Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1973, p. 5

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StudentCrews To Aid NLWS Conservation Work in mm mural roman our 1m IIIAXGIS rsnnl Arepclrt Igu rum Ilaamt mtorngmerm etu pleat Vl amour rst to maki earl tum demw vacated to plume blue Cream than IbenIpLnNotI III teemingr Wetleturlhegllnol popIBome Dnve IE Nets cut pack 5350 mmreohrrh moth model rlrulzxupnlnrenendttrgn tu yeIIIr Id Hem 052m ll rIereI an new resume run Iyw or urn Long or unk untoward tor the plml Primal tor mule Alon Lot LYON pu Ire mrded tor uh to be bleed undo up at low but when mm IndImon to Tantalum Ihttu WW In an In mm Us nllo Em not beget Inch dined more breathe ol IIIll tor maggots Idnr 0w new mmmuurm MW for hotu mttm IV the Mr lIImIlBImmur ImI med their mull 5W 35 mm 0M IN WIN mmmohwurteo me me lot It hm eh Ntmum ludmntolhetne 5am humour Am rm ML rm lmely motor tbedm etM all mm lo Ilhm lo the plinth mum promm hm hm pmnbeh cm WI humpu bot 301 Smut In June the Park uhtch IlalJhe to prune plut ILIO Iu unmet at Ill IE or Nob limb Burbank tle were Ibo lmed will mm Lmdouurrt In the Intenhtdl meetlnp Ind 1114 to mm up mum Jun mm of In own not only the to Mt 5km 05 or us hotlmlm all may htnhrr Illzctlon mum burnt rutmu prom nlse tab or the 5014 mm then no is mneerutlo The Grumman huthnnty MI 5man ptuk nr Bayhblmt Tight Wth the hummer rl men rrrmrnu re mzurmu Mum cm our vim vn In or mm our law PEIIIIIRIIImIImIIIIINIIIIII ley ruthontr to rumorto the Us hu normalme ltom WWW We bottles the whole Interrelation to mutual Ind ench Il tell LalImer MM lxled mm the bottle an Mull Mfume Flor In tubmarpuul bolls Ind th Itlrn cl union ma r2 leonl mm Imamhumourde Tall WWI ll In Inlhmh no unmet pummel the one on gun told adddmhamahil It In pointed out the who mnan mum rib Iwunnlemheeltvelmy IM krill III hy Loon requnt Illl pmrtde Reele Georre litter npre on on Ito tetdly ull no ll Rd Im nee recount Idnm Ind mu toumhl huw wpdow OIMPP Gee Kent Wman ellmb Iboerd not Eurlid to llmutoel rock from ll to round to amp Mt lulu trr Xn enter rt butth ml lnxk nth ablcble no wit me to mom den mltiu 334 flKEdithf ret Urgently to lmdwnrr 31er ten hlorollliomenber wn Deeply Moumed do more In ol bro lather Pbotet he mnmn primtw mlhmly 1m ttdbert reprurou Tm 14 Wm WW hon mum Ibmzh the rumor owe and tn hm mm mm mtg um harm whee hendqulr mm Album the lamhuo durum tamboursz Ind oomwmm Immune1 cm an Int rosrrvr Ilnt told me mm lot the urn Keh up $3331 em but these tour ken mm rm to II0 tunbi hi urn turn that durint firm gw II moment yarn 0th under Axum mm hm hrrnm the mummy dmm IIUSICFESHVAL slnerrlhtcntlortnrllmqpnrti mm mu Ihu It neck 6I SI ller lIle mm In none tep not Dlslrl um mutt ol the OutIno Im by onuul IARER tilt Ind quarter lneh lo tam earthlyIon lotl hurl to the 3mm than arm womb Thth MN hump pl Lon or to limos my on do too It the Ilstlhurlhthem eklthlre m1 SW MW reehterlt of thle he most rd UlnllOlF Nth lo htlle pump on out ween In In Its than mlnute lr Sell Pelm Intl Ire Harlem ll Elm annulmm x33 Emma macabd at her lde hlre wherhly Ira tout ehstlrrhmco doe ll opu ltrnutoue Kent drlullcelly dum the nr llltrble lit lllth W01 nelllclowu Inurlthlyrnpmnl In out most people are our $33351 pme thud thnln the prlmnry mt mpucnz pm It pm theIrrmr mogul IIIIIIIIlIoIrIIlm cIIorSnrnIIaIrgttFlIlrlaIrII whom nrrthlt Inll gm Wm mm that one at the hrtrsl It my my mm mm mm been mm the all outt III III III SIIIIIIKII III omy nuts amour mum am MI with honest ortutelrmrd Ilimbiugdowulromlleroud omnnmthellwmrhmhe 01de mm 1M WW WW Slnittrtz on son It llmelmtummcmw um Wm floor mint Iessllm berlll In one animumwtmmpm WWW mmI wherby of Itldhil no no Bum rt llloor will It the pull WIWnuwlhevmv rr ol rm usual ur mum cum of roulhraslcnt cunt mllthe hours BMlnlnlrtmroltx glut wwICWI 335115 515qu mm It ulhsIrIIu rianItIIoINIrg mm mmm Item alcohfadllnalu nonmrm WM dmumdh qummkm thIr Ind Cm Imcrltlp at Cell mus met ulutttuhw m331n net hemophiqu rnllllon tom Pfirfmfgpm mum Wrny re megllgllltflg rhynlrrrrnhuntoumnh at landmine 332 xiirthfi to mm that trotn umestonurtretlumltrlllw amen olltnxlumequnllyrrwstleln In Mm IIIME mm an SIN TIMI NI MI Mm MI hm bullly he mmde pp mltd me untrue mt um Just For llM for rum program to NthllhD mm mm Inlhelhmtlhr tollJyIlThun Int the blood in bout our rrultule hf hm tr ulll be tram bl Ilr ddmse ll nrlurumntdnrn mm 0mm um IIrIrIIIrIIIIIIwIIIIaIIIIIIIIIwIIIIII III WI It tanIrIIIIIIIIprJIIIInIIIanIIIeI IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mm punt rm unlu WVWI moron ltd Mm would hrulhr MPWWde rt would lIullor tile tun oII new mm I9rjlulcrmm III rI too hues to depth 10 nutlept mm Chuck EIIeNIIIhlxg WI fmlmfrh yroglkmtl mfngmgge ltlhlmefp 0M0 Into rnIegIgItIIIIleIz otIIewk Woodland OWN mt qturry other um um Wm my IdIIIIwommmIIIII Mm met my rtn Discuss Pmblems MIMI SIN II WI TOMORROW note nwutertmptttledoneelpuuu ol the mutton fugug muggnmnyg noble rIIlIrIrIlI pwr IotIIn luloI the mfmlkhlw IrIlIoIIIIIM who Mm lull be Imm th ump the lump we rhlp out mtmdthntrntrhtenmehom rm hllflgfsilu or pm In Green Acres Gets WINNIE mm mum dl$hldll$ hag2 titrt In who mm mm who who Stillbhilitil tho on rm mum 13 rellnnte It the mu yu sting lrtnu my gmlfmgn m5 $2 3ng otswtmhnr Jute rohrv III WINNIE hir Bmk ouse 33 ot lhelr reggae ItIrququII Him when mm dump men Ill urI Ill be ANGUS sum mum II Mb PM Exenue Iw hedllllltanil nldllrPnr Iodlstnlbthenntluellcenety mmlmm at dummhwmmmdm oil lull cart We stochpllo for the nth Itll mm work bell We It Vruhtuhrne the It tor hog rod lot and hourllo nununne mlh ter and it enlorldtnee that my Ykhwuwuud mumwaghg knottlrdse memmry The Mel drretuxron held mm should drop In on our lint mm an wmh 1mm WNW ml about WW WEIW 2an tram lllr tldmL we ha Ieuorrtlnt lt7rIIlhlI dmmmmmnmms glrhlileIlIt=ulal 571 It botrInIcolllrthIxlbelrIIrtImi III hyIlerItnlpIrIEIlonIlmIICIorIanll lImIgiltslnhhnlm$e Cl when 10 gum lllywmhbmu lhlrfallhldnh3 kw garflmonllhlrlr ldflh llTrthlrnlmlelm lull tho Ilium lull mmckeddeggwhil gggmlmm mlnllceexh he only WWIImm mm fmuIhmmggg IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII II IrIlIrIfeIIItIIOIIIIIIIIIIfM KW WWW mummy my IMm rm me Nth hr luqu mm um Wm downm pnI ad In 15 Mn Mum ptmm mm the torturous lm mt Ah mm mm 135 munmodiahly my Wm MP 311 51 bmm II prim um wdlnrbm BmlthlorruId Nm mm mm ween ue III IIIIfmgllmmmlyI ed to give rtth when to the eronr btlsr Mu no mum lrom elsewhere In MWYI New indud IL Cam my strong actual depolit table um quarry tnlckr Drtrur bark Ilonzthe second three Iett thlrk our Inrprst Robert ond MW loIIel Nahum RI Jam5 or Ontmo lreahwaler rhorellne Itorle ll muth unallrr than lhlr Lllte the heptnnlnp ol trend knoll It would all mnlh on mudd ts llbon mmrdMlM to lIte mm Humphrey 018 on lheI Great Inter tends the dcwlt consuls ol nutty Canyon the quIrrI men out loo 11h an all dllllmr lie down rtthr to In Inches hr dlnme work larllonth Ireperehal mm belorowmdbelw re tlrzteh the lnr end schtllht out that let our llrtest micultltrel umllect atoll No new IIII WW It rlpht leet ol hlph ralelumrar behntn onlyuptrrrrttmpnn mmwam mm we trnt mistook tor smoke or hmertooe It ohelenlh Inth Hurra MSW dram but turned no to be our rm malertnl We Intonmlranrd no 22 honrzhrgrllorlrp this pageant llonedlllmt woeIthertrlllmelt rtene rominp turn the quarry blunt lo loImlkaI Wll Wk IN ho turlllr quelltitl l0 Ilsa lll tnp world ol lone gym to Illloch blostlhp holes The Is In hloekl three to men an the palm root Slld hlr mm mm mm up Hm did no mm mm errtor Ielrr herulskl Ield lotLt tor hrentwnter htudoneld the has oprrIltd the In pm mm hm we mu Mm ltd Ilnll wen taunt In One euhle ylrll cl hmettoue rlItolor rzygrn PRESENT next Iuch deposll lotmd ewuy county lle T111 lhlel lrt lhl hulk Iqlurly level nut hole In one or the me l3 dm ht hoaohltllr hemth mmdmmmw Ihtrllt lecI ol snlld llmrllolle wrtphl Iboul or paundr wnwll recorded by hlll llcCall AnumMeyFllm lentill IIIMIlIe hLIlrxIIbehelnIIdlk whereas one am yerd of ImhrIII vgtor wwgxlilgd ml hdolorrutlc mettr1e ntl tea ow crushed ltrrteslone welths LIN when till 35 thud lgltthzftt WW Wk pond own Inn 000 pounds due In tr spurs rm and mo beolt In MAYirdtlthrsth II nimm m5 um salmmnrm pounds pressure tlrIltcd the Although the on of the mal Calltun ul mt the llmt and the to bah by menus at three notrh erlel tr lhlpped to ontots IIr htudonnld reported rev ate and because otIlts Ibrettle and mm quality In lop barn at hlgh m5 mm IhlllII1IhadDUl tom the mieIoflmmmtIMl ma were mottled iust mrgnrkmsm IIIsI Im wm and chm mm treat telrium nhd magneslhn tor noclt rhuchs hlr Peacock had eutller ex truclrm cpmlllut lor towel HILLCREST Mk lrult re use The dc lt lollke rock rutll roared plrlnolthntbyttry rmtuL lee More Iltvhllrle ln cl Blah hlver whoop the beekyend torth down Into the mtulucmrntl lt one possible County or out ll4000 Inll me next ARE rhrit TM 11 Otdltlclen rnnt tllvor eyltern bottom 01 the quarry Ind ml to blur out the mm at mt yrert lnpnvnleoumbunncsl omen Ith Guard ItlltrlIud SCHOOL that not lald down he use up to the mill on the nulhm to that the oor the quarry end padlrulath WI WW RIPk 0th ind JetIron Grlll WT WNIG Inlrsl but to Mme human pm do tr mmlm pcrtrrtty month the utter All our rmvloyec quarterback lull sleemm rt BARRIE 5m ago ltthenth thls our tomoI the Ilrtt bench we Itrp at for the mothlllcry lbal lWl ml Dell UN mm rill drills no lulo tho Iolldroek at bed to look at the run rhnr must not our It We drlll we buy our rents locally Itr on Tuesday trailer NItlunal nlle Immmm 1n tlu the ProCambrlhtl whlclt comes me up the wt outta down rxnrtly lo the bottom ol havereurm lorlbmll Another rooth ensue rules or plan or phone tutloos mmmmewm lured In 44 mm put up the up In mu 13m mm btddlnpplnnenndtheblett pro lllly tens to out Lhetr cottons rallathcr ADULTS szIoo STUDENTS sue mower Immune diru lm breast hm llltlruthrvwllltt rm Although hlr leacIMk rm he played tour olIhlr nix WI IoIoI IIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIII What Mtg plth the rock breath or that It ll hut qulte utg that protmiohal yells Nth the mm mm It Emmy mm WI FrItun than llI elotie ts blasted out at the run varlotu Were routed rem It lath he Itnlrd ml1 Crptlw two In Trltrl orPhuneMDl ll mllrb at the quarry tp benches Wen manta whlta through butt Blosllnz In tho that end partiallllmcstonelulmnlotold not been mother who roster tor lyrive trot the and 1ny out yellow grey black to IcrIItI IlllonIlIant IsteoIIlo lIleIIo IEIIITlIIrIIIfhollI ola lIIoronloIIIl twnmu wtdr tnd out Ml lollp Three Immune mm the putt to ur on mettnr ee IIWl lmmn om row at rtxlheh holes ate dull Ills we round um low on Protect ohm he MM 10 mgtll ll 1th to use hut out ntlrr ell hm run this to rd Illmty tel eport back Irom mum than wm mg tr rt ltd Wltm WWW WNW reelze hormone punts Ibo rllhl MW Wm the rx many mstsu or plxly mm mm mum each It placed nltrotype blob Vtth drher trorpo Kent explrztve locus andmixture Wrrrnlntlcr ellmbed Iboerd of diesel not and umoolum one at the huge 35 ton STARTS Now PLAYING Rn cowl TOMORROW Now nhttltd wlth prime rock truckxlthe ere utn tor TILL FRIDAY Twitch hole dolohntu lo mp down Info In PLAYING rlon ullh 25 mlllleocoude lllr Kent rhowed how the to mullle the modulate truck wllh wheel Ilmditltyg ttery that llould rIellIIlt when luI here Mr boad overrated Wllll gt Shefmedher tune AW Ito mmtte WW lllto atter 50 thousand toll er broke Ind power Alum husbandssou pt rott boil out llllo help At the query In exnn with llttto rprratlihz ell broten tor with bucket hlp enough to locommlt mtt hurt lttittil 31 thhthhh to up Iheulltmatesml 01 Ill Ill hm troops ha that orsn NlMr CRLSllhll WWI 1d MI mm The unrry ha hide trutherr that gosh the stone trtm head MWEMKMI Egot III tynmwmge My Tomorrow ntulllnmtntmlmmmmm ohuhMurooomununma moor lultll lThopelaon onowoy ka mIII Icwtt to handle criminals Iohanllx Muslretltlshlon lrrntltbrmrrn Silthontl RtlplllllthltdlonuhutehteOleerarumrm urnmt MIIIMWIIIIIIIMIIMIMI mm an 60 In Io Now OPEN In mmmmmm turrerIlInnlruvaZ pm auntemu thlilllv 35mm 01 It yuanewe gnuWiler hierottoo mm 5mm Coming SoonCaberot ptwuMre my IIIIIIIIIIIII FIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII DIIII gnarl eteootllltl mm mm llkl ox 0IIIIIIIIIIIW EIIIIIIIIL WTONIGHT Bl hd II CIIIIII IIIIIIIIII mm ue ear lnltllp

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