IN TllMING Toronto comedienne Bdrbara Hamilton plays the widow in The Taming of the Shrew being brought to Barrie Friday THE SHBEW by IThe Canadian Players Kate Reid stars inthe shakes cgiate auditorium Askszso Million For Strike Fund TORONTO CWA liar tuog president of the Interna tional Woodworkers oi America Saturday proposed on interna tional strike fund of $150000000 year to aid any union in the United States and Canada cn gaged lo major battle with an employer Mr Hartungtold the conven tion of the eastern Canadian sec tion olthe union he would place his proposal before the AFerlO executive board He suggested to tune be built upby contributions of $1 month Labor dertylfllid ouoon up aueuml Bevantcday was reported ceiu taln to become deputy leader of the Labor party in manoeuvre designed to stifle threatened posts election revolt by left wingers The decision Saturday of James Griffiths 69 not to seek reefecï¬onas the partys second inconimand in Parliament opens the way iorttie appointmEnt of slime left vaingrcbel has been seen increasingly as Party leader Hugh Gaitskelli chief aide more Royals Loom In by run CANADIAN unless Montreal Royals have turned up as the team to beat in the Eastern Professional Hockey League even though theyre only in second place Royals defeated in to Frontenacs be Sunday Mont real for their second in four games But with tw ties as well they have yet to appearin the gameslost column Sudbury Wolves lead the league with three wins loss and ratio compared to Moots renls six points Wolves man aged only split intheirflweck and games losing 75rto Kingston Saturday and edging llullvottawa Cana ens Sunday 65 on Sam Bettioa score with two minutes 151 soownvs FIRST Satiit Ste Mari Thuhderbirds who posted their ï¬rst in Sunday by dew ing TroisRivieres Lions the leagii wi three in Kingston ll Ktlitawa Tro Rivieres are tied for third with four points apiec Reggie Grigg scored the goal and set untwo more to lead qntreai to their winover Iate ior the game uldnt score in the first two pe odar closed the gap to or tram Royals pccted to ask the CanadianLa borCongress to take the lead on similar plan in Canada Douglas Hamilton secretary treasurer oi the OntarioFedern tion of Labor said three maior union problems will be discussed when the federation meets at Ni iigarii Falls 0nt Nov 24 lie said the problems are or submit roars line in on the and ship engineer sidewalk could be placed Jim ninelion that the doc dimhwflnmflllideofiheath along the pavement front conn Bead school cutejar na the bridge be taken down in pipe or tile wu Mound on by Mr Weir town lie recommended that the road be ruiiiclentlywidened to allow pipe up to5t lndibein dis meter to be laltnllodbeyond the present road width then tie proulna be lit over this which would enable the water rising in spring flood to be taken off if the storm sewer would not carry it way Over the sewer Althquh not iully worked out the cut otvthis if steel was to be used was estimated to be over $10000 and this did not cdver the cost of obtaining the required land or the placing of the tidewslk The cost might be out if cement tile were used Fol lowing the report council left the matter for further consider ntion Mr ii stated that the water pearcan comedy which will be seen atBnrric North Coll couree ed some 350 to 400 acres The watercourse has cut units deep channel down the roadside and this has left no place for sidewalk which is felt necessary to keep pedestrians sate and prevent them having to use the pavement whlchia only in feet wide along this road There is not sufficient shoulder to allow sale foot traffic there Except during the spring the ditch is usually dry It is ho ard for any traffic whichmlght leave the pavement and prevents road The north Eideth few obstructions andhas the Com muniw Hall and most of the residences fronting on it success MORE ALLOWAth gnnizing the uncommitted work for by the Secretary of the Good ers in industry aplan to fight adverse labor legislation and the growing publicity against trade unions The étivention approved Roads Coventlon to he presented at the February meeting Reeve Sproule suggested resolution asking thet greater propor tlonjot the subsidized amounts gt resolution approving the new WHO the mahwï¬ys 139081711181 by eachminnber The WA is ex CLfrsponaored political party 11 puma momma 4b In Final Stages naLanmbE lice tent with deftwingers demand lng zireturn to full hlooded socialism and right wingers warning that industrial national ization now has become an elec toral rillllstnne allowed tin muulclpnlluesto spend be givengto maintenance of roads We will soon not have the roads welhave it they dont receive more maintenance said Mr Sproule At presentdie allowance for When suggestions were asked nu mi been sisu reduced in than of the allowed subsidy new construction omaniorbow MAN match with one of the fluent days they had has left the Municipal ity Wentwortli County holding the has for some considerable amount no one knows lust how mudi The land which ww the rite of the tented city and the place where the plowmen plowed their bits soil is still to be put back in as good shape as when it was taken over Many of the services placed on the property by Hydro telephone ammonia and water supply people will be taken away at their own costs However the cleanlngeip process will have to be done at the expense oilthe municipality The attendance wee thecause oi the loss The farmers just onc official in charge of big farm demon stration said Another remarked thatwe just did not get the farmers to talk to There seem ed to be toilet peoplermllling and crowds looked on at the demonstrations like the old steam traction on gines or other equipment being operated but walk around union the big farm equipment shwcd only many um entered in the Dairy Projectand did not come about on Friday log terest orderlospendssruterporxr on winding up thebll violins Rom em uniu veteran plowmapslnce be be at 15 amnion met throws amine uiudse ferborse drawn meat Althoii Mr Boy his 00 he Notes Ermilner Photon BYKEITE CLAY North Simeoe Acct Rep Six Hi teams will represent North Simcoe nt the 4H Inter Club Competitions atttie Ontario Agricultural College Guelph Fri day Oct 23 Four teams will be two teams in the Beef Project No members haVebeen select This show has lust grown sy ed 1mm each me big that ii visitor wants to actually see plowing being done and wants to take time to find the fields he will haue little of the day left to see the demon sidewalk on that side muons The banquet held in the Boy al Colinnught Hotel in Hamilton Friday night was the windaup oi the show and here the prizes were presented and the officials given pat on the back for the success of their 1950 blow match Next year itwlll be held in Essex County and According to an official of that municipality is expected that Highway 401 will be ready to take the traiiic byrihen ll the Match does noth ingblae it may have helped to hasten the completion of cross country eastwest road which does not pase through every town and city eoroute Itmay be Simcoe Countys turn before many more yearn to hoot this growing event Many Labor supporters think judicial Inquiry into Bellevllles that ii angry riftsand possible ï¬nances enters its final stages leitwlng place alongside Gaitskell Thiswould spike speculation realrawny are to be averted Bevan should take his Fennell said he will question his last Witness today then begins thatbe might lead revolt if summation of the evidence pre Labor decided to push national into the back iraï¬oo plans ground EPIHL behind third er win Rescuers Dig SILVEEPEAK Név AF Rescue crews last Sunday night beached the level in the Mohawk silver mine where three miners were working at the time of cave and found the level blocked Tousof and rubble jam mo the have reached safe part oi the tunnd and atill be alive The cavein occurred Friday in the Lions nets let threeoi 21 in witliGary Blaine Joe Lund and Weinliicks doing the scar ing Saturday Sudhury came from four goals in the vhut it wasnt enough Kingston added threertn Bettio scored twice in this game too while orvat Tess sler led Kingston with three sented to the hearing before Judge Willmott oi Cobcurg Since the inquiry started Sept 23 it has heard testimony involv ing the citys $255000 deficit $110000 at which was incurred by speiidingcityiunds on the world champion BellevilleMcEarlands hockey team City manager and treasurer Drury Denyes who is also team manager told the inquiry he put members of the McFarlandson the payroll of the city works delt payment to augment their regut ler salaries Tree Blows over OSHAWA CPlA strong Wind accompanying the first blast of winter here during thaweekcnd toppled arttee onto the 1552 auto jinobile of Tony Scalla 28 Scalia laid off at his job at Duplate of Canada because of steelworir HOPeM¢n Sadie ers strikehsnidhe had let his car insurance premiums slipiast weak for the first time Car Insurance Slips Team sponsor Harvey Met Farland millionaire contractor and mayor of nearby Picton Clubs in the county Contestants in the Dairy Pros ject are as follows Anne Robert son and Colin Elliott irom the Elmvnle Calf Club Gordon Pal mer and Philip Dobeon from the Mineiiog Cali glob Bob Romeo and Janet Stewart from the Van cy Ca C1uhandgtGlorla Rattle allld Jim Cameron oithe Oro Cali all Members in the Beef Project are GeorgeAndereon and Maur een Harringtonlrom the Orillia Calf Club and Allan Walker and Harvle Johnson otvtbe Huronia Cal Club Members entered in the Dairy Project with hidgo four classes prmls DINNER At the Barrie Kiwanis Club dinner today at Community House reports will be given by thethrec delegates do theOn tarioQuehecMaritime dis convention in Montreal by Presi dent Blll Lang VicePresidents Ted Nettieton and Ken Walls LAYMENS scum Assisting the minister Rev Gardiner Skelly in the service of said his ex endilures started worship yesterday morning in with glit otpssooo in 1955 and Collier Street United Church on time to calms as the team the occasion at Laymens Sunday worked its way title in 1959 at Prague us Doubts soviet to this world were Robert Sarjeaiit wholed the responsive readingend Gorr don Patterson who read the Scripture Special contralto eo loist was former memberi oi thechoir Mrs Chetser Carson Aiming lit Haviaiij vmmm wasnmcrou AP De fence department officials are skeptical of report indicating the Russians have hurled inter OFFICEES WANNUAL Active honorary and associ atemernbersuf the Officers Mess Barria Amoury willvbe holding their joint annual meet continental range missiles inthe in for exam of 0mm md direction of Hawaii the Soviet missiles have the elkDEW week at nine oclock But they express no doubt that range to reach Hawaii or that the Russians probably have fired missiles into the Pacific nearer the asiatlc mainlaiid Representatives Overton Brooks DemLa chairman of general business on Friday ev BE PREPARED Beeton village councilat the Ocyrber meeting authorized the clerk to swear in personnel for police work on Halloweeo night it waselso decided toliold Court of Revision Thursday Nov at the of Representatives 730 pm to hear appealson the space committee sai Friday assessment made iniaso that the Russians have aunched missiles from base our Mos cow eastward across Siberia into the Pacific northwestof Itawaii LEGION CONCLAVE District Eof theCenadian Les gion held its autumn meeting in He did not indium how hem Stayner Aréna over the weekend Hawaii Pentagi3n officials did not take issing men ht direct issue with Brooka MYpFAMiLI To THE LAKE SHOULD no THEI AL NEE VACATION so Speaker wail Gordon Aiken MP for Perry SnundMuskoka past presidentxflf the Graveohurst Branch of the Legion in can get around quite well and reads without glasses lie was visitor to the Ontario Match It Dundu FridaySee story in lonidll Simone Participate In Judging Contests of Dairy Cattle and contestants in the Beer Project will judge iour classes of Beef Cattle in ad dition cacti contestant will be required to give oral answers to six questions as follower QUESTIONS One general question on club organization and activity Five practical questions related to the club project These questions will relate to such subjects as the care feeding and management of either beef or dairy cattle common diseases or parasites affecting cattle Showmanship herd manageinnnt marketing or other matters oi general interest to the beef or dairy industry depending on which project you compete in at the 0AC Thursday Nov 12 the Inter County Livestock Judging Com petition will be held ioanonto at the Royal Winter Fair Three contestants have been chosen to represent North Slincoe in this competition They are Bob Tud iocn no hope of the orillia 4H Calf GENERAL cameraman Mens section of Barrie Curl ing Club are holding the annual opening banquet Wednesday Oct at the clubhouseNew olllcials to he introduced will include the secretarytreasurer HR Tiny Merritt and Mike Magus steward Merritt for mer Hamilton football player now with the Department of Na tional Defence moved to Barrie two years ago when he joined the club Magus is ionnei steward at Community House and Barrie Country Club rune DOWN Sunday mornings northwest gale brought down large Balm Gilead tree at Mincts Point in the park on theraat side of the area drive it was more than two feet in dlameter at the base but partlydecayed The tree idl across the sports ground but did not block the road Flowers in the low lying area have been untouched by lrostso iar Pnuivms nontrivian Alllaton Public School Home and SchoolAsosciation will spoo sur la Pcnnies torUNlCEFVcarn paign to be conducted by the public school children onIial loween anaemia pausinnm our Gilroy 6f Alliston was elected 1560 President at the teachers ofr Simcoe County No Inspectorate at the recent ans nual convention First yicepresi dentis Errol Slrr at Angus sec udv vicespresident llarold Henderson of Cookstownz secre tamtreasurer ls Wesley Nelson of Anon ToIeadjliegion ant Mnritlrna 30th today proposed that Quebecprvvlnce laterally lam the Atlanticnraw ions as lender and champion The Ingestion we nuth speech here today lothe Cana Club Bob Rawson of thii Vesey tli Calf Chill and Don Woodrow of the RilvoDon Junior Farmers Club This team will receive in tensified coaching in livestock judging for several weeks prior to the Royal At this competition each contestant will be required to judge dairy cattle beef cat tle sheep lamb carcasses swine and bog carcasses ddost of the counties in Ontario will have their top judging teams enteged in thk event and the com petition for top place is extremely keen Sunday Nov the North Sim coc Junior Partners will hold their annual church service in Elmvale at the Elmvala Pruby terlan Church at 730 pm fire side party will be held immed iately followrng the service All Junior Farmers are invited to come and bring their friends West Indian Shot In Race Riot lirea LONDON Amn West indian immigrant was shot and Wounded in Londons race rlot area of Not ting Hill early today Police searched the slum dis trict for seven white peoplefive men and two girlswho were at dlan Club by Brig MichnlWnrs dell publisher of the Fredericton Test of hireddruswns re leasedtothepru in meant delivery He said Quebec provinceitself Ill Atlantic via IhIru many of in some problte es the Mar times And Montreal he add it holds Atlantic ion in makes it matter of ulfolnhrut ior Montrulm to raise chesln tglimmer of to the tic provinces Discussing the Atlantic areas peculiar problems Brig erdell said transportation competint among remediallmuluree to be taken Industry particularly heavy industry cannot survive in the Maritime niece drastic and ion demeninl chengc ne nude in transportation costs be uld FIRECAPI INDIES WRONTO CPLFire captain Harold Malcolm Scott 55 died Sunday night after being over comeby smoke while lighting blue in Torontos east end Th fire caused about $3000 damage to house and contents Umons To Drait Rail Demands MONTREAL CPlTop negbti store of 16 nonoperating railway unions will meet here Wednesday to draft contract demands for 130000 Canadian railway work EXS Iniormante said the meeting would likely produce new propor ale for higher wages and other revisions to the railwayunion contract due to expire Decial The nonop unions represent railway employees who do not ec tuaily operate trainssuch as dlers and some office employees The union negotiators signed contract less than year ago after threatenlog to call nation wide railway strike Thi contract provided for athreevstage wage increase amounting toabout 13 cents an hour ihe railways signed alter the board of trans cover the wage bill clerks machinists freight han port commissioners granted $60000000 freight rateincrenae to Loses Ca Control Orillian Is Charged GRILLIA CDAu automobile the scene of theshooting The West lndianIDlll Joseph Sirnnn 29 raised his ri ht hand up to protect his face on one of the group brandished pistol The shot went through his wrist fracturing it His condition is not serious Notting Hill has been the scene of some at Britains most violent racial incidents Last September racial rioting flared in its grimy streets for nights in row More than 10o white youths and than went out hi contral here Sunday shearing oif utility pole before plunging into the front of house and shifting it afoot edits foun dation Gjnla Nagy has been charged with careless driving The broken utllltypole fell on aparked car blocking the door immigrants were arrested queaec calJean Lesage leader of the provincial Liberal party said Saturday night that the Union National party disowns the late Premier Duplessis but remains faithful to Dupless ism He told the closing banquet of the Quebec Liberal iiederation convention that Premier Paul Sauve now admitsMr Duplessis hada negative conception of pro vincial autonomy but that thisyad mission is just front to pre tend that new regime directs theprovince Mr Du lessis collaborators he said ad realized for some time that the population was uns happy because of the late pre oi nearby house with HSvolt Party Disowns Late Premlezll his arbitrary actions Theyhnd therefore decided get rid of useless appearances of dictator ship to make the people believe they hadgrown new skin Mr Lesage saidntbe loyalty oi the Union Nationale party to Duplessims was guaranteeth Mr Sauve himself when he said recently that the basic positions of his party wouldnot change Besides negative autonomy the other basic positionsoi the pres eot government are an electoral machinery party electoral lung and scandals Mr Lesage Sal He said that under Liberal regime Quebec would retake all that was comingto her in the Ca miers unyielding attitudes andlnadjan Confederation lie in tour DREAM rs CLEAR TOME You NEED some CASH iARRANCED MY LOAN 50 PL SANle NO FUSS REPTAPE WITH 1766 ruenosouwiim VFORALLTO 952 WHEN you NerveASH cc Need thallium oomizoni Buying boat teiit jbpliday used any inner Then neeTrans Canada Crbdit today 20 or 30 month to replay