Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1973, p. 5

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Irxntr Inaurvn airliner bl re rm In Music Festival ly MB LTONS um connexion Ihzb II to be hit Guelph has Midland To Hold Ind ALlJilIi CI lord DI Flower Workshop 0n Erna bundle drea ar bar been oorrbrd tor MIDLLW ISIEII earl rlnrial whoresiierL Iboy on lam Irrargcmenla wJI be held byllidlnnl IIcrtI erslhxri hearty l7 llrndry May It the Orange bII curt puma gm rm bare rn drivere lircxe ol Hell un Madeline llbsoa turtlm Oriel III In Its Guhrle marlI Eric ley mm It hurts Ann Thomm marks Rudy Heating marl Sonaun II and under Tu We curb lhlld 5min In and read LID IJyI Moriarty II marks to Ind Inter Sale Jay re masts ant Mr number at young musicians hm Ibo llnsae ere petun pared In the recent Music Few IIth to Mimi and Onlhr The yo penpe Ire lbe mic era ol lira Dch Italbrriani not Mn Mary er title of Brownie lira Iilxhrrioni LI rub and choir drrclor at St Jobu LICLVII SUSPENDED In In vale moral Sodrty ilrIl bcgan 15 years Ito MIDLAND WHEAT linked Couch and in port yum has directed Em hlrs Itkdde II orguhl and choir dmdor al the Email Preslmertsn mm lira Rah chin is charter mcilbtr oi the Olarnl Society In on been the mount since it lea Price nurkr reean Exit II EM liar lin Moriarty 31 mm Ieoocd Slga Readmg Grade All CT Chris Maneer In Susie Jay Darts Mouzteer won Lle cup tor the biebesl marl right reading Special yeere ltetion years Ind paler Laura 0m marks lrsl $eliey ma marl third the IILiIIad why any msnw Weaver her were Isle to bring llaI by by mm actssz ml other equip meal meetei It the art liartrtutorrt Aer III ruspsndei Tiaras the stale meior rebtcie Iirninstrrloa The Ilsa re mile run Weavers refusal Is take trr irr bood Ikth rostrrl placing his Irml can dnulra drrrng charge Anal l8 greens pursuing an The tliiirnd me III The Yr tIrar Cub Seeds Scholaris at two was IIIrd ed Io an lloaerrr Susie JIy PIN recon to this eIIsI Susie war the sinner oi the YI bloul Wot Ichalarshp last year Iral Grade ILIIJII Sao RII Jacger It marks rst Ntney won N3 Itltoiarslllp Double Duel Grade 5M eats ol Ilvrools centennial Ele CASH IN ON TIIE ART BOUA Established high traffic siortslwill dispsy your lastselling paintings LilHlmo opportunay for re rponsiblo person An experience accessory Invest ment fully secured by store CIII Toronle dJSIETS Collrel Appointments by Air Llhlrrcla Ylola Gilllaa Daniela solarium 87 marks to each Jane Msrretl ml classes as and mark Diet by lathe two girls or kr Piano Solo and under blIhJ Mounieel l1 mam lust IIImo JIeger Te ride It marks and nun Mourneer ll our Sal and uoter LIrrI Dr ol no II the or oi its ltareeyeareld IlIkII winner Symmetric come may Ieedolireshllise alteratlmandoneballrnlle all Iloer Oul duh OTTAWA REPORT Monarchy Discusse nun thinks he bu In oul undtu Quena Plate undl dIlo ems than Mil my LnYrenyntI LI the early tawrta Inc the turn convulorn tutors REIRESIIIN GRASS outing June Chair Stan Iood and Fort Erie Ibs cin mciric Is owned by than real seIscn Itll also II In Grant oi DrIdlotd PI and ealry la the Marine sinker at bar been placer It Green Vientiane llllt Ilternoon Caitlomen React To Soyburgers Clrlr Mills lemary ol the Croatian Cattlrmrar Atxrrlr lion try the hit organization It ensely wachtng the torrent lng mining oI synthetic melts er It marks much to markt Rental It marks Price no marks lhlrd ILI Juries or mark Ieecnd It marks third Duet it not under Jack Archer Debbie Thomson Solo to and under Ann Thume II marks JIne Windrem II mam Shelley Solo II nod under Laura Ike Guthrie It marks Ilnndy Sale It and under Ellen Duet end under Ilsa Ril hie Maureen Jaeger IT mrrls ilrsl Angels Klrltvt Syn Duct 10 and mder Cami Al Icn Jens Lrdrern It marks llrtt Shelley Trench Elect Kloostermsn an mule second Ann Thomson Laura Dyer menhary School outta Clulr Nance Shell Marpetl Lynn Try marks Double Duel Grade and Student el Our Lady oi Mulder Separate actual Nancy Isfger Am Rbrille thln Maurice Pal Rlldlle bl marks third Triple Trio Greta Sen Ior Triple JInI Rumor Janice Crate Janice Spr July Campbell ilelca Iluthrr lord Susan III shell lIi coll Joach marks Jular TTiple Ts Rosey msry Rabble Judy Miller clan 4y Darrell Debbie Bcll Sbctlal Guthrie llnrtto Clule Ront ole Orlumbus AnitI Stone Coo nle Ream Judy Bertram Wanda Drown Ann Coinrats Jullc Stone bl marks The WU oi the MINI Terr Ir nr nilb beet In Canada Ccltlcmrn are Inrlsllng that Ila mired product be clearly labelcrl rhowl th rrarls Laura Lee Guthrie Ilroly IlemLtg ea mrrkl Jane Deardssll Shelia harpell eo merlrs that will be Ieaurcd la the By North Simcoe IVIP PIONEER STEAAIER the alr that so up to rer re it in to from over or Com It oi re it inter or be iorcrd gnv Presl not and Dole It the Ilnw Inl or Dnlo 1950 the law Al Ilsl can our the Magnicent rayon no mean our Almroe North In tbls month at Mry the United Kingdom is celebrating 1000 you at Monarchy Rirbl oerr Wulmlnstlr Bridge the realm oi Queen Dodicca stands out L1 bold relic anked by the Parliament buildings and his Den Il war there she taught the Romans nearly tool years ago Rothch was only loca queen albeit the most Import lb III ant ol many othera blunt in VI all ol England was under doc Illa locally Ind to actual Incl thcn Elitahcth It II dlrcel demdcul Ilero we have lbe ooncopt cl monarchy as urliylng iorrs The present royal IImiiy he presents the unit in arty nn lion Thcy are usual loudly with lloir problerru Anne likes Wheat Growers 0n Ontario Marketing Plan The ortlnrlo vltcrl Produc ere Marketing Board has In neunced noticeI hare been msilcd to maria wheat pre circus arlllning proposed am endmcute to the exlytlng Onto inrlo wheat producerr markc ten Iioler authority oi the Out Irla farm products roarlctlog board the notice to producers pmvldts or lniormnllon mect Ints to be held at which an expression at opinion by Ice Ibl ballot will be conduciedhy the Ontario ministry at sgri lore and Iood extension branch personnel The notice mailed to over 22000 person listed In lbe boards mulling system con tallied dairy and locations meetings to be held In it coun lles across the tvaan with In tour dry pcrlod June to 7th Chairman oi the outerlo hoard Fergus Young RR minnow Pelrrborourh Oom ly said board directors wlll be in utterance It all the lntorm nllon meetings to exhibit the pr smcndmonls In what they will mean to pro doom and the industry to gen errL Illr Youth conveyed the hope lbe car the best prlte possible to speed and ride home Prin eI Charles tiles to keep move log and the Duke ol Edmhurgh tiles all sports while Elltnbeth remains lady In lbe highest Icnse PLANS TITO VISIT During the summer Queen Elisabeth will visit CouldI on two occasions We will View and love her or her very cute rtquch and majestic hearing Ten centuries have your tour II molly Nit claim oAdduaniNIyl Irom Iys ol monarrhlat dictators through the divine nrio ollllnge untll today on have the Constitutional Lichen rhv democratic In every sense that really works other nation envy us It they face the cartoons oi try to to place leadership Ibexo llcl They rcalizo that the monarchy it system wit by ohvlotu advantages union Vote opporumlty lo Iltend the mcel lngs and rupmrl the proposed amendments In lirengllr The board chairman said the battle Issue is Itrnply that the merlellng bourd wards to pet or wheti producers Ilo asId directors iecl thls can be accomplished by men dluy lbs prercnl marketing plan to all wthc marketing board to purchase and tell the entire crop ol wheat rather than brsrlbe volume declared to be unplus ta dimeslla re uirenaenlr as administered on the present mnrlettng plIn In the notice to producers It was pointed out that world wheat prices have soared to of lovely The world market continues Itmnx encore pric es lo Ontario do not now re ilcol the higher world pricey Present board authority else not provldc the marketing mechanch accuracy to late advantage oI such rice level Mr Young cooclu cd by up log II the products support the amendments to tho Iatlsiactlon at the Toledo term products marketing board the new mar kellng eystcm could be Imple mented or the lm crop which will be harvosird beginning In that producers will Into the ONE WEEK ONLYI JUNE ll Id Theatre Royele III II MonnIII MAURICE HUISMAN DIRECTO presents the BALLET OF THE 20th CENTURY MAURICE BEJART ARTISTIC DIRECTOR non SAT Even Ito on non IIAT not pm SAT nor too pm one no rsm mo solo to raw 4100 won last 50 N0 IIEDXEHDAY EVENING PERNIULAKCE BOX OFFICE OPEN II In pm in point oi all people regard and Ilgurc ol unlly cone Through the Ilery Inrnroe oi change our monarchy bar re mained puried today Ilnntlmg as Iytubol at all that doubles boner Integrity nnd lumen and uhtarnlsbcd by all the potty politics at nallons She stands abovo tho party liIlIE She is our Statue oi lubcrty Tbr zircon position Is hercdh lury and not political RALLYING POINT lltloodllsldent ts lhI brad oi the nation III II pollllrlnn lie may have tho votes It little better than hall at tho people In Canada prints rrtlrusicll and parlch may tell but above all rlnnrlr the Outed barring lhe road to any dictatoan tend nbiunllll the parole lhnl uhlta they are In the election process the stands sercno as the rally cl cl IrlII and roll meal in the prod In Iti on lltils said such mixtures should mt be given namer lbu are dclbrr rte atcm lo suttrst that thcy It the real thing The name Supcrburpcr Ir mlslead Inn to commuters and glues In loiltelloa list It ly not pure brat product III told that it generaly mopircdlhli rt proteins are at lower nulrrlye vIIuo than those or nnms oritln Ind maumcr must te able to cicrrly rco what they are gel ling Ilawcver ll mixed pro ducts are cearly Iabcllrd uni nsmel Int Ilso inlrly priced Ilills said that rsttlc producers are unlikely to irhl against Loo mixing at bcel with Irtlil eiIl pro clnl less Il their political niltlia tlonr We are Canadians We have no potty dictators Our portin mettlury system secs to that and when nallon we sing Canada we are grnlclul that has iron as symbol It will cane whether we Illr It or not he salt It coud well be that we can maintain or oven Improve the nmotrblblv cl hrci in the co oromy market bv encoding It with ehrapcr producs even Illoush thrre In some loss oi greatly he concluded WORLD BRIEFS IIOY KILLED SIT CATIIARINES iCII Gordon harbor was killed IIIdJcIdIy when he ran into Ibo path vi car while playing near his home SPACE IIILL PASSES WASHINGTON AP olohillion appropriation hill tor tho National Acronnultcs and Space Administreiioo was passed chncsdny by lbe Ilouso oi Itcprescnlalivos and sent to the Senate Itltultounl monarch the envy ol many nations that have to put up with poblicnl ltgurcs ol lessor statue GOES AWAY RACK ORILLIA istalil Original NI ol Orllits Colleglale lusti trio and Vocational School was erected in 1857 the year Oril liI Ixcume an incorporated vll Iloge It has been greatly ex pandcti over Ibo years with new sections and additions ONCE IIDDGEN LANDING IlAtYKESTDNE Stalit llnw kertono poiico village Oroe ietgosl community was once known as Ilodgc Lad STARTING T0 AwardWinning 0quin ummmmnunmtor CAROL JOII WHITE MILLS Ntrloimn SPECIAL ADDED amnion IIuur MVLIALWNIM mm RON OFFICE UIF DULCIMA AT 215 ONLY STEIIOE AT ONLY ITsrrtuns TONIGIIT who hlovleGoers Are In The Know Tbcy Iluy lloukl 0i Theatre Tickets or the price ol Mmromml murmur mnoo zomruua lltlllRSIIhAliltXtROMIO llultll BTOTHET sun SISTBI MOBIL Duct Ia and under to rst vetoed Trio to and under Jsoe drcm Jane Berrdrsll Car Firmina 05 marks second Ilarpcll Ali All marks Iirsi BUSINESS For Inlernarllon wrlle lo ILP 01 Duo all All Whnivastllllt murmurInbou InesImmu HIDEE BEEIII no not liltlllllirniwnnns ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AT 1110 AND DN llomleer Joan Price 31 marks his col utter Melanie Duel Id and node Ilcsnle blouatetr IJYIA tlounccr Se phrn Ellington 33 marks llrrl biaurrvn Jactcr Darlene carton Ilsa Ritchie It marks Allen marl llrrl Shelley medumlrlce ItIndy Trio II and under Shclla Julie Archer John rueoersolllltlilctll mm or IIIon Slalil The tire slumer to make regular parlllllcr and height max on Late Simcoe was met Ll Jch Colbcrre whirh It Rolland loading to ensure POPULITION lIlDllURST tStIIiI Orll tLII popturtloa In rest was lust all people It was shown by hi archives In Ibo the popuhtlo Inrratcd to 1000 and In IIII when it won proclaimed town lbs community had m0 peo DJ IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY IIr Commlulonrd areal II III lay an highway or II lligbwny I00 DrIclIord Ontario lelird capital Investmesl LTD can Mills Rd Don Mills DIlIrlo Tiller Or Phone IMIII ext Ml Held Our 2nd Week pm and N5 pan incur idyllutld utoviel INIILNINII Tilll jlllglllurllvmoultobetitlsteats cpsrmdenulatetherunawty wt swam IA lawn now PLAYING onto JEANPAUL svutr nunonuo IIYAII ERNNUN Ioulr mumnun on cld rentals at lmed Caunly Belem gives you rugged 16 horse hydrostatic lrsetor or tough to horse your drive ttucluv Both overhead valve engines Both with quick plugrln leek pin al tacbmenl systems Electric starting 02 mower out And both with daytong stamina and your sound versatility Provon petlotmcrs in varloty or John Toughest lob b1 hoot 01 you Is choosing the one you went Boiens Divi elon FMC Corporation nonoo vnno dunno CII Vluilll on South Ii Petes hr WW mm Alreorlone estrus ALI Illllll utmtarlwun 23tqu ocrom NOW PLAYING TILL MONDAY Adtdlnnterlalnmeal nonunionmet RANSRSCITY nouns vb Mil mu

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