Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1973, p. 2

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illlll Whmnmncmnyuwtad idleysidlireethrrlw0tstero JAPehbPtlhiieiveo00rtotalMartlplt1 unwittcanmenuuu DMIteeselsewlhnspinpldliny WWhmsllntils fQyllonnciILCOtlldGitersvWp Early ChriStmos Present lbeiire Points ehangewould be less expensive oi the two since it won involve only lite construction oi train no island and diangea in the traitic llstxt Patterne wan 5mm mm mummy tlonsosracil will come against prob impervious eouneiia not have to contendywltblosny sIteetcnllhe Counidi could give hasrte an early hristmu present on Monday it it proves recommendation to admin lie Pine Points hrlerseetion any development committee this wee approved recommendation that would rush the citys headache intersection tour ways instead at live Diminaliog that sorespoi oulcbl could boosseoitbebeatmosesmade this council Previous cotsnnils list toy oath it but hiayor Dorian Fathers administ ratioan clearcut diaries to do some tiring about it Another city development an enter that merits passage is the eaten on oi nldtionoitaopytolmproretni ilctntterns Council must lscethn improperly acquisition is the only solution to Iiie Vials mnny oi the problems Barrie laces moving iraiiie Simeon street to Bradiord tins elim NighBradiord streets inter lnatlng the redlon DIGGING UP PERSONAL FACTS Branliord Expositor ilnencreoi snada when movies and tetcvldon wet to violence and sex sod divorces and separations are common it would be sea tenable to expect some contusion in your model good his in bonds whet should young people not do lbosetnsutiirienliy gttidedb the ire dltlonal tourm parents ydllildltd Something has to be done it council does not lace up to It now the cost will eontlnere to correlate EDITORS trims lastgrowing to about who orwhet behevotr on To have cut stsiiylii Montreal Gazette sexual abnormality emotional iri ty and mooted hornosecuaiity atheism iii In the business world by contto lm stsrance companies lendio institutions and many prospective emp era ask in vestlgsiors to dig up personal iacts In such ensitlve area as seaual inertial drinking eryd ociai ilhbiierfiim magi Willis PEOPD are aware annr or how their oh chances may be Irop ardlacd by the personal lllel RECIFROCAL EXPORT CONTROLS iiasummm nit WORLD Tootiv onnvns BiOODilOUllD Inmmnrlino rill NEWS ventured vi runnerin schools sports and organised south so The United States and Cdlllda have lviliea might reect on two detach Li um ll become involved in war or reciprocal Income TortHike behavior our soc manta coniideniial These guidelines were tabled In the lioure ot Commons by Prime hiinister can in wnse to questions ironl Yukonlxin ltid ing an tmployen to bavloyal trustwor ynnd pol vulnerable tolyersiiasloncoorelon Trudeau iheg rtk Nelsen mm his shall all iinmeSiIt oonsldelh lent areas or behavior as yuages oi whet kind oi et dtstrusta Ind disap proves One Is the actors taken into eon alderetlon by ledeial government otilc tats when judging whether public tent Can be trusted to keep secret dotu proclaim MlsilsiIP gesportoontrols and threatened controls Sn intermeshed Canedian economies and so great is the intlvience at American economic iormsnco on Canadian that the ease tor cooperation between the twocountries in seeking to contain lrdlnlori is obvious Yet the reaction oi the Canadian goverti mehl has been to acorn the various US Ptiml Minister Pierre emitrol eilorts and to reject the use oi Man will woe briey deroct Estuatntsin tiliSdtltlililhiiy to ma can an comes coordlnntcd lly similar programs it tile endothor leadlnrgmeconomlc part nineteenelm the tenetat government are the American and per lly cdncen On His hr IOilN DAhllioli 1min Alleles Aaeirsl Themes News Barrios from the mosmlin domestic nrriua oi serum Iood prime the vagaries minority gotcsnsmnt tor Ibouii due in October to visit ineitit timid ier wll capbllti toll sue oetsiul change oi direction in trsdlllonsl Csnadlan Ioretps Is Running Intro rDiiiicuity ly BIIUCE RUSSELL mm Illsa mustnt The man who established ttha llrst tiny enciva nt nogro administration to the once whitedoinlnatrd aisle oi ills ililiIWi la surest Into wool tloo today lrorn own race Ovaries Evert brother not IldsulnaldK tilli rights er as van was iirstdeeiedmayor iii no ml town oi soon in lily loos Lila was rehrrned unopposed ier second term in liay this ours ol his black log they wanted to Tout some curbs en the dv snnmlc and oudtzyolrm manor led and rated two oi vers slate at live aldermen close lrlend ol Prelliient John and Senator Robert lien imbivers has listen gear tannins smote blact elected nillclels In gillsilailppl while resting his mail loan its recently ran eior governor oi the stile get ill Mr ceot oi the vote vrcroiiv llAtLED Bach In it Deere rraa alwept Into cities as mayor ol Payetle to wild New relolo log to whet was seen is vic tory ol tremendous aperiodic yinulmu selleonlessed lorttter naelrrteer and brothel ounce Irons the blue mottoes oi dblceo and Detroit he re bi to Fayette to invest his money in his native state and come Ill rerpociehie bush Win wiry he has been so it to trans to his Iutohlogrevlu to no study airlines at Evert to ye liiat slu ilw only was bliss plan could mete smut to those days unit We to know the tar tht am my going to blaosrmall Evera decision to return to Titlesiasl learns alter thaw slsalealon at his brother in you The passage oi the led srat Voting Rights ltct to into sued the way tor blade voter rlves and Every rimrtlog lor oillce Ill ELACIIJ MAJORITY lle plotted Fayette where blacks outnumber seller try Topcreertloso rcert The love had had some el derlywiilte lllly lt hill len lor to years Even had already made First Negrowiidminisiralion hinwelt loses in the loan hrloss th election by In vesilng his money in shop pin erirlrc motel rcstaursnt and other iaislnesses White tolls tsudir me no nominated litlcs hande lviIbandItcIldlninter is en believe that capitellsin Is the greatest way In the uold to live so Im matln all the mom canymale doing all the can for my toils 16 ring as honestly Isl ca in his autobiography the mayor puts it even more air clnotly The only color that ls important to rise is green he says But Evera hedrno sooner milled into the little brick town litii btsiit lit the last ll oi Alleiti term than he tan in run Into niint he rolled leaiousy from his own people IGNORE OPPONENII livers is inclined to glue scant attention to this oopooi tlon lie describes the hlniira wire Illliiit II llot oi hiddydrddlrr in his that tour years Evers Iuoreoded ta arln log in Pa yells In lntemslonal Teioe phone and Te spri sub IldlIry which ma circuits ior antlpolliitlon devices in can its got the tortn clinic daycare centre for ahildren and vocsiloelaiJralnlng centre All oi this crestod too new lobe In the tiny continuity Criticism oi filers moldy centrel on his pelilnri tor siriot law enlorsemebt and ovarrrealmtnless strong the newly recruited lelillllli black pollen sores Four at the original dye man white iolte walled oil complaining the mayor treated them lliis dogs and the filth later reripied lm strictly luv and or der man Evtrs says by lleve in strict observance oi the law brolra tin law In many times ill tlmetiiatt low what its CIIACKS DOWN livers tltttu down on sprcdhg motorists lurhlrls In lhetourt and deals siernly with drugs drunks Ind unruly ireMters Etrre points out thlt under the old regime whites melt prosecuted and largely Ignored crimes blacks committed against blacks as liildi hrolre the law againstunites Myyou tons um turn onto in role it there In this till talus was led to Ive curled whitzwwomsn Even adds 0M thing you wont hear in this town is that law enlorcemcnt is sracisl thing llle give while talks black toils young tom hid Mrs the same treatment White men at small gee Iiniions willie delighted over lilo opposition Etvrr is get ting lrom his own race adnnt has never been bet Rogers King rearold adiooi teacher wboMoppeied the livers aidcssnanie slate and was eluted with more votes than any other rendi dnie says he admirer much Oiwithi Evtra has done but thinlnr he needs the sort or tyygrol provided by Wl POLICE CiIiTlClZED Aloat oi the criticism or Even is directed Intact lila WWW dogs not on castles altered use at unnec casIrily breast tactics Evert admits sosrto oi the criticism is instilled and It the some time lcqa niots wilds on the actions or the police particularity tor any possible contention Overaealotul lsuro lliy policemen are no dliierent sons any other policemen They get little smart sunse ilmes Winn that happens risop has right down livcra thrilled that the po Iioe brin irallic olicrtdcre bnolr to police station to Issue them traiilc tisircts so there will be no trepidation ior listm to anoint bribe one no the road ilnny while driv era lend to panic when they are escorted basis to the no lies station The mayor continues to de vote lot oi his time to el Ilhg rriors Ne olllrala elected in lllrseai which he says already has he third highest nlirriticr oi biass oili eisla in the nation or his own surccssiul at lenut to run or state gnver her he says llls not impor tant that should have won What was important wos that won the liltlilitlll to mate it payyible its some young hissls one day to become governor Irinaanude aim deep toward Chins end return Iler and im on legs con errtgse welsilst system be had In reitlgated as private Cane dterl twice belore sir Trudeaua one llrm elec lion promise in issue ions was to race in bins and this he began diater to is mons Iller his impressive eels lion vlotury on Jqu he at that ar lCanadian recognition was granted to October two using an almost too lornsila which was Incept both to the Gilbert and to his cautions Canadian iorelgn polity Id visers win had dragged ihclr Iect on recognition oi Pairing lor toycara rlns tornails iotsnd ill the es prersion Canada tIIsrs CIINIIDIIS snonr PM Following Up Promise the daim ol the or Wind rill on rs which insist their right to the island be recognised made potslbla the use oi versions oi the same rsorualon by about so other honooclailsi nations whirls have since modelled Potter was Pe hi or can oi gov eminent ln lslvnn headed still by the ailing swing titling Kaishot The It to oi onus er Natiohsllst Osiris was still tested on the United Nations Semsliy Coricit at nae oi the Seal powers lrom sets Wilb awsl el recognition trotn Tat wan would have meant its re placement by Peking in the United Nations For too long Washington not only resisted any eitorts by nutritional mlniiiers irons the two Trudeau elblnets the lore rncr industry minister Jennies Pepin no rain matters Es lerrtai Aiitlrs illnlsler lllloheli Quip Don himiooaid the energy minister and this tech Jeanne Sanve minister at sci ence and technology in Peking have all been or are In Ctilu havalspohn at the bid with lhtlrmln broadening is di began her rs oiilcitl recognition with the mssslvs Canadian wheat sales to China ol the total The prime ministerial Iotsr lo Giles will be ac dltierenl In deed irom his vls In MO when he went as University oi lion lreIl psoieisor or II rounlnl strident witli pacts on his but in mi in Shanghai UNIQUE VISIT But these previous stalls and the tact be Is the only head at government who had written beside eill ny llllllCE raven other countries to make this book on ailna bclore entitling WASIINGTON lihl For reality last mysged in two dec Ides oi dlmt pressure on Ot tth not to Motlats with Pet hing on recognlt on Since itr Trudeau broke that log lain lollouvsi by the arrival oi Otihese diplomnile mission in early 1m Canadas relations with Petting have proceeded It an apparently planned pore Occupation 0i Quebec Was By Gen Murray By EOE EDWIIAN Allisons the battle oi the tales vl Abraham was toudit on Sept it 1769 the victorious hellish Iitrly did not enter me her until Sept it lilo governor oi the city was crvuty old teen Baptists Nicolas ltorli do llsmesay who was born in lion ireII and had served in the co halal ioroelpgzrmt years to 0v esttreason Irom 0g Tovnsheed also had staeoeeded Wolie belors he agreed to cstltulale Gen Montcalm boiore he died sent note to Thwaaheod asking tint Irentii soldiers and civilians be treated kindly and lint prisoners be emnged Althouglt Tooustlerid sue reeded oiie as other com mending lite ilrltiali emu it was Gen lharray who took over the Wiilll lovlnsbend relumed to llrltaln as soon as possible because he was not Irritable soldier to command an oooupnllen tom This was all part at pre arranged plan Gen llurrsy vrd to be very good Idmintlrstor In spite oi many dlillouit problems Ile not only lied to provide tor about 40 ciilarnI ol Quabee but its own torso ol sto oiiloers and nearly noon other rsnlri large part oi the town hed been redtited to nibble by the boob arsirienis and It was necessary to provide shelter kitty lor the westlwr got co Food and iiiel were other problems llurray Issued strict orders that his troqu were to respect the Canadians Soldiers lound putty oi rowing citizens were hanged and there were severe penalties lor lesser crimes They also bellocd the inner dlIns to bring in crops tom the ileide and met trolls the lineal Groups oi ei mm were hart nesscd to rag heavy laden aiclrtm car stood live nlics to the own even In wln er They didnt liIve proper dotbe lor ninlohespeciei the Scottish soldiers who listed on wearing their ldLal OIIIE IIIEPI ll EVENT idHYotM hide on record wu ii yssrold ilsr merits bodllot who married ilean Auhaotwn oi lrols ltlv rrel lesslistlwa opened be tweenngiaston and New tiles tuttore bydenhorn Gover nnr oi denies nun lollowlng horseback aesidsct illslandslide It Outdoor Gtatiel killed to people listitaliwny tunnel was opened under St Clair ltlver liteCanadian dollar was do valued in per cent loseNew University at Al herta wu washed at Calgary liesPlans were announced to build ionicderalloii Square at Ottawa tor two million IIlGlil DENIED SAllK Clarinet Islands Gill The parliament hi this llny scmilniepcridcnt island voted against illili Its til married women rghl to own prop erty by vote at to to ii men wit give his ylslr rive on ile will not go ll an uniamll Iar visitor ihcrelure but as one with prolon intellectual in terest in ilnese fiviiilmiittym pull and present all no doubt tor bringing together ottr cotmlry and the worlds most populous nation at those levels when contacts can be strengthened Ind eonsoiidtied thing and all our rIghtconsoero ea are as llillu in and we all do lads as test and our isle onltlee title the wind have isles us any Insists Here is good description as to what we really are ever Irel hst what we pretend to be There Is no home remedy tor redemption Cltrltt died ior our sins die litests Ernestine ii Iiaytleid Street barrio Ontario Telephone itoem berdeasahlall iiilllliidll iu iber wt Ileurn portage guaranteed Daily blunsya Ind Siltutnry llnlideie excepted Subscription rates ditty by carrier the seeily ileto year 11 Single coyotes ltc lsy malt narrle inst yesrly Simcnl County 700 yearly balance ol CInadI moo yearly All other marten tw vesrlv lloior throw all taboo Idhliy inllonai Advertising tliilrvs in Queen St West Toronto dbl lIld dill Calhcert Ste Montreal Member at the CInIdlorl Press and Audltllureau ol circuln lions The Cansdlan Press mine lvely entitled to the visa lot to pub chlleo at all news dlrpttrh is In this aper credile to it or The Alror sled Press or ileum and also the lots hm publish edsherelli the limit Examiner claims yrlght in all original adven Us or and idltitrlal material ere Ited by Its employees and re produced In this newspaper toprilrhi llrrlitretlnn Nam her litiregtrtrrtl linmmamlm variety oi reasons the odds against lmmedlels considera tlon oi an Income tax increase in the USelher by the ad mlolursilon or Congressare astronomical Yet the recent spectacle oi live one iuadamsnlaliy easy going pollc mairrs shortening in wife over the psospea highlights the con tusion siie Inley ccoocrnle quarters President Nixon in known to rely heavily on his elrue oi Id visors on eronomln matters and such basic dlveryrnco oi views may rpise outlionr about the cation oi the advice hes get ting Onipsd with this has been the recent unsettling rlre In lnv ilatlon The economy was trodes greater control in the days oi the phase one irrcte and some economists suggest in in creases might have been better considered It thlt time to corn bat the pressures at inflation Since then with the trend more and more to voluntary controls and the resulting up surge to the tollallon salt the opportunity may have been lost so lmpiemclll such Increases paw they irol might came too abrupt brain on buying power precipitating too switt slide toward recession FlllI AlilED The genera contusion Ind disagreement among presidin tlai advisers broke illle public view recently when Treasury Secretary George Shula tools It bierln Laird lonrer deismt secretary now domestic ldviser to Nixon Laird unwed that the ad ministration was considering rcltunbie ltspcruenl Iurtax on personal and corporate in comeii type or comultory savings psn such It Is snarled in Canada during the Second World War Shiliir In Tokyo attending to lematlcnal trade tails snapped back that LIlrd Ihoud keep his tcoiioniplcsing bands oil eco nosrsc policy and that this was not the lime to raise illls For the aolttpolren shuts It was blistering sololnder it was however in line with what many economlila new con sider were Iiiadvised assurv mes by the prrsldcnt durln the itll election campaign IIELVLi MIND supntriy airings repealed recently that would be no tail increst SPENDING TMLIED The Idmblslralion has ststod that the waygto rush lililon li lhrnughl biaiget keeping dona nondeiencel spending Roy Ash director oi the oi management and budget snys he does not isusr tax create to curb tntletlon Otisi that the president Is going to Ibropute his re lllly to the people to in nonintletlonary budget To that end Ash ears the mlalslrallon Is determined continue Impouraiing reiusinl to allow spendingoi hands oved by congress This policy Illlei up iiirther struggle between the president and gross Abilimpoundmrot bill up ler consideration this and Ash says that In each isicilon will be veioe by leoo Meanwhile the Federal serve hoard limllnr in Itinrtion lo lhn llenk oi threads as countrys sentral banking lem la under the horn econo mlris and monetary swells IIITIEII IIEJIIINEII James llelga vlcepretlv it It millet rus scare said bitterly in recent speechi it the ldd wants slnn in Mt it will have in work right away The growoh oi the money under the policies ol ederli reserve is etitioitcd uctuatln too wiioy Student is with an eye lotlstlort end rising interest rates are wrestling slowing eieeonomic growth Such slowdown they Ivar may ve old recession Aih dirlt roll lending wib lids Iii mind ihty planting and worrisome the lradctory nature oi ecumrnle policy stelcmcnts emanating irorn some oi the resident oioacit Idvlrcrl COLLECT ELEPHANT VICTORIA ICPI Violette llnrrls has collected Miit urlncioi elephants Since started her hobby In loll liorris has pequlred elephant In variety at poses made wood ivory coolly mother pearl and such oliebeat rlnll as nails rerouteInd cleaners Unlikely In Ulsy

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