By any arena agar was 15 53 32th 12 aï¬m 987 LKJM 010 ï¬elding we Opening leadam oi spades Dciensc is sometimes deli uto mechanism The culiY is that deiender looking at dummy does not know exactly where the holes in deciarers ar mor are while the declarer knows precisely he stands Deciarer play is there iore correspondingly easier in most hands But many problems that face defender can be resolved by making proper deduciionslram the limited knowledge at hand Partnership cooperation bidding clues and information obtained irom plays already made are all helpiul in choosing the best line oi deienae South was little light or his three heart bid intended as strong hid requiring little rrom partner ooh game tnbe nude double ï¬rst ioliowed by heart hid would have represent ed biavalues amply West led the ace and another spade and the deletuo cashed three apada tricks On the third spade Wat signalled with the eight at clubs BeginClasses or afluoooualSept is niaeeiriarnet the home oi 11ml Schell Brentwood or the ï¬rst meetingoi the sleeping garment unit Electionï¬t ofï¬cers was held with the iollowingxuults pral doni Joan Schelh vicepresl dent Paddisoa secretary Linda or reporter San dra Sm treasurer Gwen Keilman other members Ruth East thereupon cashed the ace club and the contract than hinged on Easts next play Had he led another club docinrer would have made three beam South would ruii uh club enter dummy with the king at din moods take heart iinessc and wintborutoi the tricks alter drawing trumps But East decided that declar er had no more clubs and that the best hope at defeating the hand was to trick Accra he led lourth round oi spades and de cinrer was sunk South made the bat play at ruiiing with the sbr but West nverruiied to Korea dummy ten East could not now be stopped irnm making the queen oi hearts and dociarer went down one How did East know declarer was out of clubs The bidding told the story South could hard ly Jump to three hearts with hand containing three spade los ers hearts which Wye not an diamonds which were not solid and two club losers as wall The singleton club thereinre became marked and deciarers only possible weak spothearts had to be exploited Tomarrow Doubling Islam contract Major Red iPush VIENTIANE Laos AWThe Communists seem to have aban doncd tor the time bcing any plans they may have had ior majormilitary offensive against the govemmentoi Laos The best guess here is that while keeping up gucrriila raids the rebels will concentrate in the next few weeks on subverting propagandizing and terrorizing isolated villagers who made up more than 90 per cent at the kingdoms population That is the consensus oi US British and Laotian military and intelligence sources iamilier with the jungle war nsuar rhcric classic Communist tactic is WaleomaWagon cele mmtheanivalofaach aawbahywiihairionflly allwith basket of giflxnnfloongrawiationa ofiboantincommuaity nannone anonoftbaaxrivalol every haivbaby in your ilk PA siege WELCOME WAGON In Laos Unlikely to test the oppositions defences and iall back upon encountering iirm opposition The Reds have run into rather iirm opposition irom world opinion and lrom some of Laos 25000 troops majorjed push in Laos is considered impractical anyway beiore December alter tho rice is harvested alnce Com munist troops live on theland The arrival oi UN iactiind ing team in Laos three weeks ago demonstrated that the West is alert to the danger COUNTERPRQPAGANDA Premier Sananikunes regime has launched belated attempt to meet rebel propel ganda About 340 teams of six to 10 men each have been sent intothe countryside to help iarmers dig ditches repair bridges clear sewers and in any way they can demonstrate to iarmersthat the royal Laotian government is on thick side Additionally propagandateams armed with anti Communist literature mnvie projectors and documentary iilm have started tolling villagers the government side of the story Believe Own Rifle Killed Man In Que CABANO Que CP Roland Soucy 35 oi nearby StxGoderd de Lejeune was found shot through the head last weekend in woods near this Temiscouata Countycommunity 120 miles northeast of Quebec City The bullet came from flcalihre rifle the victim was carrying when it apparently was fired by accident gt TELEVISICN RENTAL SERVICE in 83606 nEwS7iii1ilE OligRADIO 9571 whisk ï¬lm lililiiilliliillli Trott Darlene Derby Margaret Beaupre and Home McCaiium Leaders Mrs Keilman and Mrs Scbcil were in charge and iowinatrurnp SEWTHRIPTY See thedlagram even be ginner can stitch up this pretty jumper in doyl Curved neck revcals blouse beneath back has inverted pleat hailbelt Printed Pattern 4823 Chil drens Sites 10 Size jumper takes yards flinch blouse takes yard winch Printed directions on each pat tern part Easier accurate Send FDMY CENTS 40 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac ceptcd ior thispattcrn Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oi PatterniDept The Bar rie Examiner 60 Front St Toronto0nt Mineral Is Praised For Fighting Fires WiNNiPEG CP mineral called benionite is being praked by Manitoba forestryvoiiicinis as meansvoi righting iorcat fires Bentonitc anonabrasive ciay containing mostly aluminium sili catc is stripmined and procen red at Morden in the southern part of the province When mixed with water in special machine it will remain in solution without settling for long period at time Manitoba government oiiiciais say bentoniteyis valuable mjigiit ing iorest ï¬resbeoausaitreiards the progress of ï¬re Although the water witluvhich it is mixed evaporates it can he used as vehicle to get bentonite to the burning area The material is described as parlicularlydiseiul in laying iire lines Experiments in Manitoba this summer proved that benton lie would slop hot iires irom hurning over is treated area The mineral does not damage equipment as do some other chemicals used for the same pur pose wnnunsnahr portion Test Pattern Christian Science News Weather Farm Return To Paradise Womens Show The River Art in Action Huckleberry Hound coming EVEHIS Learn To Draw rum Hum Reports Saeas Peaash assess Sport Leave It Tolevar Bachlloi Father Have Gun Win Tram Live Borrowed we Fe Como Show Stu Pacino TBA CBC TV New The Weatherman Today in arts community ews 1110 leporneii Smith THURSDAY OCTOBER gut intern us an Army Howl Wilthex lellpoxt Womanl snow World Euler Film manhunt T3A Rog Roger Cominfl hentl 38 55 0398 gasses r533 533g told about the club requirements materials pattern measure meatshoma assignment to pro parematcrial 1101 call inr next meeting purchasing pattern and material 9n Sept 2s sleeping gar ment unit met at irs Schelis with our members present Some girls were attending Barrie Fair The hmné ol the club Brent wood Busy Bs was chosen Ruth Tron was eioctcd prcss re porter The girls were taught not all stamps and French seams and each girl made one One oi the Bills cut out her PYiamas and members aiiwatched how to lily the pattrra and out It out The home assignment was to get record books started Roli call or next meeting Oct 10 will be books Stewardess Wary BelorePlane crash TORONTO CP For Mrs Christine Scott the 22yearold Scottishvbom stewardess on TransCanada Air Lines Viscount which crasbed Saturday night at Multan rt it was id be her last flightas stcwardess chtFriday she was to join the cast at the CBC television show Country Hoodown My parting words to my bus band in the morning had been dont think should go to work comm DUCK section ONES JULIET Mrs Scott said in an ln But hndgonc think gt ing it inst case at nerves Howcvcrthc armor Miss Scot land oi 1954 had causc to honor vnus She explained it this way The last time had flown Sept16 had been thrown against the roni of ihe galley over New York whcn our Vis count hit the Jet stream of an aircrait 20 iniies away That time had been knocked unconscious and sullered slight concussion Saturday was my ï¬rst day back at work amenimam Against Conviction coupons om cmAn ap pool has been launched against the conviction of two London men iur issuing trading stamps and is scheduled to be heard in Middlesex Cnuow Court Oct 14 Grant Rice and Daniel Fletcher operators oi an inde pendent crs Association store hero were each fined $50 yrwserr 83838 Western Thettre Farm Market arson News Wu ar sni SEE fEXiiMlNEiijIJillii momma your Vitusx or 30 days in jail when con victed June 11 TELEVISION ACKVB CHANNEL om unsmoko Whirlyhirds Deguty Eo Hope Man FrgmvBlatkh Country Junction San Pranciaco 030 TV NEW no Wealhuman noay inSpnrts Community New Movie Tho Erav Community New Mavis Operation is cVPA 82433 GRANDMAV TELLUEAGAINHOW YOUH Jami GWTOEET ouaunorrm as EM swacw $51 MORNIN FOR ER sesame HIMVIHE inducements um nelsmmwuars me WIAANHN ADE you metoutta MAN WHO 1112ch His fléï¬gtio ease WW