341 13 yummyswoon Irmmanmstsammr drumicrd to ninmbtle with 1hltomlaa says Legislature Committee Says MPP Salaries Should Increase other turner 0o wmw will will hie mam ewe ice the ill petxi drawers espresso mm mug mmm magma lie bellcrs Catarinl propmedulalrsehsngrsln WhitKW the gum Idmlnlrintim and travel capture all was many seoomrn iionrinihaarealsapropoaal Mdmeabmheeniniedtn terminatrlpsbyairisunthe ngtsisiine at Queens Fast In Tnntleorlhelrornridintio uydcdinatlnoanniutoeiYlv Che commissions climates that the rest at Wedding the 33M nhhh It is on salarirs mi Dwgiuihhrr benefits at Will lliar retoolsn member oi Pullman Madmen increases pm mu Mmommlmrirsninamusym modular stare is us set up iassspcrttabicdlhuyedsy lthnieimtharreeahsnln rawhide recornuml interred sit ireisultnsnwm that the Fluid methods bees and travelled esteemny saiaryba increasedlo sisoau throughout Canada irointitooo annually and that cold to ticsr the in law expense him port stated lhai such an in blw to 37100 cane Is neither so large as to The three memberl til the be at haeii In htrhieemmt In admission are Dlliil Cusp arrytaeatrr patties norlsliso tatnice national president at the eroded as to demand an unres Prrigrcsatsaiioosen null sonahi sarritieo irons those murals aaidlaaaio htiineIeor niu tanth stuns WMIRU be tharepnrtslsomeeinscndsmniryeiaiatni lhlillaloiilrebecsihblishtdmidhmlnhaveh aranmeParhleilieiheustilmmediagctirao ILiiillS DililW ltsc Burris iers held their ning the itlo credit at the note he lllootilratha draw rmt tdablng Ulwlth Johanna mien win tiiddrinrinn tell at the Fly 0niario Planning Large hole In TV Communications Field the draw Ire hitter Tailotilo Pi The On larie goteminent intends is play notch laser role in has mnnnsnicatioos with the needs oi the user uppermost in mind Gordon Carton mister oi unwortatioa and commu nicatinnl said lmndry lie said the government is concemcd donut the availability to all Oniairo ccstdenis oi rea listic than oi ministration re sources his Orion laid the annual oxivcnilon oi the Canadian Cdtla lelciiaion Association mAlt Chile in iii mothers or iario and la in other border locales In Canada rainy out standing accede in liiinimaiioo great many people do not and desire to have lhcir eboloes upended Waitish to work with the cable companies and your asso ciation re find solution lo the min discussions on tele coaarmtnicatiool ituttbe needs aith user cane 00 be Incl Without madman beslby and responsive in unify he laid Thereiors the government has taken into con sideration the matey my lions iinancing needs de po tential the cable television in dustry we conaldix that any steps Willill llthl be taken io brnidw our role and which millet lie it your or any other but oi the telecommunications industry in yurladiclional lights would be considered only as last resort Sikh entang men are productive and indenite In so Car In the WI Ontario arc eoiincrned ltr Carton said regulation at the cable industry must be con atructlie it should prawns homework in which the needs oi the minister can be realised ville Medina him rm ex and till Delloills Iroril wmortha Damlncr Pistol Ihotildprmidetpeaiahrsndre operable role oi retire on in SIMVCOEIOWCOSI DENIURE CLINIC sworn in will DiNilSlS PLEASE PHONE NRAPPOINHIENII 7267777 BARRIE ours salmon and cumco lr novation SUITE is mild vith the Ontario Denial Assoclailal SHOP AT noun sarier GRAHAM WRIGHT BARRIE rises iosrasocai itll color ryinstaiation Out at term call Sfs this heavydu Come clean Really clean with theprewash program and Rotosvurl action of ty automatic Keri more Optional second rinse keeps clothes bright SWishes away all soapy him problem attha low density and wilful We pioitulioo hecaureoi the me The minister said the govern nopeiy nature at irsrichlsed sssenis role will be undertaken btduriry and expanded through current regulation should not be iedoraloroviiieiai slid tnterpro cornirslnlag he said it Clean up on savings too 10 days only liberalSenatorUrgesIncrease 0i Tdriei In Hanks 0i Senate omwa ICPi The prime entry in Canada he warned minister should appoint more It the charter comes belorc senaiors train the oppositim Parliament tor aprovsi he ranks using lists provided by said should lth see added the leader at the Commons en position tlbcrni senator said Thursday oi the iederal parliamentary not tell this onethird oi the Ird the Home at Commons total Boosts sncmbesahlb Sena tor loha Connolly malaria IlItI during Sonata debate on vyinrnilng the upper house There now are 11 Progressive Cuiscrvolliescmtorl two in dependents one independent lchral and one Social Creditcr tsiitie luaseat iiouse plus 7i limit and to vacancies Solicitor Connolly argued that preservation oi the parlia mentary system itinch on pic uivirtg the Senate Senator Cannally said he would lavor limiting the SFllr Ites veto it suspensive veto on money hills permitting the Senate to delay iinaiicini legis Iiiioiior Decorating begins at hooihs guarantee oi the ministration structure to consist oi the allies The lion benches should at GovernorGeneral the Senate no air may rt wan barren llellvi III iriialrn 7268 Eliot isliori but not destroy it DEFINED ROLF The Senates lcrtslitlve lunc iloh was still Ill most important role he selrl The privy council should direct more hours beeping billslrglrlalinli that is politically noncunlculioiieio the Senate leicmmrriiii and ministers spend too little time thiiililiig about parliamentary ullirieniry and the use oi the two chum hers lie raid ihn goverrmiciiis proposed Canadian Constitutional Char ter presented lolha provlnecs It the lull constitutional conic ericn iii Vittoria uoiild give the ledcaal and provincial govern rneitt power to rhaiigu the status or inaction oi the Sonata as well as the GovernorGen birsi hells Corm runs inierirs Dernnllll Dunsnillnt BOOTH Forsttura sin Appiisnres lIAWKlhInN III10 Ivy patr Ioths erul who represents the man BARRIE DENTURE llNIC DIRECT TO CUSTOM THE PUBLIC DENTUIIES QREPAIRS AND RELINES use days unconditional moneyback guarantee on all new dentures provided naeyear warranty as to all lusinirnls on all new dentures Iruii AND PARTIAL neurones Olin rhnsgn the consultations Illlembrrl at the Drnlnrlst huclri til OntarIn As accredited members our rharrrs lay srsrlrrs contents with lhe ellilral Ira Ichcduia established by THE DENTUR SOCIETY OFFICE IIOUILl Monday in Friday in in mi Saturday to am to pin 3105 DUNLOP STE PHONE 705 72647 IOPPOSIIE QUEENS HOTEL nourish 95 WWW Willie Rog $309M Isa llama washer tsdtliwlmdpoiwusptmur and outbqu new 1th Imwm umhiiiatzosis 2nd In toe harmmhabtaa Variantwater twat Mini saves water esdtdasniiiithiiu haw mum Km it Lets you salad septa eI Wren yo tor Ivory that at taoisol vviit no met IlMpsed or taxi drying interior light Tepmouritsdliiii screen NiIlGIiibllll Isiia Pintsinm billion Door Illety mica Inmmasww thisi im nsSealS mmmomaem best val Minded nl SimpeoiisSIanym not the throat guarantee atworm service ix aaiisiscnoeoriiionsy entities delivery bepiiva with his Ilia Prollrts you wary inch or in my though In Strainerrhea stares his very sports eiiei is its Iirioerasi shod SW can rolls in bring you remedies that more use eesaliry viih the lgwrat possitis le lli Doctor at itssun