Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1973, p. 13

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DELEGATES Irorrt iIs Airy Ii do dunxaaln social ll ol 50 headhunting to omit hmlnesday mt ukrd the surm Came liaroan Catholic Scparaio mournm board to prvvuie In Mrmm in Fronch lor Frmdvspezkinz stukotalntbe city lrtost LEFT Jrao Lib crrc chairman oI tho deirga rum has swim Barrio um and Cabriolllmb and tritsz from Lialmtsino uhrre Randi hstnxtton is provided talk abort tho pos utilities at the plum tEx aminer hotel Orillia French Classes Possible In September The Simroo County Roman Catholic Scparuic School iloarrl hat agreed to Eslphilsll mo or mow clams tor Frcnrhwosh inn children In ihiilta in non rmbcr 11 there is iuiiirirnt in rst IXprctscd by the French ipcaLEau scyurato school rat payrr oi that city Under the Schools Administra tlm Act there must be so hunchspeaking childrin corolls rd in any loud in orucr lor the school board to cslablish class Icr that lrvrl Thu prim Iry levrl includes kindergarten Grade and The intrrrncd 1an lost includcsiGrndcs and and the senior level to elude Grades and The issue tirst come More thc hoard tuo wcstu aco in tho lomt at petition irum an tranchspcutlag parcnts in Or lllia who havri Iormcd socln group calicd us Amla do Champlain Monday night tirc rpokca mcn tor the group told the board tlicro are deeply conrcrn od about tho lurk at school or chs in trrnchspcolrlntr rhildrcu in nrillia thcrn pro heritaxe lto oald the group would like tho tncilitlcs mado nvailuhiz by Scptcmbrr and so Numerical that qulolllrd teach ho hirrd lot this I05 lir inborn said there If too Irrnchapnakih pcoplo in Ortitiaand the nearest much schools on La Latontaiael Ind Prrtlmiield both to roller my ll STUDENTS 110 said Icroriiinx to yrrlim lnary study done by the troop there on students lrorn III three levels nho would attend much clam 1n Scptrmbcr Ronni chairman hiaintco lto Parland told the group the board initiated sunny lust wccs to determine how many Fmrchspcalilng acpnrutu school rumours are interested to hav in their children attend Fronds classes In tho loll lie said tho rhildrnn must also rpoolr French in order to quality hlr Labergo said his group anKI tn the board limiting cu rolimeut to hunchspeaking chil dren lto uld Lherc nro many hcnchspcnklng parents in 0r whose children cannot rirrnniiy no trcnrh clam tor Illa chiliirer unliltlieyrrach CLBLIO and to they rtcetvo only no minutes instruction day Jean labcruu chairman at the group said the group wants the school board to prnildo an ltration wiahn the ocpnuto school system inr children who possess wholie iruntophono liTRIl $EILOHAXT Ralph lirrry right oi tho Liarrio policii department lld depart rpeah mm They llvo in an English mo and no to In Enrlloh school no they do not have an opportunity to corn French he laid icnclanxulshcno trustee Gan nrwp rlrl hlnrchuhii earned the board should not opcn the door only to special group and laid moot enoloycc Bill him look over some oi tho I5 bicycles up loi raio on Saturday dun tbtro nr humorous Englishmen Linn childrrn rurrrntly enrolled in tho countyI hillnzual schools why should we imposo nonc thinz on this norm that sir are not practising on our rattling ayatcoa he said lit hlrlarland aalil accord in to the Schools Administrn tlon Int tho to initial students omit Ml bo ltonchnpcalrina lto said it would be possible to have Englishspraan atudctllt crirnilud alter the classes were stuhllrhrd hir Marihand nrpucd the min was not right became the whole prom oi education Is to teach students something new ltestrcnil luy llurncl than too lor Ttny Township said his word that Bidlshspsaklap childnvr should hit ho turncd way initially bmusc tth enli drsn IN pertrdly hillnpaaltat trr two years in Freud school llr hieiurlnhd concluded the discussion laying it there were enough Frenchspeaking otudanr to establish the classes ovcry ottort would ho made to do and othcrulac tho losua wild barn to be dropped tor this year Following the mcrllniz llrnrl tumor rlcopmidont at It Anal do Champlain aald tho wer on with 11m own trade aiirvry to Idaho sure the boards survey right ALL NI Bent look om than to at gain ot wail Latsrun tcrhIi um corrosion in km mmttcoolmbolo imam at Ind AM Ioldag his Mm loll LII mil mint Akttertotbomml ersranuhowhlmootint otraaclldmahoiitn Ia hcmWtionmdch Wrapan Altitrotleylaatatxbtpout rd out that lammm saloon o4 are Okinawa pm tic ho IrhnittceL Mayor Dorian Parker to Aid Mlqtbomnattboluda incIrma In cm and Ipologizot to mmcil tor to nor an Idiiad that man iterat Irynotpoihlcdoththnlnxxo Nmuountlidhuhadit motion Wlidrhm been put to innit to Mira no on lending wok Several oouartt inanan lib inlet ALL Baileya nation to hod the disemnlon in tho open The aubth bt the meeting was skinhead by Aid hour so pheos mirth arr Im portant tor this city ot Barrie AH Swim arias ohm In no attempt to conceal anything by owning tho mnnnlttrcs nport in commtlmt tho whole Aid Bulieya motion Ill dr leatesl to to and council Mai to to into committcrolv photo to drum tho rtwrt 1n scent At this state All Bahtitt Bird lint It be that be kit the muncil Fatima the minus in iteeotihuinoto ivuncit onva without MI Boot ycy ma irond tho irport Beach Parking Opposed By llrea Resident IL Smith oi til Shanty Bay Rd told with city dosrlop merit Cornrriltco letlrr lion day lit that cuts in the are Sitme tray head and Johnson 3m vriti oppose the council proposal to build partial lot tor Johnson Beach tilt with raid tho pIrhlng lot which proposed Iur tho Iutrth Ol ccer oi Johnson Strrrt and Suntv nay lined mid be hcpisirativn lir kindcrpnrt so took place pm schools chacstay at Princo oi airs school hyrlold ltish Iul Patrick tools urcr his apphcatiorL Watching him WHATS nus non hon ill in am mum Gibb the school summary rind in mother lrs Erika no rich thxiimihcr lbotul Separate School Board Adopts stulruta the coimtys man Catholic Lotlallle animals will Iolow the same LI01i pin In those in the public schools tor writers The Slum ouuiy ltoritiu Catholic Separate School iianrd Wednesday night third to lay or at tho plan ciliaz jury no pl transmriation and other lIeilitlcs us one oi lho major rcasorn tor acceptance Illl motiilird pllh chili tor minimum oi instructiinil days and it day lir still Normal dutcypmcnl Any day rm which only part oi the sitt dcrit body is in the school can not he cunsidrrvd an instruction a1 day For voruiutary schools the prolissonal rlrtviuprnunl day hill on Nlt IL and 16 no1 liarsii 25 and 26 at the hall tiL lays oi thp Juno turm in MNntllly sihbolv lhc days uill be Jan It and 75 and tho hat to days rt th sjvrltl term Tho triiulliid rtllool plan wii flip listen Examiner CITY NEWS THURSDAY hLY mt l3 nolsy dirt Ind nhannout Ici rnirlnlghtr rra tio pointed out the property not mad tor parlirtx lot Ind wasted tho dty has no rith to spend monry tor parking lot which mlth rectum propor ty values in the area its also questzd the lot at in Iaounnobllo riders mix winter preparing tor noctiuna trlpo on Runoenlolt Bay Rea Pcch zoning administra tor pound out tho city had dis cussed cloning the lot It pm every evening and Dilnhtd to surround it with lento and gals ulr Pcclr also pointed out tho city is not bound by its zoning bytaw and can use any proper 1y it deem neceisary tor mun icipal purports City cormcll last week author ised the city administrator to put in an alter to Plimiluse the property trons the present oun rr Tho Rotary Club oi Barrie has purchatcd the adjacent pro petty and intend to til it to the city Arriuliitiou nI 1hr property was rocnrrumnded in tho dtyr oilic lIl plan Evangelism Workshop Goes Saturday it in the annual police auction mandates Photo Police Bicycle Auction Goes Saturday Morning Tho annual Barrio uly Police ilopurthtcut auction will bring together bicycle buyers and bout Ls unilolmcil hlrytlcs Sat urday morning at tho Vosptn Street police station Stuii Sergeant tinlph irony who along with Constable iiob Thompson will conduct the hue tion stuvtiu at to am said most at the bikes are in reas onably good shape lie said police amphulativl Iito bicycles which have boon lost or itolen mostly bclwccn last stay and Wither Tho surprising thin is that llirre are so many bikes that nobody has claimed he said hr pointed to boys ntrls thrcrrsnscds and to spend 01 oil aim Everything is hero troro cs huuuyc ineptch down to cw sidewall bihts lto said precautions wcra taken to ensure no bicycle is auctioned oil it it could he truood in its ouster Tho bikes insre rhnckcd with mural itnv lstry or Canada Io send serial numbers of bikes with no humor to the Bicycle Child in hlonlrenl it binds are registered with them we could still trad the owners it they havent got the serial number we cant traco the own or its said precaution Ito and all registrutlans aro oicrustal tho ttuntrcpi rants ry LONDON UNCLE par yuar ulter no sent tho serial number to Montreal no initial one bt has stolen lrntn London Ontario Stall sat iicrry raid not everyone bother to not lie rnco to his bicycle althouah it 11 risky not to do so We cant Iuarnnlcu lime ed Iiiho will not no rtulen but it It in Int we rccoicr it no can return it to the owner lrith tho imre cupcnsivo to speeds coming to new it doesnt make some not to pet ircco cc tor bike lie explained homo is in sitcom registration tee Stall Sch My said he and Corporal Frank 1Jth tiara Iuc tinned oi tho bicycle in past years but this your icrry Cough list protosvlonal auctioneer will handle the shore llr huntian has repartition as an entertainer uhilo he oalh tor buyers iroceedy treat the auction ytll yo to the Mile Polite CW mission Ari tutordrnomlaitional work shop on museum in CODING tion with toy ti will be held Saturday It mum sum United hutch The daylong event has been planned by usual at tho relinlous denominations in Barrie and hill ieIturo titrno motor on var ious twins and small lniarmal group discussions The theme ol the workshop is lho Gospel brindle male and Iopreaoritatirca oi Illehur KOO within Strum County are invited to attend it is an attempt to consider the whole cubith o1 evangelism and to determine the direction evangelism is letting within tho Key is continentvmdo evangelistic campalun Beverach will bo provided and participants are Inked to bring their bands The minus start It the Cob liar nireet church at Ins and lire scheduled to end at pm OORTIIUCIINO POLICE lieu Todd 20 ot Theresa Street was lined $100 trdncav day in bani provinclIl court alter pleading guilty to charm o1 obstructlnn to Jun ti duo in an lnclden at local hotrl Court was told iodit was pass in by Iran ho aided in trlcnda escape by holding the was ol Constable William Bradlord not lcnethcn the salient year but or blah school sloucan who had 1ch lurnwriy eacuipt trorn writing iirial exams their indiv ldttnl school years may be lorry since all slurlint will be to Mind to Ittrad classes tililtl June it This your salient uriilng ruminations will and classes lunc lb The cicminlnry arlwut yr or will be slightly shorter than previously TRANSXOKTAHON Prank plaudunald board soy crintcnilrut told the trihtoo it has always bccn board pol ity to collaborate with thil smi coo Bounty Board or Education particularly in tho tiuhl iii Modified School Year Plan transportation inilirallons Ir that out ycir transportation will be own more integrated iiy having the same Ichoot plan diuretilliua and additional capcrtsrs could be airMme lto streisrd honey lho board was not requirssl to adopt in plan it they tclt 1L uni not proper ir iiurdonald told tho tnia tous the professional dusting mat days would be used tor parentesludcnt counselling ovoi uation oi Iiuduntr workshops corvplo DI students records and prrpurin iii the next school year The niolitint plan wit to mound again at the rod vt tho tors my school year Illierliours Portuguese Class Rpprovedlorllradlord School Guiltch rum Portugursc spoiling tarnilics will have an opportunity to learn Portuguese alter ghoul hours at Marys scouran anhool in mutant The Slum Emmi itnmun Catholic5purato hoard lioincsdiy night lndicatrd they are in Iawr ot plan uhirh would allow nuiliiud tesrhur lonuguosc to tcauh children in the school lrom too pm In 630 pm each weekday am to noon Saturdays on sharing mornings in July and August The sttrarott board ocan to malt room tor iitd aiailaliic in him to the board syhkcsiixin or liit Purtunucsn parents said im illltHtltbI rlasscs would teach the chihirr the Language so that Lhuy iii be able to Nut and write it null Is stualr il the board adiruriistratico said it could MCSN no pwbimis in i1 allowing the group to use tho school Approximately my child 11 tlll be iuiviml Maple Grove Rnd Oakley Park Take Your Festival Titles Oakley Park and Half limo public schools walkol oil with top honors in tour catoznrics tiednesday during the 15th an nual KIWCLIIiS rnuoio loitiiul in Dtliiih in the open resorder Cllottlttic srotuts Oaks1y Park groups placed lust and second with rturiu 0t 03 and 37 The Grades and than Iw tools top honora iu the school chairs class with mark ol llJ that Oro School in Ilawkvatuno linishcd smart with mark at ti and Mringtori school placed CECIL McMULKlN WITH SERVICE MEDAL Sertrice Since 1916 Honored In Ceremony Cucii Muhiulhin 213 lhmlup St East has neutral or moria tor longr service with the llur rio lire dcoarlmunt ainto lilo llr iiiilulkin whose entire service has been as voluu leer was prraunioil with iIlL medal during presentation at the Ontario liro wilono in Gru vcohurst lilarlmlturst Ilro marshal oi Ontario made the presentation mombcr at tho Canadian miutlon oi The COth since 1060 Mr llolttlikin it tortu or chlcl at tho harrio depart ment having scrrod in this ray deity trons tell to lot uhcn the city council appointed permanent lhict in ton kir stuliullrlii no it ectcd provident oi the County tirolrghtcri liuiuul aiil Association llorit lit iusoronilu ToiliSIIPs hit llollulkln timed to Rarrto us 1012 Ito joined the Iltrrrlo liru iliunrrtniont in thin and until his NiIfClllclil in Ile survcd wth the 57 my part of World War liming his term as though or with the Barrie lira depart nwnl hir hitdluiiito hclpcd light most oi the molar life in tho city lira lirst tire was one at id high school on itlalio strch 1010 itr hloiluikiu is still an ail inc member oi tho ssociution oi tire Cnioii and plans In at teud this years Lbltbtnllun in London in August lrs itcitulim is member ol tlm lstlirs autiiriyy at tho Jihhtilildllr third with mark or 79 in the choral speaking classes student irom litudcs and at staple Grove received mark 01 hi whils ntudmu trout Grades and ti waited mark oi on in thur aims in nonconmotitiio class choir oi Grades and rpm Kiri alward school pct torniN Marks were not ghost in the pinion church choir or SJ voices or less the St lilus Junior Ciurrh choir rpccis cd or mark oi 81 The wqu choir stored in the iohmctitiua the Trinity Anglican church choir did not pertorm in other cornpetilionx Mount blown school in Oritlia took top honors in the Grades and school theirs rim with mark oi as Wtiahd hunch schnul rcccdml mark oi and Com lticllilt litigth school in Or iliia roctiicd mark oi at on loy Park school and East Oio ntml had curated in that tOmWIlllOli in tho school choirs Grades and 1t liillcrcsl school in Oriltru unit liurrlelt Todd school in Ur him took top honors with marLt oI and 87 in the boys and girls mired luntur choir St Pauls United Church lyric choir tram Drillia tools that plaice Will mark ol Shoot Songslers trout Furry Sound took the girls club or group choir class or 10 years and under with musk at DltlLLlR WINNERS with or lioth chairs arc lruiu Orrliiy Tuesday night llariun Letp or lsoscanno llarpcr John liar per amt iiichclio llurper irons tutrie and illdhurst received mark ol tit or their presentation during the junior slrih quartet to LJllilltilittIIL III that strinc ensemble tor trado Ichool classes Dainty lurk school look top honors with mark oi no Johnson only school no1 Starla Strcct school coiiitiineii to perturm and receiv il utirtr oI TI liaple school no1 toilringlun Street school lied Ior lhird plate with mark rII The llutvnta Junior Urith tra tricrvol is Mark oi or iii pcilirrniuco in tho lunior orchestra it yours and under class The iluruuia uulh Orch estra mum hurt oi as tor its portermam lll tho orches tru lur it years and under class The icstiiul cuhgiuucd today with tonsilrosith choirs and rhythm barrel school choirs Ind chaith choirs Itil compoth tions today were at the Orillia Opera llouse Illdlhliiiiai Wtupciitioni will brgin Monday with piano work at the Presbyterian lwturo hail inice commotion at St James Anglican chunh ha and brass and woodme rompclltlons at St Pauls Unitisl church hall lliLILIb till Tun public hearings will be hold in Itntlutlmliyhcitd in the mar tuttue The Iirst public ItNtIllE duals with change in tho oiliriol plan it the town The second deals with the can iyaniu oi tad new bl land near tho separate school in Perl Ltttsliclri SCHOOL OPENINGS The new addition to the Sac rrd Ilcnrt school and the new llonsipncr Unstrxnehnol both In hliilluml will be opontyi my 31 st Pauls United Church enrol Iho oittclal npcuinn and bless clloir look tlrst pinch iii the hin inl at Srich llcurt will take lor church Millikan with Vlaco at on pan with the mark oi no in second pinto wis upman and biennial It NWII St James Anglican thumb choir nor ICESICX at it pm mumsiuIumq Iv

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