Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1968, p. 5

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Board Prepares ANGUS WARRANT OFFICER IN CYPRUS with the UNJlcid Ordnance in Cyprus Warrant Officer Russ Parks of Angus tell and Sgt Murray Kennedy of Cobourg check stores items on hand to support the 000 man Canadian contingent on only there Both men are complctA Chairman Praises County Financing DUNTROON Stall Simcoe County council recognizes the costltncss of borrowing for capl tai expenditures and that is why We have kept the county tree of debenture debt said Reeve Arnold Vancise of Nottawasaga hwho is chairman of finance or the county The county has followed policy of paying for capital ex penditures out of current reven ues to save interest and carry ing charges to ratepayers This policy has been set lor the county contribution toward the capltal cost of the Royal Victoria Hospital addition at Barrie and for its assistance to the Simcoe College planned at Oriilla town ship in the towns suburbs The hospital grant runs around $420000 and the sum alloted to the college is $600000 The latter is to be paid in 10 annual in stalments starting during the year at construction RIORIGAGING FUTURE Pointing out that carrying charges on public debt is mort gaglng futaregenerations Reeve Vnncise said he felt this should Ibo avoided as much as practical He felt the county of Simcoe had set good example in this re gard Asked his views on whether he thought the saving to the county in having the government as same the cost or administration Qt justice would be passed on ratepayers Reeve Vancise re plied he hoped it would But it 715 too early to say until Wesce all the figures he added in reference to some departments which had asked increases at the county level The final decision on these pro posed increases would have to be madebythe county council The finance and general gove ment committee headed by eve Vancise has started re view of some of the figures and this will be continued beiore making recommendations RELIEVE COUNTY with the province moving to ward assuming all justice costs this will relieve the county coun cil of an important aspect of its administration in the past First phase of the change was taking over salaries of jail staff and court officials and thenext will be taking responsibility tor main taining the properties If admlnistrntiunnf yusti to been entirely prov gresponsi po or all butlarger municipalities also would become logical step Discussing rising taxation and costs Reeve Vancise said prm gressive change was inevitable He said he didnt think itwise tohazard guess at the pro bable county tax rates forms and whether there would bea decrease ciarous AHEAD hope we will beahle to pass along some saving but there are other increases and the decisionsstill have to be made he commented reViEW of the 1961 budget showed overall counlyfispending nt £17100 with 524 rais ed rnm taxation on property through county levies on the 32 municipalitiesrconcern this amount 3790700 was lor roads and this required levy of 11 mills The road committee headed yrEeeve Fred Baxter nl Adlala as proposed an unease to live mills and this is now being studied Provincial government subsidy ior roads is 50 per cent to the county uhich was adviscd to get approval before starting any supplementary spending it you get dollar tor dollar for road expenditures you find it cheaper to maintain good roads said Reeve Vancisc stating good roads in the county help promote the district and encourage tourist trade member or pioneer Not iawasaga tnmlly Reeve Vancise has lived in that township which is immediately west of Sunnidaie practically all his life The finance chairman has started his ninth year as mem ber of the county couacfl Last year he was also chairman oi finance and general government committee and he was public re lations ellieec and vicechairman for the international plowin match which was held in lnnis lil last October member of Nottawasaga council for nine years he was rceve for four years Deputy re eve for tour and councillor for one Registry Oilice Revenues Higher Registry oiiice revenues hit now high at $10024006 for the past year it was shown by the annual financial statement sub mitted tocpuaty couacil by Arthur Kneeshnw registrar Disbursements amounted to $3169900 and $0956728 was turo ed over to the county and $0573 was rehated to the City of Bar rin as its share of the profit from thefoperatioo Registrations during the year totalled 23840 HiddenValley Gets Ont Loan TORONTO CPI TheOntar io Development Corp will grant $435 loan to Hidden Valley inn Lt at Huntsville towards the estimated 9175000 cost or 52unit motor hotel and attend ant iac ties ntnnnouncement ltlonday by James Auid minisler of tourism and information and Stanley Randall minister of economics and development said the loaapayable over 15 years at eight per cent will helpmnke Hidden Valleyooe of the most modern yeawound re sorts in Ontario Doc ed five miles outside Huntsvdl the allseason tourist complex was started not when the atslsi facilities were installed Sincethat time facilities nve been expanded to include seven open slopes and two Idownhiii trafls Six additional slopes are being opened for the 1060 sea littsyone high ca Dacity Tbar and novice rope ing six months tours of duty on the Meditcranean island with the UN contingent Canadian Forces Photo East Simcoe MPP Home From South Back home after brief vaca tion in Florida Gordon Smith MPP is getting ready for the coming session of the Ontario Legislature Called to start next month it will be the first since Premier Robarts government won strong recndorsement at the polls last October l7 1er Smith was an easy victor in East Simcoc riding which or tends irnm Orillia to Penetang and between the Georgian Bay and Lake Slmcoe including all of Oro township Downer MPP who has been member since 1037 won Duflerin Simcoe also by decisive margin Arthur Evans MPP of Brdniord member since 1060 won Simcoe Centre which includes Barrie DISTRICT BRIEFS VESTRY MEETING COLDWATER Stall Annual Vestry meeting or congregations ol the Anglican parish in the Goldwater area will be held at the Goldwater church parish hall on Monday1anuary 19 at NFL mill TAX BILLING LOREIIO Stalf Adiala townsldp council has been called on Monday February to pan when proposal to have lEiM tax billing done will be discuss ed Reeve Fred Baxterheads the council OPEN TO SNDIVRIOBILES BRADFORD Stall Scanlon Creek Conservation area oneast side of highway 11 three miles north of Bradford has been open er lnr use at snowmobile drivers at dollar per day The area includes 300 acres and has wood edytrailsn REPORT ON SEWAGE COLDWATER Staff A11 engineerfs report of recummelh dations for proposad sewage works for Coldwater will be pre sented at meetingto be held 0R0 STATION tStafliWith Dr Paul WIN re elected chllrmn 0m Ichool board has started that might be its last term at operation if the provio cial government proceeds with recommended plain to set up me beam busibcslhle interest has been shown in the recommended changes and various oorvuneots which would indicate growing opposition Tbs Idea of one board for all of Simcoe County has been target of vigorous critr icisrn from Midland Oritiie Ore and ntbaceotru Ora Reeve Kennethin Gilles pie roicingOrns opposition at recent council meeting raid the influence of smaller rural municipalities on such board would be lost and they would virtually lose all control over their adsools He suggested the government proceed slowly with proposcdchangas and consider each angle carefullybetore sane tiooing changes The reevea words were the topic at much interest and comment Farm Accounting Books Available AW Stall Annotlnce ment has been made from the South Simeon agricultural office that copies of farm account books for 1965 are still available and farmers are urged to pick them up to help them keep ac curate management records South Slrncoc Soil and Crop improvement Association will be represented at the Ontario crop convention which opens Wednes day January or at the Coli scum Exhibition Park Toronto and runs through to Saturday January 27 The Canadiaii Farm and indus trial equipment show said to be the worlds largest annual indoor display devoted exclusively to agricultural and light industrial equipment will be calmed dur ing the conveniio in the council hall on Thinsday February at pm it was announced by MaiDonnell secretary of the Ontario Water Resources Commission SIZE VARIES Tree seeds vary widely in size lt takes 300000 hemlock seeds to make pound while certain tropical cocoauts may weigh 40 pounds each toms COMPAcr CONTINUE Quality cleaning by For Changeover Trustee liaron Husband former drairman was named viccdnirman of the Ore arc board while nernell McKay throemdbope aadGordon Bid well were appointed special bus committee to decide on can cellation cl school bus routes during stormy weather Bert Bray bus driver discussed scboolbus patrols of them ecs John Currie ad ministrator was given or lution to carry on ior 1968 and Guest was rchired as school attendance otitcer llembcrshiptn the Ontario School Trustees and Municipal Councillor Association was ap proved Correspondence was read from Barrie Public School Board Val ley Travel mus Smcoc Health Unit Ontario department of ad ucatioo and the Orillia district liaison committee NEW MEMBER East Simon riding will be rcptmated at coming susioo of the Ontario ltgialatllre Feb 14 by new member Gor don Smith Oriliia car dealer and lormcr radio station oper ator He wcoccds the late Lloyd latherby as riding mem ber Examiner Photo Medonle TownshipTo Buy gt New Read Grader Build Garage MOONSIONE Stall new road grader is to be purchased by hiedonte township and town ship garage to be rebuilt during 1960 Reeve Dalton Jelmey risk cd council cooperation in keep ing expenditures as low as pos sible in nil in this financing The Mcdonte rceve also said he hopes that Simcoe County council will be able to clicct some tax reduction while some departmean have asked for in creased budgets the provincial govcrnments action in taking over cost or administration at justice will mean saving which he hopes can be passed on to ratepayers in part at least Reeve Jermcy stressed the importance of keeping up roads stating it was talso economy in the long run to neg lect them He hopes county road 22 will be paved where new con struction took place between 1300 SIGHTSEEINGROUN errdesiredammomeatsDhabIeAccommdafibil EXCURSIONFARESARELOW Craighurst and Coulson This road runs along the border of Medonte and cm in this section The Medaalc recvc suggested the entire area hcneiits from good roads stressing that urban municipalitis get more tourist trade if travel routu are kept in proper condition Councillor Horace Vnsoy was appointed Mcdonte representa tive to St Andrews Hospital board in Midland and clerk Howl urd Robinson was named repre sentative to Orillio District Chamber of Commerce Deputy Reeve lagram Amos and Coun cillor Boyd Miller represent Mcdonte on the Georgian Bay Development muncii letter from the Ontario de partment ol highways has advis ed the council that it intends to grve close scrutiny in any re quest for supplementary road budgets during 196a IVSEASONAL nap FARE avails planter new In HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAYiJANUARY Lions Governor To Visit ALLISNN Stall Moving into the home IlfltCIl of an irin erlry which incindestz places John Taylor district governor at As tor the Lions Club is pre paring tar official visits to Bar rie on rum Feb and Brad lord on Monday Feb 19 The Bradlord visit will cone plele every club in my district said the well known Allistan jewellery merchant who is also deputy rcevc of the town IN NORMANDY veteran of six years service in the Canadian Armored Corps with which he served during the campaign in Northwest Europe Mr Taylor landed in Normandy the day alter Dday as ser gcant and served throughout the major armored engagements un til he was woundtd in August 1044 litter hospitalization in France and England he was in vaiided back to Canada and later dcrnobilized in 1915 Now serving his 13th year on the Allistan council he was coun cillor for 11 and then promoted to deputy were He operats jewellery store on Victoria Street completing his apprenticeship as watchmaker following th war service native of Toronto he has liv ed in Allistan since he was boy except for his Canadian Army service He will be to years old next November 13 Locally he has served practic ally cvcry office on the Allistan club including president He also is past zone chairman at Zone South and was deputy district governor of Region be fore he was aiectcd district gov ernor of at Sault Ster Marie last spring As member of the Alliston Lions he had long perlect at tendance record and during Barrie term as president the clubmw In award plaqnc or membership As chalrrrrran of mcmbersbip committee in room he also won the membership achievement award GOING TO QUEBEC After completing his adaedulc all visits Mr Taylor is to attend gathering at district govern ors run 111 district at Queue City to make plans for lion convention to be held there in May The Lions international conven tion will he held next simmer at Dallas Texas Flower Society Ponders Change CNEEMOIIE Stall change in name from Creemore Horticultural Society to Crcelt more Area Horticultural Society will be considered by the mem bership at the annual mccttnz which is to be held on Friday January 75 The new name was proposed so the society could cover wid er area and also extend the membership Annual reports to be presented will show the society carried out busy program of civic beauti licntion dining Canadas 100th birthday year and it will he rec ommcndcd that this program be continued PEOPLE COUNT Mexico began the year with population of boat 45611000 about the statistics ureau reported and calculated Mexico City has 000 people RATE

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