Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1959, p. 9

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1° on TSuvvllr tileAries WK ite 00 iAcore for Sale noun mulenud 979 I3 3th in For Sale ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ortgtige Loan Du WAG éop candida mi m°iAuu 635 on omen IMCOE COUNTY NEWS haul WPM$ Stan Groin Xdzlgill Wid to cm or melt mm mm comanu mic W7 mm 2va 3ng $1 STBOUD loo eiohe in October nunio mm ILE commenter AND am dam CMWI died Those Present 1min Bretonvue In Wire nuts no IflammmflVfi MI Oct gI In SEvemn Elmer mun Int gonna hlrs Georgewtiiigslde bin HAROLD ART APPLY LAKEVIEW MORTG urtucummunmw Mirlow WritL mm in htgifidiéiiiimiflh Ham Im an 15 Ahout eightmein previ =11 flfiauiifléottffit Wm WI 4ng DAIRY EARRIE if otulyshe itieredn stroke in analI laarlrlglyufi lilolrmnd lull an iA ivu nu MIWHII we 00 Fm heIiII htani End IrltIhIiIizh Vials hm mended mgUmIesd men the weéirendht the home mmm Ai eoorlitlon 51 mi um was nun hiReeve EAandilrs1£u5 wring Dog smk NEWSPAPER INI cum IIIII pm On Highway 21 ctIFerrtnoovIIio series olciitiui event in her Robinson Ififmkfl ii NEW Alums mended moi into mm ft 47 no rout inherits Winters ome hie Dr rIem THE FISHBOWL PET 1mmIafiamgt ntt pureshup New York mum in of AllistonSattirday rounwmu has McFIddon the former are In Mrs Butt is patient in ROOM comet Imus AND WT ldn Pearl Cornish the nomuoT mmqu Humboi Memorial Hoppital in GOWAN in moxie we gt BRUCE BI MUCH or Percheron norm no one youngest daughter of the lite Emay Spafiga SImud Weston naming nor ms In finnlmm Mumglflw Ian Mr and Mrs James Cornlih 3m Mrs Clillord Dunbar held humus 5L Em awakmm In and was born Humn Count mm Emmy meuwet miscellaneous shower at her flmfim ALL ImIm Iii4559 MEI rm when Huilett Townslup near Clintou Cum bailedIChdmI home in Richmond Hill Friday in mom new motor Aim warns Wufl 1553 gigzirgh 533$ SI WME mm The unit Chum mum 11th Oct 13 in honor of Miss no unngzhlm ANYniman rmhm Hm 3312 mg mm mu lg mum her oi tunily at two other mm Sunday mmIIIg is Lois Lcllsol Breton hridettr mmmnnmwmn mwtmnnttimm largely lln no onIfiggghggglfifggggfagggl PH Mrs iii3A Lens MrsDon Lotti it is in um um II in one brother Glen She received ffiei Employment Jones used FgmlturIe finial Illvrm fifth like to her elrly education it her aner WI 79 DuNwP 31 WEST gaymlggfl gidglyau home school in Hullett Town mh Cm Mrs HuroldIWatson and Mrs 7A HeID WantmM°e 13 Fruit luorloirtein Ctiw yew ioli ship and Clinton Collegiate In P3 mg 155 Lorne Williams iBCcrs Wanted Atwnyl inv good ioiection MI now bred tilin Aug finned cow Emu and graduated use on You Have Been Called ML and Mm Jack Gray at Anttqiiel more Una rumi Vegetable teacher 1mm London grmu BE lItllmilfl Tl mens ended meIhunquel and ii incoweynntuii ow 29 mm 32 as WANTED we then School $3 ll Sm will in thudla itoion II In and an PHONE PA 66251 APPLES rum Ln don yem to run Some yenrs later she took it mass Pm ersity Avenue in Toronto Friday iii in mi iiiakin vaLu on Dec lintrtoin cow yenI mm benediction evening Oct 23 rlir APPLE BARN mm It bred to mm in The United WA and VMS will =5 innr IMMEDIATE Gmfil TOP souI Dmm BInrk down Ontario Agricultural College Mr and hits Speckrspelilt on cAIi AN Assn Ilclnieih Courtiond1o ii an NWI Home CWI hI Am he meet next Wednesday etiernoon few days during the past week °°h an uimirlos iSEPilC TANlte PUMPED sweet whit iuver on ry hrco to no Nov at pm in the oh cit in pnruooitouon Alttoo be APPxirY AllA MAYOR MOTEL mm nimmrmlm °° an rum ml1 swear hitWm wfirkhfihdillrt Alliglrgiglebunham lux Ind 1v moo molar WEDNESDAY 0c 97 HERMAN FETCH fulfil fift 1t Foul Vm Emm II gt The members oiStroud Mason visited relatives in St Cathnrines mom nrleo Home to uw DEm mom PA em Alter in only due In FemIv 30W C° diam to Led ti Nag Fetnmmgoufnimmflh lg AMr 79 PM Nu Sufi ivsmwrn tawfigmnefl SEX fenn mil mo She smut mug mud Ladiesgftizhiegg 2i gtillignrtlljiloal which 1515 $34 held er nnve 73331 muting NrgflmEnggfiTs gm swing ImIguefxghEfLDgfh III IneémeaégnmI hem SM bq the term of iIdellclous hot tun miscellaneous shower lit her 1A4oei are PORTABLE Dunnseer nerg 15 Lo and Found 10143 fufifim DW came member 91 outhrlo Mme wu in mm 5° and Friday cm Business Service new PA H701 cub no Skeet Methodist ChumhI hm miner catered to by the Strand mg 0ct2i in honor at her mohen in IAIIIJy cm an mm AP nosr riril cow nice with mam mm MI Womens Institute in the com niece Miss Joun Whitcsitle Bee Duniop st Wat gaming MALE nunuilts ccgc end mod white Ice IL crd Phone ii mn United was We Sunday mum ham hmI Whose marriage was pine 15 Wooden or without met going or 151m zimvie loeosti Buu mm Hw II III Alter all had thoroughly enjoy Saturday ill Those mm School Young Peoplesiociety YOUNG MAN to worir in to de mum no Girl Club cm Whigs in ed the dinner the WM Viuinm Beeton who mice were plflmnnt Must he meohcnlci in 16 Personal 1333 mm 25°C83Ag mincfisficxfihog litmus Campbell cordially welcomed GI iinwton Mrs it LAMB ANNALS nun Knowledge no CninmunilY service or lit extr mlm mm In hi um icon no placer too Phone II II IN on not not iiJL it 41 Euler Hi4 nusrilnxmo nn Alterluau by IIIII fimmbduw 1me midstth IfIndIIIIiIriItIiIadsfifii I2 55gaiIiIsI$IIIIXiIIIsltIiIcoyaclled IllDliIILIee insole Huronre any um cooit 5t rA emu utter gun IB mm mciA 33617 irAlliii mer whirled merlnneed WNGmm 33 ll Her marriagerto 1581 item The usual tohst list was and Sharon Palmer rurmmm AND humid McFadden Comm 00 dilly honored Method Mrs iiorold Dlnllam humeic or What in wry mm um cooler Farm Sell iloo lhi roou UN LTD tie ifin Hcrw commmu muy iirrrlo tolor GORDON Y0 mm mm oi iul Ind return ltoom roam mmmummier illill Pair place Sept low other phr The senior wardeIII Nelson tended he funeral of me me Watson than armed the muting Lorne Grimey otAllon who pes How and use exnected to anIIii Bui HI PA Wt hulkMorse coed Condiunnpl Mrs McFadden wno faith over toEv Smith and his enter 59 suddenly Sunday mm ruitNAc oii Burner convention II WA eIcmiiIIiIIImgIIIiIrIlIiIlIii ental home in Clinton iter exphalal aruflu unit complete with tcnit ind cori cow wnvss etc am in your III bl lenc ilernsed order suuar Kr tIIlIIIIItIIlIt gulpéiigctIreIouireImIIIr fiaIIWIeagIsyIIJIncw 91533 minim giggly is ihutins cutters eléuu iul member of CookstownIUInil miners from CKVRTV An hour 19 OCL 13 AINTING AND we at chm activator one mm hEFEEdaéTugrgtgfiigghiht oiftletulor in cawl mote piping in Young Peoples Union musical program was enjoyed have moved into their new home mum PA mg °l° Hm 16A Womans Corner m°° Cm leflchel for Sele yea on tho eighthline otlccumseth cm PA Mm meat up compiv umb vryGnglx 3513 Igor coo BEETON am we Gennlp ed route in Banin iron is 0n In or Wigglm $15 the Sundry School helper in rt man age to good Ill nuicit llle sin Phone PA Hill DRESSING musmm MWm an Wm as Mr and Mrs Mw it mumm Ind hooltti lnruranoo pun vru Hm Mm 95 Mm Rae Mn anti MrsHatch Prince DEAD STOCK Imod promptIII allth ii MAN lor lndnnrlu zr to com in used one themmy in in with itnvo ionrth in on or twenty culture STAN BRYSON 5L Em milientncfieihi fitihono rli Hi win new canmumIIF mus CASH mg branch of the Bible Society and ham via way III quehepI Mrs Martin ot Shanty Bay is it com on our WA memberamd to whith she gave Stevenson Memorial Hos ital in month old iiust IellFeilialghunhiy Scott clerk Jerry couzn unsande service for one Wei mm Will hold rummage sale in the priced due to owner icivlng tho III mfilr irtmIII entmtlxIeIIeleciaIc range Isis MIA5 stitute and LcailIIiIeIs Committee Home Dorsey at Penelhng is II and as ng Io oe ino the Lions vis his mum econ ms or mm all 5pm numIIIIilasI rumslizo lidroom tor rent 1nd Auction sale it Barrie rnlr 1K Iqu Mm Pcdnnghhm were ML arid crude activities of the WomnaAsso Enroi new In this WWW Efifim Rn r31 IM and Life Member of the Weigh lmMMWF on Missionary Society it Nd III Iodmxd dry sunday olPetcrlgtoroilgh spent the week Fo Inlnrmllion write REFRIGERATION SERVICE omz 53 naiwtrinrtummirssmu school pgfifiuimgmfimflgffimmfl omdfli Way and was mm turned home Friday from mat 3361amerton 5t 7BHelp Wanted III II II II II II VI Ie 11 IS Bx ew wgnflls5¥€lI Andrniv Foilrnler invinguirolrlgmnlgvznlfuiilfiimmfiegfi on meal phdmuflwm or 3gogglfmm itt duringIth week FOBERT GAS mm PM Mm WAYRooms for Rent Mwlmm rum PHl FA sure of humanity at home and Mrs Mercer olhlnrkdale spont YMCA bmm Bmfiev ND Aim APPLIANWS Groanendyk His SING 3mm mm IIIIqIIIII abroad included the WCTU the weerehd at home 01M lrom 130 to The annual fly mm IIII ohcrtered rchooi where on Divonrtgti SUNBEAM Electric sunliilne nllorln surpiy 1431 Avila served my yea an Mrand Ms Win Leus end with Mr anti Mrs Bold cmIm sedeterytreuurer of the local mm 33 mm in elerit or tnp through Northen Ontario YHONE PA Femae ti of whichshe was unen will no icrvod Iadlu min ans uLmAloit The VA oi St Johns Church mm SMALLFflgidnlre Kerrrumor 55 ll in Allcndcie PA um SATURDAYI II In Red Cross Society Womans In and Mrs Selby Dohhs bill be ha Dec Experienced Rom aw nord optionl Phone PA ohm earns incl ding rurniture cntiouci Mrs McFadden rendered as Dorsey 1354 Vu over 20 years immeasurable hs Mrs Wiggins is Fritland 15 baby Narih afiffimfifigfim it mammal nedroom Suittile tor Kill ber¥imn£gtI in am sistarlce to her husband in relatives and lriends in 1everng BuyJul Mrsv Fem Rm cord rinyer Md liltonuflc one or two girls Anniv FEJOPDIIEI manycoummmI Auctioneer news reporting writing and Barrie Stayller and New Low DI TOW and Mr and M54 WEBJ ho Fifi$5411 mu Pm iii55 type settingtor publishing of ellllor aweek Roy Wilson of Hornhy mm or 5mm mes 15 ml EF€AfiE3fZ°flAltaEh the loci newspaperaITheinSd 1IIiiirs lIioIh gamillnn Hold Mrs WallhceI of CalgarIyIiI anI Alum vocnte which cease no 08 owera er ome at Bradford Mrs item at Toronto sit mm mm wrTwN SALE lion in 1953 owingIto the lack Friday evcnirr Mr and MisEmest pastor and SATURPAY OCTOBER 31 Fiveday week compnuy bone tor 1m Ford or Moteorand one univrml ndio Apply Len figs15 gfimxpggrlfihganfiflgg of suitable Mining for the oi Miss Joan Whiteslde or Beet other trionds IFndw or high other household lumith Printing pinntI fits xood starting salary for 1°I II mi in me right Person Must be neat Kiowa tiger E°£li iiBArsn nice lumuhed hed cit tor Moe hirkoy IntItIhe Elifl lclr Surviving are he husband of Wm mm idnil8fii in on limousinethrower Cooimmwn Mewlaw Mrs one APPLY 130x BmleEXMnlnel mfg £34 $bfigfi°ffi iEA4M5i up housekeeping Jerry Courhun gfileIiomgl antsgggewiggg arms city Phone PA 34746 Hm Auctioneer privcto AuctioHl ii 41 to 51 nd Mar rs Fred odden home or Ifmtleman ilrecirlnst and no MEI Clark mu of 01m lunch op onai Ahrtninor Phone PAi emu ioAsosz AUCTION SALE um FURNISHED Room hot plate or FRIDAY NOV Her funeral was held Mon fifinm gfififlfggsfi ng middieege single rworkirlx indy Use her 12 from at wneher wiu tniro sniesicdios Auction rule of Form stooir im day itemoon 0cm SflAMBRTninkwlnted Reuon Only 13 7a hurri Pennant strut Hm PAINTING PAPEIEI HANGING smell PAINTING EDWARD stvlirii and SON 30 Your of service in Barrie PllounrA asses PA m1 semi typing requirem viz484951 rumsaxn ROOM in In IEXPERlENCED Wanted in Buy BAYCITY WAITRESSES UPHOLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN lt ulrzd Jminedihbely Fllflr on PAItlI ilME Aliply COLES RESTAURANT so nunlon st wm nerrlo 755145 nhle in good condition Writ Box as nildo Examiner IMAM WANTED nuiiiiu will my top pflce Phone Bradtord PR 5145 Mr Fuller 15155 COMFORTABLE iumnhed bed in tlng room rnr gentlemnn gm supplied Downtown PA Linen iaAsls Con Ora Township one mile line Terms HAIL No reserve Slle rt no em lhlrp coughiln Auctioneer 411951535557 Jerry south of Highway 11 en the linilpl IDA5142 figment lor Delbert Swln It Lot Hugh Funeral Home had large agembly of relatives friends and neighbour Rev RD Lenney he pas tor conducted the sauce and dill inted at the internlent in Cooketown United Church fimflmrmk In 1333 IANlIl IrlIlIiiILItI for phi tithiIe 7351055 SaifihdIsggrgggegg lSCeBoarders Wanted tm row are xomnro cheaternote 5131111 eta ice Cnli Mr itoherti ct PA uiez 19 Fulfilng WILLBDARD huslnossgiris 115151 hcdi share room Laundry In than 30 Juli Inme Blaze 1mm AUICIION SALE Caner le The pulihearers were Frank PHONE51 37m 3mm um Phone PA eatso DAY OCTOBER Broiley Terrence Hun Iter and chm Auction sale or Holltein cotiie IHalTy Cause Wesley Kindle uni memoii orqu in to give mu ieliing reason In Avon In nooMANn nuliimlor oiie or mllklnz ill ment iiii my van hotter hut reoresentrtlve in your neiahhor 10 For suppl mo glru ilst cod PhoneTPA rtrow theta innohlneryo chit 52in Alba K911 and he Lem hood Phone PA 55551 msisz 3451 lac4m houiehoid client or Mn Mlme The flowerbearers were Um MilanBu nucleworth seenuc tarme st imtt WOMAN exEIerienred ct revving tor QA LVestOCk fen mw 31 C° NeillyL Arnold ROOM Aim noniin nnci cure to Township Highway it we literthin iiorrclro Full nei rri dlr Monkman III III III IIIIIIgIIIIIg or IISIqle elderly he once Bi is met vile Sale at mm sorry No Hopper Very reuonihle Phone PK basin reserve theowner is giving up Cor an and George er 152 iecaoi mu 93mm IS REGISTERED Lindruho Burs or pm Tam Faris him Auctioneer RELIABLE or time blby litter tale 1150 Registered sows Phone BOARDAND BWM floor mus floral noted to too otter chumen in PA ems ioA4ua Auction47 19 ii is 41 iii Ong II hm am wm CW tributes were those from groups their own horn IPh rA onion otter mm 1350 10 wnmn mas so each 25 nlmtii2éi°ntWTEmaizfi of fieighbgrs chokstown United AUCTIONISAIIE Chumh Cookslown Womens SATURDAYI NovI 21 Institute Cookstown and Dist Ch nitr iiso so uet Ham gt nean Walnut todo geneni malid ivy uri ioAsis Ewi homework or bedroom inartment riot Lions Club aziid manage fiimihiié soriiéu Rociri meat ad 55 Pt once or twleo weekly Modem eie Yuma Holstein Cowl fresh on 10 Ron 8L Burris north hill 02 Lot In con in SAVE IIthIeII III II Relstives mid lriends were Idifierence one registeredim one iereey nor Ch Sh IlInniIfl II III on awe mln on or hhnut the 23rd thy or Octd an ElflIV 1575 54 her use must the their elclms uugwggYSI with the undersigned heloro the 7DEmployment reristered bred Onnhsr ruii new wul trcde tor 333 yfiifiIilfif 239 Wanted flfii°wfllnit rsdiiisfii if it 55h Tat uldlCohett zxecutrlx me Blia ura Learn gon rand ana my um run it rri Ass rev on 6m cox15m on 7019581 ansmenuxnue in Femnix To her solicitors the SoViet liews agency Tessre dian Bank of Commerce dieli one Cnll due inrehrucry Young ted Tuesday The strength ol here Monday after brief ill SEED Yourm Manl In SMITH mm 901 mG oermchent polletlonwlgmfimfiqwcfi fifefgfiggzgflfitfii gig Owen street the new metal is more than 25 ness IIe was native of Pene oduuted co potent etenolzr her that5 no II PA mi urn Arr ontartoI IIIIIII timesI IotI rmaI tool tailguishene 795 in Ippliln lied no til so St en Arthur mm II We no no 33 use or Legals m1 meie ted im 17wlsANniirms KenEfl IiIlitx gkauhéalngcfizrnnFlnd IIIIII mm rrhlgIIIIIIIIiIgII INohce To creditors gain Term Ionsh Slle Iiz ociocir ewe och cw Clinton FLASTERING office Coder md an SPRDULE Aug in attendance from STUCCO Mnifgwstrhm 75 51 WEPurebred Jersey ann icntidliiifln $55351 mm Spmglad mge5° mm QUICKBRICK STONE nee lmettel Tenn Gnmnteed NEW ME STRIWG shim MANAGER DESI ONDON Reuters siali LEAMINGTON or Fred SODDJNG BARRIE LANDSCAPING WW AND 5le SUPPLY WATCH WING son cur immortal mm nAim For sch ml Idsrung Messrs Newsprint SCRATCHhPADS IIForSaie ioAhioz loceimrilementsv IDa AHENTION AFMERS 1icvo your inf dmwhurr Ind equipment qhmnned inn repaired duiinir the winter month and ctoreuntli shrink AUCTIONSALE gt in operation MONDAY NOV an purchasepInce Complelaudlxpérlniflol Youcansovgthedifference 5°ltr Pitt smelt otoneeb smoggwgmggmfl 05ntirnnwsn II flhr of Burris Term rerve 385 one ulKolitelnr Site at III20 STEEL BTANCmDNSandWh ouznitn AllD tcr Bowls Grrnrd Vervori RR alum Ellnvnle Phone 71m iqtPsnoz fixcévclions and Bulldozing Lend ticred ireec nd nrurh rothurnlne with root rm LEE HART merit ifA Hm II orders Accepted At THEBARRIEEXAMINERI ousmoss om tomseed and Feed in um on Registered uid unedited at HALE rum Call Com lhlru Cows an Resist ARE YOU miEltESme Phonhdvy 2o YorkshirePin lily stnn IINIBE SMGEIII in Equipment iiid other rtlcleIsIloIi JoonlvrrfirenrtII Inqulfllholllhpkelitovinyi Silm Ami to Io ni 1714 vu one other no stuntilntuiheihm tic CHM ouownerim FOBERTS GAS The root nnuetl rnozhl or on t9 mQNQ hotter poini en everywhere ror in uvah trig ego 1produov W5 xcellent WEDHESDAY 0V2 HesiI cm JAMESGODIN WEILINGTONHOTEL sirloin asme Mnhlnefnr iiiL nitiian elgInIIIIeorviee now Cnmud lm Hu pen innrri it nice on it iumil

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