Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1973, p. 7

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uuA wmhmw The Service You Get DependsOuII SEEE to TEE tin SEE Plt3= Eg Egia 53 gt 27$ Ind them no hinL Berlin btr lob Is bond at tourbs SE ppoach mm In tho noon who end It bouua will not her tor lint rho II Minn timid II try to mom wort Ioon Ibo Mytchltur AII Dtll IiIbIIII libraries briponoomm Ibodounauntil otter to to bro tor IhIII Ind rhhl Iotur mm Mty 1K Mull HEEL manor MAT or in If New Summer Shoulder Bags Feature Lighweight Fabrics Theyrl Indbut thcfrr its thooo would ploltoros oolhi shoe mono rum to near rth their brtrlu new run on iuhtou STliiiW IIIIT W1 uh on in tour tozn tbir Irmrntr tin hnm mod numl ItrIII Ind ditch nersboy hItI In It lrIdiox the you Ind luring ro oIturIl strIw IbotI Lo rtyhd uh bl brim Ind binned It tho hock brim by Iuru pIIr vi piodorrnooihi ohm bu plux tcr Lho um ptotiortn thou beddeo tho that Lhry are nqu turnar om Imrd the wild II they re Irolible Ln rotor humble Th plutorrn Ihoe Iitt our hate Into Lio hit up labial experts Ittbourh by then It Ill bootitielrssmumled III Lbo loot rm upon Isy theyre not rrnubtr Sensible Iboes Int sehiorn been to tutor wt th the tomonoomcizus overrun on this your mo mrn run all In Iorh or too to thcit llMSONS Sears Offers You Ion rIIu rold wind it In mi iun fobSIM Joell DrIr RI Thank for loi Uhx ll hm hm It Ll on the otherendnitbonouirIhopo lhlI lottrr hobo an Important career In person It at TURNING BACK THE PAGES Ci It Robinson ttord woroonnod costumes at rest Ir In looping with all anniverury tho celrbrotiortr Ilritbio Schnutrr climb hot to her long brnnn tt to stock tho Iholtos white Phondi below thdII pink own how lEnrnIner Photo SEIIKING OF PEOPLE IIND PLACES iN Ci lTAL itr od it Colt Wright Collie lreot motored to Otto wa to tilt with Irirnds ottd ro lottrtr his Ireland STIIISTIIESS CLUII lie or oi the First Iorut mittre chin oi Barrio wt motor Oshawa tomorrow Iltendrtho itnot council mutt tns tor tho uorortior Cnuntil not The dutyton tyrnt wttl Ito hold It the Cornster Inn monl thoso blurring to nttcod Ire bin Ernie Inior Mr George iorroil ItIrI Itillnm tioioomron itlrt Don Unit hirs Itrtlnrd htnxie hirr John Stoeio Mrs Cameron iitu uruechoo all ol ol Grownhurst Borrle and Airs Sue itttchtr In Scptrrrbcr monitors will at short in tho crcnings at tho Lokutior tirstuuront AXE IIIIIDiiL Lilli ttlnorrr oi Duplicate Iiridyzo Club wore NorthSouth tilt Dnnnully mu rm um iirzt hiro Quirnby ond llrs donor mind Air and bin Rhy thrrr third and Win Cow dornrtti Ilsru Flowotlinti iuurth Loutirst iilr Ind hirs itny Schnorr but Eitu Swain and olive Ilrrroy oocond Joyco Ilrtts and blood htct rnlic third nod Shirloy lockio Lind Chris Atkinson iuunh tumoursth moron tor mtmcrs ot the loci lost Auxiliary to tho Itrrrto rot is tun Enroll name To Tell The Truth Pu It On IAtudt will milling litrqu tIhIo eIrI oi Ibo loch Slides Show Axed inoenlod by run Borrlo Psnottsu rttt didCtl Ind hold to tho wk weather per Dm AI mom We hm thm normII lIrlebtt ternI my and iourth dquhtrr Ibo took to drug tour sum no so named tho rllIIrI Idiot worthless bun mo tomb no olrIdod IIIII her not to AM thy mi II much oi um Ion Ibo moyod luck with us Wo ittrnLohod hot with IM Traveller bin Donoid JIy Ind Mn boldro mo tho opul erI It Tbundoyl unorII medial oi ContrIl Unilod Chuth Women tno mentor no in chm oi tho Sunshinl Unit Ind tin Joya Wiuiu ted In donor it mum bond on Inilh vIrrerIyIoa Ibo DoIdII tbowvd color Ittdeo ot out oithelrtrlotatlu iiolyland Toucth on my point hi to lmot they honoured to Iorno oi tho Irras por hIpo Ins known PRO TO SHARE bI Plan Smorgasbord Rm Assorintlon will be but tutti moo tho rpcciul Inert It tho When riub meetings rrsurno For Iune Meeting Tho tiny mutiny oi the Urn lied Church tomrn mrt cn Wedntxtiov evenino at It nciorir It the homo oi hirsl Glenn Ottsbttm titration optnod with the Thorn sonti lollotrtd by curry on rrpcoitni the lords Pray ion it it Ioln uril icic mtlllns nnni tomin dronrr Surnhioio in Juno Thu tnturrnni coming common armlrcrsrry With you Iron to totlow tho IItIII whit bIIt Around the poll rourro you and III the help you our lot In Amior roll pro It tho Stanly Roy Club will ho on bond to ire Idrice ud roll tips to tho Shme Buy Bruin tria noon tellowinr some on Wrdnesdry turning Tho newly tanned rrwp has more thn to members PRIVATE Am II but born rotlmoird that tho total VIluo oi priroto assistance or Devotions noro tnhon bi hirs Vle iicitiuotor topzc cc at oclock when the col nts uiil rccclro irlcnir or out IiIJIlHS They GRADUATES Io dovelopin countries irom CInIdIIn orronixotioos ohoul million do you Ion It such In only on Does my bot from worry or to this on old wlru IlloITII OM OM MI Durham GrothIrIItho NailoilhmIHWJI hos nothing todowilb worry timtyisthomiortxtor IvouldbeiontotbtrrpoteJ bumblinmotherpeoplo Toured Theo Included the ruins oi Pompeii lbm teryItIon bu been rIrrIrd on only durin tho tut two hundtd yo no Ii Lbouxb it on drstroyed by vol tonic About TI AD LOT OF BEAUTY ltro Iy Iotd rm 2m III HTMIMW NW oi Irr team Ind who ol itle mmporIblI to that oi much lIlor doto woo reteIlzd by thorn exemtiooo lira Dotdio told thr rtory oi limit the lost mot Ilronx boid at tho Jowhhpeopio In the first contour where tho ttomsns told stir which lost rd tor three yrorr The Jewish peonto put themseimto death HIM thin be ruptured tin hlIry Jory thanked tho iodteo tor the tntrrroitrrl tilus Iroted tIIk Relreibrneots wrro tuned by tho Sunshine Unit todro The next Intro meeting will be October 1923 LIVE LOBSTEAS Ambit Nee Io mom ozhrooor hmIUItANr Itb Condidooed 0w it tor may mu mo morn Iron If You Act Now The world at tuition otirn ll exciting Ind resurth rum to tho unto Itytr rooirtonr person Tbm In Ittll iirnitrd Inmim oi oorninn in our Fulton ItepIrhnntI tto moire IIIIIxm tor LIdiu Drum LIdtrI sportumr ttliittorry Ind IIsblorr Itcmrorirot Unuth Foundation lntInt Ind Tron Fuhiou Ind Coenrrtirl It you hm rnInurrIII Inrmlron ltIcInonnd In this iIrid rrprrienrl riotk control nirI promotions budrrdu rte you no InvItrd to deran toner opportunttlu with tInIdII irIdinx drpuimrni rton min Surround IypIIBI Illl enjoy ttnl close worth conditions anInbrr oi urrttrnt Imploon hrurittI tortudtu Iroilt Sharia Filth Emvtom Dlr count ItIior IteoirIi itII Ind my othrro nnitdrntloi tetmtm orlnr Illiri II CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE iii IIIyiirld St IJII to pin nIity bloom toroorh irtdIy Pbm Pm how nourstcd no Ills itoll roll was unswurod by it AT NEW INHIth 7282468 Ext 54 Ilium ll lInim EtdI 6th receiv mornbtrs and tour visitors Id hcr IiItbclor ol Arts do Tltl EXAMINER WANT ADS iottrr was road irom tho Sirnrou Prosbytoriut Executlto Untied Church Vomon ultrtuttlt tiny meeting will ho hold on Juno nt Now Iouott iho Juno motion will be hold on June 26 with Srnor Isbord sup tho Churc hlrmbrrs amittos vitt he trusts Devotions tor dun will bo tattoo by him My iottmer Tho rrcruiitc rnrrttn oi the Sirocco Ittohilttisn Unitcd Church ttamcn tltirh ttlI bo hed Li hcw Iowcil on June brings non approach to oon tern tcr propir IIcgistrotion tailor puro irom to 930 trozronu ntil Inclnto report ilOttt rho Toronto Conlcrcncooi UCW Thom will be pnnot dis cussions and two worksh The UCtt Protbytoriol proud rrco It tho 26th convocation oi the University oi Wotrr 100 on May 2i I311 Jutlro attended school It iicst In Dalston Ind graduat ed Irom Barrio North Collu Iute Sho pious to rontinuo hor itudiu In Thoolory It Qurcno Urdvrrsity In iiinx riot in tho tIli She to tho slaughter oi Itlr Ind Ilro Wolloro tough oi Doltlon PHONE norm we guarantee to deliver and install your custom drapes clays after you place your order IVMI BARIIIES NEWEST AND MOST EXCITING ANWEQUESHOP FOR SHOPATHOME SERVICE CALL GRAHAM WRIGHT errlo Am 70571644 Outohtown coll wont

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