetraukness and managing director Sigminld Samuel hasgiven tbn C°II°lsma $11351 om Cbmpiiedat noon yA province oronio es tale as iieutenantgovcrnor Al gift made December Mb loss was unconditional but Dr Synopsls weather distur Samuel expres the hope basicé moved through Eastern homewould be as re Ontario this morning iving light dance arr the Queens representi snowto most of the southern and ative Premie Frost said lt central portions of the province gA ii would In the snowbeibarnas bounding canlnfiwfi Cam Lake Huronand Georgian Bay Cdn snowmen Asoln eto two feel bad sullen For Friday skies will bequiie ivariabio uuogsrthe pr vince with no significant changein temperan lures expects liegional forecasts valid until midnight Friday 4w Lalie Hurn Georgian Bay re gions London Cloudywifll snow flurr Not much change in temperature Windsnorlbwest 15 hecomincdighttonigh orccast Temperntures Low tonight High Friday Windsor Hotlst suarss rsidencé lulu inlure Full grainieaih in ankle supports and téndon guards pan crushtoe AlisaSteel 25 on ur mnnnssr hank or us ecu Tel no ornunan impsnna gteelnul cat on on Trans Can Pipe 25 Trader tun Inter Ni rnmprnv Pips Jockeylciub Massiey Fern Nnnnda coolErin Gecn Mines Clmp Chlb nlrulon Conn Dcnlsan Gunnar con North Kinpanama Can Hall Marltlmu as con crman uillvan Tile Elsie wiiirnot be taken over by flier evince ingDr Samuels life MrFrastsnid the province will continuetomaintainasuita atQueens Park for large social functibns when the liieuteuant vernal irhnst smalleritunc Canada cement Cnn curl Canadian Oil Call Min Sm Can Papnr relshown black 495 New MyL Normotor ainnrlrsn 7152 Nrth Americnn 8018pr Growth BONDS BidArk on 15 Dec loan noun pooh 95 stratum 5w cs 1m fli Sept lm Catharines Hamilton Jury Halos 9500 soon was New EMT ran mom oaoo 11 19777 gagysl1mmon Minis in it zasni session aisles

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