13 WM mama TUESDAY JANUARY III ll utws murmur FARMELSLMRKT our men Deed or crippled cattle Ind hone Small animals removed tree For but servica PHONE BARBIE mm Collect or as lu NICKS DEAD STOCK ZENITH 9H NO CHARGEI uhoorsaaay Tdaysaaceh Rlilmmead0ntalo Quake Damage $320 Million In Sicily mmooopoo ii in damage to while and private mt so MON rues web ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON In ntmlno so wm mm out amount inn and Mn non nets lnlt Imus colon rial IM may it with an out Monro nous ride Rail Union Seeks Formal Order license No sew Nick MWR PM Ina Dunn or all with candl er will cum on to Loco per hour Telephone mom FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service GI New Holland David Brown Bcsltv Ill BURTON AVE 728313 CASH TRADE TEENS FEED SEED at GRAIN we Mu ot Iihcal ItrIw tor ulc also so baiu or oat Itsr letepoom John Femll mom taratom lessroa son SALE runniflm Yorunln M1 car sale It Resinsed Inrhsrllri box in Iarvtcc Ieitvbom 7361011 CEHNCHWS YD SIII It Shani IA Millir7 Tellnbonl mien 0N woman Ilcller was and salt clspnone Ion Aneur noLsrmt cow you old sec ond call our Jlnuflv York antn nrat litter due January flu bod due mnl AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE ByronGraham Motors no BRADFORD st Barrie mloiii Our name means great deal wnmmxn loos oiviolet con zsa Into tun mlslnn Inn roar end pills other 004 items call mom alter moo om lsn ammonch Cutlass Coupe no with white loot Ind black in terior 5000 mir new ranty moiknt condition um usu Telephone 96965 nu ma we Stetrind unto Telephone moons lssa cnvaOLEl Very Inca corl dluon excellent body brown with nt black roost romaqu moool alter pro 1952 All air or laid needs new sinner otherwise In runs fling condition in ha In extelItnl cond lion $1 stroller sis moses nu ma pa loss nouns lutomliic radio 000 much over yes wanoty extras new tires own er tnlkd Warcu Telephone Azoloso sites use pm TRUCKS FOR SALE IO truck for slim 23 doom for lurtber intonation AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTHS CAR TUNING and small car repairs Redline Import 35 Mary St Will OURmNCiIlSED DATSUN DEALER MOFFATT Mercury SERVICE DEPARTMENT Equipped Slotted To Service Any Make of Cal Our Expert Mechanics any STILL 0N ran JOB To own RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL can owuans Moffatt Mercury Ltd it 81 ESSA RD 7286553 SNOWMOBILES It you want the best See the CADDY oi them all SKIDADDLER 4i Alcoua Beach TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE Give John try Beiore you buy KNOIIY PINE THE LIVElYioNEl Bombardier Skidoo Sale sodservice BAYVIEW MARINE Lakeahora Dr Barrie notion IlaDon mt It Wlnlenlnl Item open untull Call Bill Getholu BUYING skidoo this car your desist gar hulACPrlrnhAImke cn ssotosat chum summed Iron mm mutant salivach or Kryktiu Delkoheoc lords John an CONSCIOIID due tonne Web EMPLOYMENT WANTED CARPEINIRY PAINTING on or null sumo moose courtrer business woman own RELIABLE Housekeeper wanted lor right person Fulcrum Illlltle LADY WANTED to do Ilwirlg in her Poona Hum mien roo one manna woman and mi Ilb onen Ilu MIN WI Do YOU luvs pencel prob Irrn with your homo Call nlllu Iicli nuts mmL WIDDING invitation mlkhu IS MI Convenient service for lrtnnl scidim paper Ind typ min Iniilbll smutD an own at sumu motor min Ucencl ammo were no an debt mod Cycle son or in dull MD Elwin IIII help clan your copy plain Clair dbrifll IIill Oi lï¬ttivt or oil din Ill 25 ï¬ï¬mm aiï¬l or Findivl also It mamas Ind 9lOST FOUND WALLET has In town Barrie Euth laemwud rdwhons mm l0 HELP WANTED maulion ltoorns Cupboards Doors wll Palntlnll No loo roo WOMAN with In DOrlan II hwkkuvlnlt mldtlrk operator dr sire lnli IIrIv molarnest in Bar rle Telephone maloo YOUNG As salerun orn ultiy motor seeka new lion In Barrio area Idlrlkd and with me modrl Write an AH Barrio innliner Ing home in durlct mu position in Barrie Plenum personailtlh lIiN Iblliilt Kellen emu work Interested In wellIre am to mm vuhiitt Displayed It present it in terested lnunlow can be Imnud Bax A59 Danie latnun FEMALE HELP no wuva or more latich lull or parttint Fuller termed in llama moves erxuchxn mount nurse housrkeeper to lle in and can or elderly luvus hcnlyl mun rct ounces ulnyrcouueo etc to sex Mil Darrin Examiner tunllv very soon home tor the son or widow Telephone 71o unlit mm Evenings MW mm time alurt be experienced For turtncr intomlstlon call no em Min pm JUNIOR OFFICE CLERK Required by local llm for return 0ch work rhinestones III Iset but not necessary Plus reply in own hindwrillux llvlnl complete resume to Box ass Elrrle haml LAans An esclilnlt cIrser mar yours with Beeline Fashion you drive and luvs true aveninII weekly Telephone or call between and out 7250661 caret Wood North Darin Muv smart wanted duty month old om clavperton Ind VclilnIton Sis Tcicphom ltwuihetlrstotlidal csti maieotdauugairomtbeserlu otouakesthatrippedthmlgha doses towns ontbaislatldlsn Drums By CANADIAN nus Quebec ltene Trembtay t5 iormer laden hnmlgrstlw rrllnlstmer apparently of heart New YorkRay assodaie editor at Editor and Publisher magazine MoscowVladimir 57 noted PATTERNS FRISKY BUNNIES By 41103 tumour Watch these bunnies multiply the chem and color interest ot your kitchen Erwin that At Scrov tar and president ot tbs Sov Academy oi Arte alter long illness UIiAWA CF group oi railway unions asked the Cana dian transport commission lion day tor termai order that would lacs the railways to pro vide clean drinking water an toilet iacititlcs on diesel locomo tives Ital irclght cahooses Inqu tor the ONE and CPR slid the two major car ries are alrede working on the problem and asked the com mission to avoid setting out my rigid nguintionr at this time Pearson Absent WAWA CPI Prime Min Her Pesmu was absent lion dIyas the Commons resumed alter monlhtlong Christmas access spokesman said the Elm minister was home with Study Loans UITAWA 0P Aciillï¬ Prime Minister Martin said Ilonday in the Commons that abolitun ot the ceiling on hous tog loans will he considered by thorguvemmmi Plans Future CAPE TOWN AP Philip hiatberg did exercises in his etuillzed ward in Groote Schuur Hospital Monday and made plans tor the iuturc Ills wile Eileen told report ers he did pushups during physiotherapy session Dlslberg undrewent the worlds third human heart transplant to days ago and is the only survivor oi this type pi operation llaps MacNaughlon TORONN tCP The New Democratic Party member at the Ontario legislature Monday accused lr all re Charles MacNuughtorl and Fern Guin dou minister without portfolio at using uudcrhsnded methods in an attempt to scuttle the lcd oral medical care program ciltiorti Pikley the NDPs labor department critic said Mr llacNaughton is using every trick in the book to lrighicn people into believing we cannotaitord medicare program May Nicelrlollnsofln MONTREAL CPI Prost 7286640 utter TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER REQUHIED tor Grades and In pelted pills in Immediately modern mom rchooL Sli Isle mumuhflve sick or How nus shin School Board III Kilworthy Ontario ni TeIePhODO mi MALE 8n FEMALE HELP summit belkollrlkd ind position sulloole on loiflnloPLbiIsherl collcu porting and trains Est transuuom Working out or Barrie arcI wltn comolct Instruc tion and tnlulm write to has too Barrie Dnmlner rs MALE HELP WANTED WELDERS AND FIIlERS Able to read and work mm drawings steady employment good wages and beueiits Phone Lindsay 32415212 MAN WANTLD Iood mam leleizh nustm now open it willing to conduct Home service hulinln with good will writ ltawleuth Dent Armcs too Rldtr Lieu St Henry Montreal CREDT MANAGER mountain rOne aggressive individual with limits collecting and settling OllillliidIIIK Knowledge oi bookkeeping Ind Please send résmrls to Comptroller Mr Green JCllryslerf Canada Outboard cox lotion BARRIE our leavingclmnaa Jenny CDUGIIUN new uni W25 LetielheAds Polm stamps Buslnessf cards iCheques his Brand now tlun mt I23 Fijwtf details uric1 Embroider this trislty ismlly on towels curtains cloth mats Pattern 7300 troustcr six hlch motiis and tour smaller fllIBS FIFTY CENTS coins tor each pattern no stamps please to Alice Brooks care oi The Bar 1tie Emmitor Needlecraft qut 60 Front St Toronto Ont Ontario residuals add cents flies tax Print plahlly PAT TERN NUMBER NAME AD VDRESSFlrst me dualson Needlecraitjloi hundreds oi designs tree patterns tn cludcs designer sweaterst in atmcilons inside Knit crochet embroidery 50 centsx Booko1 is Jilly Rugscome plctc patterns inexpensive easy to make 60 cents Book No eluxe Quilts Io complete pa rus Send me BookNo Museum Quilts patterns tor 12 quilts so cents Book No Quilts In To days Livia New exciting col lection 15 complete patterns so cents anoint Prize Alghlnl Kn crochet 12 aighnns so cents esperleltoe secondment ocountt contractual law III dont de Gaulle oi France would like to meet soon with Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson Que bec cabinet minister press conference Monday on his return from France ur ai Atialrs Minister JennNoel Tremblny returned to Montreal Saturday com 12 dsy visit to France which include ed hailhour interview with President do Gaullc told WPATTERNS Sizes tSlze lltbust 33 takes Ly ï¬indirfabric SIXTY FIVE CENTERS ell incolusitno sin ps eacltpattern dd scents lie Launch Project NEON CF Mloomo gilt lionday launched ï¬ve year international tood technolo gy training project designed to help the people oi hungry or tlons make the but use at tood mDulCES Known as Canada Plus0ne Canadas land and rocery in dustry and administered by the Food and Agrlnllturc Organism tion at the United Nations Goyi Worried TORONTO tCP Sozrmny university students on applying or ï¬nancial lid that the On tario goremmeut is wanted that widespread cheating may be occurring Donald Bettame director ol iudentmawards lg Ontario said an letview expected one in three oi the postsccondary student body would apply but in some institutions it is more than so per cent which shows something is wrong as ommlsslon WAIVA CPI The royal commission on bilingualism and bicutturalism will have cost Cu nsdinn taxpayers almost 000000 by the end at this March State Secretary lednrsh said in written reply Monday to Commons question by Roland Godln tCreditisioPort Ncuit that the commission had cost 56601531 since it was set up in the summer 01 1933 to last Nov so Estimated costs of £555351 were expected or the balance oi lite 196168 tiscal year Quota Reduced companies torced to moot the To nancial obligations oi ibreign subsidiaries with iunds mm the USwiil have their directin vcstment quota correspondingly reduced says tho commercelde partmcrlt Authorization tor new US guarantees to iorclgn subsidiary expansion under the new Pm gram to curb the dollar drain will depend on the capacity oi the subsidiary to make repay mcnt virorn Inreigusnurce tunds it says Captain Concerned MONTREAL CF Cap tains of Canadas inland ships have expressed concern over move to extend intcrnationsl os vigational rules into the Great Lakes and have recommended that inland rules be extended to ensure greater river solely Extensiou ot international rules is under study by senior United States and Canadian government officials who receutr ed aspc meeting in Ottawa oflhéDomlnloii Mar Associations navigation com mittcc Scrap CYC OTTAWA OP Robert Simpson PC Churchill told the commons Monday the gov ernment should scrap the Com pany of Young Canadians The Quebec branch oi the or ganization modelled on thcUS Peace Corps hasbrokcn away but is still spending federal money Mr Simpson ssid dur ing theCommons question pc the project is spearheaded by wnsumorort crl us VERY MILD Weather cou unuu today in smut Calm his with posibiilty ot record high temperatures in Alberta and Saskatdmvan Cloudy skies with possible tight snow and colder weather is torc cast tor Manitoba Ontario and DISTRICT WEATHER sunny And Colder Wednesday Forecast Cold weather is the forecast tor today and ogaiu Wednesday Snowflurria should come to an end sanctimc today and che ucsdny should be sunny but cold The overnight low recorded downtown at the Examiner Ott lce was in dcgrecs The tcmv pcraturc at 730 am was 20 degrees ronouro CPD Oittcial torccsst issued at 530 am today Synopsn winds are bringing colder drier air to all at Ontario and snow ilurrles will gradually cnd today The pro sp cots ior Wednesday are for mostly sunny but cold weather in all but the north country where there will be increnshlg cloudt ness and southerly low at milder air Toronto llsnliiton Janitor Windsor Lake St Club Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario Italibur ton snuthcm Lake Huron regions cloudywith oc casional light snow Clearing and turning colder in the alter noonl Itialniy sunny and cold Strong northerly Wednesday Winds northwest b1 today light Wednesday Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay regions Clouds and colder with snow flurrics today Mainly sunny and cold Wednesday Winds northwest today light Wednesday Forecast temperatures Low overnight high WednesdIy Windsor lo it Mine Firms Labor Abroad OITAIVAJCP Three Cn uadinn mining tlrms are ac tlvcly rccriutiug for labor abroad with government help und others are expected to take sirtlitarraction soon the Com mons was informcdjtinnday The recruiting is being cur ricd oli abroad because the sup Ply oi Canadians for the mines in Northern Ontario and Quebec Marijuana LContains Heroin Says BrandoanSychologist VINNIPEG CP Ii Tyler head at Brandon sitys psychology ieprlllmcnt says crunch is 80 per cent oi whatever amounts of marijuana 1d contain hlurilllalla has long been con sidered mcausfuscd to attract peoplé tu the more dangerous and nddic narcotic heroin Dri lcr calls the prac herolu pplng and says it is Just same way oi ssyug that some boys who know how to make real money are goingto make it result ot to cite the marijuana custom or van unaccustomcdkck and icavehim uns led with any thing but the more potent drug Dr Tylor made hiscnmments lied Ilivcr Cooperative in Win nipeg and elaborated Monday in an interview The grout danger is in the growing acceptance ot marijua na among young people the psychiatrist said He drew ap ailcl bctw use oi the drug and thc useot alcohol and tobacco which began as pleasures lor men and gal ed gradual acceptance in ety until through advertir luglhey becomesylnbuls of youth dont know how many peo ple realize howcagily the pro gram to sell marijuana as no worse than alcohol to young iolks is catching on he said Dr Tylermade his comments at Saturday meeting ot the It Rivet Cooperative in Win and elaborated Monday in at Saturday meeting of the mom and at Del Quebec Snow and rain are expected in the Iiarltlrms Figures on the map indicate expected high temperatures today lCP Vlrcphoin Sir Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Hamilton St cur gt Toronto Pcterhnrougb Kingston Trenton Killnioe in acrossewo Seeké has been lnsuiuclcnt to meet tllenecd John Munro parlia memory score ary mmigldv lion Minister Marchaud said in written Commons reply Answering questions submit ted by David Orlllsow NDP Winnipeg North Mr Munro said St mine laborers were Id mittcd toVCllltada up to in Llitle long Luz Gold Mine Lid Toronto International Nickel Co at Canada Ltd Sud bury and Patrick Harrison and Cu lilontre are sock another 425 immigrant labor the reply said Little Long Lac hop to re cruit 100 miners and Patrick Harrison 50 Both are recruiting in Germany international Nick at seeks 215 miner trainees in the Unied Kingdom All are workers througtmhe iaciiittcs oi the immigration de partment in the two countries The reply said several other ï¬rms are completing arrnugg ments to send representatives overseas for similar rccruit ment programs Canadian workers are coir tinuaEy being recruited tor cm pioymcni in the mines as ml ncrs and mine laborers The supply has been insulticcnth meet the ucc BUSINESSBitters By CANADIAN mss DU PONI PROFITS CUT flhedu Po Co reported Iiomtay proiiislast year were down about to per cent irom 1966 Prarts last ycar totalled 14000300 Equalto $653 per share compared ill $389 company saidi Wilmington xrzttoxltvcolls UP Xerox Corp reported In Yorkvltioudey that that into form 17 molth cndcd rose to $97181423 3221 increaseover the 353978 1956 This is equal to share competed with lltlguwsnitlsausgnutorymizildct log not no ed mlllanomnryem