ot Man Found Not Guilty Of Taking Outboards autos Decals Manger an Armed Ruetnguisbeoc was acquitted in county court In Barrie thready at charge at at me and possesu ioa at states good alter In it an In deitbuaied Inc It eost taro harm Beluga was charred in re aactlan with the thcll at tear ortboard motors from beats moored at Lre Pcoetaagisshcae Im dirk last Aug hi La his final NW dries ce Nanci Noel Bales ml the only concrete rnlrrn hating Beluga to the Itrged aliens es was glam by Garnet ArneLl Pats Inn has already beer aoossded er charge oi pos Barrie Youth Pleads Guilty To Willul Damage Charge John Hart ltoirr ii ol liar charm arising Iroeri Iirrch it Mill VERSION main the stoleti rosters Pills rail ire court that Belscrer vii Dim the meters tor est en Rates tall the yrry it could be dangerous tor to consist bei Incer on this endure lie raid although unstable Around Dclaster ol the Free trngsnshcae police drosrrrncat tdcarillcd Must Is the nu wallin dose the loan deck boutIImAuanbecand not identity Balanger as the man striving bust and loans another boat at an arm llr Ilach said it not logical to Islam that Brian Baildd Sued burden bra Desist Sarah 31 Cam presses erasust Inc the dies lload was tailed lar to Isaac dimer Deluxe Isaaci days tesbezday alter pleadsg Paul traumasqu ram 31 guliyralamepcoitacialcaurt dd is unable in cart as Ll to charge el Errata Ihrle LI resuh cl Ia Lenoir in years dritvae been In under attr Ign tie and Sanders drive pension Feta re It lies pna smummgmuda crarr News TUE LINE SHAWL TUCISDAY LUV if INVEST NOW cr uorrld commit the oilroce rla pleaded chilly in provincial court in Wad Wedsesday mums to charge ol wit tut damn lr mention with tiroelsshtas Incident at the Waylare Restaurant on lhghway Ilarcb It Eridrm lnrllrnlcd lloarl reK mined in car while rever ri other youths tinned tour Incident at tire slashing lie will be sentenced tiny In court In Alhalm the Crown attorney told the toast able the Irirldthla we tint ONIONS tor the youth the csldusnrapcttottsserlsnsso score and utter seruciesrness ol malicious arts end the lost at the large number at lust lull an hour airr he was sun by pohccman Ii die dock Jsxlzo vhints Carr told the bury it could cooiict Bdang er or one charge or the other but not both tte also ssul it would be dancrous lo parrot on Pitts evidence on year Debanture investment Certicates You run highest interest on all at The IONCIIME LEGION MEMBERS year badges at this LegiooI Bert ltae prescient DI Branch in oluthxe Idian legtm roominlalrd trap of the raipieals or to Tuesday mail Royal Cea boaora an aunt night LEFT ltanh Elliot Ladoum and Air the Examiner Pho id Billets In Barrie Sought For Young Quebec Visitors Lecsi orgsalrers at the lovers Voyageurs program IWed annually by the mine lstrv oi education and the do pdltitltni rt racism are testing tor home in Darcie in which to billet at much speaking stud eats during the record and third recs ol iuly Tlroelulant llhom Sir Agatbc thitbcc are aged it to it The organisers would his to tiad homes In which boys and gals oi corresponding ges to ii is hoped that the local youths will beshle ta Imp onylhclr visitors on trips to web place Niagara Falls the Ontario Science Centre Ste Marie Amongihellurons llart yrr Shrine the Cohsogwoed Armual Navy League Tag Day Set To Run Through Saturday in an ellorl to raise iunds tor ttroperatien the ery league ot Canada liIrrle branch It holding tag day today Friday arid Saturday In the city Proceeds nom the three dry land drive will go toward spon Idlag the Royal Canadian see cadets tor boys ii to it years old and the Navy League cadets tor boon ii to it years old In addition the Navy lesgile ol Canada provides varioru other services mail as hospital visiting las omit rearransv In inliit horpi an Inn ar Iunulrlil Christmas traditional Nevy league only bags are packed tor veterans In hospital Nation Inionnation Centre ToSeelrIlP Grant Extension Member oi the Action Inlnr rnation Centre In Dorrie plan to apply ior an extension oi the local initiatives Program grant to been the ctrIre operating alter itay at The Iedcral government last week announced it would ertrnd po ants in about reoo Lil pro is which show strong comv munily support and have dem onstrated sotmd Mngcmrni practises Extensions will range Irom one month to eight months do pending on the type nI praIevl Sonny Cook one at the Work era It the centre said the Ieels the centre trill have no problem getting an extension at its treat the told she has rccelvcd lritrr Item the Consumers Association at Canada lilarrle bronchi the Childrens Aid Society ol Simroe County The St Vincent de Paul Society Georgian College exten sion services the Catholic Wo mens League and other groups indicating iull commonly sup ii The centre but been handling approximately too calls monllL she said indicating the need Inc such centre dont think theres any doubt we have the communitysv support she said Mrs Cook said as soon as the applirnlion terms are IIIIIIOIC lrom Canada Manpower the rerr lre will apply In the catch lion She said ohevdoct not than how long lier lake to get approval More Cloud Cool Temperatures It will be cool and cloudy in ths Barrie rea Friday with the chance oi shower Winds will be train the southwest It is to 34 tiltit becoming out in northwest ii to to mph yam paratures will dip to ti tonight and rise to or Friday Syneptla Cooler air an trenched in Nonhern Ontario to sweeping across the southern part at the province as dis turbanse north at Lake liuron move slowly over southern Qilebec Show has accumulated to depth at seieral inches norlli oi Lake Superior rcrvier lag driving conditions tree rherous there Silas will no cloudy throughout the province both today and Friday ten showers should develop there new the lower latter with snow tapering oil to llurries In northern regions String winds in most communities will slowly ubride bluish Toronto liloally cloudy wuh chance oi shower today and Friday little cooler Wlarla southwest 15 to it be coming northwest It to his day lligh today hint on low tonight so high lrldoy sold its Windsor tendon ttsmilton lototborough also St Clair late Erie lair liuren south And Chance 0i Rain On Friday crr Georgian Bay Niagara Lake Ontario llahhurlon Mostly cloudy with chance oi shower today and bridal cooler Winds southwest in to to becoming west in northwest is in so muggy liigh today mida 505 low ght 35 high Friday 55 High Low iilrh Today Tonight Fri Windsor in 5d Sniliid 55 In 55 St Thomas 53 ID lander it in Kitchener it in Ilmmt Forest at Winghum la Owen Sound at liiiahoitr 33 llarnliton to SI Chlh to Toronto to Trenton to Kingston to letcrhrrough rs Petawawo at North Tiny Si Sudhury ti Eariinn so Trmmins so Kapuslraslng is hlarie so Chapter it While Ilivor 20 dentition Al A5 hindrance to so $3333$8S3E835882E8E583 Th wellher la presented driiy public service by shipyards and Turmqu Spring Brewery Al Taylorona oi the organir err laid the idea behind the rogrem Is to acquaint siudsnts Irons arse part at Canada uith other part Shortly alter the thrush elud rats arrive in ltdrric to rlralmtr tram Simcoe County will be leaving Inc twowect trip to Saskatoon where they will also be viring local industries Anyoas who is interested in littering French litatleol ls Isl ed to contact hlr Taylor at mm Bicycle Rodeo To Run May 25 Constable Robert Thompson oi the Barrie rlty polire depart ment and tumor inon its Coolie are Included In the list at guai riders at the Jayrcea alum annual bicycle notice It the Barrie Irena on Duulop Street It am May in other special riders will he lricce prceldcnl Paul Winger presidrnieieci Al Punting and Jayrctie ilaana Williams Parents ere invited to bring their childrenlothisrodcowhhlt emphasizes the need tor Increa srd aiety oi bicycles The chil dren will participate in writ ten trst and various ridiilii this include boys end girls bi trsts Dciore the tests herln all hic roclo to be awarded that day stable Thompson and it they are not in rule nrnrurnr eonrlitlon they will not be allowed to compete 5pcqu prlrrs tor the event include boy and this bid yclc to be awarded Cthul dsv disdch will he Don WvaIL llaipn 1m and Greg items The Jayrrvs are also hoping to have smaller prizes donated by varioua local rnrrnhants LOCIII GENERAL CAR lliIE hirmbvr oi the Stroud station at the lnnlsiil lire department ariswrrcd call Wednesday at llzN pro in the Powell rust deuce an Alcana Drive In Dig Bay Point where cor Ilre caused minor demure BURTON BiiYVilitV iaul lichorlug till Stroud and Clrsrlcs Nicholson ol Oslo swa store drivers oi cars in volved in an accidlnt Wednes day at am at the corner at Burton Avenue and Bayvlew Drive Damage totalled $910 MAPLE AVENUE mishap Wednesday at not pm on hlaple Avenue at the rear st Woolworths did euro du nrage to car driven by Eve hourdnn at Canadian Forces Dare burden and lllehard ilsr wood at Canadian Forces Dose Greenwood Nova Scotla DARRIE DENTURE CLINIC DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC CUSTOM DENTURES OREPAIRS AND RELINES Ill dayai unconditional maneybarl gaaranlrs In all new denture pmvldrd Oaryrrr warranty as to adjustments or III new dentures NULL AND PARTIAL DENTURES We charge iar cerrauliatloa hm olieam should be considered lit lhrd the judge to consider to raid Apnl ltoaro plane the dcterreat latter in sentrn ded guilty to Itilui damage ting Ilozr movrncnu count BRIEFS sEnTlNCillh lrnpasrment so he made the ar Krnnelh lescph sniprnan in rest itchluln and his wile bath was sentenced Wedrrsdty la lesutird he bad no lElCniIO oi ttarvlepraslnrtaiclarriiotlourn driving and the try acre in conviction April not indeceatly her possession lie said they wultma male person Judie veer out to the lrucli tor tiger Danaid Inch rcnrrarcd Shipman ellcsbcimecellrngu taxi own to in months in rclormntuy and Attorney John Alexandre illrl it one year or probation with the was enough itlelrlum was lotlllttil rccommeerlatiar tar medical as the wheel but that pohrc Irsll itstsoce while Slapmsa is in runny hidicalet the krl were in prison Sinner Ilse picsdcd the ignition ttrliurrr pleaded guilty to rhsrg ot assaulting not guilty to both charges 17yearold girl April at local boicl and was sentenced to two months and one year probation The sentences will rim concurrently CONVICTED Earl it hiclellan It at Crate Street was convicted Wed ncsdey In linrrte provincial court at letting to stop It the scene at In rcrldrni March it in the tloyal Canadian legion parking lot or St Vincent Street Court was told htclellcn was visiting car out at the lot when he struck another car causing S50 damage to It lie was normed taxi driver who reported accident alter lilelrellnn told him he would leave his name and Iddreu but tailed to do so lchAllnn made restitution short ly Illcrwsrd lie pleaded not guilty to the charge l0 til SENTENCED lienry George tlocack 19 oi Eimvala will be nuanced llrst id Ibilminig conviction cdnca day In Danie provincial court at car thcll and the charged oi tailing to appear lie pleaded guilty to taking car April II which bclorurd to It The runs at irnrtang Street tailing to appear April 15 to lace the charge and tailing to appear Ill rm to late charge at aitrmpltd thcll which has lnce been withdrawn Judge Donald Intb remanded him in custody man res Conviction Wednesday In Dan rle provincial court ol rherar ol causing disturbance by ahotrtrng April ongoinst ltubcrt irlliem iirid to at Downsriew restrile in tit line lie plead rd guilty ludgc Donald Inch sold the torts ol the ease show it not to be serious nrutlcr DOUBLE CONVICTION tnrrohour trial Wednesday In Dorrie provincial court end cd In conviction oi Ivan llay nrond vlcitlum ol lill Dorrie or charges at having core and control at an automobile while his ability was impaired and rrlurinr to provide puller with breath sample Jan It am lie was lined not on mil charge Countable Ole TIL Iciscn told court he observed Wirilum and his wile leave an apartment at Duniop and Anne studs and get into tnlcir He said Irclrlum showed signs at inseam arauaiara tin 7263422 DONT WASTE Tilllli LIST and FUN TiIIIU STEIN STEIN REAL ESTATE Lid lit Dunlap Iiarrle Sentenced To Eight Years In Prison Willth George Long to Dame was srntsncrl lo clrht years in petirtentlrry when he appeared til courtly court in Danie Wednesday Ilunieipsla Debentun Investment Catilcslea Interest payable readannually er kit Itiitillll Terms One to Five Years Amounts SIOO to 520000 lor lurthrr lalormaiioa The AiDillCiOii Savings and torn roeporruoa Pt Dar ill 53 Dunlap Street East Dante Course i705 T1372 long was mnrucd April It on charges at carnal know ledge and airccnt nsssnh at loyrarold llama girl Judge Jarncs Liare senirarci him to eight year on the tint charlie and two years or the second rnsrge but the senior tu will tsr auricurreniy Mai to nurse mu this the municipal savings as loan corporation MEMBER LANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 36 MONTH TREAD WEAR GUARANTEE Heres deal thats too good to miss TOP quality smooth riding long mileage ply Polyester cord tires in the now wide tread 78 series design PAIR WHITEWALLS E7814 73514 OTHER SIZES WHITEWALLS INCLUDED F7844 3896PAIR G7814 4196PAIR H7844 4496FAIR F7815 SOBSPAIR 67845 4296 PAIR H7845 4596PAIR J7815 4896 PAIR WHEEL BALANCE INSTALLATION PER WHEEL SMALL TRUCK TIRES 12 to 34 TON FOR CAMPERS PICKUPS eta SIZES 57045 70045 Ply rating Fly rating Ply rating Ply rating 2200 en 2500 on 2200 as 3300 as Oilrmbrr ol the Drnlurlrl Koctriy at Ontario oww lvlygtuulivumvps Cravelwurid DOWNTOWN BARRIEI COR COLLIER CLAPPERTON 3T5 1263971 As accredited membera our rhIrgr tar service ventures with the ethical lee schedule establLshrd by THE DENTUII lST SOCIETY OFFICE IIOURS llaaday to Friday to to tilt Saturday to ran to was IOS DUNLOP ST PHONE 795 72647 OPPOSITE OUEENS HOTEL TO MEET ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS