Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1973, p. 4

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dhr lhorritdixomintr LA Robb PubllthIrGenerrl MInIpIr wtwtllt Editor Emrrttur DM HInlluvMIluglng Edltoe 11mm rut rm recs Mlles For Mllhons Walk ShOWS LOCCll GeneIOSY Elnte Ind Ire resident wlll rhow mun In her Ito voted Ml their enormity and shmlm Saturday WW 101495 mm when mm mu mm It with any undnlsihg pro ed it rthonrurutttheomlahrmwry throw MWWWWWW worm land thelr rpoosont have unhsl sum complied on envleble mud in pmlour There LI sllll time to do your Pitt to robin smut thousands at doll help others either by onlkmg or npou mlznmn nonng In 1W lo 50m the mm In at ham Ind mum Italtnthonr or mmvynlsln MW mm my vehlclcs locally reddenu are mount turd easy lo d0 emotion mlklng tn the Mlle tor hlllllone trek The organllm am dolng tholr art to but Mm mm thc are out me Irenrnnlnglto rth nuke the wzlk tuccetstul To cu down eelx IbIt uptuusm bu Llldn the Isa mm new mm or mm on howka ms may by cheque 0m PM mm For thou 711 PM Mrpi imam rof lloollr vtlth mtoti the eluldmrl are the one mos eh 135503 mIJpr Amerken lndmtrlIt Ihuslosucall snort1 the lm 7110 and mm mm lu Ihou pmu no ppeet In 00d and drink lathe morclttrx nigh whomget otttrongnmunttyInvolvementonalorpe Ttru out to do their part For three pearl tale to help othere Homer in htm other plmmeten Ibout Iondint Ind lumber tomb be In dolor bk deep tor planllng lullp bulbs wherIInl mun thrill1x lmmg nmrntmr mau1u1xwzu1tm III II hm 35 YEARS AGO lN TOWN AFlshor dlretltd orchestra Coek or THE LEGISLATURE Ex nduorhlt 1938 Splb bum oductr Vrllh An us Ron mo trom out II II meantmlmhldlmmrytnttawntcrm prmdtghrmwyWampum esurlnmmtlzldeolulr ple Hon Earl Rowe rcdlcted laden el plumper dancer trdlncd by Urlcl Ketso kn An Eff my mm gcelion misutlllxllll 3mm gmsz lrhlllffyllrll Wltmot IrEgglwplodmw on rl eelIle lhltt 0m mmpevmntwmey Gordon ma Ian Dough smlul Pb WWI mung lfduhgmh llillllell WWW 0in Wm Colhcrll Dtltntt Judy Knox 059 ment over lunbtr admlnlrtratlon brrttcy ulgaeJonetthctty Klghlly flnfmzmfnfw Board at Edmllon endorsed thanll Italace 0010 elected Dtytrttt Deputy my mm In club proposal tor childrens $3161 at Grand Itasler 100F Lodge Georgian ulhmnmrmmtlr cramps Ktwantrn Norman Clyarlle pr Sporls rdttortrt potnted out that WW the ute llme he to In new do pro um and In sure then In lulmlr riled Iantorde rtnlentatl ov ytt on nt td dt dh hotJr leo lorl An tllort Wm ll llWNWMVMMmd Im rile Em 91 KM Monmm dimer mfmw mg help made In word not lmmlulllmml manual Tm IPllWIi Ghent pttnt ten tun zeomInIIll to rem ell we Itoarrtr Armoury to conduct nndltblc at Irtent over past tno decoder tnI uv mtmlzlgdhlmmf rm at mllllop ylrom hllh rtrroenlr currently wrltlnr fhhrrlruftihme uwgilftlrtlwah exemrcs tor ollltere Grey Ind Slmcoe entle class there were llve exccrent 1W mm pm my we mtllhn yrmrlrl enmlmtlolll one Muppmwmm WW Forester HQ ottlcerr In attendance goaltes with Gordle hatch best or Ill mm to Ild wu rtutunr rt mum ottlclIl run the port mm were lttjor Gordon onpmzrt 0o Btntumr thle year produced tlne roe epmmuulllrr llrhloltlle rlrrrptotn on eh or he rernby Illldrnll porrmnxnlr that lbe hmpbelt httkutteutenantshnltus reds lnctudlnphttx Ind Iturrty dr llr hloNte mlolrlrr rbl ration location not the trvv cluttered In all ullur loll bu rentraurptntuest eromrnltohn prummol bell enrol Ind theuld Incurran mule Met 5mm NibbkeAnM lm git lgneclrrlrlnfd flllrighrlthrm Ultimlnntthln Ill mloLrIlrlrI than who my be would llooallzed or eeltrd described It llnInclnl pm It meant too that rtovmclll about llndlhglhe tundrloroexl meht central or us we battens In rst ml or tohertor horn pole had only three teams but elm Ildtruntmrtttesmdbetub pelrrtultlouerpeorer pup oll modules oIre hrptdx North Caro Softlrlll were Ipootle George DAmhmdo delertce ffth1fnffm Ilnnllrlly hlrher In Dnlerlo then Ndenco lbII urthertltlel Whldl teeduded nor gut Glenn Pouoher elected man rclt Ramsey ol CorllerUnltedJluss used to the teerlpebdlnl oi the other oloe prorlnm here tlretutly embrmd the tort power In Peru merI hath lltl Wuhth hht St ttlt to hm not me am til throttlrthm lthdhdh3hdl Deu er W0 morl renovt or on Ill woe II Wtrmthebltl red tlohr Granada movlo theztra opened rer wants Giorgi marked l1321 after at peace WK glllrlllglnfhugzg mgollhgtllwwumolrrmhtrgk wallillymf hfghlynmium ladrlg 01d Capitol management John between Canada and Us with address In in on prlority rellu whlch In and pollute10000 rltloleum Como llMdll no and Sane who Ilso operate Roxy by Jerk ll Rodgers prtsldcnt Bolt Plan 33 Illtlp titHell or more but It the lormer smdull Harmanpl arm bu be dtmnhL urqu Ind Ilad president of dub umrtilln hld lhe new route were Illocntet book Velue at about $600 en ed Ind rold First Itlrrctlon ll Ihor hire Persona elected ptcsldcm Vo rotlde them rlth Iumme ob mm to mm mm Trout Pmldent 1103 oughhred Dont Cry ntzrrtng Judy Grr monrCanedlan Club Canndlan Army lo pry tor Ihelr lulttohr thrill lIlIlndIIzudIIIIqureIt IIIoItmIIry an Immg mitt mirhmheam35rl mm ltrhlnerzedatllllrlzzmlnlhll WW llhlhllhooml lncllllt llth 31 mplitlrwzmtnllh Bellolllagdad to large zudlmcr thoygot wmehnlutmn USonlom mum III militantm many mm wastanhconhr mmmm Ian llerl proclelmlnp lll hd CLOSE 10 MLth torture hut ltll mm mum 10 Ill hlh uetolm Good Newl on slut In phantom tum wrtt complhlu there AM Mr hteNle Innounred Intremd lltlu Ind leltowrh boost dent Awrrdl 1e Mr Ntnd told the punt htIrxltt President Sellrdoe Id In rtu elltl Irnouutlup to 01 about In Inlltlon In conelte terml they explrln now would enable Trent toI ply lender $4317 lo lulluledIlln IMNIIH Illd mm lava my UEENI eelIIIero elmtobrtrnted IPCIlfzIImEtUSownedrop Mm mm Irhrltulre hlr Ntllduloleterlnelllle melt he wII trellhed by the ll mm will reloloo ot the III Ill rrnntenl that he come rllher cm on all tin hillWI ll mttllll may we we here lreote dtttlcullles mm mm mum St rnlhlulullc the hell nudlmlunlmloh 111 mm Wm terlutlpnal Te one Ind metlouotllte wlllbeelleblltbed wall to lnterlerrm mm The Men Mdnmhenod us Pderborourh to help explnltt ell at Inter1v gulftle lcllelItlI men the tedly an 5mm mm mm by DON 01mm ho In no the drmlhd lhrt WM mm Ihrrtutrnr Iwertlt protrnrn trim le Elumglwgiy gIeIu who of ll lerIIIrloenl mm mt up 0w the ptotlrlclll oterllmeptt up Trent eleu took the mount hum mama where rellel edl Ihouttt lllVe uobltolove tlo pl ln tl Stole vrlth the with to Walhlnx my ovum WI Thur ll llli mentloned hm utttlty Irl hotel entervruea we Gem mum mob hlIrIIIrIIcIIIlvtller world rrulpmr contort um III WM Ilmr In health the bl Ilolrltlcnl III exflnlolol thlt melded country to mold trltb tonvlctloll that truth do WMNN LI mm III quelllhepolntlhtl hhell heed ol Dhlarlo hol been for Ind rnlllnx hlr IIer ee ell um um cum chllleellor Willy Blundt 00mm Em II rrlrmrzlyrelzlhnmm OHM mm WWW mmtlothr Conlllertent beds riler lhIn ml WW portlnt runtrrvrlunr erllprovlneltl wetter mlntt the Mlnenll Werlem 1m Weer lot the Corn prtvtncetlnllllwwlllmllru Idllel 510 Illumltlp hll MM unde wn In counttlu meal wlll be omlnently rest FonztGN EDLE VITAL WWI lug clonfllmnmltlbgloflmllhili W110 It revenue am Ill ll cm hllerlhrozn or or tale ultled In nrmrnlt on Whether tuture revetment title Irma mlloellve lderl the rum1 lllrmmenlt butt ll WI cl MI lll mldllrtu ot mutlnelrootl melon over the out or ill the themte model will W1 Wm WM me mmmm lll dm Illld II to Jul If In me mm lortrlm Ind prlvote tIllrt lo orporlltlom mm mm Mm WWW rrhelom to the hull WMWWM when Ind how he motley unlrenltlel rollem Illd do 111 nth new AI ttr llrhobmntlhlsl Eu promotion hlxott mun mm mmotmem mi WL lfvyrwlmuav dent lo wore them there ll mt tram tounlrler hhlchbllt men rmrnedllrtrllrr htll ently feel that mg mm mm Thll In Iluyl riled tr mm plrllly of mm for hope Ind hm no oomhrttnr rooted HIKE ll ltllul to mull Illll opllrnnn rulher than delpelr In new man3 beheld III the lltht el the US mm Ilpruldeot wttt he nude mad by 6mm of lumhwmmm mm mm PNVIWIMDIOlhIoellllle bl them moml lot Allaolle In lorelpn rIIhrr Ihtn clement who hone 1m 01 an mndln mm mm Que tor example pt procpleol freedom pl 111mm My pummme Gutterdetl edtohrttt relI ll wlnleoto than new m1 lot It lowrl Ilr 1th war lhrrhlrth dtl MI MIME mm III who WIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII II IAIereIIrlgaul olth the Common than llrtlrltIIreI by Wm Merl mly we lorelthllllollow rtr tdowntbe tltnte at mm In llJIIuIIIeIrIIIoIIIoIIIIIIdImI Ntxcnr role nth us In nI cf mwmmw WI the ltd tomrrlllluthluurol nun men mrkrlteve wetluJepan lllto antyen mm In that vJm Imul ill wuh Wm erel roetrtetlollr lt hr not been PW olol Inlnirtert wlth lhelr Pederl curlotu but mental Wm IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III IrIIIIrlrr protect mtndprp oIblIltrlIrrIItopoodtrth couhtr nrtr tn rlrumlihe rho Ch wet ml lIl ll 9m deMol proxrllmr more Cnn trll Ihustle lb dhnlvnhi mlh rdwllmtlhl lld mm mm malllllt duelllorl tr roe One at the multl her In comma IN ohms he been But more lhIrl lrhome tbl Itch Can Ilnrlorllllp Dell Telomh of mm hm de 10 New um mm ltrtepretlmwlll lottery Improved Ida student Canrdp he competed Am WHW Illlnllh WI 11ml illumth llnlvh uld It all ertorttl prrtteulrrly hlr Cutohruly throhlltyolher pororrltrlhwpll loenlntrlrllclghllirlrwmmy mm mm 05ml ll marrmzmmxmm immm US Europe Intensify HighLevel Diplomacy or rox tttllht mtde blt Ionpmlted meterlrls to roll drlnlu Ind mm mm WM rpeeeh on the Weterlnle Iltrlr ladle rl next month Ill downtown rhythm netloull lit to about tam WM Plll 01 mm to world Strut ute 51 mommmmwy urIrte antnrto mm tlter the Common Illltr el bu Tel hopte mom HIM to rattle Into the enlrrzed mg CI IIIIII IIIIIItmtrIrIIet frealer than ndlppretlhm WWI vlllll 0f Itlllllt wummmqm Amman M16 be esllbllllted Jen Return poetry puIrIIIteed tn mind uhlt th owe hlm Another of Dally BuLdly and ml to 111 the Ire world plotttuy whirl Nilonllmvtkrltlln mm 1314 IIIMg II Imm mm mam YWI damn OIIIWIMMAUIOLM excep court all min III we to use land1 lubmlohlott tel dilly by rlalllA ltl both EAlropo Ind the problem me my emlrr the weekly $131012er 115 my reel were degree at mmmowm mm mm mm mI By mum Ind Mum InhlsleItIIIIIgIIIIIIlodIaIIIollIIIIIlIZIdu WWMWWMR 3511 hit tall rho llhfll llthttt graham no WWWm ol Crneor trtoIoIIngnly IAll CYtlln hing Ihylinmfgllml or our BOWMAN mrroIrIrIrttnIp thtIhlll MIuseId no delett tn the Northwest lRI mg other countner yelr rum er en contenty Itthetlton Itt dlstlrt lehed otwom mm mm WI ymrI 53 mm 1mm pole full that durtbed lth rhltllllg lhelr hidden paelllertx tell 15 IN lbwrby Icahdmmi wpugwucxmmmwmm lhourn tlrm rler or lllutle otter rrllpretlthe Um mm mm West Germen trle lp wllh lndlul dose of helttord dur mm Cllledee Iorcehtthe Boer Wet MWMMWIIIMCENTUWW Its Queen St Welt Toronto rtlrkllodrnwtlretrom Otter mmmmmmrmnmwm lm Cum llhltElldrlhnlfihh hirurl ml mrhmywharclzrrrfn alignmlarlualugltr Wli showdown on en whirlth Imldrhadmlll 1113121 tot he lremblllll the urn ltchkmhdrnellllllllltletillfkll mfg IlflrIEIchIrI the IMIlrn tIIrIrrn thcl uqorlrrmnrrrlr can Bum Ityl Iulllem prlmtrlly be Med ml WI commutth Dlllm HUI mull wsere thomn JImeI Nimwhmihlmlhg um come he has rum have the to dot And the lord rldett lo uttrlr lndleh Clllcl CP rt collectlve luentlly for luunlallmlrtnuttou Pottndmrker on Knlle lllll Th nhl Ivonnroyrnnlnrnnnn mowennumwmlo Iver rntltled to the ule tor to to lo lhe rtty and II lhnll be told mm WI ME tngtlInItIcd not 1th Ibrlenl Guuller In mmmws IIIIIIIIIIII llhl ncrlrllvlltletlmlgltur mm mm mm mm Ollrhtlulrollllormlw delllbrolletlouu whom to hill ulhh htlrrril$ WWSIW sIll Anthem Fm or heater men tndudinp 15 member of retrezl Thlr we ercomnllrhed IIlIndI WMWLLNIHWWIAW In In the but new tlllllh mm mm It Nlllll lwn nvrovauruu wllh xrelt Lllllltulty Ind Pound mt 5t nonllm on re Wthlummmtmhw who then will run Worhln en llle Ind tle olten user net at rum Inl on only type at mailer mlrht hIle Illted them rolled thutor lrorn htrnltohzl membwrmuhtmwm clhtuonnrrh urrnlrrr elIlrM MM WWW hlnr IGiltllrlll 1m or Father Cochln wu one rt nrlrlrture Et Wllht ln Ill orlllllll Idveh m1 ummz Wlllbm hm lhmIIIIplfln hlgny cIn Ind II dawn on thy that Pwndnvzlrert prllcnou and ltld llvparttnent ol the the WWWrWitlMMH dammllmmm on Wm IBM leer that tho Indtnn Chlrt rlor wn created mmwzwmuw Iledh III ml turd rt Wren 9m mm mm 11 Tllm was race tor the rclllbllltd ht melt lrom lrylnp ltte Veneouror htld Int WNWIMMLVIt roducrd lrl tumm mm lb 5lll 109 II and otter men to neonate Ollerl retrellnl rtlyrlnrtlun lawaW9Iwrnmhvnvswf Pa PI trleudshlplmrtie the ur Itlll truth It do It ywrell It llwreI llrrt torre tle may hm Ierllrel Ittt Erqtloplon In mam Hwymm Wm heplttntlen Nuuv Iher bothered by hurrlro len lrylnsIIo rrrrnre ththr lor rnll dlll not prove to he Ill than the rebel hd llochlllre to cormlen totlr loo 11m MMme her all repleter el Amerch lrrde ureemehtr lll outlellel all up not lel Idvrhtue beuuse the lndllnl old the her llw Neoloullllnnt 110mm volrtnl everylbtnl lrorn row God take over mtterod end trld In the 11mm 5o Colonel Otter hedI vlctory terlltonlnhorltlrom Canada IIIIWIIII

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