Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1973, p. 16

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AEAI ssTATs IIrAI ISTATI PROPERTY FOR SALE MOIILI tioMlS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes In Rutter Apprshm nus icesr so out II mm Pull Ind Service horililsndrr ItIlequ 1mm In bur III III or nerimrs Genrrsl tllendsls TAX REVOIISI AND You Cull or forms In to It Item 11 tin Inner IiIr mops Property othrr LII you mldenrs ls rattled to Propertiesa Capitol are ol 10 AND OPE Jump 1m IIlaILIon Its Sm sustain clitets We IpprIIIs see his will be mun AM I5 I21 properties CAR JENNINGS 71H Llpbel Usrshslt Imtmt MIT It in AL TAT PROPERTY FOR SALE TRON FOR SALI REAL ESTATI Drrstt Toronto Lino 3646025 OILVFRAL INSURANCE BEDROOMS ALLANDALE PRESTIGE IIOILLA lined err MARLIN iImdy To Irones In luluslir Mniihlirrpiserooubirrnr Ires rmmle sIur oi rity game lot I70 ti drrp Ilrh ml Isle CIll Joe Drlorrsso mum slew sd Ine mums norms Elaine Isrksors 7mm DIIDIIOOII BRICK CARRIE IOII LES 711W Is war IINIs Isl Iot in AT II 7M sumo lost In OHIO Ins rum Mt so MINI or mm smut IL OIIOLKAN AND 111 IIILIT hodroarm Isrse Intel room dznlnp room kitchen II NW unity Mend with ISM drrii Would rsrry for per rmrth Property Ll Tscsnt Immedisir mutton ears hr muted Just phone llliIr llsmzloo 7106115 IARN IOR 51117 llt Irrrs eI IImIIitIi Isrrrr land Good lrIy Irmtsrr omilre hornsmtih tree lined entranrr To In lh rxretlrnt property III Peter Ilsrprr 731m Complete General Insurance Ser FIRE AUTO CASUALTY LIABILITY CALI Joe Dirrocoio 72A0567 or 7204401 Imr rim was 110 Maine urn JWI Than 177 omirs nr II77 Irlirrr our wku su Drum 710 fIlh museum on Ir pw ITII REALTOR Mrs ACRES wIIls clesred Aldr my lrnntsre Iarre hush urol Irrt tor trout print nsklnn III rm IJII thtuck TIMI SOUTH OF DARIIIK IICI Irrrs gently rolling 100d with scenic Illl pond 107 Inst mature lssrrlsood hush roilrre hrlrli bedroom house harm IosIIIII sired Asklrnr $12000 er77 Eur rriss 7W1 IIODILII IIOIIE lhiI Irirriy home Mr lull lrrizth built In myth turnished Ind yearly in In mukr nil Irtirr Milt Itiuimmlrislmt RITIREIIT ACREAGIC IIsscri lirneh to Irrss rriIImIrIl tmrislursl hush errellent Klmmitr OIL pIIrAI ltan rnnil MI hirer rIi Corinth Inr only 031000 my term Toni Ill Ilmrruns 411020 yrsriit rtldrr home rim bedroom brlrlr basement stems shod prsr IMpanI hurry lor IIIII one Full PM 011 11011 dour ml tsrrles tor mm MITLIT For ImmediIte imper Iltn rsll VernonBrowne 01W TIRED 01 TILE AM Try thit loirty tome llrosdloom In eYrry Mm drspes In Inn to room store not Iridye sisy WIth to pstlo IIIIIII era to Ipprerlsir For sppointmriit rIll SLIII Clements uossn 11nd vice Isrinr mom irsnn more new rtttsrr rissssr rrrsris mnn muss OHIO no Ilisn rs DMlir non Is mrr hip7m Irvm FIAIIAM new hm Mom mromi CAIMI ILI Itll 710ml Lust April 111ml OIMI ms ACRES excellent building land the blocks lrom rliy llrn III high an loestian with trees and ravine lot sites AsIInn It iino per were Philip ieseocir 7139201 SERVICE STATION Imdr hat IllLly eoulmd 000000 ItoretIrI Iishlnrr tnrkle snowmobile tr Ind psrtr Automoter pm hrnlwsrr plumbing supplies rmrirzne Illness rrIson tor sell in EIYI Itiils 7700031 WANTED lisrrie bunyzlnw Ior retiring couple pourssion I14 upped Ind bedroom Harry tor Junior tmulirr September occupancy tirrlyn NeLnrtiI 723mm STOREY twins Ilrrtrirslly treated hrdruums hrondionm doulrle lot soth at Barrie rinse in lake Simone Irtmll ml LIAIIIII PRICES WHERE EisE COULD YOU BUY IUXURIOUS OR BEDROOMTOWNE HOME I02 AS IIIIF A5 DUNN JAYMENI in autumn IUIrAIiIIIr EQUIPPED WITH Relrierator Range Washer Dryer Itoo Tr Orets ellrs 112551 ml 11 II WHITE00 ILLS liesttor ItoI071 AWLIJILI Usllnpr Invited lUlLN lL WRITE 1101770 HM iiuiiIY IILRICK AND iticriin It CoUlrr St MISS All Llrtlnu Awrrzetrd IIIUIIILIY SYRIS 7th TThS 77 PRIVATE narrow 77ch MM amount IoIeouIIn EcuiI Le Mans Imsl our Ar It in users Mp mm 77 NM wwtu prior or Arum IrrII Is MIA It is It mltll 0th outs Insular ios Ilstds ms MAIn tr ml to on IsM Idul to row 17ml or use mil stints At Mr Is or inrssswnmw 1P rsiyAtI 1m MUM Wi ne IUKOI no or miss rrer norm MINI Inst lsm room sslsrr Imostroct Ii II loom IIIAIMM 1711 Mr DARRIE BEAUTY IIAM DIM lcl II III NI URI NM truss Mew urrs ms Iims vAtn sstirg om in urine resin Ind hlli sl 00 IMO 1710014 AAle looms dsvw Itrovwvi trr hr min rule us to smeistr 041001 MIMI 111011 Mr MOVING II LOW TN DMle Ialrtr rrnrh pose nnomisr Ir won III II trsos ror WM IM MILL swo srosooN EIIA TOT II It 2le AI ITTG Nuts In DWI All ppkvMIIMll ILLIO MIR 71 IIUII Mrs RMS F0 SALE nrosotoorn LINKING iA mu ll Alll tum wltn older MN Extorter typo residents ol er IthCIIALS ONLY Telephone lloerni plsrr tor ilIo pur RLALIOR It 010 Atro 10 DC MM OI in stem MI IIMWIII IwMu Hui Ind Second mos mm mortar NORNAGTS ARRANGEL you Attiqu mm BROOM Iii Ressonshlo ILIIrs IIIsz IM krl In Aw Ful MN Alert Isrs on own quo 7777 Am hut Ind loom TRAVEL TAAIIins II roor owm irmt nits FINANCIAL Immune ILL srsr IndWt 1mm Arm 110 DUNIDP SUITE 44 It soar own Ier mu NIT 7207100 other Item put ttlsstuns It IANM toe tw M1 by Appolotmeni MAM LOIS POR SALE Member Onuriii Morin Brotm Assodsues Ulul uAlIDIV In III to hem my 07 glpl MORTGAGES Ws speetlilu In ditllriill lion svsrisotr Thorium ltlmMr suisoiwo sol upsmisty Previous Credit No Problem GEORGIAN MIR INITIRII Imn Lstw mtm rssssn AIle FINANCIAL SERVICES Wm riIusszosiir WANTED PROFESSIONAL man requires rut um um rrwIezMnr ceptlonsl puiiiy lersl loader Immedlslr it screen More St Irm lslelroiit prwert minimum ot 1W 500 Ilth tItrlrr IIkrIronll Bsrrls or Smitty IIIy Irta 1100000 clth syntiohie IF YOU NEED FIRST MORTGAGE mm 95 Loans III Cowliisrsis amiss RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL OIho only Coronation ths Lose Add Trust Cor tloA Art hsyiiis READ rILIre oxistinn nortssuri mm Irlrivdly Mtlcous people OPEN WE DO NOT HAVE llI7Uusrs Oornrnsslom lllt10Ari Irrs IIluliItlltI prepayment ILMIlllll rust MORTOAOES We Make Mortgage Loans VE IIAVR 0srnpetlllre lrterest Inter LIII Immle IAIN VIrIety oI rsosymtitt plsns IlyN ow Ilse eurensu lesitnr llrsl irortrlrrs Cootsrt DOUO CHERRY Irl to 700 $71 to bedroom Muir IIII IA ilthl munI or 70 north Alums IA 07 MRI OIMIMI Itmspinp related tile bath Iced IrII 7137 Dottith COIIIWIM IVA1337 titlililr nearly 7W bedroom Irmlhiitk trunpslow hordsood liners throughout lair lend Amped Int siltiril limo Irsri neite Copeile IMHO LIyIO Dl 7007200 Rot 130139 LOW PO BOX 101 10 DUNLAIL 51 EAST RARRIE 1207100 Ilrmhrri Csrisds Deposit Insulan Cotpoutlos rlisosti OHIugaru REALTY LIMITED ll Collier street IlIrrls 71700101 ORdBrOOCIIoomecI Throughout PRICED ENJOY LIVING WllH WORLD 07 RECREATION OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR INCLUDING FISHING SWIMMING GOLFING GIOA11NG WATER SKIING ETC IAKEIIIOhI trilirt 1HK trrl Ir TDIIIL II lukelrnptuer hesiIIirity turnihtrt rIAtzer three hrdroums Iirttrir hint Itormr IIrII Irrtrrs II Iswdy truth IItrsirrurrrns FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY IIIUSR WORLD Canadas Iltx est IIiiI time mullc start hsl Treateds77 opportunity tor those Intcruicdln Seconds port at In exparidinn reIIll ehsln Purchulril strrrinLlI shared by low Fully psid sdvertlrln pro rsm prolesslansl AssiIIIMs In oissrrioAIr A777 Introer rowwmsrtr Ill plum IL AriUP Id 00 oAvaillttdrIlttltholeyrnitALoPIL rrnlloir lllAYo IlrIrrls store to to sun 77 Ann rewrites To sAIss or cotton In mater IlIepplIIp rrn Irrl Ar Johnston ll orsrt Is Inn In nprolnl August 107 only AID ALLWIIIIII Write to IIIUSIC WORLD FRANCHISE DIVISION ot Yorkdslr Shopping Centre Toronto 11 OM IIyIllIIHL 17 iv rItrItmmirs mm mm HUI mun tiMlI IMm must IMO Imus Swarm ru IrvII Dmu erroru Olsn Am Swat Mam lttlsimmiu In 077 In 701le 160 Itissluogs Street Eu OrllllI TAILS Sly51 DD you own More mm em or 7777 new In our slot Mullins Imiu HM Irissoli 771 sold imm ITIII sstlon RAIN urns WIII llll MAI In 7700 metros If DO YOU ED MONEY szmoosapoo Isl 2nd or 37d Mortgages Cut Your Payments in 1111 CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR LOANS OFF AN EXISTING MORTGAGE COLIJIINB MORTGAGES IN FURCIIASE OR IMPROVE PROPERTY ANY WORTIIIIIIILE PURPOSE Farms Commercial Residentisl DUANE PATFIELD MOILIAOII In 1070 RIIIIIILIIIWTIIIIE Im IAll qussAos sworn IITIIIITIIWLA ITxr Item HID III BAYFIELD $1 our sun PHUIIE 7201405 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH muirniiirwnniiinrtiuyiimirrn Ioollor Sales Other Barrie 7934030 ms rosssrr HEAD Ottin All 6930 AIIILAISAIA IIIOIIRJAULLS Irsiilt ertrs lirokrl hum Lhults Irm II Irmth mutt hen rim mull JIIIIII IiIsIrIism srr mint runs sunrva lrInI ltsitrr mien IrIrcI rim Items IyNIItI mIIII 1707111 mmr 11M mitii 11511 Kentucky Style CHICKEN FRANCHISE OPEN IOR IlAlliIlII WRITE IO 5500 DOWN norIL iris Ilrrilint 7282642 lies 7205107 I00 DIIIIIII SI 11 OPPOSITE ARENA itirnn II Inn 7n 2777 III43M ll171a Kimolr iAInili Ills REALTOR tut Itlihllil AT 12 iiIIIIlIE 7262611 GRIESBACH Photo Ills Reulrur LI DUNUII 72017111 Ill0777 EAST END tull hnserneni pared Itrirr Nir Ilistrlrt lileure rail Laddi R53 I7IIS II Atlrsrltie two IICIIIMITI hnmr erlitlII New iurnsre Ind root on bus route timers lrailn TORPEY LlllllLD REAL ESTATE BROKER INNISIII ST IIARRIH rlto7is intents Choice lormland ttnod water supply Trench stirs wxlll ncw yplp burn All with stuhl eleeprr Lures IIAIIII born 00 40 Iludrrnlrrrl three bedroom IIM II Ilyl home Askth 107000 with hail QUALITY MODULAR IIOIIES FILER CATALOGUE CANADIANA IIDDULAII HOMES LTD IIII IIIIIr RA lliirlipyliiii Ont or sail lltll Titlemn ALItits Elmvsle Iiill REDDICIIEI FOODS lnrram Drlse IORONIO to Ontario nirine nilrlrces phone number one msritlrtl Arid Rnnnelsl III lus No experience nereriary lllntmttm Investment $5500 We supply npeistinn Ind business IratrIIrIs with builtIn continuing puirieliries Prestige ioeotlon Isiritlnhlr In new plus under development In prrsoii lnierrlrws Iondurltd approximately one week Alyltl 7267 31 GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP SAME DAY APPROVALS WHO CAN HELP FINANCE IT The Money Man Con 2151 and 2nd Mortgages zzsnao $9=u UIcII rItitt Any Financing ritsbseh CS 522134153 John DIIIIA slthsl Ralplihlrilal 71113711 iAIIIIJI TIIAlillIN ILIN PLEASE CUNSLIII US FOR lIIII YOUR IIIIAII IIAIATI NEEDS tirurpe Wriuni Mimi linsiii llrAlrrr 71 IrI IIYLIII room Vlhrrr bedroom bunpnlaw will lxlIITIIIIITIONI IIdOILE es opposite eIr round III elrrtrlc homeAil turnirhlnzs Included iIreplsce hrandloom IhroupIiotA Llosl slip rind MRI Included Ann some llenlrl csll Addie Grlsbsrh mum IAINSWICN basement stitched doIIhle gar IEO Call Dill Illlllgttil 7mm IIyI I110 WAS I00000 Iur ute and tiring quarters rooms Ind double nus pumps up Ilursrshoe VIIIey Rood Large lot II It Ari historirII store suit mnnry nutter CALI II AerULIAtLlI Jerry Unnpliiin Lsrry lorpey Dori WIIlst liuII llsri Vtrnrvn Ayres llllllll IIEAII LhIAlI Ill UAYIIELD ST IIAIIIIILJ 7280674 COUTTS AND cu 7700715 Donn AID1072 Ll OWEN ST TILTIM IIUIITUIGE MONEY AYAILADIE IR lhriu I113 tIeinur Ssndr wit WIIW who our will JOHN IIMIIJ mzrn RITCHIE Itral Ilstnln IIIUKDI to hurry St Rattle 7200770 115 710ml IOIL PILOIILI ACTION llmlyl thrls lbuttonII irsms or who LIGHT MANUFACTURING OPPORTUNITY IULL OIL PARTTIMI NO SELLING IAN Illl IIONLI IN YOUII RASEIIENI OIL GARAGE llsnIdIeturrr oI Uriliie mouidr rsqiilrrI people to mnnuiscturr ynriety ol products tor the buildup Ltitlltpluit or super IMIIILI Irnrtn By 1111 71nd eemort water and hours tiny yuir unririenrii up in OS per tlriy Company suppllu equipment lrhlninz rid ldttr Iislng Small rnysilmrnt rrrprir rd hook tinsncine Arultnhlr Ior appointment to view write to Dex 12 llsrrle EIIrIIIrIer Inns IIIII numb Idlrru and phone iIUIIIbIr Ilytt iiomtrolwrrrn717 Inn CALI TILE SIDNEY IIAN FIRST GERRY ODONNELL 51 COLLIER ST DAILIRE Phone 7201221 lsr Irom 91M IMMEDIATE It Add 0rd Ilortpspe Louis Anywhere nn III homes tamu Is ronsslloItI IIMI or mIIInIoII rominn IOIIITIIOTLIIL properties 11 YOU NEED IIONEY AM horlhnhlll rIInI MORTGAGE FUNDING IZIDUNLOIST II lirtilltlll Ont irriml 2nd tum PIY str srtsting oops imormsnts Fru III IUILUNID IIIINIUI list your home or property now CIII Geri Wright 0000 It you want to ELL list with 30 IIORTELI ltyt ll DIMI I09 OJIIILI VILVIIH IIINIII in or pseulns wrn rnrirshiriro II murmur Int AtAWIr Drlr MW m7 yeror s7 Imonin MAN III um Itirh Ind 11 suns IIMIO In it rt tor yam hiin unto mim ll Ipotihtmchl Jul GIBSON WILLOUITIY LIMITED RPIALIIIIIM

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