Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1973, p. 1

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griiicizd ills Inadequate on mum4 EXAMINER TELEPHONES mutnth mm amidd Mmtlsing malt Ill other mm mm VIIIIto 1hr am exhibitors In mile their tram It Ibo home about at tho llsrrio Irrnoiny Itu opened lions snow Friday It noon Ind will run until pm today Ono at tho eahlbtton is the lions oi To rrlorrou lira no Barrows liT iltIMOIIIiY right admirer ads at tho chsa dcllrra with tho now at tho Iim sortame torso Ant amid Oratorio canto Saturday April In in otbcr photo and Iiary on Para Illuminrr Photo by Peter horrltoill Food it Price Review Board yi Illllllttt plans to appoint band with powrrI to review tut not directly provcni de prion Increases wrra dinniwod as inadequate Friday by oppost lion crItIcr Consumer AIIIIrI tltnistrr IIrrh Gray told news cooler Inca that board with perhaps ssl We Mucus Wwirrnrla nyeccnlnnuloam would be In tsbiisbcdss won as potsiblo to risks quarterly Nports on road prira trends and hold lptrinl rerntludiclai Inquiries Into In mate it iclt warranted lpecill Iittntton lint rho board would not have the powcr to stop or roll back what it consldorcd uninsuilcd Militant Protestants Block Downtown BellastIor Protest armor tar mm oi militant Protestants blocked roads In downtown Retinal tor one hour today No motor clashes we reported Iilnstrd rrlcrrbon oi lino pars rnltItIry Ubier Dries Associ Itton wearing amoebic uni iorrm created 29 woodcobnrrl code throughout illa sly to protest erorsdition MW against Northern Ireland Protonsnt Robert Win It wanted tor the New Years Day murder at Itornan Cattoily couple in tho nototbortnx itlll rcptttllc British troopa wntnbwi Irons the background and In army liclltwior hovered otorhcvl Is the DDA men operalad their hounloog biodtutc than tho Protestants dismantled their road blocks Ind itll similar opcrsllon planned tor Monch tild not mate rlnllre Earlier IIormn Catholic guerrillas tired rocket II militia bcwtooartora hilt It ex lnrsulcaoiy in nearby cor Mahoutottaminolm do In Irnry ocout oar carrying two whiten near Belioctr The car was badly damsng and tho blast blow Moot riwtcr In the road But the two writers acre not killed the army raid CAPSULE NEWS Prisoners Exchanged In Vietnam DIEM IIOA IANtho Saloon gotrmtrltrl and tho Vlct that Milled their lint stallion prtsoooro today day liltt the deadline silpsllatod ur the mocllro am the orchards no will by twinn dcoplrio over tho rmbtr to be tricoard France Paces Strike Over Testing CUEMNAVACO rodeo MIR hm lat ymtblo striim ngottot It ships planar and Motrin nunnous in world oitrr decision by tho tinnititommmbcr Irrcmstlomt Motorboat oi Fm ihocio Unions IICPIUI to try to atop mm Micro tcotr In the Purina NZ To Take France To Court William III RecentPrime runner horrnnti ltrtk said today Now Zonlnnd will ma moon to to Intcrlutllml 0qu vi Jim at The Home Irrwncdintety to Int palm lrmxh Ioortminingmn Viet Cong Deny Shooting Helirolllel silicon lttsItortIIlo Vict Don troutho dented today tor the Iirst on at their midterI shot down hcllroWr btlligind Intcml died mlmmmurmmmumlmwm Liverpool Clincher Division Title WNW ICPIltvtrpoot arms the ran Davina tile is rhino loam Why when It played to with draw with Inland City up Mn all week but it was meW up ii to Ian hcslili Igaimt tattooin mononuaimnmllltmt Mgoras Forced To Evacuate Hotel Minoan mriodmriioolannua Honk bloom war 01 lorrcdiio cviimitthoiidel Wu wagme or in tho loom woodimtna alum tnrrrnaes it mid Ii It wished matr rcports dlmtly to tho publiuitd recommrnd govern ment action thuI bringing public Ind parliament trotobcaroniutnra cctisr conti New Democrat Torry Grier Toronto meshorel one oi as hIPI on an allElli Cnrnmons tommllino whlc month recommendcd cstsbllsbmcut at prth review board said tho more was In incomplete and unsallstnctnry answer It It rcp rescntcd government policy to contain food costs itbtla It Indicstrd some prog toss Illa plan to not up board must be Inllowcd with measures to giro Mr Gray tbs power to Irnpiomrnt board recommpnda lions hrIstIiIon Ihnuld brim troducrdto allow its gnvem meat to roll back and presrot iqurI Inorrases Constryatlve comrnittao mmlbcr James IIcGrIIh St Johns Euii laid to questioned tho motives ot the rovcrnnscnt in announcing ionisation oi the rollow board during Parlia ments Easter rocccc tiy opting to establish the board under the lnqulrlrs Act Instead oI consulting Parlia ment on iorIIiIt Ind powers hit Gray Indicated ho doesnt want to Iron Parliament and irrationally the NDP who asked tor III IrglslItlnn to dtbabo upblrhtci3rath Inquiry Clears Alberta EDMONTON iCt Judi cIIl Inquiry has clcmd the Al bcrta government at my wrongdoinr In It tenonent at otyruold momma veteran MIA apposrsunwlliinx to abandon gilt till man wu sonar The Indian ill iudlrill In qvlrr released iirtday In the legislature elated tch win no miscoarblat or improper act by the cabinet or other Ah bcrtr oltlclris tn the rose at Davy oi Edmonton there Is no Ioundatlnn what Ioercr tor thinking hlr DIyy Police Probing Shooting Deaths TORONTO It An Inver tlgntlon Ir undrr war Into the shootl deaths at two ternnu girls built wore lound irldny on VIrInt lot anr their Ironicr In tha borough oi Govt political prisoner in any sense said the re lilo pared attu Io darn timings Ibe hearings were conducted by Chlet Justice II bill vain oi the Alberta moralno Court who lotmad norm board at Inquiry Several cabl net ministh warn among the tthInesses who tcatititd The Inqdrr was called to In vestirstn charges made inIIla la slurp Irrulrlhc art who held various cabinet posts duh tag his to years In In hlLA nnn canons IIIIEIIDTOIIIGIIT Barrio Ind urn ration will ton on hourr tire to olrhi ll Darllrht baring IInlI lWi MM Inch Ihcllld auturad brndvno loan it you want to ct ldvdtlllth on than Suns dly city council this work dorsril mammoltdntlnn oi ItI grunt Immortal corn mitt lhi but Illici ally at Hall am and Im will last until October when rlochs will lilirbrd liuh an hour to limd Eh Ii Million ilcres Remain Flooded ST tours bio Ton million arm ol the Ihlltot We from Winonsin to bill Iiss remained toured by It ntcr today Is the swol Irn rtvera at tho tllulwhlpi ba sin iorcod handrail room troril North tbrlr bnrml nlv mun WASitsmi Patrick Gm has resigned on tha Wucrgsta cIan continues to nude ngva probirma tor libs than too Proalierlt Nixon armed trnwrary mr to Gm idly Incl then now to the le Clinton ot N1 momhlop treat It km Darld hid pareatly to eonsldar all action mt ditto Iiorrtr dreamtan tint Moro Than It For Copy rrports they are It in lur their in wt go can thrrltcnol to mum pawn trial at Dnniri Elmore Ind Anthony Ram in or Anrslcs with the disrioam by tho hum dcvrrt mmttbstnhadmisrdart port that two WItcrgnto ton Iriratnrr blrgicti tho odiro oi Eibbcrgr paydhtri tor his disrupt boss at the Pill Itla rosimr mm Ippoinllrlrnt 01 William MM tincteoluua in arm as Irting ol liar Dermcrsllc nIIIuna bud mm headquartrrl Full nl mantel rumour can bo Iound Wilden rilrriued In rrrrlttilicd day in hlmrlI Maillot Iidas do tho tangltd iIIItrrgIta alter mile viiisrr Job Ehrlich lrlItll LhIt saw that dlttlcv mu Ind rhlrt ot rtIlI It It mrnts Iiiikram mum roman GrIy tho Itll IIII nine tons on sum probtarrrlotrtng tor who Ind already Itzbinnn tripomlainod brhind amidst his nomination tor pcrmnornt Gordon tor ills mum in Illol lrnlaznn p1ng trial his nrdrrrd all prtlrntlnn at rncmorandum In Ihich the us iusilcodmrtrumt said it ro tired rr it that too Watrr pate tonsprntorr bunkd ths Iilrs at Danlrl tlllrbrrgo ptya ulisistst Judge itntt Error oi US dis trict must reIcIscd tho lricrnn Friday and said he will sign re sults ot the inquiry bctora do riding what prmdum visit Into as In Is this can Is con corned Illran dliriosed content at the mom in open court and said that It the alterations arc true It could gtlo rlra to taint oi clidrncr planting EIISbctlI lilbil The mrmornndunr uld In uri lonnlinnd sourro named urn Dcopito In Issorsln that cIeInlng end raterira start It Canadian Poms Bose Bonlcn than Is 11th tintclt We cant believe these pro plc sold Davo lilillltrn prrslv licol oi the Union oi National Dolruco Ennloyrcl local III on April It Una rsonnel Id mlnistlntor at tho are In Gold gary aald thcrc would be no contracting out the out day in tho Cal nry llrrald the ban roulnnrnler undo the rtntcmt that tho contract had been tiltIo Iro no tons to rt pltto civilian allurinwa In this delencod artmont tonirat ting out ceanlng In catering work to Wivsia llrlnsi Iald It Many assistant tith minister or personnel Friday there Is no truth that em to recently published re port that this It being consid cred by the department In IIct the Benton ticId Natur alists otub held its ltIItldl meeting nldsy at St Geos us hulllran church bait and clocted the now emutlva or WIS1t non lilH labs Ina solo or oil workers In any Pentagon Papers Trial May Be Connected To Watergatel mm mm comma Dean illl told Ioirral prose promotion Howard llunt Jr Md Gordon ilddy as tho Illegrd burghra the memornihlum wIs Iddrrasrd to mutant Iornrytneral llrnry Prior srn tram tho prlnrlpsl us It inmcy In WIshington Earl Silbrrt Tho rncrm rrsd lihis is to lIIivrm you that on Sunday Avril IS 1773 mind ian motion that It data umprci iird Gordon lldiiy Ind Ilowarsi tiunt bisrrtsrirod tba ottlto oi psychiatrth oi Dmirl Ellibcrg to obtain the Eyrhintrlstl tilca roisttn In El bcrgi The room of tha omlatton did not how wiactbu the tiles had any rmta rlnl Inlmrustlon nr Ihrthcr Iny oi the lniorrrlstloss or evrn the last oi tho burgintlv hid born aormlnxllcttod to moon ass start with the prosecution Ilssnred Discourin 0ith 416 CPD Borden Workers Unsure gian out to prirIIo com llr said the union local hax cIIlrd letting tor mm at no pm at tho Barbour the workers who would be nttcotrd Ire mostly tormcr nor vice pooph who have no Rood many years at tbcr lobe and their spa in against thrm illtoy to find another lie II he has lnrltcd ocnl politicians ard Dr ltyn nrd iMmoo Northl as wall as Sinclair Srvcm IPCrorir Sluml to attend the meeting Report Denied By Deputy Minister have gilcti In undortnting In writing to this cltrci to Illa Pablo Seniro Alllrnco hir hiorry dculcd reports It Iributcd to Joe Power prudent at the Union oi National Deicth to Employcos tUhDE that mirrors are bell illd oil base III actors Canada bo cause or contracting out scrvi llrnnt row Chrii Ilarris liar rlo dirociorr iloyd Srnlitl Barrio past prrrldrni Grace itith Orttlia vlco strident tnsstslls tlugbcr arrlo dircoion Iho Nixon campaign Ibo bss thch out to prune In both Iman and lnrt tho rapuatlan dcr fun hurt oi lilo Is in struga turn tbs Waters Ilia lnerrlty and tho team lion inlloimd dischaurr that be Iain ot convictrd Watergnta Mrplruor ltcerd Iluat 41mm Idrrntiel bring were traded to Gray but do olrd he onterod their destnrr lion night he met Ittr represean who contributcd more In the hinnn reclecttclt calmslgn that Trim Issndsfrs from cIIlrong Home Wit tor intcur bsntr dert Icrqxcd with mgrrtr Ihc SILL rnlgrutlnn of Job litur ttirr lorrncr deputy director oi bccomo crntrnl dunner in tho MIlrmtr Inscstlnttim lbc New Yorl Tim rays that iihito ilouoe cotmcl John Brezhrtov MOSCOW Illeutnrl lmtld brcshncl sounding win at rwiillenca Irons bls Kremlin mllrsguu tor plans to carry deicnte latth tho West In now store by visiting liorrrl and Washington in tho next two mmthl tha Comm partys Iti membrr whola Ind ratln approval In mmn policy Kl out Fnroirn tilnistcr Andrei EmuIto Dclcnca Minister Arl drel llrrrhio addict chiot Yuri nodopw Itoppcd up to loin the Inner lNil oi power as munborr oi the thou polit buro Two othcr tcadln Ilrum wora purged tn the all top Lbs contractd committee not on Ipprov ctaln as which room to bo rlenriv Drilled with lorelgrl Icy nccds but gava up clt backing to Iirrlhnavs Iurnnlt Charges 0i Thei SAINT JOHN Nil No Ilrlolls Canada Iridscm ployros obloct at In Intro national manhunt this work Ioh lowing the lilsswcsranco oi more than dairommtho vmplttfl at co were returntd here Friday to taco charged trestle lsmcs Dominty 31 driverward Ind lllrlvln Erl erd Donner an Isistsnt cashier with the Naomi are to appear in court hero outlay Io Inna disgo oi ibcit over PROSIlLE IhIcI mil Emlyn Smith Utopia dimi nrplnhn Wisrmnri Barr Ia director Diana mchrsnol Bar rlc Imtoryirelstiren Vllen 3cit1itarrlc diroclor Abscnt dottruyed sloctlmtl trnm an present when the doclImats Elrilrllmsn also Ictrlcwl Jilin Ircreinry or common Ilbisro ltliltr IitIttltY amour Icrluotlrnur III arsio tlvra oi linnncicr Ruben You ha slid ha took stops to been mum in am all an Iostlty mitt Ieral Imrrloinz by llslimn Isl Ehrlicth without both granted lnlmmlty tron Illsth Gets Party Approval Soviet humanist party rhlct has motvrd la Atlaqu innaryuuimlrl rrntrIt rommittra culled hldny by giving ltb Laonur nnazitvnv visits to Itcst canny Ind Ibo tInlicd states Two Brinks Elnployoes Patel I0ver$20il In Toronto Knthrrins Jesuit Craig 21 and Ernst Wle Harbor it both at Saint John will go to coon Mondsygon charm at possession oi stolen money in connrciion Illhthb Brim their an rctiisnot mannerId gowns byhprnteiginraltdgom pronto worklong himt which cbdd when tho two rurrmdcrodto Toronto polim early 1W Horus tater mt Inditlarter won picked up IIIIIIIIIIILISTSVCIIIB allots llncunvt were DEER It lives harlot sry dcntr AllinFlinn prell at dirodo as HIM cr Pauline amidst 31M marrow arson

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