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In Please be assured ot the some literally Ind tarto euI mice ll IIIoya nus HEARING AID service min Glasses some day ttoiprn IdumevILGomm Humm uIIoo my knit or rm IIIIe rm OPPORTUNITY MENS PLAID BAGS DAY MONDAYAPRIL 30th MISSES PLAID BAGGIIS 799 PAIR 699 It meIns something to any ConadiIn perlermer to IIIPCAI It the Ni buttltrre In let am lawn or um Mlnlhwmnwwnw Arum our WM one line AT IOOI TEMPLE chr LIM Awpicrr timer Rebekah Lodge 190 Casual comfortable and easy care lions denim tiltti buyPink Ind IOId plaids Big fashion It IiliorILI wm WM mm NM In toll or tavnima or mm mm AM VII Alton Afl can or mini wantonm rm or the lots Jms loo1 wareli with II or run III II wotloltn ll mrrs awnnm over ii In ransom Low time Learn Intro clue In their hind uu Ii WW Mutt mes roomr uIIt mm name MW or new mmpurt II we Ion pt Ipocial um ism IV Km And In Jamil FunII mm COMING EVENTS 5th Anniversa AFTERNOON and OPEN HOUSE Saturday Illay In hm GROVE PARK IIOIIE rm oral mk Sta Evmruxr warmth AILer BINGO ElERYn AHIJNDAY CANADIAN LEGION Drlneh III II VInccnt 5L and Curdth lid JACKPOT $400 consonanou on tree bun Irrvleo Irom ValleyI II 713 pm My TORONTO IZ Trips ROUND TRIP FARE $4 RATE 52 Each Way SPRING TIME TABLE Ellootlvo April ZOth NEW IIIJS AM EXPRESS IOTRIP TICKET Admlium our GOSPEL QUARTEITE SINGING THIS SUNDAY IIAIIIIIE NAZARENE CIIUIICII St Vincent mt Grove St THE FREE IIIFN It am and pIIL ALL WELCOME Add RlIlIhLAGE SALE Seamed by unrunr opus our BAND humans as women SATUItIMY NAT TRINITY ANGIJCAN CIlIiIlCil NAIL IIaaIIya ART nun cnsrr sane AND ran Saturday Iliay In Arm to pm ht GEORGES ANGLIOAN Cllliltal NAIL iliurton Ind Gmrviilet AslmtnIon Irrimilnl ICI Aduln no Orlldmr 15c Crnlt dcmmtanlhrru Door prim Ahi IEA AND BANE SALE DAlliIIE SENIOR CTIIZDIS Illth CLUB IVednrzsday lliay ll pus TRUE BLUE ORANGE IIALL Imus by Bus Every Day kl Ioneys ITOIDld who listen Iald nadIIn IntertIiner to achieve recognition in his own country II II IirtuIlly Irnpouihia In the world It located rlgtn hue Ill Counts and they IIIIII known Itll brrak In IlirunlnrY when PhoinnIyI IhotarnnI nly ons kind at Ironic he IIIIIII oPIIcII COLLIER AND CLAPPEIITON mun Ekko corn herbicide It It most IlIItltult log whaI one at the largest Innis everything but Internationally iir Cannon who got his IIIIt TRIP TO TORONTO COMPLETE EXPRESS SERVICE TO TORONTO 4t5 am oxc Sat Sun to Hal 345 am 045 am oxc Sat Sun 715 am axe Sat Sun 040 am exe Sun 030 am Iliad Is Sat 1010 am 1135 am 1245 pm 140 pm 540 pm 715 phi lri en Sun 855 pm 025 rnexe Sat Additional Service Ila Nu See Time Table No WED SAT EXCURSION TRIP PRESS TO TORONTO VIII Yorktlale Centre 9200 leave Barrio 030 am III Return from Yorkdale pm Sat and In 020 pm Wed IIXCIIINIOII are good Wed or Sat Only BARRIESUDBURY ITRIPS DAILY Iew Iripsat1045amh000pm BARRlETIMMINS aIHIIu eusrs avaav ammo FOR COMPLETE SERVI TORONTOSUDBURYNORIH BAY OWEN SOUNDIMIDLAN Ask For Time Table No Item Irom Illlnplon and York Milli Subway SIIIIo Ticket and Immune II II RAlllllE DUB TERMINAL linlI Int aimros streets ltlrpIIoIII TilSill single product double action No needle mix two herbicides It you have green problem and grow com lot at least two Ior you Ekkog years In row Eltko la made you you outelendlng control ual greases like ontall and knocks out nu broedleol weeds as well Ekko also out aame wide choice at epray times an AAtIe trorn early spring uni dealstage Ingle product doublo actlonl ou moneyohm you tinsel IboColey quality tool CIBAGEIGY Agrochemicals Division Wooatom human ImquIwIw on AM greaeee are plaid boggles Sizes 28 to 30 Reg 1205 BOYS SPORT SHIRTS Sach Good selection of boyI long sleeve sport shirts Stars II to 10 Reg 590 BOYS SPRING JACKETS Clearance of boys Jackets The assortment Includes baseball and bomber stylus Sizes lo 111 LAoIIsi CASUAL SHOES Clearance 0t discontinued lines Ported Ior sum mer tun In the sun Sizes to ling 800 CLEARANCE FASHION IIwnIIII the assortment includes beads necklaces and ropes Reg 200 Shop early tor best selection NEW SPRING HANDBAGS Iirst quality great aoieelIOn great saving Assorted styles and Isshlon colors ling 100 NOIRON nuow cisss they care Suwandards that should not atioct the wearing qualities While only 66 T0 72 WIDE CELARA IINITSI Completely washable Celara and Iortrcl Grant sel ection oi patterns and 50 DUNLOP ST small price sues to 15 Reg Ieuo LADIES PANT 99 COATS 8m Super savingl Very popular cotton sutdcnc wrap bolt and patch pockets Size 13 20 Reg 2800 299 GlltlS 599 unrssrs real winner the layered look In gold and navy must tor the tashlon cohrelous Reg 1700 Stars luttx 399 RALII PRETEEN LADIES NYLON GOWNS Save on this dainty nylon gown with bib trout and long sleeves Sizes SitL ling 000 599 PAIR LADIES COTTON ROBIS Pretty floral print robes III drip dry cotton Blue and plnlr with white eyelet trim licg 1500 42 LADIES wurz oowns real bargain Easycare easy to pack the period travel mate While only Silos SitL lieg 500 399 EACH MON 60 WIDE 229 oven KNITS Sew and nave Terrific buy Extra wide tor extra saving Washable Reg 598Asoorki pattoms YARD WIDE COTTON wins roa 00 BROADCLOTH Special clearance at assorted blue tones only lleg H00 yard Limited quantity so shop early 299 YARD colors BARRIE 126022l 999 29 299