Illnl Imam IlmnIr mo 131111 fconntltcr 11111111111 IT 1111111er WWW Body have 11 ea Ithmnloeugeiipy It To Fill it Need III in Wife Merlin 1551 610 1111351150 ALB he retold not Itlotd to me In truth tum tot ouht trad Nb Deu Dr Hymn IIIAMIIYIMMIIIHIQ meat It Iteololber ll you In babe mule mm mm Nobles Ice ullmlel you will yet lerrlble mrlnr IndeItIlototlbauuottttbe unto dulmem lord tint III LII 1be Lu ll belie eIt pItrl tntrlutv WHAT mummy Nut duke IIIWat ruhmble tour TIA NIH AKITJ use omt our vomt 0AM It Ion room OAKS OKMIA AII lat Nutilut 5911111 to to IV Put to Opening trolling heertr 5mm ot dxhrrrl llmI el teetlre him eItremrl nor pe lo nItuIe Ice Idol bio Aim dou not neretrlrlly re qutre deelurr to Indulre II emolluied eluteu or erotic ytIy Itoolelt II olrrn but to RM It they not In Fuels Ind north 0111qu Iatberl Then on omits other ex mold The no out Inmatth to hit nodNI oot Im II ltII In that need mezlwvnatHIyxlw Ute pretty sane urn Ioodl Ind lhII II bell 11me1er our IwItILeI become perverted the Lay at new 111 um mm the hut Sub will hm hat AW ride home But IM unto deeIIrerI problem II this pollt played oe tbe burr II Blot lollond um Illb the elxht to 11m drAIeton South III on totILy de mud plem he do left he tould Itrn be led In other Emmi but West me mot they beat thou tlh the Ire returned the Well let II III know mot1 East rolled Ind plot dItteerouI because et Stun 11le don one 2kgqu Derlmr retold hm on ll trot ofth by rehtlteb 11m 10 Mt gm n1on Vie rruaettler loom oi run rwwmym the ore It burn It trick at Ild he should blue dumded sum WNIIFI tme to donate But tub The club III Ioerr Im hz ntmlt that mate tot hm 11 we nod Sour mun W94 min twill and lbw l1 111 Iiltmelyhlveeomdedltrllhe Im mm not it mlhdrhf LTLGINIIAII gm Ibuel Iometblor rlrhl Ibwl amt ntInun mmmnm no WWW7W both mm In mull II that DeIlrer rmA not be rmaln you no yliiltt the your 11 Mona 11111 rlttb dxord It tmk two Initme Wit II were Soul mid melt the roetrod or 11 uttered he beat rtunre ol min mm lent Iroor West led Llo 11111 ct hum attend by the Ire tluIIy amerlng 1m mu lllll to 15ml Vt nuns 101121 mfg DONALD DUCK Derltrer lulled pllyed trump phy IIl Iltnolt lure to plow wmbln doubtloll II loteequren Ind molhtrtrurrul etioctire llorrorertl MInIil In mouse the bark lo Ln ole tItor the Ililll ot limpllrrly ybyby to dtevw on 1111311115 5111 Bottles milw ill in lelt WANT DIXON may onthlor trorn turnlture palm to dirillllr or new pill to lyeoil of mild kllt hoe DIM zlrry me And In an why not beam nettle IItI belt Therel tlle room tor theorized pollen 1m we tadr Wllh tomptomtse one no rate In mm to mud to 111 Your IDInt Itnlnx IlllllmIl making extrI demands you 11ml to rot lo very unrelh mm mm VII Ibte method And It Isnt IIll II dw Hm wnrwm TEL Ml dun In 211111 mm mi Ioold contlnue nulll yt notllel Ire able to Ir no Idwd 1mm wry rent personal rerpenrl New Ideas Ire readily applied mt lhow thei And otein delicteney billy hate talent tor rperttng Inn modeler trying to be NI mm my on null or Iinrloe belptul even Ihrn the Ideal Ire YOU GHOULJWEMME IlaAlli it ll elmllIllool enema smom luney on at when bolero reltdutl were TNEOLVWNDIAAG WU REMEMBER WHO LIVES M25 MGIDOY ItlWYv new we wotst CAN HAVCTHE OHMOMSfltIEAN Money to alarm GET DAD TO TAKE ME AND rtv DATE 111 mm or con mm orralnmlutmu1 on me rgw DAYS Dont let hieI contempt tor the younger generation worry you In no me then his contampt tor ALI generations It Drunk rune It VIlley DOWN Word with too or over Scottish him Itnllrh or plrltth Ancient timer With IIyIrity mill Con Iumtd 115 111111 In dee orItIon ride M1105 ExImpIo BUT IIIOSI MliTERS ttllll7lt IENIOH ILEETWlts lIAIE WT Mt tAKIDTTAr TerterdIyI Armr IVttlllte Itsoellltlnd tMo melt 111mm 1H Ily 21lrIllell lHIpIneto 2901 beyrrlyo meter ultrdiem IA Clllle to It ll Ieet It mt 23141okl It So hell euro tutor rertIln Mark my unit BUZZ SAWYER HOW WUZIORE CORN CROP THIS VENNrSNLlFW by Ihonlny Cntn Itrenrh Dir torn onlrnerl o1 IIIITIIIIIK rom mlltrcy Ire Arrirulture Ind Unnediun In duolrteo the lennett Ind Ilrnllny lllnlthy Education and tllllurnl Arlivittrl bill 11 ll lunninghom and Mn hlrtluny Cttlunshln and World tliinlrn hits it Event 11nd Iirl II Illatk 111mII nnd Consumer llolrr IIrI Corr and the It Dixon Nerdunuir Ilietoty Motor It It Cunninghtm ITrnanl Illrtnry Book III Georuc lluil llelerotel named to the lil tritt Innuol mettin It Deltton Nay Ct were llro ti Cunnlnu hnm It Dixon Ilrl 11 1Ilennor Ind ltrl Goorle ltrl Sterne rltiriny lfetIlIe ent we presented wllh her WIC pin and thnnltod tor her lutlnnu rltortl tlttrlny her term at little lIy hIrI til Cunningham Ind Ilrr Altman Current eventl tor the month were rent by hire lI Bone and mini hour not enlnyed III the done It the meeting TRINIDAD TOPIC On May It 1111 there BARNEY GOOGLE Formerly 211 Colleen Ilerrl errtImI lion hlrIun one It lIytneto lenrlh melrllre III Eryntlln Iln Magic Spelli snell outtourllhort wordI below Uro numbered tern to spell correct uaner to Pop Tonto It bottom nonoonoo rrmnunmuunmet wood llaneI yrnndsnn Itmnt eullm on learn and Florence llolt were thhom John tlTlIIl Frorer Toronto nod Itey Ind Cinrn ttoodttllnw ol Stroud V41 ANNUAL IIrI It Cunningham hasten tor the annual mootinu ot Thornton Womenl Inltltulr when lit member onlwmd the roll roll by onymtnt oI tees Ind one new member no net rented the George Ilolt port president prelldcll tor the cler tlen ot otlleurls or tolluwIl IIll Prettdenl tin thllnm Sterne Irosldcnl ltrI Earl Cunntnltllllm Ilrelreoidcntlt Ilrl Walter IltCnbe und IIrI Jennell Secretory hire Altman oestotnnl 1111 lennox TreIIuror tool renting or lublt or Mn 111ml ItAIrtl Do bit too new in their WWI you dont need him women Int Ind tlon Your rlerroltol chnrm It on your on on new unlnatluh to be InerrIobtlt hIlilllt IM betlle ot Itllponee It you It The III mum WI mm mm mblm Cum JIII thinly You Cum tIIIe xtcloly Nd mud SIX pewle vae Ioedll need mm in 1111 when IIrnIIy 55 my mm Innk rt your wardrobe should our on emu test with your tImltter ll MINI WT 11m 11m nod on tumor around lmwllall Iveryllody be turmoil in peace storm Oct IJNor Ill Youl mrlble mp1 lny upward Ion rucceoltuldoy ml WM 5mm set tor lively evening PM mm Ind busineIr eontaetl Ind tIII otter lender moment In your DDIITTltlt molt motley letting out at rum IuIIonl Ind reuIIu lame mot GETGHOT tlllthOOK Enemy Ind resourrel Are my lItI 11 5m mm llCIIh Willnndnle nnd Air IlTllI Itrl II Prophet nxrnlu at 11m to rut It hll Churotnlo CIDII Colt Ihoteter you were to en ll the minimum our rornmunlty 1111 ill MI seen will it lied that we mm TW require 11111 ioe laundry mm ml the the use it tumor reIllrlIol umh Ind eat It the hoxlui Mk 1m llmw people into coopeutioll the mdt ddelltt do myth humanely med mu when to me Icemlhle In mi 4r mm mm dry tor Ioclol erureulon DIP rim mm mm rm out one that somethan II mm In yam In Uni time 21 In the tor Ihtelz you my bet tome Hmmm am out lImtty ltnonm trot then mm VI my oraleke idea tor replecernenu My khyhepwm 411 the leelt pothole despite Greet hlltory II not expected to deli may he milled to hone Wm mm mm rm My your my emu ton 111 In nutter duals Imocrtlll we gt nk Ml mount octet sumrun Nor term In Irnenitietfy links Important mover early became ehIneer nIrrow IteId rat to all Itoertr Therel IIIITIILOI noel nrld eundttlonr Clorlton mu 21 m1 ttelny yourlelt ptodllm general my mm or Waylon hobbler romeo the most emtomahethemrnmlonobte mm ng AquIrluI tIIn lotrh lII Tummy mt Intenle relationship our of My mm AoIIrluI lJan roter mun round plomltel 11111an withhett TAISAILIY 11111311101111 Well trotr terI ero beyond perretlol con trot to matter llnney molten gen 150rlertnl etoliy Ire tolerable but than rymbtb dd 17 11115 011 Ferruwn ot Dond tleotl vII led our Lillie Jnhnhltln ltte yummy mnuo one VIII recently clotted nrrsltlcnt tum lhnt produced the top enrenII In tho tlm Queen trulnenl OO too no AT Gulrlol note II lireeterl It Dutch them ll Allin II Aoproltr DAILY CRYITOQIIOTEItmo how to work It 11 11 11 11 111011111111111117 Ont letter limply Indt tor Inolher In thlr urnnle to mod tor thI then 11 It or the two DI ele Slnlte irttrrr lITlnglll thI length Ind tonnlllon ot the wordr III III IIII Irh dry the rode letterI ITBJNINIIIDT desire to elt Iulnelhier at than the dly Illuer Ilr you In mm Tim them In ound on to in um my um Gemlol tllIy 111111 to our lint with the nrkmt me Nib IlrrIdy rel Iltho olhm hm I1 111511151 Willi mm IIMUN mm mm huurI eneotrraze romInee no 11min tor borulne good you mmm mm 5th ulde the mainstream ot ml butIIe oI movement one good be mode 1111 Sunday 11111 tel ll1w dull tuition teeth to Ierirm phoning chem Seek ll nerdy one he mum mm mm in lly Al the huurr pm The IT WM Iureelr today Host your trlendI you Ihould attempt Later hourl lltlsn Intllntile Itill rellr with you in 121mm ox Title II good time to Klte up IEFOREYOII ltli ALLEY Ilm Fen ITMltrh III tlyht on 1111 11111111 In mm no excuse or mpououl Ilr Ind the It Feruutorl oi In man 1le e1 Anrl lt who eI Gookltown Ill ltert Club It cumming mm Mm Ex WHY IS ERIEND OVERLOOKED wlll be on open meeting lnr nny nrte group ladies and yen llemen In Trinity United Church 51th room to tee and hear oilqu llvtny mndlttonl In Trlnttlull nI elnrrtorlcul by Von and III tltnll Toniu 111 St GIIel Dorrie Iocinl hour trill tollow This ll Ioonaored by the Unlted Church Women HI IIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS llrI lyml Mow Illrtrtet Diro eetur Mn llI Dixon eilerno to tilt thitom Sterne luhlie ltelotinnr lllrI IIIIcIt Assistant hire Curr ttrInrh LlIrttlnrl hire TI SehIndirn Alry Irony lloll 1111 It Illlek Alulllorr the II Event out the WIN Iom lturrll Chetr Com llrl hour not the Itrrthrl Plnnllt Ind DSTIIIDIII lire xxonr XXII EV xxnnn xxnl AVVI rvnn tron1111mm ll ttlntk Ind llrr Illly htoltv IIIUNF TWIN tItTITOQUOTITl PGVCK EIIKIIII Tilifldllil Cry loollotet LAUOIITEIT IS THE TONIC Till RELIEF TIIHT ITCEASE IOh PAINCNAIILTE CltAlLIN 1011111111luturutyrtlmolns IIK CBSVDDVIKHGAII Oil KXFN VII YIIVYAII NXV It OIIXIEIB TIIE INVISIIILE DWARF AN It 11 HE DIDNT wysruo EVIL tlLlJlT ZANV VtttlltlAt Am iththrunlontouohtlorkttehm WIAIIlnA RAISE IN SCULLEIIY tedIyI Antwer Merrill lllbllllhimltylurlwlIlIlnIMIitlDIIII1IlltAIIIlIItupIh 1e1111111lntrmoyntiultlntl