pIenies Lyttle oaSpeak ill central United Anniversary high inking Unltedchurch 1er Lyitle will the special preacher at gt the Central United 94th Anniver nary services in Barrie Oct ll Dr Lyttiehas held various po in his career among them thepresidency at the 194 onto Conference at which time Complain Children nonworking Mon Walk mug Nizw Constructionoi the Simone County building continue stea dily despite the steel shortage which ii slowing up moroni Pep Rally Raises Elmvales Hdpe ELlllVALE HIGH NEWS Mr Johnston from the Curtis Education Plan visited us last Wednesday and presented his companya plan to the Students Council At later meeting it was decided to Meet the pro ject The Students Council also has been discussing changing the date and the theme oi our annual formal The opinion oi the whole school was that the theme should be changed but tliat the ate should remain the sa MARY GIBIS ATHLETICS mentioned in last weeks col umn that we were going to hold pep rally This was the ï¬rst one We had held this year and we were trying to rouse schoolspir it for the soccer gameI Wednes day On stage was strange tig ure clothed in white Mr Osblt orne explained that this was our school spirit and at the present time it was very low Alter sav erll vigorous yells the figure nodded his head then rose and began to stamp his ileet We won the game SHARON CROWE BOYS ATHLETIC SOCIETY Elmvaie soccer team won 10 victory over Meninrd Oct The winning goal was scored by Bill Murphy The game was played under muddy conditions The same day Thombury de eatcd Collingwood by score or Friday Oct ElmValadropt Tourists Kept Unit Hopping The steadyincrease in tour ist population throughout the summer months made the wait of Sanitary Service staff ers hectic says the September report of Simcoe County Health Unit The fact that tourists expect the sanitarians to give them service all day every day eluding holidays and Sun days had most of the people Working extra hours satisfying the public demands said the report The Health Unit is now well into the annual inspection of the schools which covers water supply drinking facil itles sewage posai beating lighting ventilation Food concessions at the fall fairs were praised by the san itarlansfor maintaining high standard of cleanliness and for having operated in sanitary manner Concernwas expressed by the Unit in this season of fowl suppers They claim that large quant ities of food which have to he prepared in advance are quite easilyspoiled it not carefully protected Advlce and assistance is offered by the Unit to any large organizations planning ANDERSON INSURANCE sooner Iconscmurrous COUNTY Runs warrants gas1 lor jobrrio Toronto The ex terior completion date for the huildhtg ls setTor March in peda 20 decision he Thornbury The Collingwood Mealord game was postponed Oct 14 Elmvnle was host to Collingwood and Mealord is at Thornbury The BAS sold re freshments tickets and pro grams at the home game The Society now has iinaaccs lot More work Until next week so long ior now 9A GIRLS We havea If Dickinson but no Mobey Dick Kidd but no goat Kitscmetry but no cemetery Kloosterman but no rooster Langman but no hangman Longhurst but no burst Lush but no slush Madill but no bill Phillips but no magnesia Rowat but no rowboat Sheehan but no Ann Storey but no book Stevens but no bus Spring but no water Whltuide but no Marie MlSS MANSON FORM TEACHER 9A BOYS Can You imagine Elrick Francis not talkingJo girl on the telephone7 Ellery Ired ll he couldnt talk Kenny Gary thout red hair Marley James without his glas ses Marley Pat if there were no Eng lish classes in Room SmithDouglas if there was no such thing as creating noise for Class Detention Swann Glen if he talked like the rest of 9A Temple Richard Thompson Richard ii there was on goal in his life girl Wanless Warren it he had is brains gt MISS MANSON FORM TEACHER Tribute as ll Sportsman Charles Foyston died at Scat tle Oct in his 74th year Born in Minesing on Mapleholmc Farm and of English parentage lie was the eldest son in fam ily oi one sister and six broth ers His youthiul years were spent onhis fathers farm where he contributed much to assist in everything that was worthwhile in the life of the community particularly in the old Literary Society the annual Victoria Day picnics in Bremners Grove the fishing hockey and football clubs uunmc snows mums gt He was an outsthndlng sports lass somé unusually hard wea that hits the area Examiner Phoiot Reveals $100000 HarborPrograrn tittatvaldSpecialt licrber Smith member for Simcoc North announced today that $100000 program or harbor provemcnts ut Coliingwood as been approved by the Depart ment of Public Works The department has awarded the $103185 contract or repairs to the cast breakwater to Ontar io Marine Dredging Limited of Toronto The companys bid was the lowest oi sevcn tor the tend er Work is expected to be com pleted within seven months The project consists of repairs to an mioot length of the exist ing concrete breakwater start ing at oneend The structure will be stabllzed by building sloped mound of small core stone against the exposed lace and then protecting the whole with armour lacing of three to live ton rubblo stone and approved tpur ton precast concrete units Plans and speciï¬cations for work were drawn up by the Bar bours and Rivers Engineering Branch oi the Public Works De partment in Ottawa and work will be under the supervision of the District Engineer at Toron to Henderson Council Will Sell Industrial Parcel Barrie City Council has ac cepted the offer of $4Wdper acre tor parcel of industrial land made by Thomas Thomas Electrical Supplies Ltd The area at land under con sideration is 132 ieet by 335 feet and is adjacent to the comp anys present property at Vic toria Street then in time when soccer foot hall was being played in every hamlet in the county He was strong and active player on the Minesiog team of those years During 1900 he Joined three other neighbor boys in planning ï¬nancing and erecting the Prin ceas Rink in the villageand op ated it for several years It was here where with his brothers irank Fred and Bert he learned to play hockey and eventually became fast play er When he attended the On tario Agricultural College he was member of the college team in the OHA intermediate series Following this he went to Berkeley Califwvhere he took up his life work as commercial traveller in the hardWare busi ness and successiullyioliowed this for great many years Those rowlew who were like the writer closely associated with this realfriend will long remember him as gentleman and anardent sportsman rosaru oacaano sunoco Servrce Station invariants IN Home For LEAss you haveithe ability homepage your own business successfully this vesoigarting opportunity is worth in Thevmsn we are looking tear to operate in buei pawn in financially stable and this area Id you the qualifications undone desirerto IKbein business for yo self whereyour inc Major lllacQuarrie he was given an honorary DD by Queens University Since me he has been super intendent of Missions for North ernIOntario and Quebec Doctor Lyttle was born in he not supply bus service because the Department oi Education stipulate the distance pupil butowclk murtbenmileox over belore bus service is com landnhdcametoCenadaiolmr to go into business But he soon gave up commerce to go into the ministry He graduated from Queens Theological College in me then he pursued graduate studies do auseholnrshipat Chicago Unlvetv yr in 1949 Dr Lyttle gave the Bo bertson Lectures to Western enlr leges with stop at Union in Win nipeg St Andrews in Saskatoon St Stephens inEdmonton and United in Vancouver Posted To Borden OTTAWA Oct 14 Major MocQuorrle oi Revelstoke BC isretumlng irom the Mid dle East this all and will be ap pointed Administrative Oiiicer oi the Royal Canadian School of infantry at Cam Borden An olileer of Princess Pot riclos Canadian Light Infantry Major hlocQuarrie has been scr ving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Org lzntion in Palestine since last 9c obcr Motor MocQuarrie served in the raniu oi the Rooky Mount nln Rangers that as militiamen item 1537 to the outbreak of the Second World War then on act ive service with the same unit until he was commissioned In 1943 lie was wounded In Nor maody shortllraltcr DDay while attached to the llih Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers Bciore being posted to the Middle East last year Major Macqoarrie scriEd wl tsthl MacQuarrie served with the lst Battalion at his regiment at E5 quimalt ac Vespra Tax Down Slightly slight reduction in Vespra tax has been announced with the setting of tbetosa rates The Ves pra Township rate remains at mills the county rate is reduced from 112 to 97 and the total tax rate in the School area will be 55112 compared with last years The Barrie Dislrict Collegiate institute total requisition or the district was unchanged from 1958 but Vespras share was increased following an award by arbitrat ors partially based on popula tion and student attendance as well as by equalized assessment Prior to 1959 the division of costs between municipalities was based entirely on equalized as sessment The general school rate was re duced from 49 mills in 1956 to 47 mills in 19 Two one roomschpols at Condi es were annexed to the city of Barrie and the school board is operating without adding class rooms Trustee special rates vary Erisr more SERVICE runrnmrs rsssvonrs SMITHSrUuib Dunlap PA 84176 Over fluutl TAKE norms usher Name of Street William St inseam all north side Application wt Jbe made ywitni 21 says site arm oi Theoouneil of the City of Battle inte between lihepoints hereinafter mention DR JAMES LYTTLE YOUNGEBI PLOWMAN 1n Tuesdays report oi the East Simcoe Plow Match held at the rant Jermey in Hawke Itone the name oi the youngest competitor Jeanette Jermey 10 was inadvertently omitted Delno Jermey won the mounted plowing competition HELPFUL HALLOWEEN Costumed school children will be ringing doorbell at Camp Borden on Hailoween this year to collect contributions or less fortunate youngsters in other lands The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps School Ladies Club is organizing the collection for the United Nations Interna tlonal Childrens Emergency Fund sauna lSSUE police arbitration hearing set for Thursday in Newmarket was cancelled when the police asso ciation and the town reached an agreement The police dropped from increases in the portions of Vespra in the Oro and Sun uidalc school areas to decrease es at one mill in all school sec tions within the Township Number 11 Anten Mills remains at 11 mills as in 195s and Vespra school area Number is reduced irom 167 to 163 The total tax rate lnVespra School area for will be 525 as compared with 528 in less The samerate will applyvto sep erate school supporters The fcANAoiAN cLuB or BARRIE 1959605E George Loam all board xen retary Illd he had measured theydiotance and it comes to ninetenths of amile Also it the tenants are wor ried their children have to walk along St Vincent Street which has no sidewalk beiore they getto Steel St they can always tell them to take the track which runs throughend cuts oil thelrosd it was suggested Flu AND GENERAL their demand ior accumulated rick leavooilowance tn retina or $200 per auburn acrossthe bonrd increase DINO BIRTHDAY Tuesday Oct 25 Mrs Charles Ho oi Creemordwlli be cele bra her 92nd birthday ORGANIZER ASSOCIATION Mrs Maude Freeman of Oril lia mother oi retarded child will be bringing to culmination an ambitious project Oct 22 when meeting will be held to form an Associationtor Retarded Chil dren in Orillia With the old 01 Murray Finlayson of Barrie she spent many mootlubl behindtho scenes work talklng upl interest In the project ICE READY According to schedule Orillia childre will be skating in the Community Centre Arena this weekend Gellows are working around the ock to prephre the rice surface VISITORS TO ROTARY Visitors to Barrie Rotary Club meeting Thursday at Community House werezMajor George Rodgers Barrie Louis Francoz Orillia Norman Foster Orillia INVADE MIDLAND Some 20 members otBarrie Rotary Club will visit Midland Rotary Club next Tuesday Oct 20 The Barrie club will stage their production of Lthe Seven Paths to Peace as part of the eveningprogram announ Ootober 20830mm Trinity Parish Romaine so The Russian Ambassador Dr Amasasp Aroutunian PHD Subject To be November 6Mr Arthur Phelps Noted Canadian Author and Writer announced Canadian Literature andwtmmnaiism December 9Mr Anton Lentil SwitzerlandAParedise our Ifilm Pageant on sumo Col danuary 11 limitHis Excellency Dr Polar Ambassaer from Indonesia Indonesia between East and Westf ADMISSION BY MEMBERSHIP gt Membership is $300 Single ssooror married couples The purposes of Canadian Clubs are to luster throng hoot Canada an tivate an attachment to Canadian institutions marmrmn President PRODUCTION SALE On Wednesday liteRnooeCyiil Cook of Barrie View Forms on the south boundary at the dty held his first production ule oi Pulled Herde cattle compilin lng 40 head of cattle some etwhleh were imported Wm their dams lrorn top Amer ican breeders The sole held in the cattle horns of the Barrie Fair Grounds was well attended but beiore the end oi the sale many had left which made the bidding slow toward the end at the sale The 40 head brought total at $10 which did not make the average equal to that which might have been the value plac ed on some at the saline at the stable it did mean that numb erol new breeders bad one portunity to get startle on new blood into their berds an yearling bulls in the sale brought over 82000 buyerJt Jones irom Mount Forest purchased six heifers the top price of one or these being $500 One at the good boilers was iound dead in the pasture two days before the sale having lut ered front bloat The arrival at new industry in Barrie is going to make extra accommodation in Barrie public tchools nnt year mandatory and Sunday members 01 Barrie Publichhool Board will view property in the St Vincent Street Duckworth Street and Oakley Park arcas to see where illiousiog is likely to be develop full report on accommoda tion necessary next year was not available at Wednesdays meeting oi the Board but it was stated Oakley Park and King Edward were the most heavilyloaded schools in the city letter was received irom Oakley Park Home and School Association requesting the Board to consider extra classrooms and describing the portable classroom instituted at the ces their one all been breeding these Pulled Hereiord cattle tor some years putand tinbuilt up high class nerd Usually be de pends onjdvertlsiog to sell his surplus clock at the terms This venture into bulk selc was the first try and isvthougtho have been success ONeil the wellknown auctioneer band led the sale and worked burrito ï¬ltdthe best printing the stock ma none osmium The area between Psinrwick end Barrie and between the two railways is endeavoring to get cuiiicient signatures when majority oi the owners on thlt they can gets municipnlcon trolled garbage collection or the winter as well that which they have now in summer in some ports it will still require some ad tonal names in some ot the areas Anyooo who desires to have this rigged should send all BRIE persons taking pe ions or direct to the township clerk It is hoped to how this dealt with at next Wednesdays council meeting Sayï¬xtra Room Mandatory For PublicSchools In Barrie Ischooi our years ago as tcmplt orary measure The Board will consider these requests when it meets Sunday Board Secretory George Long stoii said Barrie Chamber oi Commerce had iniormed him there would probably be ano ther coo men here by next spring and that twothlrds of these would have iamilies City project planners work ing on the children per house average have drawn up map which thc Bonrdds invited to inspect and which willvalso be shown to City Council atils next meeting The burp and the estimates oi the plannersshow how many extra classrooms will be needed in each arch next year Mr Loncstait said Oakley Park would delinitely have to be relieved RIES of LEcruREs February lBeoLMajor General Macklln Former Adi General Cdn Am Some Popular Military Mythology March so limoBrigadier Longrigg 011 Power Politics and theArab Awaken entng April 27 limitDr Arthur Keys Canada and th Energy peaceful uses of Atomic NV All the Above serum with an exception in the one tor on Russian Ambassedor will be held in the Barrie Public Hall and will start 830 pm he informedi Come and hear these add other speakers Locke line Promo Essa Rd by the ndsto construct as meal Improveme and intend towspeciallyassess thecost upon the landaibutttng directly on thevwork namely chltyjothe Ontario Municipal Board tor its or the said was undertak swung no the magma inventor Norton works Est cost Perfoot frontage Est Corpora tion share oi cost in the following named streets per foot Library CARD ONLY interest in public affairs to eul ms warmer Tel PArkway 93919 SOCTEETV of note Annual Est rate Number of Yearst be at ttin 52450 Rosa4 approval otth undertaking orthe said warhead anyvowner rat bites on or thisrnotdce rile withzthe Board his objectioan the said work beingundertaken Th sat Boardmey appro but store doin be it me int time and late when je ob hesaidwork wtlibe considered My