ANNLANDEBS ADVISES Garden Guidelines To Prevent The Medical Profession DaniageDurmngterMonths Rocknltusodiorrontroliing mace Iflltl mm on Pohces Its Own nib mg mew salt coheentration may result in bear Ann London resent our sarcastic reply to Califor nia Yell For Help the woman who lashed out It the WSWl who removed her triends heaL thy breast According to you it Iimpl could not have hair Rind You said It $183 must do biopsy II no reputdale physician would pertorm sud In operation on less the biopsy showed malix nency You as mudt called the woman lilar May dired your attention to the word reputable would not argue the point that the ma jority of physicians are reasona bly honest some are even highly principled and law are totally dedicated but that old leaves number at knltehum xry moneyhungry acoundrelr not to mention chronic alcohols lcs uho bury their mistakes and no one is any the wiser So pleasc Ann tandem dont try to give the public the impreslon that eve physician who hangs out big is paragon oi virtue incapable of error Tell it like it lsCelling Dr Klldare Dear Calling There are in competents phonics and bad no tors in every told and the med ical proiession is no exception Untartunatcly when physician is inscrupuious or hatches job someone becomes severely ill or dies know oi no protcssion how ever that does such conscien tlous Job of policing its own members Peennpprovai among physicians ls olutmost impor tance Medical organizations county state and national are persistent and diligent in their light against charlatans and quarks Medical standards are constantly being elevated by medical oudit committees in the nations hospitals Additional safeguards are provided by tightening the requirements or hospital certification involving total patient care when one considers that be iore the Abraham Flexner re port in 1910 doctors in some states werepormltted to proc tise medicine by virtue of cer tilicato purchased tar as tilde $500 say the medical profession has made enormous Bake Surprise strides Au proiessioos should do well mauve FRIENDSHIP Dear Ann linden am being married in April and have asked live triends to be bridesc maids One of the bridesmaids says its stupid to spend $35 ior has that she can copy tor one third the price She has an nounced that the is going to make her dress have seen some of the dresses she has whipped up on her sewing ma chine and they look home made Also its impossible to match fabrics and her dress is bound to look diiterent mm the others My mother suggests tell her that it she cant uliord to buy the dress will understand and excuse her lrom being in the wedding rty This has been good friend for Is years and want to keep her iriendsbip Helpl ilorrorsvllie Dear liville The dress costs 85 The girl said she can make one like it tor one third the price That means she would save $2334 it she made the dress Oller to pay the dttier once in the interest or unilorml ly Her lllendship is voth $23M isnt it TELL THE LUMMOX DeIr Ann LInderI Our daughter has been married ior two years to socnllcd south ern gentleman who is still call ing me Hey You it would please me it he called me ltiotb er orId gladly settle for hire or even Betty but this Hey You is getting on my nerves id like to tell him in subtlu way to change his solutation Soup Cake For Different Taste Treat The cake with the secret in iredient tomato soup cnkel No one believes that actual to mate soup is motor ingredi ent However assure Home Eo onomists at Macdonald institute Guelph the product is really ex cellent The spices add flavor the trait adds moistness and the tomatoxsoup adds color Frost with plain butter icing or is boiled trusting to make the most oltho color of the cake TOMATO sour CAKE Réups makedflour 26 ps pow er V2 tsp baking soda tsp ground cloves tsp cinnamon tsp nutmeg WHAT THE FOR OMORROW Fine influences continue splendid stellar configuration encourages business career and professional matters Personal relationships will also be erned by excellent aspects romance and social acti ties especially favored can condensed tomato soup cuptsecdless raisins it cup maraschino cherries cup shortening cup granulated sugar 241335 well beaten Preheat oven to 375 degrees Grease ï¬nch layer cake pans Silt together flour baking powder baking soda and spice es Wash and cut raisins add sliced cherries sprinkle with little of the flour heam shor ï¬ning add so arthgradugahlly en eggs mixing orou 1y Add flour mixture alternately with the tomato soup stirring after each addlti Fold in rats ins and cherries Pour into greased pan and bake or 30 to 35 minutes or until done STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA dont verboard where your em nos aroeoncerned during those months Best pe riods for travel The ï¬rst three weeks in May June September and November child born on this amn be highly energetic and en ed with ï¬ne imagination tron ran amrnï¬hr mm 9b It tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates tba despite possibly past slow going in career and monetaryatieirs the beginning of thls new year in your life forecasts the attain gent of many cfitï¬rlshed goals on are curren in cycle whiuhbeganron Jan llwhich stimulates new ideas and progressiveness so do make the it Yrour resourcehdness and ingeautty occupationally speaking should show tangible estrlla in various stages within ého ext three months and in vm dperiodsI thereattse er espe urmg ate blem berthe ï¬rst three wcels of Do toher and throughout November and December Do be cautious in ughout June how arose you may be faced arsenal cameos should mi oothly or most of theyear fleas harm mime domestle owesam the no teatime The last two weelrs technician siltof lerpartoflhismonttheariy Mar September orrNovemhe deceptive camasssnmmmwuwmm arsotvn The truth has collie anti The public has been ill ormcdi The Home to Cotly it Indeed tutoring tremendous special on IidrtIInd awe tern Just has charged by air to qnaltlyoleon any skirt Members How should do iiiAr menthol Dear ItIIsplInl Why be sub tie with lurnrnoe Tell you youre had enough of the Hey You and it he doesnt want to 5311 rotBettyatmwur PlNT BRICKS CARNATION LEE CHOICE BARRIE rtasr CREAMERY NABOB PANCAKE JAYs FANC kaolin TEA innocence PINEAPPLE TOMATO cause expensive damage to towns are gerdens warn bortl Niturisu with the Ontario De partment of Agriculture and Food This problem is partial laiy terms when walkways pass perennialborders in the spring the high concentrations otsaitinthesoumakeites tremely difficult or the plants to take on water when they com GROCERIES BORDENS ICE CREAM FAMILY TREAT 100 out 416 COFFEE 1690 MILK elfcues 0F so BAGs Murmu the burning the root end the death at the plant Evergreen are particularly ntseeptihle to this problem Be on the lookout for winter damage to the bark of ammo tnl trees during the months at January February and March Warm days allowed by extreme ly cold nights may cause the death of the bark on the south Mr tOIN 9ll HOPS Ill PKG BUTTER ms BARBIE WEE WEDNESDAY JAN TWOLANGUAGE BEL OTTAWA CF The govern ment is looking into eonstimtinn Ii and international problems Monday He told the Commas lirm policy will be so pounced when lhk research is complete The mnsurner his relatedtothemlonoibllin iundamentalrighttoundemnnd gun product labels Corporate what hanrshelsbuying he Attairsnnnrsterlhrnusaidsaid For your convenience Buehlers is located in the heart of downtown Barrie at the Five Points When you shop at Bueblers you have the convenience of hundreds of nearby stores to shop for your iarrtilys requirements For small cost Buehlers will deliver your groceries to your home and courteous clerk is always available to help you take your gro ceries to your car Farley shopping in the attractive surroundings of Buehlers this week where prices are lower every day colour VALLEY sucro RINDLESS