Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1959, p. 2

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wnio ESSAY WINNERS VISIT COUNTY comian Simcoe CWDW Council Weil nesdny took time out to listen to pair of speeches by Carol Cherrington ivy and Rena arris Vespraiolnt winners of the countys annual weed cs say contest Not actually speechesthe girls read out their essays which vcrc both so good the judges could not place one higher than the oth er Abovepcounty weed in sector Campehll Rallies has few things himself to tell the council members The two winners head tbcllueup at the rear Other contestants were Mildred Cumming Goldwater Vickie Fleur King Edward School Barrio Bnlec Cum INNISFIL 7N by ans clls and county councils for ne ijo years The llrst time that we were ever mentioned in re port with credit was at the pres ent sitting of the couuw council when the ch an of the Refur estatiouComrnittee included our name with tlioscwho should have credit for themanncr in whi the representative from Ceylod was received duriughis visit to the county Jermey gave our story in The Examiner speci our name res tes of County Co cllmakes history which we ap preciate rams Jcrrney WINTER FAIR WINNERS Innisfiljis proud olits winners atihe Royal WinterFair Tops in the hay growers second in the bacon contestfind third in the sheep shearing went to two man living within mile ofeach other on the 9th line ofnnisfil Torn Bowman tookthe hay hon ors and the third in sheep shear ing while Parker Peacock took one olthe top prizes for his side ofbacoo hbg whichisvreallyan achievement as there are many in this contest The Hughes brothers are doing well and if their winnings have cnntiuuedas well as they started out the first day they st by now have real string red as well as other ribbons on their nama plate behind their horses showing at theWiuter Fair ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS The winners of the Weed Eslt say Contest from the various schools ofthe county shows the name in fifth place of Bruce Cumming 12A Innisiil He was topped by two girls who tied for first place Carol Cherrington of Ivy and Rettavflarris cf Vespra followed by Mildred Cumming Goldwater and Victor Fleur King Edward School BarrieWc hopeto have acopy of liruces essay so that our readers may see just what aschonlhoy knows about weeds Filleen centestaniswere given prizes atcountycouucil Wednesg day underrlhegnidauee of the county weed speetors They were also treated to dinner at LheCommir Ey House and later taken on tour of the county buildings tnot ding the il OTES tee TORONTO DP nycan outstandingaddresp at tho monthly meeting of Central Ontario Sales and Advertising liibcdiioilifm Twentyvtbtee guests were present at this meeting well rcgnlnrgnemben Mr Judd received hand ing ovation at the completion of his talth pointed uniin his address that some lines of hud neu require more vale aoehlp than others 119 neocd themsth the psycholoy cl selling The thing that upset ming lnnislil rem clides 70rd Mnrgarct Wlilet Adiala Morlic Visslcy Drilli Don ald Ayers Nottawasaga Anlt eta Loretta Midland Ruth Miller Mcdonte Shery Lynn Blukely Sandhoo Gail Buck holdcr Sunnldale Rosaline Stubbs Tossoronlio Shelia Craig Flor Examiner Photo Murder suspect Says Argued Faith lechael Brady is magazine salesman charged with the stabbing inur der ol 81yearold lda Dean said he got into an argument with the woman about religion and she We won if thé morning spent listening to tho proceed lugs gave them any desire to get into municipal politics som ANOTHER PIONEER The passing of Mrs Rcive daughter of the la liam Allan at the age is years takes another In pioneer She spent her cniire larrns within short to take an acuva ot the Presbyt Uuited Church ving been mem and active in church work was built Reive had fam dren Josie Mrs deceased Dan Sinclair Tor the home fa Ralph eeently moved into Bar il in Winnipe and Tom in ookslown Her husband Gil mour survives her and Will con tinue to live in the farnilyhomc on them line The death of Mrs Reive leaves cousin Howard Allan the only one of that Allan generation in Ontario He has brother in western Canada Jack in Saskat chewan and Bob cousin in Wlndipeg IVY CHRISTMASIFAIR Everything you will need for grand time may be enjoyed at the ivy Orange Hall evening of Nov so when Christ Church con gregation will hold their Christ mas Carnival You willalso be helping them obtaina new fum ace for the cold weather coming um uoaos common min We aregladthat none of members on the Roads Commit alspcut about $600 shield Wef elquite sure that they onld get alstormy re ception cti Edinhiirgh Scotsman Wins iod award won The Scotsman of harm EdinburghQScotldnd in the on ward for newspaper among he whats shuld ever qnality or came at bun with an ice pick This was the story Brady go to police last March in merit ruled admissible Justice Wei nest in the average salesman is not lack of knowledge of his pro ct bathe is afraid of custom or reaction said the speaker of first iruporhnce to sac ceslul salesman is to make favorable impression with the prospecth customer and it is not always what youjuy but how you say it that is most important he said Sales and Ad Clnbhou Swere givma complete rundown on such things as nppmance how to stand how to put customcr at case even going into such details as to bow to hold your hat and how to shake hands properly Salesman should use simple downtoearth language and not confuse customer by using long technical words Instead of merely selling product you should sell the solution to the customers prob lem said Mr Jacobi in advertising it is constant repetition thatproduees resul Mr Jacobisaid tls now He conlzed that Adolp Hitler was psychopathic maniac but he knew that by continually telling people that black is white in time they would believe it The speaker showed theoudlence several samples of misleading adverUsing that had beeulcooz steady repeated and pac the public untilhhey finally believed nellrbhls particular propect and quoted an old proverb You can lead horse to water but Problem with01d Folks Ineligible For Plan Benefits To date Royal Victoria Hospit Barrie has had no problem th older patients who are do clared ineligible for benefits board secretary Don Cameron told The Examiner Wednesday But in other areas hospitals were finding themselves with at ients for whom the Ontari os pital insurance plan paid no ben elits IMr Cameron explained there are four classuications of pet ients Of these only active treat ment patients would normally re main in EVIl Chronic cases and convalescents still eligible or commission benefits would be treated elsewhere Butold people not actuallyill but needing custodial care ape not eligible for Commission hen aliis flhey are charge tothe welfare department of the manic ipality and many are looked alter gt BUSINESSMEN MEET Next meeting of Barrie Chris han Businessmens Committee will be at Community House Thursday DeC when Dr Em ersouP Titccin zlhornbury LESS NOISE vTHERE Simone Coun Council mem bers must ad urnquietly in future Compl nls came to council Wednesday that discus sions of members in the hall ways were hampering work in the court room opposite LOCAL AND in old peoples homes if unable to any More then 20 aged patients at Stratlord General Hospital have had to seek alternative accomV modatinn asa result of being re fused extended hbuefiis under the Ontario hospital servicesmedicai insnraueoplan Since tbil hospitdl rvi commissionpame into ingai the beginning of the vear 27 elderly patients have been re fused extra the needed home nursing care ra er thanhospital treatment Only four rerna pital Three are cost of up tools day and the lonrth was later granted ex tended benefits after disputing the retdsai The others have gone into rest home ursing homes relatives houses or have found other he commodatiou iron has received heparinact to re paint the Court Honse Tender price $1500 gt STREET OSlNG Certainstreetsju Angus are to bevclosed bylaw of Essa Township Council received rati Ecation Wednesday in county council Backrtnsonurion Simcda County Council Wed nesday endorsed resolution of Kent County Council to ask the Government to end the suburban roadsicomm sion setup andro place it with an arbitration agreement between counties and separated citicsl GRAVENHURST cuowmo Pdpulationand assessment of Graveuhurst have bothdncreas ed during the past ye with as sessmsut up $11797 and so more reside shnnging the population as anaz Bradford Lious Cinh week voted 31 00 caahgand tone ai laterthd the Jo average because ery material and labor yakuntl make llim drinkf one manger replied your job ia nolto makrhim drlhk hallo on him law Bill Dyment thanked spukcr Second vlecpresicleut Walter Constable invited all members Min attend Federltlon directors meeting at Birclmue Hotel Orlllls Friday Nov2o ls litanytbs Diving into pool and swim ming lengths lust towarm up isnot everycnos prescribed method of getting into shape but for 16 swimmersin the ad vancedrconlse at Ceoip Bordcn this is daily ritual The to servicemen from Air Force Army and Navyl repres Ent every area of Canada and for three week period whlph began Monday ihcy willundergo inicnsive training for instructor status Time sw nmcrs are all ex perts but to see them training stall Sorghum savage course seemcd elementaryum til itwascxpialned that these men were learning how to teach non swimmers it was quite ironic to see these expem splashing water on the faces touching their toes in the water and hanging on to the edge at the poollearning how to kick Yesterday they were inst kids but in three weeks the ones that pnssVthertesis will be quali licd instructors and will go back to their bases across the coun try aud start teaching Though most of their time is spent in the water they also study anatomy andpbysiolngy artificial aspiration and battle Question Would you please explain MutualFund Answer An Investment Brok eruses this term in reicrence tn opeuAend investment companies This simply means that com pany classified as mutual fund company daily sells its treasury shares and is committed to re deem these shares upon demand The price being fixed at or very close to the market value of the securities owned by the mutual company It can heAseen thattha capitaloi the conpany is con stantly changing as thecompany itself is buying and selling their own shares Fruit Growers Bap Ont Chain Stores TORONTO CPThc Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers AsA sociation Wednesday ply criticized chain stores as being one of the chief factors in mak ing fruitgrowing unprofitable in Ontario Appearingbeforc the legisla tures cultural inquiry com mittee Howard association secretary said the chain stores handle over 50 per cent of the tnlit and vegetables sold atre tail Chain stare abuses go un challenged because the offended parties arephesitant to come for ward for fear of losing favor and market home Mr Howard said The growers and prdcessors1 the association told the commit tecare in the squeeze facing on one hand theconsumcrs or the chain stores demand for cheaper food and on the other bandincreased costs iormachln we TSOlllli Simone Great Holds Assembly lit rteFor CubsScouts at their meeting this week liv bw were invwd as mm night Theyvlcm Shapiro Delaneyme Pearson KellyJilso beanie mobs oi the pack on transfer Gregory Keeley was to have been lavai but case pl pa loreed inadny night rce boya irom tho Cub Pack were invest ed as scale Harold PM Don Ramsay andEeni Cudolan had completed three years Dubbing and allfiquaillledlor Leaping Wolf badges which rds Tsunami lnapit of all 1hr pm issue whlcn are down mihe 5Yv billJill 33m aspedalouasmwhieblsap versusinns tomethntv weahonld look beyond ourselves at thinltime Ninrrlvnl accuse ow Davcwihon relate Dave comes toms from Pakistan whet has been General Secretary of themen for the past five yam buimkmmldfllble war experience As in Ins Navy were presented to them by the WWW Akeln of the Pack FL Gates lhe boys were also presented with the book Scouting for Boys by the Mothers Auxil inry Patrol Leader Dennis Raiclilfo became the tint Scout from St Giles to earn his First Class Scout rating Bis next goal is to be Queens Scout The Cube and Scouts joined or singsong around thech hood lire Jed by Scooters Kcn Mlt clvell Nell Raidille andJack Harris afterwhlm refreshmentl were served by the mothers The Great Ghapktlu Deanery of South Simcoe of the Anglican Church held full assenuzlyat Mono Millslast wcek in the churc hers sat down ner served by new St John Mills The Rural Dean Bridle of Ailistou man for the arrle was the xv havihgheen his Tparish Canon Read gave teresting description of the manner in which the newlyrevis ed prayer bolt for tbeAngllcan Church of Canada was accepted and passed at the General Synod at Ste Ane de Bellevue last summer He gave graphic ture of th discussion whichhad been expected to take at least three days butwhich lasted few hours showing the apprecia tion of the clergy and laity for the tremendous task that had been done on the revision He had asked to he allowed to leave as soon as his part of the eveningwas comp eda did so after he dheeu th nkedi be iness ofvthe Deanery was introduced by Kenneth McNabb of Alliston with Rev John Adam as secre tary Congratulations were air tended to Rev Hearue of Bond Head on being made Canon of St James Cathedral and awelcoma extended to Re Thomas of Rosemoat An important item on the agenda was the acceptance of the allotments and assessments outlined for the parishes of the Deanery which was the amount lid oiuhroixeétorsf Will Meetjlriday The Federation of Canadian Advertising and Sales Clubs will beholding its second Board of Directors meeting atgt5aopm Fridalfl NOWJD at the Birch mere Hotel trillia Centrnl0n tario Sales and Advertising Club is acting ashostfer this event The first Board of Directors meeting was recently held at Ottawa where Art Harris COS waui CASlrlFORijgthefi YOU NEEDIHlSFALLQ resented the BarrieOrillia club andAC first vicepresident rep Hospital the camp tilltheendgof than As with all blur the destruc tionolpropartyondlimayar meta necensaryiare 1m distasteful He saw through the ll anfiopportumty to build lives rather than destroy and his career eventually led back to the city of Lahore where he had spent half his boy Dave Secrc ant in to the work other an and before ing had hills of Mono when covered with snow made slippery travelling Panel Discuss Education liims The panel discussion on the subject The Aims Eof Educa tion based on the Hope Report presented bystaff members prov ed to he an interesting and thought provoking program at the November meeting of Boating Memorial High School Home and School Asoclation Principal Owens introduced the subject and Mrs Coulter Miss Baubrook liar Mason and Mr Pearson pointed out how the study of literature Latin his tory and science indirectly dev elopflthese aims The audience al so participated in the discussion An added feature of the pro gram was the vocal numbers con tributed by Missesloraine Gem mell and EiizahethCarr pupils of Mrs Paid McKelvey with Mrs Rose as their accompanist West led in group singing President Bob Span called the meeting to orderand in keeping with Remembrance Day asked for moment of silence alter the singing of the National Anthem which was followed with prayer by Rev Burgess Routine business was trans acted aud Mr Span expressed the regrets of the Association in the loss oftwo valued mem bers of the executive Rev and Mrs Burgesswho will be leav ing Alliston this month Mrs Foster McQuigge expressed the appreciationto file panel and others who had contributed to work abroad little has been done except by more great deal of tensionright now Come bring Fold out about Conditions in abated Canada has thrcelraterani Santeria Earle Buckley in Jdpan Jock Dunderdele into its whole effort may be In lg rerlan reform movementJo another borne and school for deserted childrenin anoilr er providing education at the Imivcrllty level Talk about value for dollarl lo the Boys Camp in Madras where theytake in street boys provide for and teach them $0 will pay all expenses for one hoyfor whole year in rural community in indie the ladinu Sciatclary trained ing which attracted most of th people in the areas Rice pnd dies with raisins is rare treat yet he was able to provide heal thy peddle snacks for the crowd of over at cost H211 are an see our own problems in proper per spective Many Ys undertake com mitment to help further our In Barrie very one or two clubs on special pro iects because at preoccupation with our own pressing needs Well grow beyond that though wont we introduction to World Service in the ally warm and urgent invlta doc to be paltor the gr who will njoy Dave Wilsons talk next day NovA at the CGE Cluh Room at pm agood numberavailable to us We say thanks to thcmfiand fwelcome you PROGRAM SPOTS Gym Centres Hillcrest and Codrington for girls texts and Oakley Park for boys are in full swing now each Saturday ram 101139 am Have you enrolled CAMPAIGN Urgent to ean vassers and captains who still have cam and returnsontw Please get themin NOW We must get on with the jobl Those who have not been canvassed but are willing to help please phone or drop in We need your help ART CLASS is beingorgan ized with the skilled instruction of Mrs Cllarvie Both boys and girls or over may enrolL Classes will be 130 pm KRAMER MOTORS LIMITED risnndlulazst sums wasch the program and toother mem bers of the teachingatattwhe werepreseut non rim LlrlLE Ls unoAY at Racine olSMontreal Que irritations Highway 27 who North of Barrie reams novelissue EM And will be open every day forvluncheoniand ill in to24pm and from p111 ppm Steaks binomial Chicken hm Beef like it wll continue to he specialties stuns damn To ensur hat the best on lble cuisine is consistently avarl able it is the privilege of themanagemaut to announce the dltion omen chef to the staff The Cedar all he by one or our World Sonics Fra fernel Secretaries held meet This then serves asra briel CGE has generously made weir roomwhich wrll accommodate Saturdays at TélephonelAmis for inlorm dinners par es meetlnzsleto

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