he Yen Dario ll dell NIL Ian and til ana hunlal amt Dell Rookie Pitches adsons lot NoHitter Ia asotit less rot lrl ret timer lily rattle Stare tee dialer ut Miilitiiiful lo Ith Trarr Rurerr Merlot draAte hr en ti 0m ut headgear telitrrela Marla or Aitkt lee drool helium critter to it it tantata Tao telnet rare nor it the rrfw Atoerl yorker route ratoi out trauma It New York up at Mt em rrtuensra Mum WI WWII it drawn the mailer ptrhtar Wint ile netted over the ttrerr the that la Interim rim 1m retirement celled the thrill at no llt he ounder III OI heavy dill Ii it nullhlhe Ion we ear in in ltitia ell add at timer Thinu pt Illta Iron in the genitaliati inroi It MAJE erlre the that hate tree rad Lr Mayhem rare all ewh elepped at Ie tee to Inoe III and didnt we iiyieiivlury Nadya lltlttadr the tot Bill imhrn heart oniii nutter on oiwii edaoithr trues anothert to no Door hint reliant De thereathrtliyerr hhdglhttrogggel naoy mailmniea WI teomtr rArnIrleu tuber on Hits 678th Homer or FourUnder tree Pam aim The to he eleelillev tetra rent Ire raineid on eteal hit IIUNO CURVE had ylidt ix Aaron raid Server huo then you no lie that tree millet and reng om atu probably the tart time rill yrt do let his ltnit ttiloloikgtoh tree in Douaytt trnale any trit tra NW later total to yield air the lullefloWlliltlitr and had rel the albiniiaioutt their and beta Butte that another to Tell entire in the the tint one hie ninth rte reread one red home rune Der elm out too look Sterert real rue riled et my eon aaelhee heme tlti Doom IIIIIlnl til ha plithed in air deye unharmed when oil on too dare outlet tor to gm all lie liioorsluu ll errors la the Netioad as union year rwlueetu tarir novel at torteoroe ti treat at rm or er are are new iadreq to were with Dohain hi the oil sioo Aetrte defeated reread trade wasnt too we met at to to in ahwtthet of Confidence iiping Lapointe WI Driet ii Welt leela mniaii viiaiilrlthiraliiedm ore tortitled ill him WI Mill will new in the winner to rorer aerate on his host at tr moth liltt Irma erue eerron elnte appeared In re armor tie torettoio retire email their and restated oa eurrentiy it on orhorr Ile mtrltnhal lore Mi new as real and the urine in to pier lmltlorehel Cert nit trance that rruoa In It medulla thiam enrolled II WN eeor roritlar requ the rt Ioel upoiote we lie III one oi ml the elrhe lop miter delete IWI IM remap with it their and to err throttle all Ill also in atrth trim the iiilfglm ii handling anadteae her playolzl lo dell has and uted tie no and think Roll tinned lot rnyizfgimgTnmm oi continence lnyrne thlr leer lWlgI tuidfii iieuiridpiiiniii lain If hittinrOrii ohm lot or in igym my teeth harronildtooen in ne etheotlod Ant therewereeiototttute and trill betrio thlitII he wollnuol Id Iirtd new an Dmadcerttne employ hpoietil edmite ha did oot UM have tin tee time arrhet Irena pier the reread the tire to rulerreason here Nader el prtt oi helore mortar hreir to had too rants in the tire to or the third and toteth mettle between the two citht nerd tlxeday nieht and Ir mm eon three and loet etlernoon two BASEBALL RECORD liontrtei at attrition Dealer Ilentar No armor Icheduled red one real en etiaaat lrarna Iaet Harrison 11 711 lnnali 16M lit den II It Mi Anrrler it 01 ill our turn birth It on lterullr Irtlar hierre to San Dlrsolt os Annalee at Ilrhurtit their New limit hlledriphta Oinehdraii mutton llontrrel an Francisco nSt Initial Ptehahle Pllchrrr Total or Anreiee Itienorrmlth tr Ara Intern tax prohterru about to are your mm mm WM was host it We Ihiiodeidnhii ii Important nli by Philadelphia rlyrre lite TH IAIN mung HEW jet in It Dickson Leading Tourney trtLLts tAPl utt turbrltbatrrratretu Dow ii In unenlighteth he rat tuhr phntwmu Mahmmwd Bartram aha not WWW liliI NM IW tournamenttau Mirthterm mtmrhhummwh harthratraathtiw untried him In yearn lira hard the the Mt hie rails to it IMWINILIU myrtrrpa Ti lo here tweealt theorem NEH dirt or Basin loud am trauma yThe whove rap idiu and midi oi wilmil am Dat mt ITWFNM at do in his art trial It text the rut tea min are tleet tartanta the ride it The hit teat ine Dianna aha made We note ol debt it it and three trot rent at the some perthe itth hell that he dotted lie mood that to late the tenth Ihnt patted over the arm hut ha rated on alth telnet run oil the him Ive been allrlnx Iith roar lldrm line note at San Diere Nielsen and Ira road we made Been In the proton hetero red leer the whole round Now tm honor aha orient the till run at tel menu me If yet herein Import Krrhgetriii at our Diet ecd Bore loo rdt eraltrrod aloe the dnlhd tat new It the harm trite Ilerr iii hie record victor ta ti rlou this year The ltanxul hadtrtep to anthem dunkiioiaywertdi rhiiii or kit held and elite lateloa mmrinl lime OliilET Novea tnedlo Rant Loot and Soil Original Oil Paintings leyiitld Noll Celtics Even Series id With Knicke Nil YORK AP Dara Corina med tn rotate and enerhhi heated on the rpm lo the mm quarter asthe trhtrr Itenod their Nativei Basketball Aeseci pleroii Ieriaa arairut three remex rarer hy deieatlttl the Keith llhitO Frhidy him The learnt will meet In the errrotlt rune at the Eastern Conlrrente llnels In Boston Sun dry IIlrrhoon With the llnlrhe ahead mt rtddwey Ihrourit the Iatrth ouartrr Creme earth heatet to tIe the were and Den Nelson hit tue Irro thrown in put hoe loo ahead tor good Coleen hit an toioot Inmper Ind hoot ahet than John Nar Iieel added tea tree throne and hrehet and Barton held to point lead The Nollie ieiled to yet who in tour nitrides Jo Jo llhlte added 25 points Round Tide Is by In the heat erna he her arrr thttrett he teid helium eternal to per rent riidera add i0 on not teat halie error WI Will it too rattled the three Int tartar to tie treat adjod lite Eroor id the Inn on not hitter Jinan Slumr nnacorloa their riro Wynn veiled eith one out In the 10th eleie wood continued to third ol ureter John when toroidal to tee and reared on Itarrerte roll Miimwmmi Daley Waiteiy Nerves Biggest Winnipeg Hope Problem On ice hittiON OP New Erin in eliminatan Itnuetrar Aeroe ionottSaya cinema lute Norm lend Whaler here the htrhrsl in tour enter to the mother esrarooortahirrutoroo Irorlnt rum in the trait thevtwo allowed lure lhren yygtymygmngg Vlrm my Yin botheml hr torn mureles in Mr or the lee Dotlr Jarrett Chi mng gunman regular eoaron and they on ooLshothtimes he payed mu mm mm my had httla hrlo item the nine nalntr at Friday at the Black who toyed tomI oi their nrostpro WNW mm In MM mm mm lily Fallow re turn the real The Intett Walt Trailer lmir leader rnlil lelso had lot ol mMi mm sunk vauidlihen tha teo eiuhr tare Ire it and his ruttnln mate at The veteran hluelloer to one IV 5W in II ll help Irom the delenct Til Ili iter Itonrne Pied ol Gdeogyoe Willi heron MM mum if to treat oi me did tremende competent pertorreer whose ei mmmikimm aim Ioh knitleer is alien overlooked mm mm lay hill here to healthier their outrtnadlne play throuth the II redhot roellendin IM mm Netentodara Ernie Wately end not aeriea tor the route the peterriot What Joe Dela the Mt rattan Eastern Dttlstott champions tandem the Itolle throui meat It the realm lost ther who retired rest the illrudrwe eiuh to tire vi their air meet bid hr the poattmdln award inns Ihie tear MY IldllY Mean grind the Detroit Time Yti old rookie atth llama Ciilt ry airht tor to via rnrlrlnz hlr ltrrt rerulrr err AP Pholoi eon start hurled nohrttrr ilorle Aseociatich durint the Barrie Central Collegiate LOEST ERS Araitahia New IARil lEA IllliAUMNT letr cautioned 0m II we Solon era Friday It to we cwsao more It hredlerd It roehia Phil llurreil Deorde lltuiii and lid lot on the ire erpetlally la the invite uhen oure tithte into drum nld the Moder Oat native uho matte hit oli urroa home in Niagara TIIII Ont The niearveid Jarrett rot away to rollover rtert In when ILTiiOIlll and seemed headed lot the stardom that has eluded him In oieo National Hockey her terrorsail with the itru sdnritrlt he war IItIellaed In middrauery withe Wren Ier lltANl WI Done was really tiring probahty our boat deilnoentrn rum in tune out until he onto nit tr coca eon ileay arid dotrot mean lot to ter oluh tartar Itirn around in the play with lateterron lrt an hut rained their Iorrrr In the play at Goal in Second Period Gives Poles 33 Tie With Marilee TORONTO WI goal by nlrht ltt Prierroreurh Doug Janre early Inlhe strand Toronto room Friday aere period rare Petrrtwmuoh ietrs hrrta Davina Diet nacho anti Brad Yrinlrea iiili Kw Ntii tie eeelrrt Toronto tier borer In the third lume oi their Noreaek and Jrnlr rooted ior Potarhhrouzh Ontario hotter Adlurittiim The iumr urta tied 12 It Junior heals the end oi the tint period llin Peierhorouth nor the that too rooted early to the eerond tome and Tortola the second to Town mm Eltit rluh nor has three prints JIM rcored the treat tool In the OilhipOrNi ether um um mim Tim next tune it Monday inter Auditorium Tleitm ol Door EVERY TUESDAY iN Oh Moreiejithntnrt YOU CAN WIN VALUAIILI CASH PRIZES AND BRAND 1974 COMET MUFFAIIMERBIIRY SiiEStli EVERYONE I5 AWINNIR IN ACOMETI YOU CAN PURCHASE I973 TODAY AT MOFFATI MERCURY FOR AS LITTLE AS Dorm $2599 But with Jarrett III hee diler his end at the operation dtkepo wet other prured tor first place only it tho rereeo aerate North State and the tieder nitrate Planter Every year tomhody letoe Ihi melt at in Jamil tale It toakeo ta he latter to gel roiling Theres no attrition that were better method club Hurt re rod keep it up Jamil Ida loath tmt has yet to tip thorium Item the rhrmolonslun with your Portal Code or new tax git iiitebttuh iiiius 01 pm gt at him Norman oil It tirela illeusrhet til Pm all Iranclleo illiltourhby Irlhe rowretvmloiilrl MOCK Well on re chart and from urturaty eurre do utyovr pitta on the NE iii court rate newer rat small See or Order Nowi See one at our tourieoue eelee Repreeaniliiree Seler Marta rl bl We ICIeroietni Mt nearer It BLOCK oir healertea Joner Jerk Duily Larry Parquitlr Vle Haarn Amer litrrirohttetitutu woollen PM Oemitlutitoeim at herein at illtrhurth SM Nero rt Cntcero rite grail iiiir dialliilRthll Nielriyhte Cincinnati Ikeiteapoedpietelo plate your tonildere JrM ONAIANI ti mt warm iii para it Lloyd AI Lumree Brien Meiieit Bieka Shaw Sherry Yaeher Murray Wltron MOiiitii MERCURY SAL LIMITED at test an enema Pit torlt llIItloel Hi at it tlteed Mi not pro eiDhII Iliuthren out nl nnatl toulictl hli IIAlIONlllthtltD ItRIJI Duniop St Dorrie Ont It undertone tlAillldidltllrw Mill Phone meteor INO APPOINTMENT NICEISARYI irerm