irlvers VeteransrHere To Work Wth 1he betternnd aresultmnko Roliekepttbeattnchefnui look little out their toes end normally owrkouu brushed them along inboard however the veterans who startl The veteran naming ed workwtsoniy this morninggouu are torwnrdefunkg nbow tho Itrnln and the betteriMiiler clean Lcchir and Mar rookies shine more brightly eel Tuner and rearward Bob Within tow days say Weds erglit and Eddie WWIIL nesdny things should be pret The boys will work out twice ty good par Coach Nap day for the early part at this Emma shouldnt have too much week at least trouble doing lurther weeding Next week Enuns Ii to his hockey garden the puck rat and startwith Larry Jones Pierre Gagno the conditioning programTbil and Dale Rolfeatarted workouts lswhere the inn really beginl Saturday Jon and Gngne pal TYPE the ice with their heads can Sport mm are finding it justdo¢n Reason of tour in Ihsl overs tram the moose are in town While still out of abandornueutnotinesgood conditiongas the kids who work ed out at the Boston Bruins Minor Hockey Training Camp last week the veterans are little easier ALWAYS WOWme Grant Mayor tanner Mayor of Barrie and now as probably then an active member of the Rotary mub paldus areal compliment when we entered the Fair Grounds Saturday He said We always see you when theres something worthwhile going on We appreciate such remarks and hope were always at the right place at the right time However we should compliment Mr Mayor and the Rotary Club Theyve made worthwhile events often itpossihle forustobeat We were at the Fair Grounds to report on the Ele mentary School Track and Field Meet which is span sored by theRotary Club Last winter we attended beneï¬t hockey gamebehween Barrie Flyers and North Bay Trappers tor the benefit or the Barrie District Retarded Childrens Association While the game was actually suggested and arranged by Bap Ehnms ownercoach of the local Junior hit Whelp The members helped Rotary Club did its with the selling oi tickets at the arena on the night hockey team the nd did their various chores of the game The Rotary wives did the preparing and serving of the light lunch afterwards More recently the Club purchased lights for the ten his court at Queens Park making it possible to much needed tennis tournament the game in this comme The Rotary Club also has by high school graduate money to attend university that did much to revive studentloan plane where can borrow the necessary The club probably does lot more that this scrib bier is not aware of But tor the things mentioned it not this reporter should receive the plaudits Again we say were happy to be at worthwhile func tions and as long as they they have beendn the past to help out JUST NOTES We predic Mineslng equipment was the club came Regarding the anizers pick new man to handle ing iron the poor attendances nt lirt more than an eyebrow tor the series teams have to it be nice if few people were meaning buying new balls gt spend money Wouldnt are or the high standard well continue to attempt ted raw weeks back that would win something before the softball set aside for iew months Saturday through winning the Copaco Series series we would suggest flint the org publicity etc Judg the man in charge did In order to operate on hand to help the clubs at least break even wellknown merchant collegiatos pad footballers crash course good idea in ilact lng iniuries at that part at Central Collegiate Senior in town suggest that the their tootbaii goalposts As it is the rlshli into swel it theyre bit on the only solution to avoid the ï¬eld rooibsii Team which took solid drubbing dram North lastweek has oriiy two holdovers from last years squad However the Central gang can take credit for starting boys on their football road many of the North HOCKEY RECORD By CANADIAN mass National 3558 5=BEgt onionoeuv We Run New York AMoutreal Boston Dloronto Ewanys Reilllll Montreal NewlYork Boston Chicago Toronto Detroit Wednesdays Game Toronto at New York American League eat3 Providenca Springï¬eld Rochester Hershey Cleveland Quebec Buffalo SEW Beau Providence Euï¬alo Cleveland Hershey Sprinyield 10 Quebec Sundays Results Rochester Cleveland Providence Quebec Buffalo Springfield Wednesdays Gama Soï¬nsï¬etd at Hershey Easternuogu neon essence 6t hmbmbnw Govt 3333 Am scenes conï¬neii gston 1Sudbnry Sundays iterate Montreal Kingston Sudhnry Bullmtawa Marie Trois Riviera nonighc Gama Kingston at Maria nilOttawa at Montrgel Seattlei Victoria Winnipeg Edmonton numqqm Bathgate New York thï¬aq Tests to SUNDAY Western Rogue Vancouver b5eaï¬lle Exhibition Guelph St Catharines KltchenerWainrloo= Clinton Saskatchewan Junior Regina SFlin Fiona no 513er By THE CANADIAN PRESS hernia Boom Boom Geolfrion of Montreal and Andy Batbgate of New York each collected our points in weekend games and moved into second place tie in the National Hockey Leagues in dividual scoring race Geoflnon and Eathgaté trail Bostons ernco Horvsth held pointless in two weekend games by one point Marcel Bonin of Montreal scored one goal and caught upwilh Howatb for the individual goal orin lead Each has five The leaders Herve Boston Geoffrlnn Montreal ToppnzziniBoston Prentice New York Stnsiukllioston Benin Montreal HoweDetrolt Hull Chicaso Popeln New York Bucyk Boston Henry New York LONG lino SHORT our barrio Flycrs veterans Lurlt ry Jones and Dale Rollo dwarf rookie forward Rick llcximcr Jones and Relic are in their final season with the club chimer 16yearold has four junior years ahead of him This picture was to serve as warning to ch and all little guys that un Ficivoritlésllriurnph InCOllegejFootball lly THE CANADIAN PRESS University of Western Ontario Mustangs scored their third suc ccssive intercollegiate football leagucvictory during the week end defeating fourthvplnce Mos Gill Redmen 117 belore home coming crowd at about 10000 at London Ont At Kingston Universityoi Tor onto Elam tophenvy favorites scored 70 victory over Queens University Golden Gaels before 7500 raindodging fans The win broke the tie between the teams for second place Varsity still trails the wimbeaten Mustangs by two points Bill Mitchells single on wide field goal attempt in the first quartergave Western the only point of the first half Early in the third Mitchell booted 43 yard field goal Minutes later stems John Wydareny cli maxed d0ltyhid Mustang push by running 15 yards or touch down THREATEN OFTEN McGill inside the Western in yard line four times in the mulb quarter got their one touchdown when Carl Hanson Samias Golden cuught pass from John Roi crts ihc Rcdmcn posted 19 first downs to Westerns lo and out ruslied the Mustangs 124 yards to 87 Roberts completed ll of 25 passes for its yards Frank Cosentino clicked on nine of 11 pass attempts for 127 yards Power laden Varsity prosealt son favorites to swccpto an un defeated season but knocked back to the contender class by losing to the Mustangs last week faced an aroused Queens icnm SCORING PLAYS Paul Potter scored Tomato single in the first quarter The Gaels dejenslve game held Toronto to 10 lead for 56 minutes71119115 alter third down gamble for yardafailed at their own 26 they saw Toronto scumin four plays quarterback Nlck Soplnkn tossing loyard pass to Bobby Dunn viiiich just eluded the ï¬ngertips of defensive backï¬elder DevaRicbards Paul Potters convert bid wns blocked sin intercollegiate Conference toothed during the chilly week end Royal Military College de tented Waterloo 220 and Ottawa blitzed McMaster 8414 Bears Share OBIU Lead Willi Dutchmen SARNIA CPlSarnia Golden gears moved into secondpr he withKitchener Waterloo Dutchmen in the Senior Ontario Rugby Football union by whip ping themnzis Se day Last game in seasons schedule has the Bears in Low don next Saturday victory couldgivethc Beers tie for first place with the Lords leav ingDetroit at thexbottom oi the league Chuckstsnley picked up one touchdown in tlicrsecond quarter and mo in the fourth to pace the Bears in their second straight win over the Dutchmen Smith scored two and Archie Mc Aiier one Ed Vernesklcked iive converts and one single SCORES TWO lDs Two at the Dutchrnenls touch downs me from Terry Meyer WiLhgtRanWatt getting the third Mike Norcia kicked one convert Bears went into azzovlead belt Sheiï¬Ã©ld fore Myers gotbis iirstscore late in the second from five yards out Best were held scare less in the third quarterbut Stanley scored on nineyard run in thefirst minute oi the fourth Dutchmen cams back with Meyer scampering 60 yards for his second touchdown Stanley rgotvliis third on sixyard smash andSmith scored his second from 11 yards out Bears made 18 ï¬rstdowns to 15 by Dutchmen Sarnin quarter back Kai Ledyard completed eight of 151185535 and Bob Celeri of Kitchener tried 21 and com pleted 12 LASTm rm CARDlFF AP Arfiying header laycentre forward Gra ham Moore in the final minute gave Wales 11 tie with Eng land Saturday soccer match Defects TPitenhdim Spurs LONDON AP Bightwinger Derek Wilkinson whipped in An goal eight minutes from time and gave Shefï¬eld Wednesday victory Saturday aver English Soccer league leaders Tottenlium unnoanan unfl mgudawwuémma wammna¢Qqmmw McKenney Boston Bilhiibresrlop but End Graft and scored goalsnliie tor the Cuelph vic Jewry Favero elMcMannand Bill Buntaln edit othergilbhorsgéizliii try Wham Groseoliiad two tor the TeaEees while averaze attenbams first do season Sheiiields victory opened the way for deiending champions Wolverhampton join the Spurs at the top of the first division Spurs and Wolves each have 18 points KSpurs have better goal The Wolves movedbackinto contention with 32vliitory over Manchester Unite West Ham tilted won l0at tory aver Leicester Arsenal who lost halfback Tom Dochetw lnitlie 21st minute and played Preston North or the rest of the match withnnly 10 men Docliedy has fractured left leg moved into thresway tie Burnley and Fiillham on the point mark Aston Villa kept itstwopolnt lead in the second division over Csijdiii as both teams won Aston defeated Middlesbrougb which had lost two players to Eug lan team lnan international 10 and Cardilt took Huddersfield by tiiesamoscoro Everton had stayed in the chauf plooship hunt thanks to some great go alkeeping by Tom Dwyer West Ham has 17 points one point behind pace ttin Spots and Wolvesv= Two teams Blackburn and Manchester Citybaye 16 points Blackburn defeniedhurnley so in egéme kick him amnnhad singlet in teninternational ston won 30 and icr hockey is comprised of some big rough guys Rick figured hed work just as mini regardless oi the oppos on Parker Leads West Scorers By run CANADiAN Parse Jackie Parker oi Edmonton in creased his lead in the Western lntcrprovincial Football Union in dividual scoring race Saturday night lwhen he collected live points in losing cause us Eski mos were edged 2544 by Calgary Stampeders Parkcrmnw has 93 points nine more than end Ernie Pitts of Winnipeg who was held point less as Bomhcrs won Sldovci British Columbia Lions Fullback Earl Lunsford made the biggest gain as he scored all three Calgary touchdoivnsrto put him in lithplnce tie with E5 kimos Bright who scored one touchdown Each now has 50 points Dutchies Swamp St Mikes 132 KITCHENER CHKitchener Watcrloo Dutchmen of the DEA Senior series defeated Toronto St Michaels Majors at the lu nlnr loop 12 in an exhibition hockey game here Saturday he tore 354 fans Proceeds will go to the Jack MollasterBenefit Fund which the Dutchmen have set up for the Mt winger who was injured last December when he fellintn the boards at Sudhury and suf fered spinal injury that ended his hockey career Bobby Earham scored five times for the Dutchies who had big edge in conditioning on the Majors who were playing their first game NHL LEADERS ny run CANADEAN races Stonding Detroit won lost tied points Points Horvath Boston ll Goals Horvaih Boston and Benin Montreal Assists ï¬gmgate New York Sawcliuk Detroit Brewer Toronto 20 DUTCEMEN FLY KITCHENER CPIKitchener Waterloo Dutchmen of the On tario Hockey Association Senior division sknï¬ed to an easy on exhibition victory nvcr Clinton Comets of the Eastern Hockey League Sunday night Dutchmen held 94 lead in the third period before comets IgonBuucbard scored twice ad ding to their ï¬rstperiod goal by Brian McLay Bob McKnight Ken Latinnan Cliff Pennington and Bob Forhan scored twice each for the win ners Dan Rope got one too its at dangerous they can catch kid with head down and tend him rol1lt lug They play their position jvciteRossHiCRIing GoliCluchiptain Boss tickling was elected mens captain tor loco at San rie Golf and Coimtry Cluh when the annual auLhmn sing pom closed out the current season on Saturday Ron Chanticr was chosen vicecaptain Captain Wilmer Roweil presid ed and thanks at the club were extended to him or his elicits this year by Iimby Rivett on be half of the members Welcomed bad to the club alter two months convalescenoc was Pral deutCharlle Kcarscy ccc cee ecee ee ce eee eee Ab Jansen 1959 vicecaptain was iirst nominated but declined the captaincy due to business commitments He then nominlt ated Hickiing who in turn nom inated Chnntler Despite the cool weather sometimes rainy good number turned outwith sulphides can and 78 for dinner PRIZE WINNERS Cord Milli won ï¬rstprize or lownet in holes with Tim Enn ley second and threeway tie for third among Harold Rickar staiic Seymour Johnson and Ed Laws For nine holds the prizes went in order to Jim Morley Gard Needham Bill Dyment Hugh Dcucette Fred Norris Hal Rabi lnsnu Ross Hickiing Ron Chant ler and Glen Sundreti The luclw draws were conduct ed by Howard Norris with the as mannerisms Mines was Copaco Series over the months to come low weeks ago Barriohr glen took no sympathy on the injuryvriddled slinging team in the bottle or the Barrie and District Scninr Softball ungu championship Saturday aitcrncon at Queens Park couple at Legionnairu Red Thurlow and Al Smith joined the Minesing team and helped the green and yellow win the Copoco Series Trophy in twogame rtmstooount series with Stewarts Lunch mesing won es and 58 or Smitty chucked the distance for the winners in both seven lnning games lliurlow had three hits including homer and two walks in the contests gt WHAT DO DO Let that Kodyenl lt scli out NnBy GndlllElVeM car the DnVlililu Paint Treatment at gt Dangerfieids cs COLLIER ST those meme cox Steve iiines Eddie Renlck Bud Palmer Ross Peacock Cotw Tribble Cherlie Tierney Rom Simpson JlmMorley Ed Green Bill Dylncnl Jack nod zero and Julius Schuck EddieMcElmy and Dickfflen derson won the golf carts and Dr Joe Athens the golf bag The social evening which iol lowed was rounded out with gaineevand reminiscences at successful season following winners Ross Rolls Archie ihiiiault Ron Chanticr Charles Cohan Andy Stevenson Cliff Brown Hollis Robinson Tim Henley Doc Haslett Paul Meger Frank Taylor Bill Lloyd Fred Norris Jim Clyao Al Tburlow Arnhy Rivelt Ken Walls Irv Ellernent Hal Robinson Cy Wil Taylor Nag Wins Coronation Stakes TORONTO GP Victoria Park owned by Mr andMrs Taylor and ridden by Aveiino Gomez won the $31495 Coronation Stakes atNew Wood bins Saturday Incapturing Can ndas richest event iortwoyear olds Victoria Park defeated Hidc den Treasure by length and mildwhile Men at Play finished win in eight starts and ï¬rst money of $26145 boosted his see sons earnings to $37092 The winnerot the Coronation Stakes traditionally becomes the winter favorite for the follow ing years running of the Queens Plate gt Mot ii if ltliilini pmmizwon KIND on can you LIKE TO nerve av TEE noun or TEE my momma on ANNUAL LEASE LOW RATES nannrn narvna can aha Travel service co nonunion at Along hardheatingreasonishasdonnnnacu tbtspointalirpdfinnancisapttobo come troublesome Now the in PLAN FOR Commit Next winter is uscheck your furnace Well make repairs it was Victoria Parks lifth VIBRAIIONPRQOE jliiaieviei New PrestoElevibrallon rmar iiinever eliminates lwooiltnithreepowerflilures In new duty service Built to take ilio roughesttreat mentand still deliver full starting power The tO Lita Vihndoumofis nude possible by gout new but teryengineeringadvanoemenz that end rial cum fro DRYvCHARGED vitmtlnnva mar cause inESH wusuvoum MWMW GUARANTEEDFOR ho Nicholr gt ln normal patron Get neeom mucosa summon no suites nourilfreettiIutejbeeleriL colitis Bnos senvicn reinstatement Ray greatwhite batteries Pan nurouorwc osmium mo