Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1973, p. 1

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In on to the to the too home eittr tIoIcttIIlVI KIWI Tuetde It ht Evelyn ttu he bon Monte veiled lone hemmed luode idlch the Bible ntorntrt end to root north ot emotiothleuiieendthroc lBlliiESTOIIBltllllill omit Barrio In th the more eniieeL no IIy Rell Wm gm $dMellhnlit to untow no on orieth AOLWAI Hiadol enumeration In Ont Bakes own Bread umthoreewm eprice III vmmlLtott ttody Nduy Rude provinoe by his TORONTO ltte mun stole her the Mario teed when betet Ile oRo hreid throughout the when hoe time mliwlald awaitth It Who we um 31th at they aim my eluted toRoeIlence itrrmkeulttt retull to pey tor ronvteo In Well liner chm to Items at tood Item not mitt end hestIlotte rontoeonepr IIIIIII lor the list vary between Ithtl ml moo It tool hlr Cterncrl Sundtt the lood III II lotto lid it due to lnptdlmll to out the lottt tritium 1cm teem oI breed Breed hole It may ml WWW tie hteretho omelqu loom Roll mlklttlwn etto eoti with him it ttuoetthettom butt uttlIl WWII do euttennurltoie hole receive our extra harm All It mm on teed In oi oiune More on oom Inlr in oottrlo lttr ClementvIIiIl Metre about WW loud We ImmioralionOIlicer Sent To Chile Io Aid 12 Relugees trout the Corutilett Well ltttl Emmet IllleIre lllnlrttr tilt thell 5m to urn renter ee Ilmlwnllllm In mile here militer Itoolr Ie JazzIto north It WITH Wm eleo em tor more content by mtnwe tor the tie rent violator ot human out but oteumd under the mittery WWW Iomwe tor The KW entrnmt II erudite en Lrnrrttge tlort ollrer to title to lo ebout it cum who hete come to the Oomdien emhotry uettntt immigration to Collide en erternei eiletre deotrtrnt rpoltrtrmn told lleineRIty The lrntrdyrttlon other RA Critinto will to ditv robot in and mm the lIttl tor we here not um um Almmmm evltlrnee ttnet Cmdee voice UIRit Wutrwodey only two otborllrllotllve ltitedtlto mum lioutoil nit ln ewhrletvto the bet for nutrition to Coiled luIIIItttr rotu ltut re Rmteroettorm mmsmum Mr the idiots milliliva If on old morI ten ehoreh ol Conede Urird OlIIIIVh ol Connie end itornen Mum come Motto ehurthet were In the Stranger Dies eture end celmtt lid DOSNN MN the Moor Mam Wt NIIIWII oljtruttilor in town the elerlt to to on it ltRlo IE to Roman tch ogoerrivcdleetwtelt the elotlt not money out totootttnutee won emotllll the route own ROW 10me ltholdltlI Pile loltttt Rtre Imottidcr omneny WWW Iootwu inure In the thin Roe she tutu In IrtenII one woodmanth no hint eontewhttn It true tell Ih entrulnhcet Itiil mtnrente ltoloro the tile Ihtn she turoei WWI untied out hot the nothlnt III ulo elrht complaint Irom them Itoo tntil he told Ile em elel WM elect lnltl tire to lth told the will In it llnrlednboltlehtllhotll or mm end tirorttd her Ooh Beetle Ontario anode ThImAIy Maker NortherThenItchreopyxmlerlletnebelleery70Weelly1IPeeee tottttoll MARKET VIDINA AP 01 gig 53 ii if hostage Aim too more It ntecheotoal expert lathe termed he lend doth LII ell ol ltnbtr true It hrtJiIe olttmo ot the Bible ehlie hue Genie MM pthtlriw dteitrmn ol the ram etrn toot on tExumllltl Item to WI it tile retrlrd eet etxutdetntl rude letter today thom woe will the broth eydem enl lire treeti ot the trurt hed not been Inherited bolero It boson II Roy Illeedt it tell trudton at North tierI ointment oi the compony on It to he bod truer ltt engine too who hetero MM That Ruined the ter nee thee miott Imdtm mete end all ehmeee trerturtlstloe short he told the Incline tom were lollleuotetho lerto to three mile through tumult ed ruhsltiier or Ioh tedtrel provlnrlol uroarem to provide root ol llth tremors the llIIlIIlltt Mltl three toot ore mind In tho Rldomxinx manner cum title poet limi IIttr Stem onto trying to ertrh lrp Rtlh the toad orlre wet ol WASIIIhOm tAPi Peeri ltll too quickly uorlm were doth Nltootl we he will not on rollttque morotnoneybuinth done troune tor the 1m ite mretmmonmlood Weekend mumatdem he om wet or thettehltlbettWItheyri ttle vetlemon metyrltetlorethetyeer urn vittriru bureau er ltttou told noun returned on or line with Inme Rut It WWW trio hietory teach thet me within ernttor end the world DutIM IIII In and his Rtie utortetml wind mm rm Tron telltnyI theyll TIN It tut otltrlet lttltl hi1 lid with prt otlut roentng Dermot IIlm tIRt Atoll oo Iignews Lawyers ltlt wit SIROWEN II Seek News Leeks OATlimit tAPI Spiro Bethune littl were WAICII go ee loorwirto lle eeIti thir tru Srotonhor he melted wit tee to en tire lneonttt tutti en III are pertinent erul wel lore recipient do heteavteb later In mottlnl IncreoIlo teed ol tint new lowered httu been the rniolrtrt raid the couple we tell Ipoullirer when three lyre redonttd Rbporne Iv tmulor om tetlu et ete oi eimllor titer Entitstm tho horbotue It ordterd unetiet etteltt erd the lateral creel htry Inter Ituilort oi the IlWlltltl he ertttm whenlhe hem gmagpie onitettu Iteelu the tile ol routt MllAlIllt protrem it nettl it or to it or the Role thin thawing dfhevlhfhmllnwmf tilt and ellrltnr to It Rhlte on In MM WMMIIWIIII Mommum tlloowerty win to be Witttltolinittd IIIto llecetete Romeo out on the soil revere and tent doomn ytetel malt rte rottrtt with their hitherto tery oroti In trey they rlentnntttd Itlmorolor mire $313th at my eonvetttentel IIhorItlIl etxttiee eet ehe turned Then they Med mtlth end kit hoe to hunt hire Wetter Rho Ree new MIAMI hurl rldlte not white on on the by tlIt bleelt Rtwn lire We lot oil limit In lltll mic In Room to gmytyygymywy rel etoilttelotterttettedun hr hint her tIr run out ol gee If Ilo Item eon the noon err eptrte anthttiIdI eodtorrttlltnto vetted done We amt Iieoorhitemlwltbtheiuoliue or her hituhnml ml IIIO CRISIIIIIOLIEST Detects Found In Lumber Truck check the line end retit tuLttd Nldtthzlhmlmtheh Lelmllctl I13 MM laid while the Inuit yore mutt min to em mitt lo Witt WMIIMM then me be no Ricotta on the demmd tiered en the minitho unwise mode to terrorltte under more ol lireete ted violence to It roeil and or green mum Premier Geld htete reported toher cehlol on her trultteee ellutt Nutty Victim to It Knish to mini The oohnet uo dimmd Knhlee diet to kt some tontlntte retire It the United Mellon wisdom tor Meme Lem It our the tilt Irrth New tat reii mutt not tele om the temp with metal Item the Be it new Wit tot he Itom end Airim AtLte reel OotIunmht elite doom Hut Theth Ninth It torimooe Wednesday In ltrelskv be rem his docteho We emmt heve gor rmneote or null III to In by twat or nitration he rett IIItrue mower he ended to the termhte roared to oboe ecbeeoert re rlent Ihkikh mom thm IMI IRWWWW tit utter me cloud the truth to lett lite YNKNIM tnLe 81 IIon tin It not mute nit CAN ll DANGEROUS enrollotter on Ire can be tor deuteron Net pup trailer mo um denatrout be rteem treble Mend but IlietMIno who Newt brmewroml the Ontario it they lreroport Bond heH to Ilteolt oi lhie tnorottet eeeelott we tutu up timbre lion ot plotre ol the room It the toll on end bdlvldml whittled levelled MW Ietl overtime this Ammtlomtoemteh elntotetioo moootittenouthehlgh eAlhotimeolthemtlmt MWWMW Rider melee EXPROPRIIITIOII TMAOA BEACH rotun tenl etroo IIIl be tIhI II mete Irovlirclel eme neel mete to elem uremia tor out at out uh titto Lemon Ionntr rem end one It the mere mourned uld tell The provincial pummel eerebeerd more then too It Irllre thet hevtet here developed yet end to hire Rendered no they en re contented ehetlt tn eld GOP Endorsement By Nixon Given Only litter Primaries llr kereeoe eletley thel tlnel Retire toe mettle elle lor III ml The II III perm lm Iervtd Ile Ill he eeid lht piety onyesterdxye tee tlmorty tee lure Police Probing Doctoru Bills NtOilTO OP provh tel notice totttmlsttxuu eon lirenel Iedttedty that eonwex lnveeratlene ol teverei hired In none WI title It ItllUM the Odette lololtei lttturertee Pitn tollliu haw bctvt urultr Wey toe tin montter AlllelltA Oununltrlootrr lim rt on emote It II It Iliervlow that not my my tletrttlt have heeled erel tovomorl Immdtm acmmvmwdwm In none Rh mithl be lite mm mm etueituthe meyorotln titumtte tlttehud Merton to new we MICRON tmt trotn gem WW Nuone In linemen My km mm mm Eire II no It White lloute turd tor Totem liltit Perk IloLc ml auntnttmtru WOW on In my tore ore obteLelru my item kno told he gram may RM WW ed to It bowie It the mull ellegtliooe Resilient lonenhstooer Grlee he leooe elltl deltiiIet the raid the Intenltetlen hoe been ether proper you Itll02 tor tome tlrm but not he mien ettn minted teld thereon we not imminent votlrt tile to no how these teriettt potentiei wtdidetrt WWW with my regard to Rho ehnIlIl be modi tilIiiRI vote Oll to Senator Percy ol li Itnote poothte luotbtiton Itenltttt beent Adtletdyine he onto gated Percy heoeute ol whet deerrloett 1lele ttutdinz Mm told the IIMIOI Nixon woe telkr Arte Set OnEireUByszuthil houte LI lootiei to the endItt wet tutti llut tow too The ettoot like meet htuyet lttttly It merged with thatoortottholtomurytw ttttut Itlil Avoetuo teemiru tioR hat ehitttd troIMIot trtnwltltkn thoroughiere thinloettly tooth to own In weltt hithtty romototod Rheirnlnciy htttit irt the test Ettlyn bought Imeti ten dozen your only ere white re end netted bent unity remttne wilted through OII iiiii one ol the on nttrhy teevice lle the Inter mutiny httetnue die ltonvtu oted Iottvttnt Wer utcteut the uterine Wile direction illuu lllll Avenue VIII white tempo lit the elm Remit it ebout pm She Ier Retired tthIemotteeoe Alevl mu towing mtormmtolAMlethatl itolvosrtw REJECTEII IIv ARIES Austrians Mdy Not Close Soviet Jew Transit Camp UNITED NATIONS tAPI AHD deitplu hm thmrt me uter on hurt rm ml tint the Inn letw Western Emu Eest Welly ixan min Dill WM am the mere Garret Rummy ile relied tor W1 ot mmim sdlshlhllwmltln the Wet termite attire Wy all let Ixee Arnhem idem chem Emilia Ambqu Ahmtd Esme Abdel liquid toll matte the Mn nt unwieldy mmptnble RM wt hm mil not work In the Ninth Beet pd llmut ol the Pot dioo lbrmtm mettlnthtn brtwe Ie eat the bruit ere not the unto people tmm Abide Bah In at melt rolled the petal the lame MIMI did Exalted to little nm tit An mien Ute tatiun ot tweet end the em to I230 ttee their Murmur he raid ht lottrnment does not ten per at the ISIAH Wllhle eiitlo pertnrr In region do oiopnrnt retioet tlozee It New heruoq tree root tone llrlstt Rind hoe eerrlel the The Ilttrltrtrntel eltem on tei told not conterem tltott Nov truck theorem revere time on ettetleittl helix whammmmue IhJPe Indllmltl oermlntoeudneuutm ADM DAN email rmrllm not thh per menrttt btRInderlre lie NI the you uttlem Relt Axum thutltl truth me It the retention Arebe out end eett rt Ihelerden lo nltlrttt their tieuilty end Idlin thp teltm no Anti heme hurl pom utlletneot the me at the lornrr MM emulate on teeth wire at the Mum the dreert at the era Roull lute too Retre ltrerl erd st Arab elite Rm then tr em name or etrutttev Bert tail that note til bonnie brtmte irreel end intuit elite LI delete mind tin too Ix Md out mine rele Iloe beret on reoereie eeten mites but III It hurt mean eot Ieoeeonete NEW NORWAY Alta OP ResidentI oi met Lbttta there from their homes dryeyerlootiottltvtlyimiw rm nepttldo to been rotten lny ttnimtrty ottoman on needs newly unmet Art the About 1000 ovum tram in lllttmt Lotte end the hamlet ot Gwynne Rm yivrn petrolutort to mom to their hem otter the WW an oil Go Roll e9 oleod Rttoh ebecrm raid Id tire Ohio too high into CAPSULE MERE Alberta May Increase Oil Royalties EDMONTON Iatthe Athena government movei today to mate euhetentintly royalties on oIl tutti nature III In eIt terry mutton to ottewee mtllklntponod III on etude oil extent provincial rmmno ot the towel ehemt LII lrtt Aibtetn Rith no ettolre Ircntirr lrter tooth Alto Evacuees Return To Home the mouthre not tote Ttdintllttizh oi Cutnrote AI btet EMCOCYIOINOILTW 0r tntnuloo mmtntttv all tests lotle inilcetlon ol gee pocketeltltlntitrmmw mlot etuhtwt OI bimodal lhrrv In In term ethote erlernt from the at eIthottih ii perms oer Imet end rt twat ltllllt hottitul Iur mm ml rhrrt tantra eynwlonn ol rue poleoorru ltm Run no meet Itmtotk humor oe Uikti hi the HR Ootte Rero eithlod entity hill mile teem the ReIl ttulnetdey Inorrtiny nth Rospttel Sweeps Won By Bnton Dilltlltt ttillhe lrtrhhusrdtol IRrrstttItte lemme ot emote tttooooot on Ettuttieye Cambridxtrtttre Ru Ron by en Enullrh lirhttholdtr Mu tnottrrnen eele thle wee llto neond time In It tirttRe thtt tht prlte hut one to limited lrrtlotnly it went to Mr vinttrrt llt Dannie re In the United Stetee end one In ltotutti Entertainment Products Prices Hiltod ltntTllEhHt on ICIIEIMNIIOIIIO Ltd todey ennottnced prlte lem or between too end the tense oi lie home ertrrtelnrnern products CAP rent on broed Imreure no told General Motors Recalle 5000 Trucks OSllAWIt OMItutteeemlhlotore It With LII en tweed todey the melt et ehouttm Chevroirt end ttIlC lble rtrortna dtlrttt the rent any told me hullton and three little tourt wheetthtve trod my route In IOOIIM or Nettlhl year us term not promoter wesrttrtorott termm me tooiprouttngrltei lit the United Sietre tetl motele per hintet decline In ovtNIi uhotontie prim In it your the rent tut mote Irnmett Motittl today the hiytdron tn uholctrltt load or towed to Ron thee Ry on euptrmttrttt tIttlIrI tn eontine so itird ManIconviotLelGolittor 38ml mourn om hunt ReiteriVlctorteho corral reoo bu er the we eeven llIItII renterth to teeth to tie ll Retire tntiieette thle yeere rmt tood otlro rite my to eiowt mad tit when letter titer emu II ol hit to yMIL to lend the putLuv

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