Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1973, p. 1

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sxaauues memories ordina rm castles Breathing mam all Other Departments pom weather iroitscrtrr Wm Manican onssytrt Deanneens Clip citric Examiner iiosri YearNo its rrII6rstasllM$IhsrdI1Mlyu im NotNanlban 12 Per Copy Canine Harm DIIIvIrdeeWeablisn iii vi auction it insomniacteens Meadow lunar CALI coiled llcttydiiodorlnrsileaDemIervstirshlhcrtbdsm mile em in sy PM by the Mario cialPolIrh so var tar defeated candida candidaislniba Alsanalskl 15 Iiortan Saulman member tor inrania ids Iir Montpetii said Friday kit the wiretap III laid so line could lather again III 5t Armrr laced diaries oi illegal slon oi firearms hie Nontpeiit In tel 33 33 lhsiinbii an in no eaywleahlaedee as was inshln Atspeoitvnieleghoasm mm serrations was pianist the lawman MWWMm Imusmutate One conversation was In renaiion invohhsghinineli inseminatisonniauuoeemnuierum imbetmhinaeiisadlirpatpaebidsiriidiuingibs liontpeiilshoiinbhodlhlrdlnriodoiihemmhemry imiimmmMMINMIINMMEIIIL Prosecutor Wont Brook Delays Iii Watergate investigation whammy MP ArIiergsiacauioItIvmhttha he Illtbnsbelngsnthcrewlllhepo ntaumyunsmaura Besides than bated on It the bolts line as Citiei Jus Iihnlnle tered the oath to humor chbaid 0n stand Ior no to live da hays has been mm in se the it rmness Watergateproee or Coxs lmortar lhliot litte Irdsnn his oath oi oifice as attorneycesoral in soon rIiI cums May tine Warren Binge he the both altarse rat In other Waitrhlsumdmtlw 935 MAKE READY TO ENTER IAB Gt mhEY Fin Ari rcecrsrei some toxic gases arr numbed aiicr sleeping un til ntldmarnlngy Shyiab ss tronaioa today prepind to en ter their space station tor the rst time to raise sunshade Intended to cool it to iiveshie in degrees They hoped tor smother time than their ilrst day In space Ihlch ended in success iul hclore mutated lilath with the station site several at Mission mantisr harlot Conrad Dr Joseph hernia and Paul Vicita will wear gas masks and carry sensors to protect what the remote possibility the laboratory harbors pockets oi POIion ins It believed the hint heat OHM CPI The three dsy eoolrrenee at rst rrtInIsa ten that was to chart the tutors oi Mimiprovincial costshar ing programs slowly drew to mark Irtccnaents lcderul oili elals had hoped lot But as the premiers walled out at the rinsed conference hall several leaving early they her hit controllers ieei they hare shrewdly rented their into space The astronauts who hsd bch bonetircd aLee out will that started with their lsusc trorn Lope Kennedy Fills coundcd in Md mints alter serrnhovr stctp period iii there Coaratl grroird the control centre We just got up Ind well gtt isiLh it WeilL cumming uih rap stale romanmicoior iieury iiart riieiil naked Ill iicary where we You are over hlIdriit new iiaitiileid answered as they tuned breahiast in their Apollo remand ship linked to one end oi the big laboratory shieh Premiers lloi OverEnthused With Results 0i Conlerence iedcral personal income tax With such eat the provinces could ihcn raise their taxes by an equivalent amount and tax cra would have no addlio rinse lthy without the land urdca NOT VOLTll lint that was not enough or some ihcpho isilresboard he record dags once they erect Iuarhsde Friday was day oi charm emotions that began liLi nseicsa illicit into spice and ended with the successiui hootnrp with the Dylan in between they out will sev cral lailurcs which Lhreaienel quck ending During irtntrathig spare walk Itclta inund he dial not IIJIE the proper inch to lrre tanvncd solar panel that Initial borne with return electricity peated attempts to link with the Ihoietory alter the laiiurs to release the anal hollowed are armed lian earlier in it day when the astronauts caught Skylab alter more mileorrhsue win that lasted Id hours ler 64 second inciting the astronauts iinaiiy had to tote what amounted to space with to itiala necessary repairs They iinriatd spice suis evscuateit air from the cabin oi their Apollo terry ship and in the vacuum oi space banked ga clccirieal cnbg in uirrra short circuit they did an step outside but moved title toriii area where iha Apollo ducting machanans ts iocatcd have provided their orbiloi provinceschiey On The drains realm on the re tsrio mum and Albertaand rneanr ibe Senate Viatcmie In mitigating corinnhlse selected onthntitpieesinano dialc Io ilnd orb whether Pseai Liliana Involved in litmirdsoo sepiaeca ltldsard lilelnlienst who resigned up log close undies were limih tsird In the Watergate scandal Cox will be lovcellgailisg Cor ill iismsd tintseraby gave one common amessment too much lar others to swarm The talks bad Several premiers oi basenot been norththle ti only because provinces expressed leer that they made government leaders tamerls traaatrr oi tax mm gases or that view or ponrriihe the per rest their medullin In other calioiicrb Wort aicvcir ionic iiiehnrrie layccoe Innu handlingyhilcs on an obstacle ed for railwcrthlricss or II hitycle rodeo was held course and on nilround biiy liarsts Police Corporal hob mil mm It the Barrie ci solely Fiveyosroln Jay rhnrnpsoirdiirlngilhlsodcou Zambian leader Says Rhodesiansgp nnroinor Wot lml imbsohihaoathiia he snilciioueeerais ai bera be served tor live wordy Alley train its not here Judie duties WE oi the Court oi Aprith In Ratchet oi Celiaable Cox said lve been their all the Mt era and sit the independence any into an wish to pertains to too hurldial mu has to astodthe ihroe assistant Uh attorneys broadening the We Hm thaws vII discus briey and then selected ltbs comith decided to proceed to In arderhi srsy as so hm been Dash isid Jeh intruder iornser No min in the Nixon nele annals consume has been rehired by Nixons inaugural surname 1wo Iraniach have reported that iiasruder has screed to eaii gum in the Watergate ovals and testin or the prosecution Ilnother Minister Involved IDNDON ism British parliamentarians began Ipdill leave today as moot soatlrsned to circulate about the usersdeceuity scandal which his Ilrcedy east the govern meal two ministers iar stenci Iltng with call girls As members let on recess lasting imblll lune c111 lites were some Par lm that mother minister was involved This was despite estimates to the contrary from more Minister lienth Wednes tiiii lieath was unable to state it categorically then saying only that on the iniormailoo available to use their were no minds iar lm still other ministers or servants livid lelllcoe noblest min Ister and lender or the liouu at mile and lard Idmblon Junior dcienee moors both resigned this week admitting associations with call girls but denying that there were threats oi blackmail or bi breaches oi security The bigotry ordered by iirath into the socially aspects oi the UK SexlindSecuriiy Scandal poit oi the auditorgeneral an allele is created is begin next liter the Pitire minister meets with Musician leader Harold Wilson to discus terms at tolerance for the security on Rally In Support 0i Strikers Planned For Kitchener Plant immune its Albndprilliaitradtrdllvnpen maids sad rally lnsuppoit oi strikes at the Dam lid plant here is so today three days bciore the glitteia union local can be deecrtiited The violeuooiiited strike by local in United Brewery workers bcgan at the cookie rotary last May so and union local can be docsitllicd ooe Mr alter Irtrilra bogus Ion Dniiiricr locnl evident alsbeomctsmore neon pronto at the doinorlsimtlon and already has coriwnitmenls ior businads oi Importers from 1b mluononlwwde Odom amid rout so turbo siniiirr duneuln wot hir Duane said at Toronto now corlcicuce mm Dare striie has Mme bot or the labor movement the proiincc it the runway Iuhted Willi liltinctlon could hrs union in plant with sin work era the rtraiegy could work anywhere in ontario be said tiir Dsutncr said no smaller modiinnaiud salon local in on isrio will be Iaio ironi desertitt ration ii Dare is Immiut In breaking the strike Doing the strike the com pany has maintained prodisoiton with the use oi nonunion cut ploym and term strikers none The cyclists were tcaJ en Swan has Narath tad era thclz 74 ma PMs Information OTTAWA iCllTho Con scririilies served notice in the Commons Friday theyivriii try in close down Lisionnatlon Can erln by rclusing to vote its tib billion buoyed next month We invite tomairs valiant reasonable and diligent eiiort to bring this monster oi govemmnoi under some hind oi caitrcl Jed Baldwin Con servullve llousc leader said hiring Conscrvaiivnimpired debate on the lustroienscd re goverinnent spending lniormatien Canada was as lahlbhed by tho ltudcau gov ernment alter the 1968 election and has been criticised by the Conservatives ever since its announced aim II to alarm the public on dcpnrtmentsi pro Pcslim To aids grains and policies it also operates the govern merit printing elites and bar bookstores errors Canada Monday the Commons will do hats is New Democratic Porn motion which will deal either with Vicinam or with energy policy hlr hzldwin nuoird liberally from the report ui retired eudls FIUllICLtO Italy mentori It Creole naval captain who led mutiny on board his destroyer and exited his political asylum In Italy doubled to abandon the ship today in llnllan waters port some here said Capt Nicholas Poppa said he swirl abandon the destroyer Veins at midday with all moire Saieiy Bells To Be Changed mawa CPI Seriaraie lap and shoulder saint belts ow mandatory on cart inanuarlurod in Canada will be replaced by single orie vices ttreopoint belt on all ears prodich otter Jun Nil 11 change win one or series at new paicty regulations lmiimd Friday by Transport Minister Joan iisrchand its also announced that rcer Moors siter Jon ivii be able to withstand In oi live stiles an hair demerits essential 1m van BALDWIN torgeneral hlsxweli llcndcrson who warned that Parliament is losing control over governrnoht spending The ropait also cited crating systems on we doihirs the unirent tiriut to numerous exemplesoi what Mr lienderson calls nonpro Creelr Naval Mutineers Plan To Ilbandon Ship Oil Italy here or the crow none will iota 10W him the sources said The chhlhasiltd ior ituiiaa P011 Protection and so escort to liorne Abuin an or the crew intended to iullnw him it was reported Police in this little port west at home said two oliicees from the ship went ashore as soon as it dropped anchor and below it was surrounded by police patrol boats arid tried inuisnrcsshilly to telephone King Constantino pr Greece who lives In exile in Rome Iliere was no comment iruro the ting and liaiian authorities malniaincd silence STICKY QUESTION the naval Iorclgis and Intr rio ministries held urgorii ril iniig constitutions on the embarrassing guralion nl whether iograni asylum to his throne members iollow luau countrys armed toms Tiis iossoi broke away tromi NATO naval exercises iii the eastern Mediterranean Thine day alter Greek authorities ID rininiccd they had crushed an den Canada ductivn spendings One way to lit the public know how its mrncy is spent is to televise rcsslom ni Parlia meat uhcn gnternmtiti spend ligils dcbotid Mr Baldwin lie repealed charges that lib eral governments since last have been Iryini to make it more and more dillieult tor the opposition parties to scrutinise how tax money is spent Treasury lloard President hi Druiy said the reverse In true Canada lilay iace Gasoline Shortage Douglas Claims WAIVA CPICanada iaroe lII gasoline sliiortage mice the comp own oil PM the United States Douglas NDP NanaimoOowrhanTbe islands salt in the Commons Friday ltlr Douglas said he llonal Energy Board itgures showed total experts for Januaryloand February were it 500 go as but climbed to moon gallons by the coil at March Cas is being drained out at this country to lord the de mands oi the US Energy Minister Donald hire denald piled there is no immi nent danger oi shortage but the situation obviniuly will have to be watched very closely It shortage does appear likely the goicriimcot will lin posn export controls on gero llne he said sitcirvnod mutiny by tins ruyal iii retired iicoailmirais provinces Orilerv Davis summ up his reaction mrnt unable to continue se lo tbs three oi talks distri ting Income and lighting am registering neither din rcnon disparity appointment nor villi cnr NDP Premier Dave Barrett lhusiasni whose wealthy province oi Drilv The Ilrsl two dais oi the con Ish Colosnbla would gain from errors were donuasted by dis such tax Iranalrrs strongly cusron oi icdcral proposals unlt urgtd retention or the present doc which tho provinces wnutt toe costsharing arrangements tare nice all rests at medical on the grounds that short the care and health inriirsriee pro tedcrai govrrimciit pays hail the grams in return tor getting cost it can ensure lho poorer more in room irorn Ottawa provinces got eunuch insult to Part oi the tax room wniilit maintain centers that meet at torne from slxptrcnt cut in tinnai standards peeeeroe edloehyoatarle Preimcr William would leave the icderal govern Mn Considering Obs tiliGoN AP itin Salton government said today it has learned tram dlptormlic sources that Canada end in desert Iru unshieng with drnwng their ccasoiire observ ere We have not directly con noted the Canadian delegation or the indoncsian delegation in Saigon biit irons what wete heard irnm diplomatic sources these two governments are con sliterin pulling the teams aid at Vi sierra it it presence oi the Canariisn and Indonesian delegation in Vietnam are not histitied government rpotes manhuilesotructoklaoeus conicrnoce Trues etatonicnt came solids mounting specviition that the Canadian goiprrrmerit will convince next ueeir that it is pulling out of the inter pstional ixmmisstoo oi Control and Spentriorr 051 The reason ls said to be Canadas unhappiness with the normals impotence due to con South Vietnam Copier Shot Down annoy Alliten unarmed Saints Vietnamese helicopter was shot drum to Communist lire Friday so ics north oi Saigon and all in persons aboard including regimental coannandor were killed the Saigon comirnnd announced in day ILCOI is hung lilcit molesman lor the command identied the commander as Col try Due been bred oi the lib Regiment uh iniantry Divi lie said South Vicinamcse troops reached the crash lite and recovered the bodies or all victims iilcn said the helicopter went down three miles north at the district burn oi the Ciao lie laid the helicopter was on samurai may on sea Snvicttrullt Steels herd5mg Whhhbbouliired Saigon Govi Says Canadians erver Pullout slant disagreement along East West iiacs ilcsidcs Canada and in dnaeria the other commission members are Poland and iivri gan shade and lndoaesla usually end up on one side oi most trailer with the two East European Nixitrics on the other mainstream hiatus the cutter Keuhda srcpthiiiay as he said two Canadian girls killed by Zambian sentry Irre shep brrdcd in their deaths by Rhos deria tar propaganda purpdres lie noted that the deaths oi Canadian tourists ilarlao Dril bcr ll ni lloclrwood Ont and Christine Socialr 19 at Guelph occurred during the visit to Zambia oi Kurt Wald helm United Nations secretary griicrsl An American mth the girls also died have to say ersin without less at contradidlon that the Canadian this soil their rom paiuoni were shephcrilrd to their deaths by racists to im press the world during the visit ol the secretarygeneral to Zambia said Keiutda lie said Rhodesiss aim was to tarnish the international im age at Zambia suit by the same tnice improve their own Iso Iiil hounds apologised lor his tools which came during the eomnlssloaiag oi three pow eriiii Chinesesuppilcd radio transmitters zamhtsl leaner Kronetb CAPSULE NEWS Oxford Tory MPP In lair Condition IDhpoN 0st CPI Wallacevhcsbltt Progressive Oun scrvative member oi Parliament lot Word was still ln serioin condition but improving Saturday in hospital after ruilcrliig brain Ibrimrriuge Dr Webb oi tioodstoct hir Nesbitts plusicisit rtporied the MM condition small cerebral arttry spasm which hir licobltt ruiierrd hisy 19 mound and resisti cd In the horrioribngc his Neeblti has been an MP since it To Set Up Provincial Egg Control mtAWA iCPl Provincial egg mcri agreed Nils to act up national mellth agency that will begin controlling egg piuduction and pricingl June spotcsrmii tor the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency said Delegates Irons Canadian egg hoards ended three days ni rails in generally positive happy spirit Ihe spokesman said adding that mirror maiheting dillercrees be tween Manitoba and British Ontinrhia will be settled by the agency UK Critics Praise Ottawa Orchestra IONDON iCPl 1hr National Arts Centre Orchestra ni Canada opening the Bath Festival Friday oi as part at its that Ehrropoon tour has made isierobls trst impression on British crutce Both the Times and The Daily Telegraph today praise the playing at the tbmcmbcr emciisbie under tondisetor liorio Utlhblill pressing only regret that the vaulting ol hath Abbey swallowed some pi its liner detail us Envoy Meets With Cambodians Piiholi IEhil AP United States envoy William Sullivan coisicrrcd tor an hour today with Prestch inn Not an the acrloie military situation In CIinbodlI Sullivan Ind his part spent three hours in ihsoni tcish ioilonlng three days at talks with South Vietnamese leaders In Sateen then ich on to Vien taine tor consultations with incline Premier Sntvanne Pbouniri Polisher May TalerIith Provinces ltontltEhii CPI Ftdereiilorrnounicaiions liloister Gerard Peileitcr said he is prepared in mllmlmill halt dlotioii Iii the lie oi telecomminateailoosni the rims Willie is plenty at room tor accommodations in this Kin be is the Ontario verruociv position on cable television the IEKisliliiI Riley lit interview Mr Peitotiee laid be am not agree with

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