We rhustrzated nus Janeph Ressis VoliplialsVfo erhemlrrlrbwbyhlrmmrmym Jewilh Mndhlltltkllmmlhhm MUM mom Ente Tsimditellrho indbwahi Turph lronr hlsluioor lrmihmroldhimJn turn to Pintipthire EgyplrIn ofcer of Pharith rumLihouair riIveJoseph caught Potipiurt Tmrymdlcmte himomeerollrirlrorneThr ind had Il until the eyo ulPaliplrIrnrilo whose yarniru of irinr iatherto attempthimdnctlon Butlosephrotuud tire lempiItiouInd Bod her moobut naibelnre rho hun rpriud torn lrimrmrnt trorn himhhrn lrerlord returned Iiro thawed the garment evidence allosephr dIIiuyIlty rg Tubu anunu In our Indlaiiphardiltulonodlmtlmltlnprisoa Mnhmmnmmuorrrnum 15000131 no 000020 Jesus Responded With Love To The WeakhSses Of Mankind r21 nonunrr rtururur ite with 0d the younr lb mIn Milli to her hulme on their to the rupennrrkrt muld bu hard Irvin quit 50 you it tony lor lhenrl Well let rnr all lrrrr termed 001 In In my tor lame Dmt be dopei but trouth Inough or our on IIIth reeling tarry tor Inrune tire Wlnt dillerent Illrtude 00200020 lfho popular rornei rrnglrr mp Illl llirry lunily will retumiu ln ilrrrie televi Ilnn Sunday Their rim tire Hirer ilde will be rm tomorrow It um 00 um Granite from ruuil will wear on tho Ipldy rhnw tn tril 800 00000000 Churches Christ bu Iwrrdr ru lle Ill toothed will the hiring 01 our inlinniliet lie could hm Itryed irr lleI un holdrn timely to tilt KIM lr portlion ll mutt hr 00 llnuna to enjoy the glory IhII lie with IllI NM tDQ minty nl llearen tn ilI leil with Ileth Io lint III eould teel the rum lhlnu IIrIt we leel lle imm 20 tint lie Could be loomed by hi weIlneueI 0t nun Heir touched not prwuu TELEVISION play towel music with tho Iroup The llitey lunlly will also hold ltrAInnuIi Home townSin July it Ind It the Crcernorr Irrna Ilre itlr ey lnmily mu LEFlr Erin lieuer Iielen Reeur Normlrr llrrerurn Itth lit It 000 leey Being Restored lrrosoow iAPt 1an Armin mix Innunrcnbln murdrer iioly linuowi VAmrdinx tn Tainloyr WIr Ind Petra Napalm uttered there unrdr II he aloud be Iore Norm Ind directcd irir trmyr invIIion in 50000an 1011 rltllor IodIy dount roe n2 rly Ir many rtlried onion rhwrd 2000121 Napoleon IIA from hir runtun mint an Sparrow iilllr 00w hull litiir Dul little Irr rtlil tome rpltndld remnrnlr at this 00 mnnlrt cityr Ianrrer ecu Iir Iltll glory to win In It chi ecturr enthuIlrst or rlu derrt 0t lrlrlory the tltajlholntllrn lluItlIn War It mm was known in Numierrn llrrrr II tho rrcw Jenunlrm And an Iheeve oi the Bolsherih rerrr lutlon in run them 007 chqrchet Today monllnl I0 Ilmllamw pa riIrrlrrIr only 03 orthodox clmrohor IttlI lute urvlcer Marry rhurchor mm them prireieu mnrrumentr 0t llurrlrn Irriritraurr uern under Jonah Stnlin Ind Ni kliI lllrrurldrov Otherr were turned into mu uumr Iwrriurnr nwrlr ihrr Itrer rluirr lumliurn tuto rler inborntorien olcrr 0r wartrnenlr And rtill ollrm dotting tirrl landmpn nrn Ibrndaned ori mlur surrvrvrrs 1110 nunen oi liiurcowt rur rivlnr churches ll the Isth eenttr rnrnumnir 0i mulli rrirre domer I00 010m rrosIeI Ini Irrru rIIIed St Datiir Cathedrli ltre rIlhe drIi now museum hu be for IltlKlletl ryrnixrl oi lutcow Soviet nnwrpIner lrorrurr mnirluy yrardr reverted in IWATIIT Sl llrrtir war muted tor demolition during the slrlln errJournIIirI Pulov quoted prominent Sorter expert in restoring Ili tlouitiu Pyrrtr Rumorthy or main he thrrrtennt t0 hi htmreil it the retrnrnr rm tnrrled ouI BIrInoixlty rm Irrerttd lor opposing the demolition but Wu IIIrr rv lerrui llr Irrd wirer herd Irmturily mention in the Kremlin OTHER DYNANIITKD other remarkable llorcow churzlrer however did not cape Stollnr uholetrln de rtrudlun the Iotlreertlury Ctlhndrnl ni 1000 iii Snrrour uar dy nrmlted ur the urly 10005 thrill the saviour IIrI inliett not most mriulln bulking In Morrow vtrlbla out my part oi the city rr 051100 writer Vladimir salon ktrIrr who in In any 000 llllldd Int rumor mute In Imeai to rare nuutrr Irolrl totturrl trrmret jil will not In Indrri burldurg Srrlorrkhtn min 01 Christ rlre SrvtourI dertrup lion But It armored along wrllr lhn Krcmliu In Irchirec Iurlnl locus Ior our capital wirrrlr gripped rrrrrry lturrinru tinntnx about rm middle tutor Another uru tlrI min rrilnn at many rrumlrllnl rhurcircr Ind monnrlerrer II Ruulnnr Inuuirt to recover eulturrl herlllte Time Ilro In elemtnl 0t nrrrmrlirm In IIrn tuition to retiorn llruIiII neglected trenrurer The rtIlely nitl tourist 000 brm Ita Mark you lu rertlbie currency And may Runrinns ttrrvrrh they nrny he Iihtlrtr derlth Irnm thn nhurrher renra ol Arnot III the wrilpre Irrved rhurohe Ire rnurrurnt ol romuort Ind rim rI this burldurr ll preterm the title an In Irrhltecturrt monument churcher Iltrrrt rl country 001 In r00 tnnttnuilynrul Iho prldn oi unlqlw Irtraiin Achievement an ill hurt mantra that not in lllrn III the lore 0t Till that hurt all the mother IroderneIl oI llir nnlure Rein touched um moon trout llirn rnlniIlrring at that eternal llie reriilrr In llir honour louolIln 0t rm er um out to meet our needr dispellwg loneliness onl nrinr our tern MAI tweltd uured llrrrr to are ill III tor ru In leek n0 rill hr that Ihieh would bendrt ur rren it meant Movie Part Changed Lile Oi Singer NEW YORK tunr prri pretty ltrtII Iiurloy tut rlrrm in the morle Godrpoll living lru come into Mppy tom lre never hm rucir pure oi lilo the run it In Willi ohmic WhIi made lhe dtllerrnte Ihl Iddr III 00w lrrrrnrninz him that ha grnun In her It rnuiitoeorrsiy with the develop meat at lhe light lrolirsomn rrruIlenI about Jesus drawn lrvrn the 605an at llnllhzw Alain and mill in little uyr God nwurlurnn lhr ant rwer Ihe laid in In Interview lure pilot to to to be right with and II the must prrciour thing In the world Now that It has happened the Inlendr In use Irrr musical Ind Irlrnz nblliiles through mortar televirlorr or on the 51020 It convey her 00010000 trim to 0mm OUTLOOK NEW Up to two yerrr 020 helm irrr work In Gndrpoii berm on the New Vorlr rtnze the outlook IrId been dlllertnt or Kntin llrromo Hoot4 woman at it with auburn hair 0an lamina blue ever it had tirr Irerure church unbrinzinr Iirr slid retailing her Presbyterian Dncernund ln Eranston ill iler Inther liab erl Ilnnley It lawyer in Grlcaro Alter nishlnn college the hut you in San lrrnclrca in rebriion to trl Iwny lrurrr home but thI urnant 0th Irene time didnt rull her run pernrnert Through intiucm nl lrtlIltI lire raid the caught the rpnrtu at now trim and returned in New Your in play in the rtngn rrrrlon 0t Gndrpcil nhlrh nru dealt mavio pmtutlon nut to he horn oxain rlrn Inid Not In tho mrnhnll rhulrclr war In something do 00 Ilrrd clrurrclr llyouhunonrtormoan lng inlrlny0tl 002005 church can givnyoo this mooning whon hotter you on understanding aIGnd AI nulrorvicrsyouII Item iiihio L05 that gtvusyouncilarJIMil ldeaoluodnndnow inspirationthulsulrslius youriongrnn thynotromonnxi Sunday nndaro rI churchtsnliurlwhal youvnhoounoedrng CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SERVICES Churoh ervirrr ll Collier Si Chnrrlr terrlcu 00 Irrr Stroll khnot llrth run ltrlinrrny Illreilrrl Second Walnuty oi 1llth lllnnth It not prn and dull rerun ernu let ru reek lnmititrtn lhiI min rymtbeiie touelr ior it ll needed mud today III Steel In Pnrrt ALTIIIlu Pill MIDI OrrItal Mn Norm not to Itll MOBNlhO WORSHIP TN Wrelr Druid TM IIII Blbl Oil rus IullIhie 31 In llrml by Jmenl truly ArIiiIhII It CROSSROADS ItiiDLTUllST PM 7285081 Ilter mun in sun 0mm IS GOD DEAD lien Nmrr Klnlrmrtel Prlmq Chm ll Ln EURO SCHOOL Nmrry 0mm Adult tenhr Like rum Irina lllrIrier II ludnnerln Uh tIrIpIzr out at 10 Book at Art 0m Mon to 009 Inn to rot 10 III 000 In to 500 00 5220005 0000000 Ictlnn Doeumenlrry tutui lllrrr oi ltlrvlor the Clrrlrtirn in Ruull To dry PM Seam lrom Iircerrolutian Mnmolh May Day Parade 500 Brother Andrew Godr Smugginri Crouing tho Bord with Bibiar 10 srorr 0r THE thn and In Family tier ll hrnyth tier iunlrr lrilIilan llllOP Collier SI ll Utllltr SI thrrr Lily IIIlIr PIrtrr Wm Pilll nudeu cm 11000 It Wurlrlp 00m limiter ill Nnrnynn Thonm Glnrlrur II with In Army with llInnerI nu ChrlrtvCenired 030 001 HiC BREAKFAST 00 Int CONFIRMATION SUNDAY DEDICATION OF GIFTS TO WORLD DEVELOPMENT ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cmer It own In Hurley NI MlIltrer Tier Muriel IklIrt Oraht Cm Vlhlienrerl III In llltnII wont llrllrlnr llmrhIMm lztrt urn Seller our School lirot urn Jule nun Mal VISITORS rrrsrfrrrrsrrtu REFORMED CHURCH ll ml Putnr llev mu tit Munr Ir Ihnru WORSHIP SERVICES 0000 run Mmrusmtu 130 ML hitch Emil 100 pm tuning 8min rnryrrnu Vietnam Enndry Morning Ruin IIer II 600 Elm Cllli EM lli Hill It ll CIIIC THI Kill Owl FIRST IAPVIIY CHURCH rru Ion40M mar 10 IMHMIHLII II Ill un HIW MlttI 01ltHMImtytrt rrrr METHODIST CHURCH llIlerlrl Ind DIltrn Sir ltrv our tun trA nn PIrtnr M3 Inr Innlrr School uroo Inn llmlrln Service 700 nan llvrnlnl 3min thittrrnr lltnne Coner Tlrd Sill Illidweeh llllrie sturly llld Prlm Fell up ST GILES CHURCH It Cool Strut thr Vrn Bull Mir 500 Md Holy Communion 00 Int llorninl PrIrer Church School Ilt Nnnery IVIIYDNI ll WILEOMI CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Cdrner Ron Ind Toronto Sir THEMEr YOUNG 1N SPIRIT hnrrh school M0 Ind IIIM my tlum Weirrml TnAII Tho Church School met It 930 Im Irtrl ll oclock Welcome To Jnylol CIrrlrlCrntre Fellowririnl crrurcrt or rrlr NAZARENE WILMH Im WSW rum lrtt In Tully Bill munrum eunucqu hlelIannl wintr rut ML Card Mr Tim Om hirer ll ynn lull in Duel lion Why In ll vlrll IIT Ionml trtnd ll hmtrnrl FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH CrleIrl 02 rum tall In Sula km toe the IIIII lull littl III MIrnlIr until 100 11 EreIiu Maire Irdnnhr Ir Inn Christin Gmth tIrIr IteanyII Dunn TENTS Settell TLHM Mn DIIII lituberrer Print rlmu AIIltl You l1 HAITI armor Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AMELIA SUNDAY MASSES mud 1It MI minimtutu Hill15 WEDNESDAY IIIENNIS rm III MIII were PIIIII Denti PlPSl FRIDAYS Mum Ti Inn Ml In FAITH TEMPLE Palm Brill Ruhr lr lull nubile olt CIDIII MDT tizlt Irn Winilb lenie DneelIl sperm lrIS rn Evuxrllstin knit 11E PASTOR hen lztt Inn WIIIIII Pmtr Nerltu lrl llrtt LII rim mu htreJrr W20 lrll MI rune n0 run III Jun M40 God rut nu 00 100 In Puree Ben senior hilt Inner meld mum mo Iit Irothrr DEDICATION SERVICE oi the now rrrr Mrrrroorsr CHURCH Blyrid Ind Drlion Strut JUNE 3RD 3200 p01 GUEST SPEAKER BISHOP EDWARD JOHN SOLOIST MR CARL GREEN Frilndr of tin community In lnvltud Io rlrm tIrlr loylui oeruion IIrgIr building to um tho umlur Barri EMMANUELBAPTIST CHURCHl 225 ST VINCENT ST lARRll lIIerlrn Purim Ber lirnrn Ford 000 mm PrIyIr Melting 000 Mn lmplel CKBB dial 950 905 Im FIrrrliy Ribin School mu ron Au horn 00 Inn SpeeIIISpeI 700 pun SperlIl Sp Nurury Frriiltlu II III Servlm THE ANOIICAN CHURCH ST GEORGES Till lth Km III DWI III Gmrlllr linIdIy Senim Inn at llrll Inn heelan tier ll lure You And In Drrll will 00 tall nreunlrttu by the 1m nrnrnnnirull elm It llr Inr YOU ARE INVITED BURTON AVE Unitid Church 1m TRINITY CHURCH Cllllh ll Illll ll IT WITH ml Irv TEorllnr IL Lrrt unllr IIIrtIr vr 201 CIMlIltnlII rrmilr run ArmI IIKIIIIII II Iorrr nrvtrrr will tum Kin It rm not lvmrnl Int Imm Imam nrvrrur mm rm In Thurlll Almllur It Ctmrllunlln II mu II In Shillffli hvlu It PI LII law arm SI Eat It Cool 0L llinirterr ltrr Arthur Store 1100 Inn MORNING lPOllSiITP 10 Jay CNellOI Church Schnrlr 030 nd 00 Numrr lltllllltl IvIUIhlI