stir1a are 53 2343 23 15 kttl heltr rm award The erioKarate rlub held rut rearan pmldni at gradrol last ml at lhi ill alone but hadnt at me aincl lllHS Ihl Die mmmtlmtr lttdlt retardin title Torr but oil Wilton In the Wit tinlll that ream ln tome and in men 0r title annexed the healer OilA rhemploorhlo with Im yearr Orlliia tried hard had romo iornddahie tearaa in the no tSgllattd dram never mane we itorisiliotmtghiegtirgn are it all oi Iiaieit means Onitla aitu the demand Motor hockey iana now here may rim that in more than to reason to really celelle They yerrrolparlltipatim Orilllahu are now miller tor Terrie opened in the hampiottthlp to bring Orlhlr he lied Allen ihooor roll only the tlrnu Cup rhnnplntrhlp 0itiIlIGi1lIllli1 PBOGltlllil Typhoon Yankee Guerra Case in Somertrllla tt Laran Atom Hole Overdo bolt Thompson Iliath Wollll1lolttrr AE owned Duke Whil well Filth ttaea Peer Pom me One Allie Itini Baron Motion Sir lilantn Tolhrrret learn ilerhert it Omit iiurry lip only lehart Omaha Dancer Oonmheit Arrrrhro Kelly iiedpalh Roman Gabriel ii Corbett liter Battle title it Comm 1an Illaih ilare Trot 5550 One Mile Anna Adios ll Geihreltir Aiiana Pride lititenrle ll Elijah Nenovrer III Seltaeier Freeway Scotch Ilehldrir Nobel Irirre loultror Siritiiy Kosher ll Warner Coriielorra Gilt Arthdtldn Generre Nlrk Robinson Ali Lady Itemlen it Morrow herealh Ilene PIre Purae tool One hide Ceir Vei Thompson Mr Elton lt Melton Ii liter Pal II Moryee Conny Iiuira Ii Curran Ttrrt Ilaee Peer Pom 00 lone title ileybro Ethel Growl on Cm Bee stale Jon Lawton Sliver hike Robertson Verpre Soiliraii Ned train Minnie Windy While Eat Nlehoila Meet Monday AI lllrnmy Chantler The Team with eaterie SLm lion will be mcolinz Monday em Cmmm Mm night at the lands and Forest Scott Meadow lauron III IOW embo ran it ieihrarth The Willie Int All Item mm any my in the lresueimiore unitre Johnny time lailurh Id Wm Lorie ilnnnrer ll Curran Teeth luc Perr Iurea llJII One Mile Mite Jamar Illa MrCuiIoeh Belmac Chirttart lilo sstenay now Stoppard hiudirly lorlthart Chrome Dillon Rednrth Dorothea with Troy its Direct Dale Wain Jockey Sonnenhera Post Time We ltld Lori Attorneyr ran Ellis Todd Ellis mtcherr Dean Ace Brann heron Abbe Learnt llohra lhlirr Sheppard Dantuour Tide mdey Yeoman Troy AE Bearer Mite lite Ireond Rare Trot Pam use One Mile Little it the Golden Common iin The Fullback MrAnhIe Tough etull Ole Dem Pant harm ilrlscr Smith Belmont Harry Ireland Trader Midnight I3 Cumminta AJE Champlain Girl Motion third line lare Puree tile One hide Iynror lawron Courtin Time Troy Judyr Mirth Mac It hIoIlIl Girdle Water it Molnar Isintoirr tailed titanicilhigertinn unreartl rel lead lllmeny Din Ltiittslt Valid lDeere It Trottierv Arulyr neiirht ileeei Ir hasten hieNahh Dixon Elrhllr tiara Perl Puree Will AB Good Time Iieien ii Noni One Mile Fourth Tiara Pare Puree MW liter lan hilt ll Steward tlruly Fire tlellaltio hired Cecelia Ellie Mgowortd Wally Dixon Duke Laird II it Curh Dominion Toihiatt llrtqueredera oy Virey den Con sited to attend the meeting uhteir etertr at pm Anyone aleidmt lurthcr In malion eitouid telephone loitit el Tibllll St Boniioce lee Western Series VINNiIE iCII Ft Rollie lace Mohawk stored three on THY EXAMINER WANT ADS areanered thirdocrind goals to PHONE metre IN BARBIE New Barrie Convenience Centre 43 Morrow Rd Phone 7057263030 Will open April 30thi Canadian Bearinnr irrr added another link In the chain oi expenrrnn to better there the rapidly growing Indurtrlal note at Ontario Our nawert convenienea centre provider local pickup end Iacilittlel tneedy delivery to the Barrie area The Barrie Convenience Centrertmmpletely rtocked with all popular tyoer and NEW MANAGEMENT REGS ESSO SERVI tiormrriy Hooverr Errol AATLAS TIRES and aim at hearingt Ind Accessories Power TrIntmlrrlnn Producte Specialty Luhricantt mean CLUB horns amount it some brain CM and holder at hidden htrllsh Column hre rt aouare mike oi ltrehertu doieet Spokane data Ittd square their erlernlCenada Allan Otrp Iinai at fre linhauu wore down the Jete tire with heavy hitting in the two petiole and assumed commend oi the name uith eiront ekatrng in the hall 21 minuter Iiith name oi the Itcstol acre mic rerli he pieyed Any Interested people are in tonid PIAllle tilhihlliililED LONDON IAPi Sorter rier torr llrrw ni millet he tore Non Frank Molinlnek who cup lalned Amnni to the Erttiirh league end urn double in ml not lrnnsterred Friday to Dork ltenrora tor Arsenal out the 11year up tor rale aarllar this week beam il mold no tanner guarantee iItIlI regular place on the that term The Husky Pups are Herel new Bolens riders with big tractor performance biert belt did the ltoIJnl aloe ant Gar tiroherlr rt Toron lo and there iledhaue chiel Inetntdor oi the Barrie cloth The rhth meet on Mlop so no orator tatettew Dairy on Thanh and re LITE Auieiani Inetnretor hotel arhrra receiver on more belt Irom Tturnura With him are Tinrberley and Modding heiorrl ratchet Ronald umanayk oi guard punch which broclrd his tee oil tPho lot by Jim Iileyl WATER AREA aaig rag hither and Patient teequ to lart yrare AIlWo tuna tor darnolma Ill be holdinr Inuit and prertia Noted at Allandale liekbte Iohool et 30 pm For pinyin hone tut youd leaoa an em ar hriadiaa IL deer llob Sutherland pitch It Dive Button Burton III the Vinhinr pit eher In the title nose The Sierror reread Ia entered in the Barrie and Dirtritt Sea ior Sonhali learua along with Llhhill Dairy Gerardo Iioh iie ttomer Antontrren and Bradford annexe ILl memo that more land Iporta mexoala Nlrt hllieii erld Friday the American Hockey Leerue llama will rtay in Jrehoaruie Fla re alarm club toe the attrrlend aura dete oi the World Notary Arso etatlon ltlleit moved the har one hour cleveleed to Florida to rnidseeton alter their altered area tirarer lured to come oration with the thIt etuh also owned ho hitlell Plan your Vacation HOW Make sure this year vacation is problem free by planning ahead right now Fix up your cottage your car whatever is needed help you get the most out of trouble free holiday The money you spend now on your summer property and equipment will cost you less then delays and inconvenience Tail experienced Victoria to your friendly and Grey manager about the money you need today nu terrier nun comm driorrdrarrrriy in unto the emit oOrterie Bolone bio tractor teatutee Ira builtlit and readytoeorve you year round Leta you cutyourtawndovmtoelra in contort nurlnptha aummer rower Inowlnthewintor the aaeywey IIuaky elopla unit ealooi more durable cholco old are hp analrtoa Fully encioaad epoed transexle drive Wide pneumatic tiroa apply Iera proaaure nor an In than manoniooh Three bladototary moworotteeh endeeelha rnentwlth height odlutimont cute uploatld math Automotivetype atoerino Wheel Ior eery manomet ahllltyllootrloetart atendrrdonlhe hill Comiortehiohlotreotorreat Prleedlrom Nutty Pope todeyi $512w load 24 norm Traitors mm on an one All Null luv JOHNSTON IMO ll Gena II tau IL Iania TMlll THE rortowrrto IV BUSINESSES ARE OPEN smear FOR YOUR Convenience nrr courierr nearer at Illill TOHEM NU ii DIIIId EL IIIYII Near Danie Piaae THE PLACE TD DINE tItrIIr Ureaedl Inhaler Steel Primeiilbvdeaided an tinder hlear eeIaI Luncheon Special Jumbo Drlald at email the prim It to pna Dnriar Week lIRPPY HOURS Jail Ur Itll to pnr eauron rrrtrr em Atae trauma II are treleeut aerrlee earner searoonr narratinth Air Conditianed Open tllol suenot Fri II to It tiered Monday MO Bradiortl SL TM suorerns nnuo near rarscnlrrions DAMY II II AMJoSPM IlJ lleiliatlaa IV ltd nirhrray It at straud lltw FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASION rizza DELIGHT I90 ht Phone NI Open ttril Iri hat iota iii il AND rnits INACK IAN Opel am to to Dally Good hernMonltd Maria and III Tatenut Ieerlu llAane herrlt iOAMe 10 OPEN SUNDAYS DIAL errant Li iiiI Seail and Packingt Canadian learlnal on limited at land owar lentmllrianlptclelierr Allethall tophhuuelli haraoa an ear 80 Boyileld 5t Phone 72855 CAL MADILL Hwy Ii South at Plia BP Barrie 7163516 DUNLOPS uF MOONSTONE Moorrm etsrtrs