Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1973, p. 1

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II mung TELEPHONE Wm loot to or who stun hauler IIter Ito II Hernmdunu wrote Itttorw lenioo In to tho tttttnttl on the mun Wkltthdq tho Reckdlan Irlh Ardtrhatd Oar tho WW WM WIlrrnto monotnntotn on word re smart mi Im II III III WWI Immt sntvnor rnr IiI Momntnnnnnw WM dolotu Graham button In thm In mm def1 It gtth label plow at hurl Dltlry no mood long MI CAPE KENNEDY lll AP olltore two which EV Ohro there Ihoul moon lemon tlttlo ho taught horn on to churn Wheat you out rtnaon too not trunt WW MP mu 11 Im Wm mm on mm mm gum WINE MIMI In roclttrtt lnlo uh orhtt hrm Conrad roptxtld the Irottnd lrstxdlon to Isms the harm 03 ml Welly 41 em than than no at tho Irllctoo tum taller rm Ilr can Examiner Photo In WW4 Amllottrry shlnmtkd 10min llamas ranted Ih heal thrlr an Ilort to ulmo tho mwltd latrr Into no urbll ranging hhlrltl El pod any cduring the $233 In Wdrmndgmmraho tran gout to not when hunehoEtIl IIIhTItIIgyltum gut Istlunnlx booth thy IWIIB at tarpon nu mustaan III on mt tI rutan rIysoltthurn Allernhrlelphyainlcnm Canada Threatens ICCS Wallro hillttftoomoo Wow ut mmmoolg mm rhndor the slttlon tom tho run erev hltpl Itll Ind the rm shlp not tot at Were tomlnx or cm to not drop no lrrrtpmlure or old hlhl Over Issue On Troop Inftltratlon hPtooo Mott hgoIIootwtrnzln to otonrltomtwm bemttrooonutoootwt 15 TM till Ibo ottoth rmotnattmttttttmnotu roll at the rtItlom IKE Ila Ipptrently relemd to Whhlrllem Icon out tho Boo BAIGON lhlt CInIdI umetytoprotMthhmr monument trnhnpny wlth the RNd asked 1le the MM Ind hop ll ho putrd tr Capo Kmath lust hl hbm kl lIllu over It 0M thh ol the Apollo lnltr handyman led tutlulmd lu Illk who mtduwte yelled rum 01 ha ms mm ml WWI ads Ci In PM Add rrlonn of the utter power pattrl nhlch would th mI tonight Ind tree lamrnttt to rtro you rotor to hlw um rmeolthomhrtml rplttaloor ht torus It la that rpm Ittrentm Tho unmannal Slylrh the ml Sin cloud out at 9313 Ind su wmmfml mourn IthoIItIIthrI III throo Chum mogul lilting ntth tho nllnh crow Ilzr ol threabedroom house prornde more rlcctrlrhl rm ht on PM out the rtporu ot mother by not Connd uhd ralut mom on thelr tutu of Could Dr Joatoh uwln rm than roller aheIo ol lho lb WWI Mkle lthhl It that blow out you tho rrfusIl olPolInd Ind yum recs lo from tho mutton arm nlrou ol North Vlethtmeso Ind PIttl Weltr veto hopes thry Apollo root the ohm won on CW Irena III my roptolo my will Reed trolled ImIry to permtt thI lilo Izqu tourth when arm captured In South our tool tho mrhthlod labor with Dunno at the matron on at North Vtato Mouth Ihlch noth rldeo than in th rolh mhhrshlll Iuhthhdo thr Apollo was to execute tm troop tlon lnto d3$m With Clot1a The recs Tho two detegtlommmgg Iurr tEo uhhllllon prolrd terlho ol muoanm om Bouth nooootI Im my at utu to tho mutton ht ml the Hurting ol prison 11 they mm the tom tom totmt down to mum renuers out any ases Amhnxsadorolllchel Gunht motor mvl arloroco ol Nuth Vlet handymrn rtltl lorry out thkh lo orhltlnx rt mtln hlIh hero ol LhI motAME delo so what tho CInIdtuos ughI to tak lolmtuqtthm erl zetJoumI two tlIIyl Ixa not who th lr lo hll VI um 9mm unto mde that nth out hI ultlt then It two oi the Ernbreotrlrmsrtlmo to rlreta ylhtlwym WW twomg Wut turn tollobcondmddbwl to noull3ntllh Unlted no on the on on Conrad omtwt tan Jun 21 tramtn not ot sum thllts impEJblt 1mm planned no oltrvtn on at mlotstrrt loaned the Part Ion that mlorntlmt to rpm ex 017th to rrmdn who but to Pol In who totrndedIta honour gown mommamgo thrownmar dld not dotth WM dIlm tho tooh tumor tho ItIttmIIttthtdu to only Imount loIthtuttolthdrIrt Thu mm ottostl to tum MI ltd mtolom nutty CInItlII conuent horn Vlrt Salem to ton th hnlth pm I3 Ihouldhot mm be noooomlooot Stevens CrtesPoltceSlaytngs hlmmmno to co no no to mou II the rtesource teed North Mom on my Itmmyn Id Ipmw willow Mamloba To Have Electron on llloloml ononnonnn lnCapllalPumIshmenlDebale vmtomolo to Woo tortots Abroad omen lo MW WNW Illfml Schleyer Condent 0t Win FWGWJW mottoiolttflhct WWW Worm tattoomo rt Ind Marlo ltd mm 5311 Elm htvr ol the deItltprrtIlty rend Itn to Vnnmtytiumoom MW WWWPWL worm that hole mmrlco or matter om Ind mm mum MI WlolD male muldrrthtr tax tor to the lrm but mm who WI mm It Ihohtlonlrt ed tho vim neerr of ItIln pa manl widow mm not olCahhd hlmt Butt nrretrtthlto htumtltd nth Egwxm MIdEand Surgeon wmseal mwmmhm ffd ML IL tam of ottttof Illl moot Against Census Act Sentence moon from llhnllohu Mm mutton Slmroel cttcd two tots tttlhtyy llto loo united choral brim Brill Inf to thol there on oooridorthlo ol polkerneo lo nhidt Moon rm unlonml to Janurtr to dupllantl hrt tlr tholr death at 1le Oul to Mr on to do to loll or tlsoyttho too onvtho 331 loEmWEEd mica oy no zoEErnEnan both ttooo olIIIthe house Joe to not mom to tom on no not two n1 lntnrisonment ho Ir lmmg gg monoggwmngmg mm mtg towing mg Model 0n Soltctllng Murder Charge IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II WI gt II IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII III II II IIIIIII IIIII III II MIMI mm mm MI mm to hot bee aha ed In BBC mtola modal wu charm today won oollrltln All MI tutor new Ham wm mtohto not Mormon touch on duty Mlltlflko tho otnmrnet Soclrlr Stotrtu ECYork to rr ltcr lorrnrt tuth Amlchn pop Ilngrr Ind Gomormtlto lustlm crttlc to dlroolullon the non hold moldgtylgxltagnlm WWI harm Slllholllhhollittlollhil rfnnrrtclylyum doutln rune IIIIIzertI III IImmImmmcIomm III IIIIII III III mm MI III II throatcnlnx wtrntul pmewllon witness unotlm ton lemls tqu were mono Paulhto MItllhnd wll ol woodcut and me Socltt Edmund MW on moo pollmnan Tear Gas Used Dunng Celebrattons all Wm WW do not behave ln rhnltal sums MRES non root out let and rubber on ntmtttntttool Morton no to ton Worn IIny on er woralunon mwrrrr nut mmwmft sh rctllntrnn Mlk mkllllm mm 1W mold not on my htubantt pension ol the death penalty to as trommt ol persona rant and dltmtl ll the ow to role norlty loath Against Goo hm ton The mum wanton hralrthe Inaugurrtton ollrmnlrt Prnldtnt llmorCnmporI Ilter Iorvatlrm without one lone lmptmln ltla postllon tn Mr storm was thohtthotta endal Dto 29 almost men year ol mtlltery role MI In Mde WWI rpeIIIIIhgr algal tn the Irecvnd In ltItthltIIrmedrd noxtdltto II IC entII tto roeolnlqhbmrdetw Wm mm norm 059 960 BIS 95 IIgialrfEufMmAm wmmmflmndm moonm lCPt wrong tummy ml agondary MI II III WI school trolmrnl hr mulled to plan theme looteIrhen rot torment to to FOR lllIS lllG lorcIs And trontlorIlhrro moth to unlvrrslly lorttltler Blttrallon am Wow MI mm III Mum McKeough Makes No Apologies lltnslrr loom non tultl today ollmih 11 fl MW oututo Provlnrlnl run thouer to on when MI 311ng and tag aenmxlxrrmfm For use planes InsdgtheIII um WWW IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Dawstever Pushed For Fm mm wwwm mm bolero hm today Mon olltotrh nid to North Dakota hlrhoay drowned Ml Iltlla no olvtnno ototh ollut orrr lcheough 5mm parllh ntr nltKoottgh quertloned by to mm IIIIII II II II III IIIII IIII IIIIII patrolanurnndndoIrrn pallrallnrymolllrlflttlonntdrlotrir IN lh rm to IIIM re In on mrnrr pu cectounlo corn cntrr trrtorrnlon ya were rprtonrrs wcrortnrnz Krmnrrlelt rm bottom Ind mm to run William DItlt told Iorhln told he Mo trtoo member ol rltdown Too prltonrn returntd to then It soon the an OPP tpohrrInhI IIld hhr nva Im grown Ther ttItrt hls turtllyImIIlrlend on uov patrolnwn oppmmt 10mm tut mm to new mm adj lh tumult II no whom other drrrr no to non our or rrlmht Itcrn thllhm vi no on tl llmlhod ol doln ll mint ho mum to lhelr ltlml Ind eluted to mm mm mm WI now ttohooloooolmtt gloom tottooolotlll to too am nut to tho Ittrlue ol Detectlves Intervtewrng Gtrls Pals vrrrmlllm show that hone rm homo to Ion trntrnznnnn to on notnotnnnnltntn Httt comma Jrom horropor was none tla on totem en Itrc eeuloo at Oro Tetran Pollro Ill tour that owlD mm cummmm mwmlm my we mm tho thycnroltl llrllhtlrr UttlvrrIttly rtudont who Wu strangled headquarters hero Darcy lttlltootn to mvln my WWW armyth liltillmlllttllll lltlgcggrtmrltrglll Imhhcfm Gnth do treuum IIIIIIIIII MINI IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIwIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII MIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIImIII IIIII Md 0mm mom mnmttrtun thooommltto mmmm mum not nonhuman Stall lit to Canada FastBecomtng Leader no to to not II mm Water lets Used To Clear Asphalt thl 11m to tetlmt WW moot mt 1917 no mt DllANlloltl on CP ttlrhntessute wtlrr lot Im Statutan Em 15thl totalitatdtttA mhwmmm Ell Research Marthe LtleI monocootommootutn mo today In alttn tonentuptttt that rolldltlod lnrlty too untnIItto notlllul thorn ol Wm ml II line am gleam hugmoon tit ntpturod htldlna lorthwm comm Blllmtrnml more than an II at tnxton an not tothtullegl hart lumth he lhk over It mm 15h leather tho week ot them In Vtmomero rm The rm ll lmm mm tlv lthl lodltl hlche bl MW elm WW lllln BO Moo the one too mar mother 5W tn morn come coMttlre on oorld noted not rated 10mm to Commuter trIlm lntholhronlo ore wtro ol nhllltcr lrlcndrhlp txtwom nonrhrock Durln no mo Mrmlh mutt monotony not tattoo nuttctr wttttttto hobolcolutdl 110 WWW hlllholo$ololllh3 aw12c El moms We too oft llr thrown had on ototnnu tltootntomttry room mm NW trunnld mtrnlmrttdrhnhtllltpusehgm Etttmoromnd to 213 9t tumotch lltxlroI oltottltl ltml ln murlno rotetrrh IIIlIlto 0013 ltIIIutlro ktIewIlIlIM II Wrlmtu cottunuttlllu to the rust IM was vtrro ddoyul Wnlmttdny tho MMlIIIII tom way who olhrr MIMI mm by count ry mom tronmo ltrot ttay ot the yroltot hlrmhrrl ol tho Urolnl lrhnsoorttllon II match operotlon roremht lo he hold wouldnt Mrlttlrman no on miuw llolm mo hllnltllr Alotlolr otl rlustrlol mutter ohms Ind no throw out on to lot my on mnmv mm tommtlm lhah llyttroI dul Into W0 to he natt ol tho Bnt nomlc luaslbtllly Itutllu 00 y22It

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