in FA lfll MICHENER RECEIVES Governor Gcncral hilchener stands in front of new Cona CIdian tarces ensign alter it was eprescntcd to him at Govern ment House Ottawa Tuesday The ensign will hang behind Mr hilchcnera desk denoting his role as conunander in UNIEICETION SYMBOL chief at the forces Holding en sign is Chief Petty Oiliccr it Johnson at Moose Jaw Sask CP Wirephoto NEWS ROUNDUP Govt Urged Pension Hike Formula OTTAWA CF The Public Servica Alliance of Canada urged the government Tuesday to establish permanent tarma for increasing thu pensions oi tired tederal employees in line with the cost oi living The flamemember alliance said in press release delega tionheadcd by Alliance Presi dent Claude Edwards made its proposals at meeting with Treasury Board President Ben son and Finance Minister sharp The meeting tollowed re peated requests by public serv ice unions for an increase in pensions now paid retired em ployecs New Program mom or special manpower department program was announced Tuesday to help lsteer retiring servicemen into suitable civilian jobs sAhout 2m members of the armed lorces mainly in the 45 55 age bracket lace compulsory retirement each year Almost all ot them seek employment to augment their pensions The program will begin at 18 manpower centres across the iounlay including Toronto North Bay Dccupaiional retraining courses and mobility grants will he applied where necessary Job counselling service will start as much as it months in advance oi servicemans retirement ate Dispute Settled OSHAWA With the set tlement of labor disputes in the llnitedStates the General Mm tors Canada plant here is ex pected to be back in lull produc tion byFeb 6a company 3poltesman said Tuesday He said the settlement will no affect the shutdown of the plants compact car production Tuesday nighthbutaddcd that GM hopes truck production will at have be halted Thursday mpany was tforoedn to layotl 3000 men last weekbe Aaus of ashortage of engines as esult oi strikes at three EUV oundriesThe closing at Lille compactcar division will lQuake idleanother 3000employ the spokesman said axwmaohuinamohaetmmmommwmp noaanr NIXON lieiects Idea TORONTO CF Ontarlo Liberal Leader Robert Nixon sided Tuesday with delegation of l20 municipal and school trustees that ohiected Monday to the provincial governments decision to consolidate school districts along county lines The delegation representing 19 school boards and 23 munici pal counciis in southwestern 0n tarioasked the government to abandon plans to reduce 1600 local boards to too along county lines next Jan Taxes Mayriumpr TORO CF Municlpal taxes in Metropolitan Torontn may lump $40 torreach taxpayer to cover this years estimated $2670000W education bill $36000000 more than last years estimate Operating udgeta vvere submitted luesd to tha Metropolitan school board by six school areas but trustees willlryto trimthe ï¬g ure At the moment it looks about an eightmill increase said board airman Barry Lower Ready For Bush await LAKE ice man its industrial advise committee And we are taking no chance on their notloelngi To Set centical Association He said an other halt teaspoon would have killed the boy who was hallu cinating badly or 24 hours Viinai Stages YllAWA Federal ra vlcw at medical care insurance approached its tinai stages iuesdayéln cabinet session tiiatlasted more than three hours Prime Minister Pearson told the Common he hopes the re view will becompleted Thurs day lio then would intonn the provinces and the Commons ot the decision ls Surprised HAMIth or ay Cone neli Ontario public works min ister Tuesday expressed sur at local contractors sm oi his departments handhng ot the 522700000 prov in Toronto Mr C0nneli recuperating at his Dundas home from heart attack said he has had no chance to study the contractors accusations that the centre is the biggest iiasco his firm has faced in 90 years in the con struction business Propose Charter UllAWA GP The govern ment will soon place betorethe Conunons proposals for Cana dian charter of human rights to son aid Tuesday Hoax Story HARRISBURG Pa AP Dr lionnan Yoder the state finial who falsely reported six collegegstudents were blinded while under the influence of the drug LSD willnot be pro mg once2 day the story was petratad by Yoder fsaid that ofï¬ce of the land andzluivecon eluded that there were no iraitd and incial centennial science centre be made next week to the Men alprovinciai eonstitutional con for ca PrilneMlnistar Pear hoax per Wérevievied all the files inthe Liberal Candidates Need 50 Signatures UIIAWA CF Finns tor the Liberal leadership con vention have agreed on 5041 nature rcqulrunent tor until datcs nomination papers to weed out political unknown The move by the Liberalted erationr convention committee ayaaareaetiontatheentryot touchesu persons into the nee and the possibility that more may enter Convention planners teared that group at unknowns amid disrupt the April convention by taking up valuable television and convention time it was thought that political mm would have dhï¬wlty in obtaining the rigqu at so at the Ltooodd voting delegates It the convention in order to quality as candidates Only to names were required at the ml Liberal convention that selected hir Pearson as leader As an additional sateguanl names of the signers at can sownu soosrom Tubeiypn secsooasolu 73514 70014 775m 15911 mlunoolm asslu assu aaslu 700 MW 51 73515 slist67nlm 775m units Twintyp aislis alts Bl5ll5 WlmJW 34515 zeal 15 salts owns EW aolm mwmmuuwm auww unknown into the convention so leetlon process 5213 DEADLINE Deadline tor the tiling at am lnatlan papers at the convention was setdgt noon April the The leader and new prime minister will be chosen by bal lot on the final day Candidate hnve to be known the first day to pennlt them to take part in the process at acquainan dele gate with their policies iotorrnanta say that it it ap peers the sealgnaIura rule ll not gain to work some oher method might have In be dis vised to assure proper and on derly releaion The political unknowns en di teredtha liberal race in Jflmh Mists or axcrrns all CANADIAN md lllltttiulliu Illlnflutlll Innuumn illii iiii HE is so nry They are and Woodcock ol Edmonton an unem played cameo salmon and Hand uranium In lint Lake 0112 mlno develop ment manager Earlier candidates lnahided Pm tederai china ministers Eric xterm term president at the Quebec Iberal Pederr um and Lloyd titanium smallhmi clergyman ram are to altogether STUDENTS STEAL CHAIR QUEBEC Students entered the Quebec leashtivn council Tuesday picked up the emote handurvni chair at the lieutenantgovernor nailed it down narrow stainnae and into waiting truck Down at persons including policeman saw them steal the $2000 chair but the students said they were woékmen taking it out or re pa BARth RUBBER COMPANY as um may ran anti and President Says Canada Has Tamed Communist 10mm Dr Melvin resident at the Ontar io Medial Association sud Tuesday null hand bu Walla to Junior Board Trade he Med adult or universal medical can insurance and said dont hclkve we are living in socialist country thiii we arellivinx in Conununlrl coun try aledical care tantrum under the tederal government plan proving the thing that val neededpayment tor doctors It the gomment wantr to im prove health services it ahmid attend to men pressing needs he said lherc il nothing about bulld lng hospitals nothing aimt hospital There is nothing that will uiirt the nursing profession by train lnl subsidy or alteration at working coalitions There is nothing in medium as it stands now that will pa money into medical Idtooll into the training at dadnrr iota them in uuhlnhlu themselves in remote areas or in rquilaliy dimibtltinl them l1aelves in the provtndal malno ty All the hi1 does he said In arrange tor doctnrs to be paid that you we dont um Dr Melvin said Senator Wal lace hiccutmeoo mcnbtr at the Hall royal commission on health services looked luau Canada tor single instance at person whose medical lion had Miaed becluu ho had no money No suds person and no done mentatlon at any such use wn trnncd up Mr Melvin raid TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE newt inch overhead N0 expensive factory advertising No sales orgahiaation expense N0 high shipping costs banningTurnpike Tirol are only shipped at was itazairo lNSUREJ No no Marne mm usasarrrr Situations Hittitiitt Patti Door Price simply means you payonly materialoost and