Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1973, p. 6

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lh it TN hin III III Id Ilill ll not In Ind lie yen ml hm myl Til Ind lhe III ml min ll lime mull ruler HOLIDAY camsr trekion rrulu to CI IIIIlim Tm Juno Si Thom Ind Nuuo II pm recent orid Hallo Iu XIII Ind SyleI Selma who nunlnrnrrs Del All mam Aboul II we no IeddmlIlly diIrov cred through bloodlypln Illal could Ml be lllI beloeleel Teller II III ol my children AM menu my Idle will in luau deuce roe eon ieIIed ll time Ind named The em who he Illlcred IhI child Two day me Ill Idmli led lIIII every one oi nor Inn children hm diiferenl lrlilerl None mint lied Irmind In IIIII oI Illoek or week Tlluliy llId Ion IIIk Illh my emymIn Ind doelor They bah Iried me lIell on reIenImrnI ulml lhe ehlldren held no They then Ixied ii could lorvern Illa laid yn Al the mu udlerd lo keep Illa ImlIy Iomhcr Ind dedrlod Id do II Uuurod IhI read wile Ind molllli with II problem Will need lo know lh Ann Do you eel illIl the NIH dun noel UlIl They Ir teenn gm llould be Ind who Ihclr ml IIlilerI Irer Every no pl IhuI men live In Iowa Ind III funny uh lhl question be equ ll mllhl hid hing II our lerneuue Ion lor example would ILII In love Illlll hll Ilell Ilsler Ind not know III we re lIIed Hhil do you nyIDev relnd Om DmInd laynay uniire lllI thence one oi your ehlldrln mornlnl Tllll rim or brothel Ire robth mm ll ii men ll liltll murlue nllrlll oecur coruull our phyrlrlln wath euello Emrdr The emotional mpIrt on your children Ihould you Tell than mllhl be dixarlroun NEOOIIIIEND Ame male in Pmdzfosa II Ora Tmnxhip They Iniled IhoIld the his Shywml II The Ner wezllnCIIIhbem Heel When Ihln calmed darn III quIlly lock on lhm minute hed get lhI bu roliiu min Till men pmr MO lCrldHlI Ind III ihe Idd llId IN ol to met In him 50 Ann phenom you let Teller from Ibtu drler who rompinln lhel III III nor Iinp wild hi bu Ind lem Ireiuer lleir 11m tau ll but Alk whli lhI Nelle vrllh IlllllWynmllrp ponslhlllly oi the driver to do um hi cam my ohm pm behavior II much III may hmrd IIulIy brehel elmed The dimlplln roequ you our CEREMONY Ami I4 mml Ir II Idl IhI bridIl El 11 1I Imml ml oi rom one lkpempone Illll WI lire mum JIM 1on Slblm Willem LID led Iliu CIlreI Dredlurd werI mlddr new It ed on Seldiuhlmd pielore In prlrled pllv len pl elm llle Ind emf Illn all mice MM ll yell rllmex Ioe IllalrlInI not while Speaker Diliplays Uganda halls umber or Iie 31qu Cir lnlbeiounre on Iw IL Ior lilo reguiIr manUliy moellnp Prelim RLIIURI Robertson WM In the their Ind welcomv ed member Ind vlrllorl Inert bum meeting III Ioliowed Illll upon Imm Ill mnrrnm TIInI were med or alerlnIlo enroll banquet In June Ind olher Iunellonr lnl Hugely ingodurfd ll Damn we or eveuln DWI we born Ind led In Upnll Ind we heed In eheol belore coming Cnnodn She and he Ierced la luv Their born by the or under Ono lirl 0er Ind her IImIIy Ilved In lhe lam el Enlrbbe on Lil Ihore ol LII ldorlI produel oi lhl lInd mode oreu Ind lieu llIbll end my Iulliul role Mr lo lllu me her Ile Ind dumbed pIrleel irm Dru An LInoml ll read he Idler lrom the oi The eehoel hue ho rornlt plIlned IIlII lhI ILId VIIII Ir unruly Iio hId hold llme driv lnp llo dtsnlherl Illelr Ink ol dlklpllnn II My problem Iloy rayY Ann illI bu driver hI III Io IIIrn Ind know IOIMOM Illa eoud lmh him ride Ih ehool bu lor IhreI em mllu my Ii nile nd LI mlle turn our drlver no no problem with hide lllhllrlt Ind IrreImlnx lle wouldnl pill up with ll When lherI III My eommoilnll ho lmpl when Ill has am In lire oulder ll road Ind dl liedngermuld one wot II even Ion IrwnHml looked Inlo hi Inmw mrrer and The culprit Ilan Ihey Mre hung obrorved GIIIIII Iom day BA OPTICAL Collier od Clipper IIIIIIII IIORI OlllR MMIOAOIOOM wren iIIIIerIlunddav IIlhI dillerInIIIneIlhllyoueon rover ill lam me in The Iomqveloyerrperlorllu dullnq Mr drondloemil IImIIIITlordlellmllh In OOdeylnl ywrlhcl HOME FREE enlr WONT IllMurmur will In we IHMIIIIIITIIMlll ll WIVIIWIII II OM OARRIE COLLECT llIo eel up lllOlI hllerellinl II II HOOSIHION IMIIIIOH OONIIIIOTK IIOMAIIIII INO INIII woelruyllur lmllllr due plvlh hoplerrrdlwlrln me III no llelll mm Wedding Trip To Stclts Follovlrs ee II SI ILlimI Church Hill IImIIy were mine lilo mmy Mm Eh deeerlbed ihe lend lllldi SDI nylon polypropyienu ovldoeruvonllnlqvall WARIHOUSI TO 726047 mmmmmw mm MI vrml MR Inn uns nines molww nosn prrdeo hale lrlmmed wilh ell me p0l7erltlpeuwllh yelw ribbon Io melee Ineli Ride deem 41 Wed 1W Their bouquet were ble Malianl centre or yellow hi or while rem deities Add me III rm ol um pinnoehio pompous will blb1l rmer udmeed her eniem lelrr Don may of union we Evr lnlelllnl in blue came Iume IlIlI nIly Ind red wow Hrdmwwluam or mice Bile eIrrIed Ipon duel Scerooroudr hmlh nzlzmori El mlerdI will mid rureuivommlllurw Timon Iion Ii III IIer Oommlly Centre Audllorlum The bill molller me long em rice polyuler In rth In Ibeerrlelvel WWW lorll lelh leuonlhirlnll on In an we bodiee cnorv lillKr Turnrn eomn oI Wolm John Herer Ind Ille CIrIelpn roe Ind ll Illlnlil phlnenlod helenlemhm am am ITIOIT RETURNS Th Pi Ind Willa relum chore floor knell mu PHONE 7mm THE srnmn Look IS HERE At EIIIOTT llDulllprr annual 7157192 LIhmIImIcI VIII III rule ol IlvunleI epe lino II III mlenl hIde VeneiiInhlinI lull my neuer bullnun lliher um hurt ed red dreu Ind coll eov end From Your rum Ind The brldrpoom moIhIr mil zxunm WANT ADI ui St IohnllianneyCWL Plan lune Dmner Meeting NMTWIMIIIWM gardener II Ida IiiIeeuveIIrIln Hm ma rm aedlwll MI mummmn elmW mum We wriu mm gull re gtIl lam Dine in NW In lilh Onion Dem LIeInud under LIIW Bmlnul MrnI Luncheon um woo pn Pelee III II peril Mame peer II II IoJm DIWLAIHNIIW IT lihiihuuell Tire Grzhnn medal mu eildml Iln lireIuII imlw arealm mm Wood RWMIT em lire MI iolurowu mum liie mum Illlrd pr um nillmm re WI on 72 Mal Millennium goyrggul While OulnIIIlInLul Wehlml Mlllrld Pillow cm In IIII lllIl Filled Twin Shem $579 Pill Ind Filled Double Them FIII Ind Filled Gillhlllshull 55 VI ONMTIIVIATUIDAY ONLY mvmny OISCOUHI 24 OlihNTTlulgllm The re warn PANTS lure WI 271 79 ON LIT SATURDAY ONLY ASSORTMINIOI VARIOUS OUAIIIILS Frem $29m HMS yd oi lumoul name leodloeml oi luhulov lovlnpe my bolu Irorly mulled rhowlng quoliiy lllIIr Iolor pllrr lJrI your Charge or our eoly buda el Inml Ne rerrylna rheralllalvodeyu OOUIITIOUR MONEYTATII oliAllIlilIl Why riled omewller elle yenboyvmheneoeol ondehopvlenddevhlrlhr dlilmllreinrerhllywron plurrllelelorlrll slnvnou OIIN IAIIV II Mr Mr IN MY IIIIIIM WITHIN IOO MILES Pulled EVERGREENS 3334 lemon clam lll nun II urn on III SATURDAY ONLY wmu oulmnm LAST Pelle Oteenlor Gem Ilium In 599 ON SALT MTURIMY ONLY IOUNGECOTI While quInIllleI IIII Ledlu WliliN Wm BERMUDA silolTS ML ITITIIIDAV ONLY lanolin II In Nu IO III III MITme nwv27 0N Mil MTUTIITAY lliAY ONLY ROSE lusllrs

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