Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1973, p. 30

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lniounonnis SPECIAL gNOilCPS CASH RATES all 3Mm m1 immunoruowmm twosomuis luvtux II III III III is is No in cm on III En 3g is rs 555 MINIVol not won mm rI In Iiuo vow no It not Vol1 oi MIT s3 OKTOBERFEST Saturdny 0d om Im BARR ARIIOURY IIAFIY HOUR to pm Shim DRAW nonmonumentalan Portlrkrumomormmi arrow to Int mountr mm nitI Militia FLYEM mom Naomi Im lwn lmotv It In M254 it mic in mi mu cm is IrrnI oi clotII warm Wm losing or Mil mm um in mm or link to introv Ile WWI Immwumnmo Walton mm It Intern on $59 WWII dc COUNTRY SWINGEIIS invite you to Illrod MODERN SQUARE DANCE CHEERS Unmmenung TUESDAY SEPT ll H0 1103 PM TilOiiNmN ORANGE RALL laden IIAC AND NORMA IIAIICELLUS um Barrie FLORISTS IENDLEYS FIDIVERS Blah SI W5 illillitS FLOWERS liayitcid lit MIMI IIARRIS FLOWERS or DMD St Mi $21 The New Barrie ARCHERY CLUB FIRST MEETING SATURDAY SEPT 22 tall All in or no 4min will be Ivaitnbio II tho onSoiurdaL FARMERS MARKET liultIrtcr St Opposite Library Fruh Eggs PotItocr lllod Kuls Seolng liIny atrhhnu Hobbies OPEN EVERY MURRAY MORNING WT BIRTHS 0qu HIV Vm Arrow on him oi Til Iliill Enmlnu rotten In mum III om III TM Ilnh luminr ambled TITMd iN MEMORIAM IIIIIKOTW ill in ml or out Mm vic loclo my him run my iriium mm on in ms rcrcctcurwo 550 mitosiidm hrstrmou Mn in mi MUM mu3 ML 1ot3rui illlrdmilli iw llrcasmiti GIrnciur 15 mil riot Ii mo Winsome gtrkcnmycvcn wrc WTI BINGO EVERY THURSDAY wr motion you um um unit of row oiion era Imr vwl 31qu to Im vmmotrri In ion poms WWI Ind gumbo VENTURE CLUB RUhIIIAGE SALE lrinity Parish Hall SAIIIILDAYo SEPT 21 1m 11 Non Aurplcu Servch For rummn pickup phone Betty ii riIIHWL SilllII TitAVELWAYS LTD stock ilror Bur lint LtlL IJNNAYFAIR SPECIAL Saturday Scot 21FA1II Conch DEPART Stock Bros but Liner Penmng St it Im IALLIn Iovlm mm ll our Ili INI Inn rmno inn ml in III In tho bum Ii rumour ma IIII II now limo Iowm wlmttv no Ion it CARD 0F TNANKS WIT IIMID TO In TNANXX 1N Vly ttton II who in Iltlii lllt mill Milli Iit badly to mod IHYNM Ill Illi nnlv it gaunt umlr Ioooimvitoa II MIMI lioin moons mmorlrtl It wollINlIl Ittmmucls too ur mum slums oi my to nouonI dots of um not all or motion mm mm Ind Ioaum not on cu mm or aurora or unit nn illitii mill rd Iou itiiiiiitiiiiilli my Price rsturn are ii to hiMMu ii itiiii7mdi rrvtros would Muilstl BMW 75 01mm ondcritld rrrrrvstionr iiidoil Phone or WHT CLASSIFIED mm mm ADVERTISING congratulations III extends to Mr nod lilri Thom Crow II mmomlnumdlmm Barry Diikr ABC which on rstlllcd ittrutll II liovlc oi tho wm it began directing its low IDI TOMA ANGUS AP net Nor dlrcctot it glantoi dociut IN up WM to ill Miocilinr Iclcure fiction ran ulcnni claim who nds IlliotxqtiolV in hit murlhn hi how he bo nny director blur inIlL Woo 10 INN no director oi wrmdd mum ilho that Im om ll most In gllmllictroaii Ind 0m in Wuivorid curred snotty ova million in 15 tum liim Ind director nobody HW nun In iiiiio In m4 liin Idod whirl Orler Inc doubted hrpiIoocd to be com run director it cont mm mm lhIi liImnI was Iuthor mill moi In field he hm dollar ml MIDIED ammo tun atrichion turn its riddled during the lm Glniimmholzi directors littllolliiioundliloudtio lot It dlrcctot thIt hudl iIlti So decided in bosom director the only hmMmdln chioii would l0 looll wrotc under the dim oi Joint lungs iiirIIry Iomcono cits to direct put rider in the cmtrlrt that ditch had to ho me Crichton dhcclod lIlrIIri Milli lic 6mm loll Wlliiun Windsor 0t Ip cleared onABC 1m mm Ind VIII Ililjtulwd iMllhlliillldeollillollh do on list Gridiron will not be located with big III its mu In uriglndt mitt tillle on lltd Ii Milt turmoil II dlmdor lio tried it on sv ory Iludlo row WIrnrr broihsnnhlch tire trod turncd him drum or Master di hlI own book The Tcr mind ilrn hluhl TAKES CIWILE only uou mod to lot hun direct Wetlworid Ind thrn only ii the tin was holds in so um on smut lion Intact won lookinl lomrd to letting oil in last pro oi rocking television ithl ho told not dim gd on icoitlrc lound myscli work in evcn lnslgxhkrm ilo Midi invntvln modcroutlc Icir dostrt uoslcrn Ind medium mos motion mood Weslva on ct Yoi Brynncr Ind Richard Benjamin deferral their 3100 ooo nirrlcr in micro iur Ihtrc oi tho prolilr 1er to lure ioouguod rigiihootzim Cridton who no durlng mctticIi reboot to write hor tinned out 15 books in but in min hi littl Iry output hstilgrcd Iincs mid motto odd rmviu ilk Now cull nicho lb without writing the mSmllhmilm uritl hooks lhot will mic TdesUp Med no semth mini hu rroood mmpInrI rmpioycrs Ind list he did wdhadomllmc but was Iiwoyr paid tor lhicstrI ltturl lithe ilrnillazic oi cinnamonovum Lest palm Miorkrncoesltlmtnniv hiGIW rm it ill at renew ins hmolli dqd DecisioniileserietiUndoingdny Failing3ToPay Overtimo little btt music audit and my ilIrto Vmw to old litrunm1u SUDBURV 0d CPI Rodd Judge Wrillooi litt cIItd wad Nanm III the It In no luv truths um rumor with illi ing topIyIn rmpbycs om limo It the pmch LIL Ibo dill Iinnsi Giytnsiti lid of mast Mmliidrmdxthe lobar iirt in mid imlnt ilmu IndIhsli lining lir rmpioyco reads idmm Firming to rpmeTo vindni IIbor ministry on Danni 5min lo mcr Gbnlmhl mime IIr Squid iutiiind he was rmplorcd by tho mom or limo keeper lnxir drivrr mi rd muII Hurt Irom Iiny ml to IV 1m III raid ho VII rrouirrd to hen dilly records It the stori tuned lobI ashlar Poo mum iron the us Ilr Hum that look lit Sentino list at clad oh Wm the basil bl hours than on tho list Ii nitdigit limo Me by tc Wilmer 50 all om Ilia tlmrndorhoil Idilinl 3W5 oi the more quickly rewind Li child node hi hroc Gbslnhi loom charge omit the at lhc lusciodlyi oIIvian pi htutnriniiidino SyIlIm Swiss Ind sloticrliy bIlIan both Ironl Iil Iurpsnsion putt iolsigu cIvrvloinon hm of Iii conditioningIntro it leEcgtobotul 2Arc ho nowlinin si stilllizcsiifc OVERHAUL Writs ms do out tumwms Fl more and hon world iron died the In In met his MAW rustritcd tinsc supplied by tho Iod in thole rose thug III duetcoco oi III Glynlntld th tcsiilltd idiocy MIle loll mutimegyint only e1 too exocride hIJ tam ciaicsi am with Gosittsltl WI tom Ernrlnymcoi studsrds Art compnny pnriduti thru iudro ruurratd will ndeim Tofsrosrcu lasing ml for IInn machinery which bar Iitmd production Ii sirlnlsrol polkm control sum in the int hm iorssd th clam nutty Iotmdrles Igrooming lam mlcidnery wi go So Just rtlyod Monty Inso no pin to lure iio hired by lhI Marv poiioo mhrim Incrnit scrum ourer Irpb not in lurch oi Induce MI Km rho re ilrcti Mi oousctn norms Tho Innoudcuuent til uhilcodinxc thii tho to alert was unable to iiosiIIuil Ible Cmdiln lor Ibo loll 01y round total to on tho mounted thal Dolll mylnrc amend the run dindcd mums Adlo prctlude Inyono but Slrvlordu CInIdinn rillItrt irom bring iomllm lulirni IlrI chiri in uoy pmyuclnl him than moulds riloo rrnremttd lhmt the some droning Itth lhr icsllrIi ts DtiNlQPfSTYiIi point i7llil535ff is rrwd oilhcu incian dicdlng lhg indium onto moo shme ad to mad III the mind oi lb humor sew Ilr Virtual Wk dkud in phnlcullgiy short may are tho longtr ngin so xcn tomo rim of min drim hydaoli qhndetllud otlor onciiary rcuiommi llltIlcrcr Individual nrranru mcnu IN rccuirddim sue husiul harytnt mlIrIo iInn crI IhauidmnlI thrir blind ow Ind on them soon orm snow summon Out Siroiord Festvol olmlois it gt SPECIAL ONLY us check bum Ihorir IhrorhIrI bIttory Ind 19Tritatho drulm on all forested lolanlewimuiMI ism Ml vans ml mom mt unwind vurrnlrl nthhn mummm rsmnnhllnuul lamnlllu uncommon mam wow Al lm In to mm mm in om no im inurwhaoio Chockthowhooi cylinder Check brnkcshoaroturil huprings Chockbrakciiuidiinos II Add premium quality brakeiiuid Check and ropack outer fronlwhoolboorinqi Rondtostyourcaru 19 30000rniicgunranloe DIRECT PHONE turd iMEVPIl Princc who wet mini Trinity tng Ilcln ur 728 24 llrt Cnuiord in Barrio gill will yummy mmyzg on Tom it the oi to uni In dryI Iiauititl whirling lira Aisttnir unload iivnlidiitinviitiiwihEiiitn iii Ind hill Roy Starts Ai IMv our to II Ivolicllion maul Ind humus Sarita virltcd lir Ind llrI John Croviord ticmrty oi SImiIi recently bugrottdotlons to III the win nert It the 0m World Flir it And to those who didnt better luck next time Chile Decides Iigainsl Holiday Milith UPI ChIIII new milian ruler in imh ciiori Lo restore the country to oommorclli ciilglcncy him do crccd that Army Day today normally tintion holidIyh ourmui worllitl dry luexday on the 1M Inni Verlury oi ttiiist toosoendrdcs irorn SpIin Ind It tutlsl most people stayed home udicnn ilngrhers hciotcdin RETREAD WiTHbUleEWTlRE GUAR Thiswido7bmln llll in iii ll F13II7N5Iicitwiil toht rgtIny moduli oi FORDiCHEV PLYMOUTH Itntws IMIAOEMIN munch nun mum tumor Addnlrnrt wo III not out orovloor dcrtcild powr lllilllll Ind funor MIMI1i mm not tuition war iv IL on wall Hugdulcllyiwiowlliuuiill Nlnllllil no MIMIMM mum mnidiiiw all 3th pond Nomad IlthorrIrttmycran mtuo Ivltm rm ll coumI mm my Mm Mu drcd loner Doug lloorc no It cutiirtld cm odd ilrr uevericy iIoorI thir Discount lIm only it mid within yam Myng ml to worn ortovimnlmmcw uml my Bmholnmm tuition INII conunan Ilv IIHIMI DI Wad lilwlioll loll WI wrisomt Mr no it Mr Jones to this torurntuiliv Conrlliution Boom in lronl ni tho ruins oi the presidentinl on son irom illiii Ind Iir during Iuccrndul cow inst nrcldny nlnti iritoting President Sniu or Allende th new Iulhorltlci who will rule without conv tilt lilo political plrtlcs until itle dissolved Congress Ind hiInlloolilitrlllvlMlill rm ioml um oLi in howlln howl inn mm It mill Imam lawn dingo you not rauc il too iuruons NH Incrion Covmd by Nofitmmicl Gumnteo IILIII Mttcotlvo ImIItlonI Ln vo moved into tboir IIr WI on inurilnw toil homo on tho iiing notd Moilioh inmnm my Ir column court to umurtnn by Mill 630110 CAMPBELL rm uwtu suirlnoo not It mum cm Imn tin must Thrro will hi no Icrvlce not Sunday School Cimu in the they tum restored the country to normlily spouted in the puddle to itclp lrncc willful promincnl subploter oi it do ooicd Pooullr Unity lovrrn mcnt united tor questioning with rcgurd to varioul crimes ildys Ind mi sircIln Guru and brown i00 NYLON FiatoaGaior Permanent Valve Cob hm onuoss Actowronoittrntvsivslltm IO IIID EDIIIUIQIII All who Inwhoo our In lllliilli Mormon to you Imvtluit lMstIu in amino Adwtllin DIIIvlmmt vim oi Iimlxm II limit 74 sit tmlv InvItIirIqut lmml tlicv Iiilt um Million in cm thIt NW at omirrlInI my in unovttd hoist In in Imv InII rImI ill rerrllltd ll ho toilovdil whit rttton to null EIImirIr II VI mihio inr only out mung LIIARGE DROPPKD ilUElNOS mum lIiPi hr gcullns iodcroi Judges hovn drotwi charch Izuinrl woman utmost ol chunging hcr birth lute on otllciol downed to motto Misti Ipocn sis ycan younger Tho ludgcl titled that her nation on In understandable lrrgutisc oi minin coowtrv It will llrh lniiill roarvulva oi numbI tlu count to storm Wlt uihr Unilsd uturch on Sun duy curling lo Innlvcrnry rcr vch in tho Mighbmng Presbyv lcrinn Church rdiviriiiliiiiuiitirimilan ultra icon Ornbtrcc oi Coins iitiiibiblihiirlilnb Icygym ivy tiny iiug uluoc rr Ile hibiscus my it in at md ollycur tlrl pIqutI IlIgIIutI primiulnllnionwuhoul tImoviogoaugI lh rtrootonIBEST BUY toszzudoo ttrotioho REST Him lit hotshotch

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