Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1959, p. 4

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The British wartime Published by Canadian semis images has dam PAGE FOUR Barrie Needs Healthy Continued group or farsighted pedpe when Bar rie was still town haduthe vision to see thatiin this communitytbere was heed for Today the growing city or Barrie has even greater need or place where the young and even those slightly older can develop body mind and spirit To many is synomous with large building within which there is swimmingmool gymnasium lounges and many other rooms where full prolt gram of activities can be carried out There is little doubt that many pf those who pioneered the BarrieY thought in these terms too but the hard prac ticalityohnoney forced severe modlt icatlon of these dreams But in the lace or many adversltles and opposition from certain quarters the has been established here arid in its short liie has grown consideralbly in strength In knitted space the past win ter months hav been filledwithmany activities ranging from Saturday bean feasts to iudoHow far can the grow Theoretically the sky is the limit but in reality what can be achieved in the Sir Winstons authority than sir Winston Churchill prime minister when seeking reelectlon to the Com monsln his home constituency or ford had some timely thingsto say in his ohe andonly campaign speech about privateeriterprise Ee won of course Hisvsociaust Laborlte opponents sald sirWinton regard private enterprise as apredatory tiger shot girllore JV TIPS TO SLEEPLESS Minneapolis Tribune Counting sheep is no way to lull yourself to sleep says Universtiy of Toronto professor conducting chr Insteadi he suggests cise sucb arreading or iigu square roots whi would induce sleep tliro sheerjatigue Counting 113515 mecif mental strain and he recommends it for his rub jectsvtryiilg to stave ofi drgwsioers Dr Daniel Cappon who issuing the sleep ma ies is concerned with such erious aspects as the relation between lack of sleep and mental ill ness deprivation of sleep as condition which makes brainwashing possible andtths dileacy of long periods of controlled sleep as possible substitute for shock treatment in mental cases He must be courageous independent soul to dare to controdictthe old sheepcounting ulst am If hes right it means coovertioga large portion of the population to nighttime logarith urns famous presidents grocery storearitl1 metic space ship calculations and theriike ILLbis approach leads certain minds back to problems of Johnny and kindergarten Sally and late dates or the monthly bills the sheep method might eventually gain new popularity OUTLAW COLLEGE WING Cleveland Flain Dealer The tragedyat the University of Southern California focuses attention once again on the stupid senseless revolting practice of fra ernity hazing Man who are old enough to be attending university are old enough at out out child lsbness which sometimes results indeath Wiliat earthly purpose was served in film as pledgesto eat large hunks of liver soaked chokedandwhe nrived fraternity members ulaneeglnanthe student bsdhad nothin at The youth 21 prodental student ed ii had known said theamhulancé man might possibly havesavsd him was pre ed for such an emergency Lhad an actor and could draw mbved what was We blame theflbolys for Withholding infor ation which might have saveda life even ough We can appreciate how they miist have zen With fearand guilt But evenmore ban this we blame thewhoiensiupid system ncolumnlst hasvcriticised the Russians or omitting the mutant from liussian ames If heihad triedhard he might ave found something serious to criticize he flame Examiner Authorized gnu vPost0Wolamm mm only sued plumber no anew me oops amine11mm some emu unianniversary nonanr sniuan Advenlldnl Manager roan noiom circulation Mhm lefl non only m3 signs copy year It man min Liam proces witboul thetninkoftbeoarandfrom jParagrapilicdit rewwonzen worry about 11 vlng earner ocrosnre use fifliel muiioy insteadis depend3n result at mepresent campaign in What is such an organisation woithto theoommunitylhislssomething which is hard toIassessin cold cash There can be little argument withthe statement that as community grows as it be comes more urban thereis argrowing need for placevwhera the young people can rindhealthy relaxetionwhere young couples can meet others of the same age group and interests where teenagers can go rather than hang around street eor ners and cafes At the present time this community is fortunate in having practically no luv eniio delinquency live and active 52 can help us to keep things like this lair it is there that the young people can find specific interests learntn work with groups andshare responsmilities in do run justice to thfiiiéals oi YWOA work the workers must be pro video with the tools we as commun ltycan provide the tools through our generous donations to the campaign tund then we shall be making good invest ment in the iuture oigour youth Opinions handful see it for whatit ls the strong and willing horse that pulls the whole cart along Sir Winston it seems has lost none oi his oratoilcal punch It is heartening in an agewhen everybody lromKhrushchev to the pantywaist socialists or western countries are out to belittle business and lndustryto have the greatest states man or the ageappear as an eloquent champion at private enterprise LOpinions 51 Other Newspapers oi hazing the abominnblo juvenile antics which would be juvenile even for afireshman in high school The sooner hazing in ovary form is abol ished completely and permanently from every Americmcoilege and university the sooner our young people will baable to not their hero aver was time in the 1y ibis nation when young people needed to set their agonow la the time were an is Gone BEADED From the Memphis Commercial Appeal Golf as we first remember itwas game played for exercise The average player had only fewcluhs including niblick mashie putter midiroo brassie and driver Most of the players in our set used abrasvie as driver for economys sake We walked from tee to green and on all Is Mine Many of us ftoted our own bags too 1Theseidayshwe hear electric carts are avails ablexin whichAche golfer rides from one shot to another always provided he lieu not dub one just few inches or feet New so we aretold there is gadget that automatically sets toe at anyonenf saved heights in any sort of soil so that theplsyer does not even have to bend ove We started out maidng our owniees from little bit ofmoistjand Wefully expectgdia itwiii not be longuntil somebody builds amacbme will automatically swing theclub in perfectarc ta the player has automatically set on rout getting out of his electric cartlt willunquest ionahiy be reasonath interesting but should it be caiiedgoliz MUMEnsnuromiur CalzawAlbertanl The mulfler isrone oi the more important parts of an automobile audit deserve more at teotion that it usually gets Twoziiems ianed nesdayslnlbertan illustrate what we mom central Albelja woman was driving with her four children to visit her husband some300 miIBssaway On the way her i7montbold son diedand on the return journey the other children got sick battered muffler had let lama into there se ed intoihebackset 2P ln Calgary pull count is weeks manvwas fined $25 fordnviog ithout muffler Its not only rude but illegal to exhaust VA dumb person can at along fairly well if he has enough sense to be solemn Whither crews oniungenenolrne otan editorial But Mr Editorwouidnt fhurtling be more pipmprietoflelh Exceedingiy really oldtimeisvare left They remember hen minutes had Mac ts only onfiun too bean show for yourmemory be unable to think aspirin when you lgecid sterse ylioac do some or mom liltingRemember Vividly Few public figures speak with more look upon as cowtbeycan Mike mrammmcnoasotu OTTAWA liabtir mister Hikesmwillbeflansdalldln nlthcuootblntbeeyesoliour mourecouomynowhpuliingoot crittersaminode mlil settling back towards theinedndhlflminimumolsea mosble layoffs and theunem ploysbie With that general problemeaslog our Minister at Employment now is able to turn VIhlsenerxynndlimtocorreot the long standing prejudice gloat emon the older wotl sons sManomeuntié molenada tera with Wbstlndustrluowidvnotnao olderwerkerrliaskedli Only those in asked Mr stir iii his departmental ottloe coord tutes an older worker The young bardworking minis tcr who has not yet completed the first hnlfcentury oi bis dedi cated lile looked at me relt proachfully through his ilmpid Hurricane Hazels Ranges TORONTO CF Five years have passed since Hurricane lla zel sent vicious floodwatera rang ing through the quiet suburbsof Toronto and lashed other parts of the province The memory of that tragic night of Oct 1546 1954 is still stark in the minds othundreds who lost relatives homes and possbssions When the floodpealrpassed 02 people were dead Flood damage in Toronto exceeded $2400000 More than $5000000 was paid out in emergency relief and millions were spent later in reconstruc tion and floodprevention meas ures RECORD RAINS Toronto was still city wbere hurricanes never be pen on the nigbtvof Friday 0d is 1954 Hurricane Hazel alter sweeping destructivelythrough the Carib bean and park of the United States was blowing itselfpout south of the border But it pushed enough rai northwards to produce the heaviest downpour in recordedhistory when it met an eastbon cold storm that night over southern ntario Rivers and creeks overflowed The equivalent of small lake was dumped in the waterlogged Humber Valley to the west of To$ rontc Early Saturday morning 16 the flood reached the citys western suburbs crashing tons of debrisladenwater into riverbaok homes Some whole streets of houses were swept into the waters to gother with their occupants Po lice firementroops and sailors fought to save lives Looters en teredsbops and hem ghouls rifled the podrets of the dead Boots rocketlines and balloon ters were employed to mono people stranded in trees on car roofs and housetops as the Euro her River and the Don River in the eastern part of the city flooded their banks Swirling waters burst through dikes at Holland Marsh 35 miles north of Toronto flooding 7000 acres ofCanudas richestVege table growing areas causing $1000000 damages Hoilahd Marshs population of more than 1000 was evncuated0ne family oils drifted more than two miles in their floating housebefore they were rescued Throughout the flood area 40 ridges were destroyed ordam aged As news of the disaster reached shocked nationmooey and of for of help poured into the unen genoy headquarters iv at iiims donated as much as $25 000 Br sh Columbia offered $1000 The Pope 5m 319009 The Br government contri buied $70000 The immediate work of clear ing the flood havoc took weeks The Canadian Army set up brigade headquarters near the number and sent 1000 men mov ing up the valley to drag bodies out of the wreckage and burntbe debriswvith flamethrowers rescuer nnnolswi From the floademerged stor jBaltlel Starts aylu MeiNTRYE noon Special sudden Eng Correspondent For Tbe Barrie Examiner rounds cheer the famous theaties of the outer circle of London the Golders Green Hip podrom is threatened with ex tinction development syn cale the HalknarkSecurities hail bought the Hippodrome there are strings attached to th purchase it is conditional upo the Middlesex Council granting permissionior the siteof this line old theatre to be developed as ustorey block of offices The changeover however will not take place without ate to battle The Handon Councils buildings dud town planning com mitta has adopted recommenltl that the development companys application be reject edi And largescale campaign hasbeeostarted to book up this recommendation through the force of public opinion in not only the Golders Green district butin thewider2circles of th theatrical profession pollr union lid Over minim ies heartbreak and heroism Fourmonthsoid Nancy Thorpe was the sole survivor ol her lams ilyher father mother brother and grandmother were lost inthe flood One aged couplelost daughter ason and his wife and six grandchildren Among the heroes were flya volunteer firemen whose truck disappeared in aswollen creek all they raced rescuera stranded motorist There were many like John Nagy 40 wbd ran fromhouse to house warning ocpupa is before the waters sweptvhim away The Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund set up for the emergency paid out more than $5000000 to flood victims including $1300 000 for household losses $1000 000 for farm restoration and ammonium timn zwtraiiér homes dostrifled in the flood Widowsare stiii receiving $100 monthly annuities pluslsso mouth for each child All flood orphans will get $2500 when they reach years of age Ontario and federal govern ment payments to restore lost homes and businesses totalled 52 mm NEWPRECAUTIONS The iesson of the Hurricane Hazel floods prompted Metropol itan Toronto authorities to ex propriate 337 homes in lowlying danger areas and ban future housing developmern there In 1957 four watershedautborl ties combined to form the Metro politan Toronto and Region Con servation Authority which this year completed its first flood control works in the Humber Valley vlast month the authority provedva 588000000 conserve and flood control scherne cover ing an area of estsquarenules fice premises we dbe contrar vention bfthe building restric lions The development would be con trary to thedevelopnient plan th it wouidsinvoivc the loss residential iacconunodation By reason of its height size and bulk the proposed office building whuld be prejudicial to the outlook privacy light and emenities of the surrounding Property 25000 SIGN PETITION The protest against denial tion of the Hippodrome is sub stantiai campaign committee headedby actor Roger Snowdon de has sponsored petition to which 25000 residents of the district have appended their signatures Wmmass meetings have been held in potest against dispropo sols for an office budding ln dew Rohinson Ellis Powell an Walter Fitzgerald They stress ea ed the importance of the Goldm Green Hippodromerasa cultur centre They expressed thevrew that it was an absolutely ke 5wantvto buy homeluat ask tor monacet avlfiig largio patrgungektlgatogn er anisyci wide eaawyio its recom but byfthesrecommendatiods of the socially or Canadas nortbland poses tremendous prob communications great increase in the need for communications in the barren stretches of land iromtbe Peace spaniela eya Every one or us who doesnt dle young bemmes an older worker be explained patiently Therebas always been reluc inure to hire workers over 40 yum ol agebut believe this widespread problem has work evened riolvnan Means rm lie deplored this baseless 19th century prejudice which has op erated too long against ma cen tury workers In our pioneer days our ancestors stumbled danger ousiy through medical blackout in lmdomestlcaled discomfort As receon as tho turnoi the cen tury average Canadian died at the age of 46 little surprise that the furtrader the land clearer add the contractor hired hole and hearty underfortles lIet todayemployers iovery dif ferent clrcuros es still thought lessly heed that outdated yard stickrat least they did until Mr Stair began his big Octobcrdrlm to educate 1059 employers out of 1900 ideas With program of mailing per sonal letters to 40000 employers participating in series of radio talks ing widespread screenings of the special film Date of Birth and keying up all National Employment Service of flees to counsel both employers and older workers Mr Starr has vigorously launched this cam paign of inteducation QUEENS PAR tent energy of the younger worker 1n the retail trade by contrast the worker attains peak productivity at the age 55 CAN HELP SELVED The older workers can help themselves surprising by Beek ing information and advice from their local National Employment Servlm attire talk on job or portunltles will nearly always show them that they possess marketablejhiiltledwblcb they have not realized Mr Starr was our first minister of labor to correct the misconcep tion about our Unemployment In surance Commission nest whichbouses more Inn portant cuckoo called the National Employment Service The pri mary job of this doubleageneyil the placement of peo is in jobs only when it falls in at does it relieve hardship by DAVID llll oyinent insurance bentlite Now Mr Starrhas come up with another commpnseoseidea also evidently welcome novelty to the longfrustrated staffoftbe department of labor Eight year ago when he was mayor of Oabo awa he first appreciated how our older workers can make valu able contribution in our industrial age now the lesson of Oshawa has become the pollw of Ottawa For the priceless benefit of feel ing that they are still valuable and selfsupporting citizens and not discarded hasbecos many of our over40 workers of today and also those who will be even 40 20 years hence will have cause to thank Mike Starr Cau adns Mount the Month NCSli Prepared To ilay Rough oy ooNonmrtN TORONTOLEesy boys easyl The Civil Service nssociation is masking nasty sounds Piesldent CHorper was re ported as saying at the Lekebead We will play it little rough If necessary This is the kind of talk5a ref porter with memory doesn like to hear few years ago the GSA talked itself out of court by get fin mg Today has goodeaso on civil service salaries Public sym patby seems to be with it Let it get too cocky and it could lose this SPLIT ANKS There Is reason to believe the tough talkers are not speaking for the association executive as such cdde system could clinilnate this Prioblem rmvhria resonance It would not be economical to establish service for handful of men in alternate arts In these district to Baifill Maud l5 areas an individual frequency Riva rep tedby the federal transport department The countrys economlcgro with oil and mining companies pushing farther north each year and surveys by se lo ands in tremendous increase flour for wavelengths DEPARTMENT SWAMJED trim is owing more crowd Transom pertinent offia sis and communmnv um experts hope at com soles air odyirL the problemA recelv 1ba basesic system ackaLOne problem isthat riv temessagescould fall into the ban at competitor but Ed questionsiistlie cost factor oirAWA cry may have toghe granted Themest practical medium of communication in inothern re is standard high frequency erange band from 3000 to 30000 acycles is one of the most cgowded Channels are available in Very High Frequency Ultra High Fro quency and microwave but these tely lineiof Radio transmission licences in annda have risen to 54 000 from 12000unthe lastfdec one of the most commercial company spokes mansald it is not just amatter rof flicking switch an speaking into microphone He aid oper ating radio transmitter involves the knowhow of gettln messages up LACOMBE anew anti at Lacombe has decided the new ownersof 30 breeding groups and 53 boars bfthe Lh combc breed The agriculture de partment said Thursday that breeding groups went to Ontario Each breeding group consists of three females and boar tarlo will also claim three boar raw held lt seems the executive rpllt within itself on the approach that should be used As in most groupsthere areax tremism in its ranks And as with all Emmistarlhey tend to empty beads and loud voices For its ownsake it is tobe hoped more mature element in the association remembers the past consume ALDERMAN The disease of closed municipal meetings is with us again This time it has broken out in Kingston One of the conunljtees coun oil has asked that an alderman be censured His offence Issuing an unlru statement to the press and break ing the confidence of meeting BLAME GOVERNMENT Theobserver is just as glad ho ls not Kingston taxpayers Experience shows that when Vaciosed council starts resorting to closed meetings there lsa safe bet it is not the bestin the world And when it starts to Reason its members it must be gt worse Howeverthe basicblame be longs here with the Legendre If two years ago when it dealt with the question it had put througb strong legislation much oublewuuld have been avoided There are some 1000 rnunieipal ities in the province it cant be expected that members should firmly know the principles and proceduresthey shouid fol lowiMost of them new to public afiairs It is up to theseijior severm merit to give thelead But if muffedhsdly when it Wok try at It pot thropghweasdie which was supposed to do way with the evil of closed meetings but which isnt strong snoughybo open anything Total drug abrasion in Can adaandthe US were oversl 000 medical advertisers invested $25 000 in 1950 Drug 326000 in daily newspapers last year illlei consinnera about their products nadir THOUGHT 111 out alzs As we go out of our horn and come into them and all the day long Gods presence assures us of safew security and ones Take illim asyour daily guide couose Durandfriend

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