SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND FIRE WWW me Team In Dolly were he to II see no rm to the sly Mew illfmmii Ummlitisun Hue Rate THIN Imogenu resume slumo ourm rm Mr and Sin Ti ii litu away WW wf no has Mile AM Wm doom mansion ltInlIeowooTlrlt plus II Nwtbm Illhadtiauld lire Him alimucmn To WED my Itos MAT COURT ANNUAL Jreoe Bridle leer ii on end lid IR 3n rill Tin ElliWrit whom were iii end Tin Welter lmlth MJ Millrwn oridmu Ind tin III within ma anUlIn pIel president my mm In reiurotd anus the armhole Inmll wbrre the ITIIAUUUM murii WI Wu mwm ream due to mid to tile tintedr collinearv mum hat lire Helen hm Int ltey Bum mum wimllr IITUI will NWT Arbour mend Tin ilorly ll WU llerylend The weddinl I13 Destiny with hrsIrina iI Ben noun visited how IlstIrieilw LUNCHEON PRECEDES TOUR lie Dells hncoblldu III hlrn IIWL Tieli smile KIM holldly Brim nenlud the low oup oi women eha roll borne oi the Georriso The nltoerIhopIIudliueI not Innnaiiml Incline the Iaiio period Ill Ind Tin TrInT Ch InIlI III Mal Iurednd dii rally To turport lholouns in 1m owner on moral but ill Reniooi dolian Iln llelrn item sewn allowing the lunrbv Berlin sludrnlI usIn it end Petty Helen Orede el Dillon Avsniu visited to Hnioyeo erery moment Izd owurlllhrwulail harms Age EMIEKDILI Iyrrstlnlemttn Gee To rorn It rs lnun warm lie is Irtirtic om Ilnlnr luncheon and huslnerl Toll Ind Till Dierdre lle or olGeorpian Folesllon Tor mettlnc Titrltberl were Iliren papilla not GthdI Hate Olten GauSes Month IIIl ItvSTI IIIpun uni in KIMIII 131mm ltllllil termlsloe end Mrs Them it Km tIlie piste in The The Met No man third mwwgtm lALTlT luv din Willi TIlrrIl Twit II lunrheon It the lomo oi odi thlrsb limit on Tune Wwm loI lIIIIoStudie Photo mneyllmdunyotmw themetle wen nil huuwmdvmluoithe ruruuudrldouoUmriy rm Perinrmiog IIlrtI end has fa Giant nimbleY bevrheorlv Georrlln SM mm will been many nre new we eonuhqhmooouriey Munroeer at TTrINichIppooi5euv Georptu Tolmdltia Guild lie hellet eundnellool IlilloI Motel Crou iIoI III Util by Emil TTTCiid TIL WENDYS COLUMN Holiday Weekend Was Good And Bad donut The what you be torn so We Ill think its cloud Ior eioeninl between Hope you but nioe Zulu Orws mil in bud mnsidtrv Mu aurileI In liiilill Ind Ihe only reelsI re luvs Inter is to sell more em Aduslly he doesnt know heI Iduiel he doesnt even ow Itut the word metre Inll dim either Till bend it the telly lest eerie ltlnd ivn not Roll loo iIIr 37in in or soon so but Ieooellwodmt to and reguler or it you think pin on no in hum 1m r50 Onriiee one on both tol bel Is reruiIr ork It the bingo every ItInlnr I041 on he certainly ilnnllr NEW llmnlrtdio eltldnl to do tome llroeldnl til Ind them rule In IehlIvenllnt II you how libel with tho Sentry Cup on edit all To hotlan one at those lentilur eprendore col we ulterred at our eerily brown nItI III ham bit he oi lrrtllirrl end then thoutht that hull for n1 he moot it it on the you too It my Lute treIt II II due to ll one at itll dlil heI with down Then more well hove lit nod ill low hell hm nod lemon Any My kept nuklnr brlzilt Tillie ACW Preparing For Spring Sale Wolntrl oi Trinity Antiirnn IChurrh will he lnlry this oil wnd eleInlnl out rioIelI Iailinl rlottllnr pectin haer ITILi III III ornnlred lor the ACWI Ml nuIl sprint neIrly new Iole The Isle rrII ludmuy Ihsrp II em Ind rrmtlnuel until on liin end II Trill ly IIrlrh IIIII Coillrr hunt This lwteeyoer evrrI held in my end Oriober is one at The mm min IUIitIriiliill roiertl Convener oi the nlv III limit Wolirndrn hrinll stem at experiean In her post one is added by live Trent cIidIIll Ind Till WlliiIm Wol Tendon fun on sinsnlr All Ilevnl which IrI rnlrled Tor IIII InuIt be rinsed Ind now loo lllnler riolhlnxt lrml lilii he accepted on Tim dry lrom em in pm TrrIIurer II TlII Mound tilted by Till on lub rily ronvrner ls llrI pmlluk hire ions will be in Wot ntenI prlrel other TIIOIII lllliliillli nlhe vniwl depertvnrnll will lnriude IIII 7t llIner lIrI DIenI lrlnlie lnvrrque oznuns IALII Plenl to hold so Inllque dell Iu site were warned by members oi the demise Im dstlnn ours duvin burlnevr iuneheon meellnl old It the home or Mrs ilelen Ilmn aeorplle Drive hilly The dates Ire or Oct 25 eld II the limit Armoury WW CANADIAN CANCIA IOCIIN bin ilIrDonuld DUI Cox llTII Groves llnhrrII TirI iIrIonI Mn Tlnrnn Ind Tire ll TleheU AIUAT bl CLEAN Guerell oi tilt ornirtl in The hell he been duo tn the lntio lInre oi the women lhIl ell rinthln end ertlriel broilth ln lvrr lair mull he in top Wildl lion All Wmilll Ipperel mill be clean all rIertrlrIl pUIrl ere In looil working or rr The Isle operates on The sys tem lhIl the donor Ihsm hIll IhI proceeds withth ACW All donors mutt he sponsored by In ACW member iieny In Illique hunter hII wet Item It thlI IIle Time will IiIo be redone ruvlnlnl drIprrIrI odd piece oi furniture plrlllrel Ind brie ervar In to the Illinoth yeIr ol the prnirrl which he llId one eonvrner Ilan llI Inception TirI Wnlienden IlIvllII MIT III llitll Illynlr CUP lnerneiitn you me Mon It lasso Im Mm Win In no MIDLAND MAT III Will to In or virl III Iin slips MI Ins cormlr AM MUM TM small only IIIII HADITOITONAdull TloIr III mum item In this lor Ill the ups sod alrlllrrl who new In withsln love and we went nothlnl to do with their perenlI Alter we run oi ow tune Irer nth In enormous teed oi boellilly to weld boa lny pIrenII Tlunk God Indeed my until he Irreparabie Damage were to Isnt the it We hove pony it seem hrr husband lnilrI Ibo live is miles drop in whenever they eel who it They lever bother to PM Tint Al the IrlnuIl dinner meetinr TTrI Tolirrlon use report on the IM ol the Ti Ilulr llrs blurnlllul Allow tilt workshop on Net borhned Cen tre held in mnlullrtion liUI the mud meridian mulllu Committee Meets TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE mere ClarionIrish wine to some home lemma Ilaal Tm it use to in lo rlln soon Ind how hater Ins tor tho llertlllrsr it It got ulned on but theres rune en deal theln II rout beIr ml sol when III Ilolidmrlee lvwvnerir re merit ii III In In toroll lentliierolohlt wII MIDI me but lpwed Item Iivuyl eI neatlqu oi the null It eonerr one lot yeaI III the neighbours tree pltttru in more GWDTTTI lliAllLII the term mood on the telly end then goodbye Charlie until its overevxrpt lor the romroercili her he limits le titeirillor lbeel And lhItI where the idea tram hid the other sbr bullies Ind uptidrlt tell him thrrl lhey lwere unlli hed done the sorted UT 00 he Mu lnId iii it use mm with rein by then Ind pot on his hairdo swim oil Illnl Ind out he went Iwenrlnz mittth owltl Ilo must havI luntied round the Inrden roe ho only missed low pod ol lilo unto two ruin they were but tell him III Ibollt them In no didnl mliy nllt them ill didnt seem bit wilful to me tor Oilil to Ili trnu though All he leylol wII thet oi Ill links to MOMMA be bid to them then OOILTII didnt say it outta like It Cant InulirI mum diller eneo worth it all tom the some to roe QUIET mil Well lil he got book In tlmo tor the int perioi end rm inl his beer Ill llrIt wu end oi Ii conversation Ior East busily in our house And lmomnli noilred hed loll met honor It the more too so porn the nellirborl will think weve done our quIi lhlnr nloin this seer Iomotlmel warrior Ibout Iroen mmoio Lil World ratio In bit at remarrberi the plum lore my retiree died line no lo rlzht when you say we must leelilo tlet ow Emil were the vldllnl oi the per oltil When we underlined Ills we no lied ll In our hurls to lure thht millionth Mr Miller is TI unite Ind rosiosod see her twice week boy Ills little Ionqu pm and mun her drill we let ll denied mo until III hath With any up In IT ionn lg Naomdlidren The dill not thlttlttilii dlllv my nnrrm my nude some terrible nllItIlrer Ind arrive lhernwilh whole It Be It it Ill you rrnllnt Irl hairs in too to love Ind lmlreorls III the two It swell no menu what the ol lenuA Believe DeIr Iilr he slid lt rnlny times but permit me to II it moo Ipln Hole In like eel It In dunsse the vernal in nhidl ll TI vim ll ttrll Ir Iii the shim on which it is your rm nrrrr Dell All LIIdrvIl We III look in nu midlwrotlel Lest mostly we invited mother we pie Illme not to some to dip ner In Ill lelrness should tell the pine were mode in lhidlllernoon that Im dly rind Inn to the even on sweet potItoer lire IIIId vu toiled Ind the donut wII ehlll lthellld iTDltiflbUliiUiio Ive bend lilo iTI tvmoilin otter Iboul how her him do thI to illtnl oil the iilll Round this mirth he the per lod opportullly to tell than it nould DI rile ll lb all all time lero ut In vy hot too nt id lite to tell her molly Tm lieeloe mullsI they Home your ol the torrunlttet will present ml be opiHUnldrtrl up till report on nleotlnr held by Deer In Grim trl them tile Perle Ind Retention Dom Toud he dolly them inr miller Til it will Ilrp die Tboy need to tow hwihelr rule ploponle uyht lorwlrd Ipneleunole look to others Own the meetllvr Monday Elenlng limiters oi the Klee word dormti School Prolrtrn hopelo determine the premnlI Tiiitll the lily II II rneelitll IT The school on April to enrnmenclnx It 70 pm hob irryl rmemllille lgldrlevigw it unop OUT FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY ROAST TOM TURKEY with drolllnp GLAZED UAM with Spanish route $225 COMPIITOIMIOI loeilldll Detroit and lmrepe Children under l2 50 LAKEUIEW TRIED CHICKEN Dinner Box Special piece ehleilen Colo Slew Polelo Soiod Tee illIellli Reg 5155 Wednesdays Only unvvnslrv or TORONTO Division UIivmilyJIlIIIiu II MITIUOI with armies Coum runner coussll BARRIT July AUOUTT TO rm DEGREE enroll dounlur Ehtl ltd Form oi Mirth Miny literature Im the unnatural to Leorovntoe rneunvrnsrrr snousn Tor mometllalllnt mu It more Ire ill yum or Tll on October Ill who wish to beam Illlible nunnu collocation Tor ilwtlttf irlollllworl ltd Imitation tonne rail Milan Ooileee hllorrnetioe other tindth Dividvrlnl Uldlenity Ilium Ill WNW lur Georgian College Summer Sehooi oi the AHI JOIN TN TOR OUTI TOUIlTli ANNUAL Tiiiiiliillli OTPOUWNITT lilllii AND TUNE COLIN We no Item An Inlrmlll WV IJUM III III June it llel IId TM Tl Itel BADMINTONdior Anv lro Tune TTl TIM Ill nm 14 we ilrl lot at lrmhle wouldnt iii tun mer min III earler tum ilooe ht Tool VIIIIermyImreourt Mev None Tttdl lIIIermrvallul 70010100 pm lnulvtolerto IIICIU kl TITO IthilAl elm gittr ttIvvu it run lhiw rimuo Im roe Ill more WM NonTM MartinaI Moelot mom Im Hernlllnthll Ill Tulnlnp iliunlm II Ilwl suddenly Mill manque Tridviltm rem Humble tenement lithe leg AW llu AM roe meme Im Mm me me vlt hi Molt Im Tee Turtbrv lniorrnetlon Ind Irrertuu writer Dinrtor llrnlller MMI It the Arll GLAD illithiiii no TWIN Ird lnbr Int loom WNWIIWIHBE WMII IMIIA me III re to let The Imtr IIMI or TriephonI tltit looser Now you can uphoitlor your ehellerlleld eov IIetI chairs or lull enylillnp CHESTERFIELD UPHOISTERI wide 195 STARTS DUNLOP MONDAY APRIL 30TH BARRIE serous HAND slon 7282427