Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1973, p. 3

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wmivtmsr Iv Mayor Attends Meeting ttm Mutt PIrtIr will he one id to rlretsd mud rwmntulm media lorrm Sunhy thrwa lily It Trent Dotson In Pol eeimtugh unwindcontem southbound nonm hmhontthotIduIlIndpro rindsl goternnxntn tutu threoIlIvels It govern The trilovel mime III mod by tho provide IN InllI tiltirt tear inc Blittlttid nutritious my new EMU urnmo to count hsntun lesnt Till Imus EXAMINER strunntv int in The bond ot tnutee ot Rout Vldoril llospilll trill hold its out meetutg tloodIy It pm It the Regional School of mining to Weltinrtos Sheet mums to Dorrie Iimu nub bold It rledlon ol oillcer lor iris1i Moods itqu return thin meeting It in Militant Ilimheglholulllmipnt renamioiumnmnuuui III IMO II 6mm III illumination inn slur Imam mm The Timothy Duistinn Ferris Lino nus night up cut Horgttortl um win this meeting It the RC AEA Illll on Iil Street begins or no on Elrttlnns InTl Illire and School Assodsitoti About tint IiIs rIiird tor uniform horn tho mpnylt hold hole into and only Iehool Ietlvllles Fltohl Ivalloolr lElItIllllllf suction It the Irhooi oil LEFT Itttn Vut Schubert Photo Eastvievv Team Makes Business Gum Finals ill itsmuy dlmior oi oi urnion withtho Sumo Couny Board ot nitration will re ttr warlord Ild otter tni Ildenl controller insrkciln llal guldnnro by him the stud nunsgrr etc They only look ottr the nmr torm tho Ieliio price or their pro Iurrn his poutlon with the hoard Jul tlr RImsnil hIs They Iioo recude tirIt pin sclirs Towards the rod tho duct tho udzet tor aitenisin uulruts didnt consult IIIII mo Ind promotion resuth In been on ion tor Ilrnost two sword tor thrlr wort In way yem to an ink furor on the had meant youth Ind Inlurs of educliion Angus lll Ugo suddtir Maltalillgltufop in Tryreein anee giftinth Elixir mid tor economic Iltolrt pro 3512 mm 91 hit Ind horionhle mention 00h OPENINGS ll lil detetopmeni ind Itlorelzd fund to pay the rottIol pro ducing Iho volume ol mentori dlso they vetted to tell Th EIstidoIJ li ho will i3 ituut in membership individual dev Central Region layreetrome Portage View geiloolI with Ilopimul Ind immunity do lrorn It unit from Tlmmins in amt will be opened olcidtv velopmont The unit Ilio placed the north to Thronlu lit lhe next Monday Gueu speller It fourth overIIlt in the award tor nut and from Peterhorouii tho opening will be Inglis tic emilsnro whim was won by in tho ml to Oskyilie tn the toy Irtint director of due the Toronto Jitter tlort wlh the Simon County For yam mmmin illiciiiiiiiiiii nutritionally OS rytfwluylzzuol or on trotttltL inde tullrg lIle Downstiew teIm lrom DroIl Socondalre ltsniner Itl mer Arid am ttom Cesi etrilanCsrnbrldgo diiItrlot high whool Casselnun All enmpeilios will like plate in Oshaws municipal bulldogs tiring the cityI tom puler cuted Itsrds Pridsy mm II it mossy iiIIi rnoru LEFT ltreIl roll Tammy Connolly Arrde Green JJl lode anon LEFT thorh NI Capqu Bill Dun rnn Ursnt lentil ltIrry dauphin littIrinner Pho II THE 726 342 DONT mu min Lisr Its not turn mu STEIN REAL ESTATE Ltd ill Dull illtdl Barrie Jayeeels Receive Awards the JIyeeo moment and tor his IiiutInm to the bond Date Young of chtnotr Its tented Iutiunsl vlreprrsldent tor tmlt Finstty the Barrie ltyreet were twnrded the mt ornlrnl Region lIyreei ronvenllon Propentlens to host the etrnt writ hegiri lrnmedittrty undrr the theirmsnlhip oi JIyroe Senior Jim She swell All Bar rlo residents will he urged to The BIrrlI mms Ind the Burris llytrlles hotII torched tho oustandtng Unit Ierd when they Itteudrd the lm Centrll Region leiere WNW lion tn lirruittns rrceraly This is the mud rotmu tlve year the Jaime hlvo been chosen outstanding nail Slit Crude it economies stud only rum ltastvltw secondary school will onltlptto Tuesday In Oshswn ugslnst our other hith Itltool learnt in the 1111s It the lmtm I0ntutio Binliiess Game The train ol Dons Cretsr TIES ilutr lluisrll tlylrhreest llruro leallonr Dave Outside Karen hloggy is the newest member of the SarJrani tram She holinvrs in directing you to the right pub son in the nght department in an elticlcni Ind trlcndly minder We are particular in therelcct ton oi our stall you Sarjmnt inuinnm Agency helluva that with butter people they can provide better service See thtm at 27 Collier Slrcrl Ban rte across from the Post Office liAllY SPONSORS The game is sponsored by the Institute ol LhIrierrd Annuit not ot0nluto totemti ramparts CtrudI Ltd ouell CA was Idvisor of tho mildew tesnt Tutti profits tor the tle roilng Is hilll tit Mlillt during the tonne of the gain which Is simulation of two years operation Etch In formed the board at direde oi its own company with pro mo in the first mmmoimtorigeduco mining Canada In addition to the award pre hum BLACK lththtTS denied the Barri JIirettes WIlter Scott hot Ive OHM lIyeetlo president time Will htIiter otlho GrI hint Chip tents was photon the Outsqu trr Ontario West will moduli lilg szwtl ill the Central Er IIIIIInItIeIotlngI IthIIII ltoytl tilhot gtoit lteI trottl IreI Solurdsy tn OrllitI It the not Vifdmlgas Orlllle llIll During an etrn II MIMI or uwor over his year by Wm WM med It honorIry nationsl ltiltlh by mm dent oi the renlral Rerinn NIa mm mm My HI Nona vimpresident Peter Thy mm mm dIyl eron pulsed llr Cnoto liir his mum tilil llWdldbl tin 49an lo knurled pt It Irrmemsnt for In quIl titliloh Moo Inow Jttris l0 Iod tho Derry DIy perde In Cottonwood Aug TENDERS iloh llcColgIn 5nd Ind Grov el lid it been noted the cot trIet to supply the rity with hluherushed gavel Ind plt nut ngnular Arnold trees Lsndsrnplng will iupply the city my mama to id duet with rod nd the Sarlennt Cot opiuent ot the am through to Will xuppli motels Top the year who ha been produt to grid mulled Itore will be Id supplied by Alba Coot Ltd Shela requeitlly dim ilsy 1m lost tom has Idiot NiGETTOFWAY Wm Kh The oily he restlirinrd its re nlcnl committee can uittutly enhtl consultant to provide in mm igdlgIrfzyt icarcittndndlio run and North The no IPIIedIhnmgumo last round trim trout Easttlew ARJEANT damned gimp MM The competition since Octoh er has lxen stipulation of rest buitnrss nrlitlty etul Nat builnrss problems Tim haw lord lhc lmm nilrior mill The simulation was listed on rottweiler progrm Tho compu ter his mid pretends to he the market place and will time derision relrd Into tho enm Ell it rtintlaios what would spprn in mi market pinto Ittmllori and piles on euswcr The Ittulcnts ore then expect ed to mslie iunhrr derision to reotliy situation it it has gone wrong or in dnielop lurthor mom The winners wore dcrldtd mm the svrrago profit the rompanlel made during the period the game wus Irl oprrn top Simone Georgian Task Force Ready To Hire Consultants in In lntornul progress to pori oi the last one which consists oi political tommltlrt oi union and routes Ind lerhnltal romrnlllko oi munlcl pot and provincial rivil Ierw Inu llr lllreu said It enoll rlt Ind rreiislio list ol goals Cleanlip Project Very Suocesslul Councils public works rom inlltne has recotnmtndrd the rliy pntirtpnte in next years Cletnilp Campaign sponsored by the limit liortitultuial SW irly Nell Fox tttpellntrudnnt at public works sold this years rsiitpslgn was very turretsI lul lte laid city trurts pict rd up tlo truckloads ot debris Iiid castolt Junk which might otherwise have lound Its way into owtt lots or the citys treolts The Torontooentered Simeon Georgian Task Force orgonlz ed one year go is providing lieu plttltre ot the dovet oprneo nerdr and potential growth ol Simone County or wrong to Arthlr lleen chair mtrl Ind parliamentary sslst snt to the minister oi trrssury mnernlceud intergovernmen tat Illnlrs ENTER Now AND you COULD WIN sz MORETHAN tilts WINER Liar mum fromva Moilly Cloudy Chance Of Shower Forecast For Barrie lirea Stinday It hook ot sunny weather wine to an Ibrupl end last night and this morning It rota Inil cloud moved lilo narrlIIInd ares Times httio thence ot string the run over the week end The weatherman it calling tor high Sunday to thunderstorm Ind Mday it it tonldtl 50 Hamilton Pelrrboiourh It tlIllhurlon western Lain On IllIO law showers chum of today and tonight Sunday mostly cloudy rhInre til shower lhgh today Tenders will be called tor gomultnnts and the Ontario gov rritrrtrnt will pay their lees lift linen said the lultlt ol the project will he plus to guide muninpalilios htuinds industry rornrttunlty leader toward rItionsldevolopmeitl tor maximum benellt to those who live in the INA He sold the project is not needs lootoot rigidoleon for will he Id upon when 19m DIM Lt deeded to tlty propoled extrusion oiTiirontu Street Request for rezoning oi the property irorn the developer SERVE 10000 The Yukon hbrnry rervlres hrsnrll dating lront toil nerves the H000 People hung in In area the mllei Sterlinglluststiomoration oi mice than zonooo townie gonna Geurgisn Bay northern more showert tonight with Lake Huron NlngIrI western rhinco ill thunderstorm Sun day will ho mostly rloudy with rhanro oi thowtr Torrent Temp The low tonight will he to llIIlI lnw lllgn Members of the political rom ihllo the high Sunday is expoc Todly Tonltht hunt itlttee lhalled lti Millie led to he 53 Windsor to it Treasurer John white include Synopsis llsinly cloudy shins Sarina 70 15 Mayor Dorian Porter of Ehr tove southorn Ontario today Thomas 70 15 rte Mayor John Andre ot Orillla htllt some olrurlng BWIOO London 70 To lilayur ilIrold Bell of Collingv over extreme southwestern por Kddteuer 70 wood tluynr timid Boyd ul lions little insane ls mth lluuttl threat 70 Midland Since my WIrdv Sunday as weak low prtsrure ltllltllam To In James Writes Rem George moles slowly ooross the Grant Owen Sound 70 Burton oi lnnIlitll qunshlp halts The tsmprraturos will ilushoita Io Reeve Ronald Stanton oi Orti iemlln little below normal Hamilton 79 in Townsz Ind Dcptlly ttoeve Northern Ontario sites were St Cnih To John pm or Wm mum mainly clear with temporIturcs Toronto 70 my in the seventies expected to Trenton 70 day and lhiitday Kingston 10 hlotro Toronto Cloudy with Petuwswa 73 one or two showers ehznro oi North pay 75 thtoldorstorrti Sunday mostly Svdlniry 15 cloudy chance of shower Earlton li llizh today oi low tonight ii timrnlin 15 The woslhnr II prIIInIId dolly II public service by Statehood DOWNTOWN BARRIEl COR COLLIER it OLAPPERTON 5T5 7263971 TO MEET Al YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS directly mottled with the pro lines program oi regional gov empioni Guaranteed Trust certicates Todaysinlerestrole 20 Mr Norm Vendor Burgh ol1437 Lansdowno AveToronto pictured here atDomlnlon StoroAlbolta St Toronto with tho $220824I worth of groceries he won with the help of his mother in the top min uio shopping spree liom PepsiCola Enter this Pepsi Shopping Sploocontost and you could win oven mule than Norm Vandor Burgh did minhrununtinutesltoppingsrieestaliegf placeonlimetithsoenternow lot you money nuts monry Good Sitliitfiii Isnmmml IIMI worm noon on gSpfeo Mhtlittuttt doom 560 cell or still your mum Stirling 1qu rootsInterior treesilorotwwiu Emslhlounmpey 3oeottletohetiilt maaz$$Sgss$a$ agaaaSasaSESZ 5322 Pholiiusyr PholoiunI rum OPTICAL Collie end Clspptrlo mun PEPSI Stirling Trusts Corp ll Dluiop littilt lied ailu sir In sum Toronto Iiossulis

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