momentum or turmoil Es33 rag Prevention myt 53 Premier wlllam only In In ride or met Earnest or dermsm rm miss Poo mini tteinlques hm sows Io onto the LUIrthavilJhwdhir cos emo My IIIem to phi and met matte ti dal pIr METICDAYLS modeler ML Ilgmmml Ion errors Au osmium Bummernmumm rmywmieweeriwolly Necessity osmrsnmnnn not mm It It ithfnltfohti Early Riser Patron 01 Arts thitnltllfmmn mus Bertie on you Wagglloi we was up bylfntlgmzlutdaoim no re so or we test Ivodnrsy adored plan had rm llDodilarxbommsudvststtoo homes Enclosed please Iind IIII when stereos pleeo ls suitable in width snub The available is In lbpags book at duplrt multiple home designs Initiated plmo Iind 5t tents Please mock appropriate miles and nuke ro gt mittens WIhlI to The narria tonnes 00 Int De rst lei did esth Matthews Iddltlnulldsndarnswiitd byretnnmitlsomhom red level Itd on piece Irrational II In The lair an en II techniques demtnled the es ted Ind meat It pollution mm mu prongs II miu no the mien oi with toys in not display dirty brown water taken Emily item the nearby IthioHnI oI Europes most pellsdrd Int piped lab IarIeglIss basin tor rlsimrs to no end nmll tor throw the extent at III In lamination Brats ot compilers were suitable to the public to In eludesInstr homes Ind vm me up WWW on lion honor Also Ivsiiuble is It puebookoldvpler and mul tipie home design Ind so cmLI utmoststun ZSYearOldSub Ellilloiiillllllllll rarer rem exist they no Imny the ormy mttue ls rotted with hairline type or bit larger ahlngles which srere listing Ir AWE then re shined Ihlle Then paint pa lwulds II new cell put on with to mdtrtosl Ito mu up 37 Nimi nulcriel called punters cloth closely worm II can km Imhpplitd Ilse waiiblill MIMI punter mud Mm Ivnotr other ruined it is so veonmeotal probiuns Soon To Retire obscutnlhemaslerbzclmom 51 13 cedar rlosrt lhrwttel the ALTA est submarine rill soon rdbo Intcs mm onion In who pmymnmmn km In mm mm yellow The Irom still romts hm 1m my mm Anibal rnIInt LI exactly mint roast could ei ther rman all the paint or first lustroth oil the bed Illgnwntod stain Ihy new ones tbomhly depllyoudootllndltlnl psmtrrs wppty store try ped rslkoygrtng dealer ones Ian could vmr nun stunner what Ioll relrote throws tart LI there some up restore to the original woodt if Umdgygn it lmrmyrrl to so lust lheurtlrliiy it III iICTHSO on cedar rdor ugluy not to WW lr mm the Monsul was hrssoil II new mine It member oi theilsit Imttl 1m the wood llwr dent tiles Em umning Ind versessnore This romhlhIIIon oi trIlII hII bees iomd on him by shunn Itances since bter tr oitzn hard to remand la the Soviet Union ttbugls his hit lull dim no the lovel Mm BlameInd men lining up snide beer drops to the early martin In lreoumt strhl amidthe lmtlo oi ltusrovites tunmug to Ian At modernise the prltIlI beer shape are btsicxni by long lusts at man trying to stock up till tinnday other semi tro dually For ample more res the time the limbo Ir tapedxd the Thus oil the with tons oi Oahu In the Ituwniisn Islands Illa anumdlng as huoy in pre dawn hours Exempt ensure lmtead II an liaro tins shit was thoruh And tbrru was the time the hItnhnw dnlmrd the had with the carrier Iltrr tastkins her own by the tall oi smoke she lull That time however hell wplcrs rpm the Iirrrait ear nrr swooped Incs Ind chimed thesuh nsnkI it was not until postnintrm to the exercise Ige Ilascov beer tom In turned to us their running SEEK FREE Alli regular portion at Int trend min In Iltereoon stroll mt ran at the many pits of mum on me some by the pomhiiily pl twin but Itmuithndnbloobhno trnhnsnl burr The same is true of tha mild It some sports events Ia wrll Is the strains or the public hIII houses record Soviet policy to wrrds drink has tended to push up the price oi vodka Idols tn masind the production at beer and wine he oilldsl tiguru Iro Ivuilsble toe beer prosut On On the other hard pan at the drire states drunks has ka rludtd the rinsing dosn oi mury bed halts the swirls Systematic beertimbers got In enlarged hurt and bad err rulIIloa wrote one Soviet many oi beer three years Irv The veins get lblthrr lstsbrd Ind knotted The ml boortr git bulbous nose and bad romplexion runs In let Ind Wt Consumed on BuyLINE Second Mortgages Arrange in Haste Regret at your leisure Question It strange to he some money pretty quietly can get good deal on mmethlng that In bun Illftlanl drum rattles sleep second mort gsge seems to he lbs best but but lm not sure where to so or the money or thI type of Irrsngtmrnts an be mIdr Ara thrre mIlor dtlIrrences between types at mortgsge ltndm and the routrtrts thIt Ith otter Answer There Ire differences in the mount you can pay for second mortgage depending on how moth time you take Io shop Iroundto compare the total test of borrowing money from various sources Take Time to Arrange Financing 0n lids odor to hill riot pm mm mm moths lt Ionl llse moth Us Soviet beer LI rtlntinll lII ll Wu um melts the lushst being thi ln the Paulie she had no And this there was the time mm my trouble Idiosling to the us too engmrs from the Rain on um mm mxozsr RIVER cruises boy stole rube mat with in mm mm my man oi nests Lprtnuoe the CEDAR AROIIA The truest river is the world In continuing battle uith the two dolphins the symbol at the lIcrlot beat Mlltlliltd Ilorr We recently purthsstd Is the Amazon Ihlda rum tor Ills Idmh curler Tlronde submsrmcrt and the title to CHALLENGE llth III repair or hide these boots in which one oI the use mills majetch Iblp hrs Isaak the SUBIAC trons the startled on public Irhnisslon oi the lire oi the American to btvrrhortm mermtlyln murder oi whmsrints in the the trade union newspaper Pncilir Trud Which sentoul rhet mama moms our house was tormleted AI IIIsssge Inn rowing Is mm mm hIre Ilse we did 5m Mi Where you my run into problem is in yourdeslre assist the money pretty quickly As Irentnl rule the less time you let to ins rstlgale mortgage menses menu the less chance you have otpttting good deal In fact Iher are some people who under pressure have signed rontmclr that have resulted in the loss of Ihrir home Some peoplehold mortgages that requireI large nal mde to until February We louod Eltij ellectlrs iotnd lhl Pinter etslsnxs re World Handwriting Is on The wan Fl Attica N011N0live Residents stunner IIny ICP lime ts unntazout tor East Anitas honustlre rorrdmls iTIIs with Is on mil sayl Eurttbn buss mm tore tor nine Ima now ponderins more pigtho tools rertsln he will to rm lint one prospmxls good his has hum here But Ire East Alritnn Asans the tlmttabin scents snortl urgent bi Ten out ltmyI tighten pres rdllilthst have the same tor Gen ldl Amid atheists Uganda who abruptly oust all but laudiuloi the eltlIIIIllll 0000 Asians maksiy utEust origin last year Monday morning there In 00 100 pros mils lined up at the Cans immixll Ottawa Jan IIIItIrud lrom stretch ill Ind his two oillctls plu ItIIl lntldlnz Ii Ind Inlkio would more Ml it he hrd more WM MAY IAFFEIT ITTIITES No grunt change Imsure on Asians to more nut is msrttd by observers hero unIil President J0me lirnyaltu lI sour Srnro be Is in at into In or catty ear that torrid toms but bme In there is mklputlon that the Asian util become hot politic ism lbey hn bn the businessmen mos duos tho motley people Such In runners on lisp cot dreply into the ohils business um Ilthnuxh it is the rumor slow that NIILVI ls Insiqu loIrdd muting ttohntcsl rxperttse nr darn syn its tnpsdly to expand teroinss oi tortipu exrhnnze Few oi the Adam Iskln Csmds have doteil knowledge at the sentry and porn have trouble linding lt nu the map DIN they do Is rume trom 1m years limo be den Ilriill tbet Canodn nllrrs the best chance ll Ippllcrnts can musttr the 50 points as used here on tho basis oi Ige tduostlm hrulth nat luok and other aspects in eluding money Balm Imdtr It is worth 10 points log Ixsnrpie MONEY liElPS listing menoy helps be tattse immigrants have to be Able to support thmlres once In the country Then is more big my Involved In eists lsttsdinl It millihn in HRS But 31qu bankroll lor mm It rto establisth smell shop or sample Is to guarantee at it rise became $1001 Is not that muchtn the CIIIadlsn economic tort Canada is not rrnuitint phnbl lntmst tn Clouds ls IIrgely word ot mouth ihe oitlte here hrs bozo tstbbtlshtd to dent with populur domsnd When Amlss movtd sluinsl thetlgsndn Adam Danette the etoniutllytook monsoon crah mom Ind plans were tolerated to open up an Immigration cities or eastern and rrnlnl Aisles adore lion Inputdomes to go all the wa to burnt Itbmon talkie big strong person this product oi Ukrainian Imigrsllon tn the Dauphin IlanI Irra wont estlmalo hon nutty cues are usually proresstd neck use my be In lodtyldral or here ol loudly and the wlptd at tho Nairobi oltlee will emerge nest your uspsrt oi the In oral report or actual total at Intus trom Iu min COVER WIDE AREA lie end his two oillrm travel homilyto Dorks lanm rmothly to process Im rnninn application tom his every two months to Mauritius every three months oral utdtolathioplamdSo malls The bscklog Is hulldlns up and it taken shout six months to recess one lot Iltznys rot Kenyon govern mmaolarlhlsyrsrhasls sued mutt MM to mod mt shout Insr limos the preslous unuIIIrIte Item IIvs there Ire 150 000 Itsqu in thls most prom porous part oi old hritlsh East Attica but inside ms it is dimeIII to provide to emit rote IIng and may be only mono or 120000 Zambia has Ibout 12000 and there In perhaps 70000 in Tanzania Sodnlist state where the pres sun is more ends so group that be harmed the basin Were giving good ice nude raysWsrI utt ting rcry god Irmrlsrerls lots oi Im ptople We den Ire attire lots oi business NM thNY TURNED DOWN Bus many cant hit the mpdnt Int levelsod trill log on Inpcont In is the limits psrt ot In no Ilrmy are rorroard out by null 3ft dangme stogr an mute about It points and srems likely to be able to no site In Cansdu Ipproui ltsth ally in given Britain rrmslna the lamest mullet tor but tinted Astana who hold British passports and me no going on Ms Ind perhaps In others to Allinth or the But the IIISI has quota system Ind Britain he bit bathing Cm processing romolrle by the time the loo MSTIIIIPPllCMjitbES An extensive educttlod promos Issues that mittants knour Ibnt kind of country they seek to enterI little my the 1000 Aelans methinl Claude last your love begin sponsoring rela timbmlndthntisnlattrt In the mine it also rollseta the tart um balms in Can Ida have landed on thnr lent HM HEAVY LOAD tulle rotls tuckth shout m0 mutations by htmsell in two weeks in Daresdaiaam shortly lilll be mind It Isles Itlon to unto ours that all In Ipplitpntl omittioutlme rmreI Iranster ol Instr trons East Atrtu is one problem tor emigrsnLr thIt falls out or the mpmhihlllbl oi up Itrnmigratitn service and built wont disuse Ihst some ot the problem run be But both iiny and Tao IInII like other dominating natlms want to build up hold riossoliorei eyrhsoso writ Is us German marks or Camden dollars aot tom them Sources here say the blurb market Is one way that the Isms oi isnrnlmou can trail the tordry despite Vtouxh IbrocIutims IinIut men leakage Some amplitude 01 Cane dtIo citizenship lath oi Bid oi It million or more Item bitterly hsve Item outh the the resuz oi prs talatlou thitt that the first time appeared mqu yours are at HUIitll government desire to Itirluaizs the economy when the papilla discovered it later to Victoria to bed it In bark to theAmenity Id nurni along ends some DC ntmonI But the italnbo is no motto In uuelrarmbmarines or the three rnodnn diesel subs Cub Ida has on the Beat coast She is bring mired soon probably thIn the nestsest says Do lent Itinlstrr iImos Billiard snn Tn guubon oi whether the tilloot suh will be reduced it has not been Insertsed lenge to Item rl rrporters throughout the Soviet Union to buy be withha 15 minutes the newspaper reputed thIt tim bad Ill lIilzd Western beq ls only suitable here It hardy short mainly tor tonight but one at the Soviet beer lovers Ilel est toys is the me Ippoarsnoe oi CItdIoslovsk or nal Ger man beer Soviet suthtrittrs would his to suite thI beer uorine by switching all the dcsotm to NEED MORTGAGE lWltL GIVE YOU COMMITMENT WITHIN Ia HOURS thu municipal savings moan corporation that mortgages up lo95 of appraisal vslue CIll mo Doug Cherry 57281200 ae Dunlap sr rm Barrie OnlIrio psyment socIIIrd balloon payment that has not been psid oil Under these circumstances where renanring ortgage that has some to maturity will he necrrsa is wise to start shopping Iround It least couple of months in advance Ntvtr leave it until the last minute tenders and Brokers The amount that you still have to pay ior mortgan money also varies depending on the souree of this money Second mortgage funds are available from banks rsdirunioostrurtrompnnlssJoancompanics Ind private lenders hlIny ol the people who mange second mortgages however If really mortgage brokers not lenders Mortgage brokers are middlemen uho get institu tions or private lenders to lend the money to you add ing thtll own brokerage It Is an extra expense The interest rate may be higher too No Substitute tor Common sense and Arithmetic It you are ronIemplIIing any credit amusements that could be as potentially costly and perhaps even Islnnncinlly disastrous as sroond mortgage there Is no substitute for common senre and little Irithrnttic Shop around for the mortgage egretmtnt that will cost you the least amount not ion in Iemu of the lowest mnnIhly iurtullmrnt but the lowest total cost over the full period of the comma For instance 540000 mortgage on uhich III inlets tst role of 1074 is being paid amortized over term may yrer urll cost total oISIUTJIO printile and Interest or $3 thoussnd more than the same mortgage at rule of Youll ptohuhly be amazed at how much di renne prrotntagt point of interest can make overs period of years Dont try to save money however by sing the lenders oryhmkrrs lawyer get lawyer oiyourown shorre who will he thrnhrng of your best intertstr Forehrprhure on second morlgsgn Ilrltt Consumer BuyLine llnlstry oI Consumtr Ind Communist Rela tlons Qutrns Psrlr Toronto