Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1973, p. 16

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noon llrllillil By lAY IECKEI you III do Iel the heliumbonded Kiulodrnrumhnboutd WWI WENT W9 Di WENT 1D HER WU WW ALITull MIME Noni Iluleri Northboub mIble NORTH nooeroei teuotrati error 32 IIITI Wm Mil am Hm eiom III ootnIr Arum our Ito motoring than true Irrr nu IATPIIIM Doom Imitrn oi bum it ix oooriblo io lbwouxbi mimhod Ind execute nes Ia mo Ind otber not IGVIIXYd leyI Ind yet be to mdeotororo that one hill on Liramow ylm than Ire LI re The real IterdIrdbnilu bind Ire 1me when nothing more II required or ohm thn cnrrwy Imrnrj in win in alum yrobim you Wywmontliobail In 111m hIndI Ind ItIId contra THE STIIRS SAY ll JZANE DIXON men But Ian lltIrrI iIAIriI it Set uidI lirno ior retiew oi recent Petr there you at rroouui oryounm mole IIIrlI Avril llIy In riurlri oil the wortoertrr locoe end leeo tirt rein on innit mending You ltlli iiod better use tor cult shortlii Gemini Mel 114m 101i When you nd erenbody cite intent on wornu toy them uim IIIII Ibo blot Iee Ii you our do illeoriu CIIeer rm 21July 11 liiirigi you do now mm mm interesting In protouilre till the mot or your timing Ilir people nominatiteiv LII July 1M till it is Iii too my to IIlIc crirlni Illi MG PM ll lll be Imaleur liile They Iloa Wit rnou Ulll ooe loviuilon to utter rmIIIdIl onto Vim IA noun III Irveryerin weir toIIrd eII Ikiil improvement or IOTU in Wilton brim rerullr libn Dept 210d ll COI loet everything coming to on round belonging IMVIDO in preozrution ior ooporitmtty semi rod Mu it Be priienr in iixiny lint mould be militia or out in worliriy order but ilrIli TheroI morellncul Holmes you pottoone ii Ilium lit moor mi itr time to utter recourm redeem pronilou into III no budzet to rnIh run you will bo torrdoriIbio iIlrr Clorirorl Dre own It Arcgpt IohI Ind iIo titer in the mint intended Go It conoi tin Iirrpiibinx your trade Aouuinr iJII Mrh llil hm rnIde lie the bout mum at ibourbl mid lute told South to tin Ibo hem indcmmy itrcooiilhen Wnrhiblolhomlubll no mic ieId to dummy Antonin that live lurked Sadhmldnuiohyerlublo IhI queen ior Inotber IpIdI lad la dummy Whether Wort not rmiirr ILito IhI Iprdu Irouid III rothiiIhrd in other use Ind South Iouid Itlli lure the quoen oi beam II In entry to his land nuke IIII km minty Illlv in or wonderinu PImI tleb mum mt Ornitictinx dormndi on your lime no probable ii is men liIl thIt you Indicate diiiirultiei Io aeopio Iiio rmst inure olInr to fit your tinting 0R0 STATION l7 MRl IT HARTFORD Conundrum to calm new at the North Sm Senior Leu Iue rommd by Jim illould Nell who odcateo K111 Miti laod itll out on It mu uria in lite wreath mm It Guthrie lirequ Ireronz In In overtime rune Ith Iron 44 to Metro the GWKIIR RIy unior the North rum Senior lam Mlonriip Oormluhtioui wordy recovery ll wlobed ior our Iidt espooiIliy than in hospital Jerk Nicol Ernein Growiord Irll Kiri Gilohriit in RoyII Victoria Iloopilol hlill PLANS dorm oi ihe IItlILI met re cently It Lie cotminority centre to null lenI ior the Nilllnl eteriu iir Ind lIrI Chum Oiiroyt have laid their turn Ind thel commonly will be uilin load It Ihc ralr MI bejnninx II it Im Pier Ire needed Ind It would be Iwrodoiod Ii myoi the 1qu would Route to be Lime Eliurdoy Tiny with diIo iodiey in Itien dInu Iiiter collection At the centre reIIhcr peanitlinI on lin to Ii dink then will be no direct Ind to tho it when you uphill let Iny drill TELEVISION MORNING VIEWING mt LEwrm mow km rmmtn rm Itlttldl AM IlA lmlll Pit rru Him mm CA iIoturrrdo IIold Allen IIII II0E 14min Mow IIJIIIIIIIIIII mo 91th Iron Imm routine rIIo min is Iioiiltl HI IIrttIoI IIIIII THURSDAY MAY AFTERNOON rim Hum Ier IIIum iAli My Athl ALmnoon III 14mm tIum on In inI or rrrrttrI no rm ill lI III iHItm rim Lww me we on IEdAIlen IIII elwrnrerlolttum IIIit brow Hlillllllll llll own man timrimt Mutton iitll Imam rm IIILI Hour World Litre rt llll TIN iill lSomuut IIY Grtitith tr oIttIInIn rMoIII iLm oi the Wtidemu rm TlIURdDAlt MAY EVEN blrWt It Mitrovmrr MM It too Llll IIon Lord Ier Mini Mon 11 tronnny Clieon mom Allitll Ul RII lVililh llelllltill I6 inDroo In eMIN DrIiIin TMilu nmiu Hutton tIIIIIIIMI rm Irroin rr Cohorquan iwrrro lIMoo louro IIII Him WIIIM PM littilt 5mm rim IIIIClltt rII run one HITOE ii to Till IIuny III urn cur ILoIIIn Inorr Hitcran wt rJrur omit ICorturiiillioti lt11 Marlo Rm ll Friendly Olen PTMbll Willi THC tisommuru ILlil min Dell Ian tnmtcu ilIIIII Mm on In PPUlGLIriilrtrloi mi WItIon ILVIII Write on IIIIIIII trim tintrtirtt IsimtI II II Frlrl Armrh All oroeoedi In to lite Oommtunly Cenlre PROGRAMS MONDAY To IRIDAV IIrio II light IIMW loom um iHnII miru rim or III until rmt MIME TAKIIIMI Irr ir Allen in union Rm lit 1Hnil1wm sown ALivl em 74m mo LFm and luv Murin rim turn our mam LWIIA Anm APAMIMT WITH MilTm no Itw With world rim rmm lllill 1o Plyloil KIMI Minnow rItItI lcommmr irm VWRlll 1M on word iHmtI oi the Kill in mm turn IIMMMd II rm HITFlint Cowl Itrmt mm 4er 1w CIrr no lirrorn or Communal OJ Litli tow llIllIHtwr WIIIrIr IIIIII Movie In tori ireiIm Iwiln llil lIMotrlt llRl Fubnl Flltril III ALIIM loolrihorroihenIIiIreIIrotiidl iDiilI llgllnltll AM sIn MilRIM lIlidl IM may ilTottllgnu rtHnI toe erntnIIi rrre lull lm the cm Wt 25 tiitrNrwr IEHMWFIIHI wurmr room Him rim iw dInre IllIMO GM IITI rmr cm in tor IIowi hcnliorolim ll IIIIW hMovi 71 no min mt I1 rtItt mun Mime or fur tire tOIuoI Htrrm II II Frel lAIvie I1Plom IrrIrI rim Four own To 1M So KIIASIVII In mm Aron The waLl 01 Built rmiu mm liMovio Ilwv Llle Miro loo ritl lMdm Icrtidmt It errIotIIl RING TIMIan MD Du Dr Mon libsi II ALWTILII Ir loluuu at um on In hour mu II III pm belo given nioutned Immt oi TiroI Iith Ibo lutlny 12 BAXIER RIM NORRIS COITIIIANE Sway April onion with in Ind lrn GIry Corinne Item 317 mi liri IlIney Dirt and Molly Orweriiie Iiirl Milo Toronto Inuit the lluier mireod Irilo itir pur mu IIr Ind lirI Keith Turn In Indiana like 5min limi bull Barrie IIr Itillr ber por uill LIL Ind MN Keith Tint Juil Ir I11 Del PIJmoo Su lir Ind lirr GIry toohrIno Ind iiu Bruce Edur mot Aonl rt Ind 23 ii Toronto nurrbcr oi the 10L rnembere attended GrIrII 0rwa meet L11 in ATIndIIe iltirrrdry IIE nor Got treil other to Gordon atom mi Emrtr Gibson Iho Ire patient in Stcrmron lierri lir tin Norm Mm the Easter weekend run It Coloration with lir Ind lire iionrid Coolie Ind Debbie Ind IJI IiIthIIi ironi itvt lir mi lirr Bill GIIIIcy Bruce Itdilobtty wont Dozier Sundry WilIl lirI Iirrn Ind lirr II Itrrr Ind family Ilrton llrr Girqu moi Iinrrrday Illll III IIYI Iirl bi ltitebeil Ind ilmiiy beeton OFFICE HOURS In yw am in olooo Mir loot liken in dont become iuborrquIiI Can Be Hamiiul giz DONALD DUCK liltietr Itii bronco in your we Molina lo bI mo would rm periodic boon Iller mu to um tho uluaiion Deer Dr hell burrito to tile eon riIieiy Ior lvllmilonl My our bInd bu been doing or your Ind mm but we irn buying IImiiy Ilre bot Ile etety two or three min it not iIorn tttut be urn but teem to be irom Imokinx Irxi dricinny when be quit Irnolrlnr ior roierII moniho irur yerrI Igo ha didnt requtrI Iny But when Iete been to party oiierc there it drinkinl be like more ite heard Ibout bromide poi Ionirir lI loin rny term to omitH it III IllIIi In the iiny por tion or men oreomtiorn IhIl quiet the Itomrdt Ibo brom ide portion uh Iodetire Itd yer hooituri use oi brom IdeI out be hIrrnIui uuririr bromioiim with mdrmro tome II Ilecolnon iotiilrn neahteu IIIIn rilrordorl Brunt Ides Ihouid bo used within lim llI llI not wiser in let Ibo IIIbii beoorm iired one Note to tin Lil No you oOiIrItd Io Iireptanytrln tired in iron wl MR AaanAnn HEPIRY lleIing Ihc Accounting by THOMAS JOSEPH ACID liniorrnrl LOIIieri diner lunch lFI ArIiIr irlnImr iitrnrrltt iur theIter licminr trIv IIIIM WW louirtIrtI inn ITlairioy tZodtt InIIlrrv IriuIrIIIi rim Minn Iudi Muir ILBI ihleori ttIIIrii city Iliumit Lummox my Ii nonxlr npitgr 17 rnrrrtirn muw ILDIIGIIII 2Adorn roamihirtr GLLIRifillloi tnell thirmir 31nryten IiInII titte ll Ermlm derirIiIIe IIrnttlr ELAnxennI Inxirdr ent 210 inch that llsueuir iliietItIie itiiItIlonr lumen iorinIiI liworrhtn uiAECUmN lIiion Allimll tottIrrir liltlrl 4i Alhlru DOWN liIiIIn ltAIllr lOlllIIIIl lion Llellrr deity LAMIURIII rolltciirn tine lelIII simply IIInori IooIlroohIr tIII lenIlII Ind nIItI Lech dry the code irit CRVPT PDXJGXNSAG lutcrdryr Crynioqnoier Nil IIUCII TI TALKING run out on lb 14 lIlnlllil llMUV MM churnWhat v44 Ind mint wasnt iTlHlIl to be on rucit perionIl level DAILY CROSSWORD DAILY lRVPIOQUOTEIlorel Iron in Itan lit Axrnnnnnxn iI Lononrnow Into tor the rim Dr ior In two In etc Sinlle ietteri lJXliLNX GXKIIU TDXI DCSN Ill IIFDXN JiiIXK IOLP PM Tllll llKHSXN QHKIGJIIPD tl TALK tnour ionoscirnzivriw LANDON timumwrtmut Ind Purchrilnr Depart lrItrrdIyI Amer 11 Skin II Rndinl rIiIrIieoI or non tunnel Itnttostlr or HtITltlllv Fun 333 ormrr Albrrliln line won Io Gerrmn Iriielo ILGreIL PHI ILDIIIR BARNEY GOOGL or mother in Int IImpli 11 iorrnIiinn oi the worth Ire I11 Ire diderrnl OOUOTES liJENMSX ZDXT UVPXNu note irritiwno mm Inour HIMSELF rim YOU BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER It otmrnoweu 114 ON comm nu two MLL TAXE OVER AT FIVE OWK NINE MORNING THERES JUDTITWO Ot UsiLLTREATl LETJ EAT OUT lLLSAl ONE THING FER Mil MAN LUKEIHE ALWRIS GAVE THBLESSINHT SUPPERTIME BOFFICE REPORT IN THE MAIL KW MNARFTMEET wow can MlDUMEAU TM Imammoorian tau Measva MVRUDDEH NEAKKRSW In overt THATS THONLVTIME HE CAN GIT WORD IN EDGEWISE Spoil out four Ihort words below Use numbered Irrs to Ipell correct matter to Pop Topic It bottom POP ooo IruuurrrtrnummrIIImurmur WIrlI MENU IDOL LION illIIIOAYAnva Which lawc cover12y irllft THE MEN DALLVIN LAWB lllollliMminmIIIriItIIlloItrlur minimIII IN Highly

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