Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1973, p. 7

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set new mam Ltrtulr em II In Uhurrh Dirrrlnrg themm more Cainsrd Abel ainwermmlhmdltmlepeuther he Iweupszdnlldheihbbmlhermislewldm GenII one Aeoordloxtolhe Siplum0ihtilontbonloiAdIm IndEvelIIIItil1uoTthesoilwhiio AbeLhMounm brother III Ibepilerd When the time me to unite stream lotion EMU Abel broom rhinitissuns tioquIin the ploduetIoIeIrtLlhe rm Ika with the rst unhappy with the Ienondlhrn Din eon Iumed wilhiuhllsy RIM bid eibiim later the Lord Ippeerpd uhiru the whembouts of Abel Ind Olin In mred Am my brothers keeper question which huhoenlskedoveurldovpodownthrmxhthoomllnles Next net nnvrn AND oomm mm MISFSTOIHRY United Church Observer Editor Rm UN To Speak At MortgageBurning use It Queen Vldil bu CHURCH been owned in node otnmsun mus III men diatom taut winter 6115 at smoothlzrdkmthn In Io memes em or Income hm stoned to lrir he slid moi beeIlIlI people In Tree willie to tip TIeInwal Iputwt limb mil receive rpI lee rIrryier merrier Ind other purels ls IpIrtmenl Inte II well Ellisth hall from lame residents The clientele is didereet Tor SUNDAY MASSES Moray Tm pl ellhlrlm daemon led the tips r1 Iwnlulr However the holIl doomlnl lob her it oompeotetlnoI lnr these who bte pearls uld Gorv don Pulley doom It the lie IdIrdsberllon TlntIl Ilore loot me more us else deormIn It Ibo IlrnI plIce CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE new It Tun III Glen Pulse Robert lodel mm TANK ludIy Im Tm Inn II In MI ESSA ROAD Pmlytutu um II In It lulu All Tier Art lIttLleI He Tire hTIrleI Orlulnt II III iiIeIlIl lethlp with Flurry II Jules School not us Tonsil Tuhy Mal Nwry II ARIN 1th Bills Indy tITtIn Alqu Tiolremw In mu hm III III whole unity the loltl sermon betwerh the MMIM ltrrI me in moi tobtbo Tim on Ilo on hm RII 5m It the model it uh TWIN TM lot VIA mm mm Mpitluuhwh Ends II canon Unltod lamaseeieeieomnror lever Iboutlheplithl oi the MhWMInome Geri Demon as osmium Mixed This In wu born Ind canted in 09D peer ill the OtterI Trend Ind Involved him In eentrnrerr Ind IrlouIdutinI Tidoril amorous neespep hIhIsbeen Iecuoedlu oeilJ Lhivrnlti in Ills in Ilrl Ind in en at being proArIb llrdIrIdIy Irld mm mm MM Dr lnrreot hIs Irllliied Hauler members at thoI ChiIlia Growth Bill DNUUAYDLVDG 3m lemlvety am no more are owner of mean no T1 Isle him preceded by Pull Devotions rim Inmlls Mum rrn Im ml an ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Ilssr CHRISTIAN REFORMED III lIyle velar imvmvmm WNWMW9M tour In the lush mule Secretory 72M eluded service in Metabolite Rhee Ind the me vow Elm if znmmulmglum no hlII DeuI Tleuoemr ninety lkl ill IIiIIlon Toionlo its Ilse lerv or noses ninhler or Do mmmm member omit lounlrmcui me with mud midltmlllnel HIroilloe end but driver tor in the U5 manor no inmtbo MAT denial Tim Al result oi mnelwl an hm rIId II To tho IMHO Eut eibe Um Dr Tollel wyf AnltI Tu mm WM II best holler list no on been mm Mm Ind heard Ind Presbyterian Thom ulnarrnonnnon Doubt Ability Of God To Solve Daily Problems By we curneenrm em In mm at Mt In the pest low wet on Ilevrlploell hm been lled with the new oi the tneru crisis in the U5 Ouotino votleninl ll prodided lor the hammer loll mare in beta metal to no eltrroelive sources til on Is rule II possible III In Cool III Inlnewhll more lorlunlio in Hill our own fuel reserves Ire IITU Idequ Ile enouxil to ill uI Iome breethlnp rpm However it wont be too may yells beler we too In evaluated with Ihomxe oi enerry Thou derelspmenlIvllleb hue drI Ill ItiIIlM to the hhorlele physiul OMTIT Ihwld Iilo hlve drewn our IT ttnllon To the Ibortere oi Ipir IluIl alert which my at us experiento in our dliiy lives Ailhourh we believe in ted led in Jesus on the whole we dolbl ills Iblllb to bob III vrllh The deity problem oi lilo Thus we Iiillid lhrotlrh TIIII problem lrylnx ts llnd the best lolutiorl Inorded by our persons Ii resources PtrhIpI the room why we iWestern Canada Ideas 0n Censorship Changing Iy TOTTN DODTT EDMONTON lCPl Rherl tits Slowerdrsrol Ind Iorne oi their relhilvel hit town in the West Ivar moments leaned in merry romp The eonlullon ellll heInl been cleared The mrv ItoIlsd in ten sum it shown plenty at sex Ind in appeared It time utmstarIiIrdsnI whet lsobreeand lntemrristlm ol IIWI reection there IilllIe be her vii ieet however um otters dllu iirrent mm the Tirol What might be thrown on Tonal Ilhnledtd in Thronlo wIIJ nllrn on lower on near iAlWl lrl woolen in lilmeinihe lore hunt ol tho invasion were The ystewuderres Iuppolediy ebout The nlldlltyilvel oi air line Ilewerdesrte end with out Slilrh whoe litiI Il pIinr the mlmll Ibelr ellert went much deeper than liIIeIpI in rent ol theltrel lnti Lndipnlnt lltterI the editor LED 10 CONFLICT Ihey eluted Crown Inn Ilel It It in direct oppolillon to other Town seeoelrs Ind were believed to he tutor in me Iovernmeoll decision to reexamine its whole lyI tan oi lllrn emehlp whet hemmed Ield JudIe EN iilllhes oi Autllmn nos rlIIsle ovulwieol unkind out oi both side oi the moulh the lame line In Aloeru lor rxlrnpie the tensorlilipr board IhIt in Illt banned om Jones pluod Without Stitch with re rIricltd Idull relinr Hill there uerI eomoillnll to tho 1ch About the tll Ind eon MidWestern TheIIrII rm ohIrIed with shortIra to scene utensilmom Intro ureter Ireland it promotes dllmlleed the dark Gods Ibilily to help in lo ills lntInrlblilty It out In led or In my II meIsure tilln In prepnull In In dont tnls lhl lntlnxilio or Time in who on our seen Ilr Or how does one demibo Iietlilo ily We iota lwo pieces ot wire results tolelher red light INT ooqu rs no end on lislln IlIInerouI erIrrwltI oi the we in wbleh to blue our IIith the lntenllble out the short willnldoeie Ian IIII no use the lnlInxihTI only my God hII slIIlod throne when He miles brouxilt II netlon On at the Iltrlbulex nl God must be limelessneel that Is He unnot be limited by limo Tor on loan II lie is limited rhlrpes easyh that poiin Io lion in prosetutinr the liintrI Iller the line but been pusod by the bond wu oentr tho hello elemelvtlry or pie oi oeurrsi itlltioe it is lneomelvsblo that one loo III to Illrm its clilrm to do sometth wNeh ll nonli derI right Ind just when It the lame time Inothe slrIlly ill In we thhh WhIt Ire dont mirre ls lhIl III not only trust but use the Tour of lo Ire Iel ol hreslldnr Itedl demoe bivli mi to Tie keeps it This III bolted to the history oi Ierel the my in whklt God reputedly throulh crises whim the lord Mr identity to Ipemy ol the own should Izury ill the 0mm takes the peelllm that shot the lint Ipemy hes date It um and III it no Tooter God Thereioro God can wort in our lives ior heeleIIriIl died which we us not lee lrnrnediliei beeluse ol ollr limited link to Slow Godl enemy is limillrse tor the some reIron tbll lie is timeless Ind since lie hII Promised us the rnerly thrn epic leliI In to use this In rrpy ItIny timer In our dIlIy This we blame inlItrIltd dem Irrd howl beau Tho prob ionunlllleleevnlo be too notch lor us God in billion promised lb mil oi the toy pom rte Jamie obterd to mind then We ilmll wrellwe unneuluh ll by trylnp to lotto lllII pro emo on our own Itrenxlh in stead oi lnmIeLllI lhIl Itreolth with NI strength in the ilhh rolpler oi bile Jesus IIilrs Ibotit the we in which give sills to rub pilot romplrison with God rhuuidImol this min on VIlid letter in WT deity Iittl mi sol benhupl our melrre rtlourm by over uslnx them the RC VNtIHTiIl litdlll enmplipn in Auplsl Provinclll Iolernmrnle hm Ipprerld Inxious In the Tutlaeyeerstoprloutoll tilehiobeolemrdlsnsoiplb Tie morality The ornaments oi British billrdoiI Ind hlenltobo have chapped tram reruorinr mnv tee to cfsesilylny them See llltDWlln and Allen still min the power To remor but mm is exported to rhenro to rIIlsllchtlon system lol REV DTl TURTLE Hotel Doorman is Disappearing TORONTO iCT With mo leil Iliiiiill 1an mm Invol lers the unliortnrd hnle door Inrn tho IrIrirIlonll preyinx guy or bildlthl lItl dinp proving ilovn Ibo rily Irene You my ltlii tori him It the blrrrr hotels to tell your suit rere Ind exrhsnlr pleIIInlrles but the doorman It not the inn msrt oi iorrner yerI ilwelel his breed Is mp puller in dillrrrnt IelllnloIl posh Iplrtrnent houses Ind nlrbleluhs rrlllnly Ior Ierurlly It the lormrr Ind to help pI tronl in Hue It the inter time Ind hII Irremmod lltti the it and to he lie rrrnsrnbore the isle rm wilh mini sloth Ioulnx when he would received III to in ltiAT ln rips fromhey Street wheeler deIlrrI To top plemrnl his III week new It alrirlrnls he would resell IHI lrnm ionp time hotel ruse tomrrs But both bl those Iourm II II llltlllilm IIIIr IIrrlll litlltll tilt ImTeeny IIMII use In On bf on Feed vr IIVIIIIIII II unium no TlInI Dsiy senior doolmIn It the RoyIl York Hotel here bl been in be business in lied to iebrillos store But he IIld it DMUTTAITIDT mum to TIA lot In III Ihre lhlI lithe III INHIBIT Tle lneelelll II III MI mry Tully TIl IIIIII Ill yrIiIr bully khoel IA It Im hlhie sell lrdIrI Teeth lItIrdIy not put Tenet IId sleet with II TIlernIIl III IIIuiIrIII PRISBYTERIAN CHURCH Cnan IT Own Ind Henley ltI mister Orlllhll EIII VII Tlenlrrt rule are Morel Worship 0U WRITTED ATGTTT MT AIII Teeter In ltMl In Tulle Church are CHURCH Putte AIRTT Iltbl Im llnrnln worship III tron Teeth Allin DpodIT Pmeetnliel Toll III Ii tho Ill Tami II lIyllIld 8t Tler BIlnIIl linden VIII llme lltl Us FREE METHODIST IIyTleld Ind llIlloI Ell ruv CIrI Tluii en lo MT Im erreer ten TITO NI Eleein Tinlro thIIlenIry llImI TrhI lnslllulel erlmlnII proceed by PASSED IT BOARD in Sulatthelzn the Rim elessliieliinn boerd whleh else he the Wm to but llhreIopreved th Slewsrds we tor Min itsverlbo lets the DIylubt Theatre 0o whlrh curled the Trim in Su kItooll was lined TIM tor II in obeeene entertIlh merit The biteItre earltruly Ip peeled the use Ind won The stoWIrdeoees retlrrlted to town Almost the Issue thin period in hiluittbl Lott MITI Iliude nulhtrute threw tut the Omnl em mine The Siewnldules on he mull that the Ellen hid IiIeIdy been eluted by the worship bond in British Onlrnhle The steuIrdelreI played Vlotou Vld VklorlI theetrts III The week hetoro Tum deed it withdrawn to use our slIlI Inwn continuous mot while the Him we end SIohbttImn ALLOWED IN TLC Without Slitrh Mover ayed BC theetru Tut sum not without Ineldont Prim WIT MW Plum ell outlet termed it In darn bleDiil with Noni Grelt Tom the SorlIl Cretlt party mmummwom illyerI Toronto olllro or bolnx prosecuted in hilltth lowing reenlmvlmletlorls oi Ipeelei mnltlee ol the Teri hurre The result Id III closetlicIlion Iyltevn ihel the dodllon about what ls air were tells Iolely on the eourlI interpreItIon oi the Orllltnli hie OPEN PROSECUTION Tbe Oirnlnel Cote dehan II obleeno Iny him or publi eIiion oi whlrh dominant ehlreelerislle in tho moo Ix piollItiorl ed III or at sex In Iny on or more ol the hollow ill eetbieels Ilervlely rrimle honor cruelly Ind vloeoce nIeIlrI ownerI protest thIt blends than is no longer NIITDTINIP bond to Irt II butler between the Chimi nIl Code Ind their tireItreI lhrp Ire wide opento pru erutlon WAR ARMY Gilli ROME AP Gen Giovlnni dI lIerlrn ll one oi the mail ronlroverslll mlllIIry ltlllrel in postwer lIIiy who drilled lrom Irtlvr InIiFasrlxt redIlInrr to membership in the NeoFettlst only died In rilnir Thun dIy DI Lorenzo nu dilllllurd bit Ila Ionrrrunrnt Is Innl el ol IIIIT in April lld1 Ilter the country was roeted by lelllst Icounllons that tho Tro erel had mIslermlnded or its erll hetl masterminded rilhl lll plot ior roll dtlIt lbti never metrrlIilIe CTOI ST GILES CHURCH IT Cool Street The Ten lull Tosh mo IIn Tioiy Communion IMO Im Manley Prey thurrlr School Ind NIrItry IVIITONI ll WILCOTAI Collier Si lIl toillrr Tl Nell lly llllll IIIlorr Wm Fritz lIIM Im Worship TTATCTI TOUR DNTNKlNO Chnrrh heth lllt III 1100 no CnnlimIilon hit Im WIrnI Wellerne To All ST GEORGES Inrten Ind GrInlliiI lnndIy krrirel Merl The Rev RIyI In no ltrtt Im NOT MADE TOR DEFEAT by DwIdII TTITI llllhmud lhmyvby ll OIWIld Seenth ATII Preyrr loehl Gills lleeerlls III boots CROSSROADS TilWT IT III Ihrth DI Tlidhllni II lily ST ANDREWS TSCIOITA srnnrl ER Hill HeneednthJnIhe CthIIIInSI cesundIy Shooivhlldleniodnv lhItGodlenoII IIIdelDUiICIOSO triendThmuphweelrly aibloLossonsthoyloevn lolumloHlelilemhreelnp love for protection and heinlhey Ive prepared to rnooI eeoh days problems successiully Bring youlehlldlo our SundeySohoollhisweoil Wed love Iowolcomehlm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY ECHOOL CHRISTIAN SOTENCI SOCIETY tellirr bl north Seevim ITIDD Im SnndIy Ilrheoi rues Im TeItlueey Tlrrtlu Freud WIdIIIdIy IT Hub Month II 100 Im THE ANGLICAN CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH tornr Iv liver is Put other ttll Ilv IATTII III ImRely commute mo ImMInInI Ind Menu howled ll CIUMIII lil twn hm llrtl Imlmtlnnl Voltfy routine II IN ohvrrn Till ImClo Illthlrtll In terms Tot AW it KIII II In CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH MI III Toronto Til il Im THI estrsnnrlorl oI THE sunnvno or THE MORTGAGE Guest Speaker Rev Dr Ferrell Editor United Church Observer TOO Im DIyilphlSI vinp Time Mens brellrinl Dr Ferrell Nursery Feel lilleI It Ill Sorvieel to steel 5L ml Purl ATTIth PIIT TUTTI DryI111 Tire Neresu TIrh II In MORNING WORST NIrIrry llndrunrlrl PrtmIry north II III CHURCH ITIIOOII hIrIrry Chum Adult CHURCH sumo Tutor IT IT Ellhill All mm SC Plan mom FUEL TWICE TODD on Morning Tuwloo no Duleh lenie pan Evening Emit Everyn illiroloo dIIdIy hisnllr TlIdle both to tied lieu TITT III Mill Im TITO Kill ll Rmilp 5min rwl Coho rooo IIL Send Tom in bristleolred LrIrIill EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCTT 121 or VINCENT 31 MART PASTOR DON CITATILI MO Im PrIyIr Ming TITO Im Impact CKBB did 950 Im Emily hlhlo Seltoel DASH Nil ALT ACTI 00 In Speeill Spulrer Rev Henry Ford Subieei Youth With Purpete Choir Ind Speelel Music 700 pm Spoelel Spookor Rev Henry Ford Lite Proved By Love Speelel MUIic Nursery Flelilliee II III SorvleI VVVWVVVWV REV ii ATTER Veleven Minister of the Golpli Teeeilor Evangelist Author Coneludn Euler Series TRIUMPHANT PREACHiNG THAT TovellII lire pulle Iilro The hurl 950 Im Sundry Sehool Ill Ipee Biblo CIIII Row Alter NOTE All union 05 Time Rev II TunTI iIIlur BURTON AVE United Church Tilt Ills AIIIIII It Portion Ornnloti TTr GIrrIwa TIM Im TLATTNG CTTTUATTANS mnb hrhootI or III Ilrs ii the world TIuth It you dont worry Illlil rlrht bIelIt It lll lust II hilly It you Ire Totl Ire Invited to worship with til Grove It But It Cool II lilnllterl Rev Arthur binrey lTlOD Im MORNING TlOTISTllT Church School IITI Itld TIM Im Numry lIrllitlrI IrIllIhlI

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