Barrie Examiner, 23 Jan 1968, p. 10

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Winter Brings io ran niRarn 23mm rumor Janvans rs ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICE CASH RATES Engagemenu Marriages and Deaths Birth Announcements maximum 40 words Cards 01 Thanks words additional words be per word in Munorlam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS BALM At the Rani Victortl canal to Rmrrnd IL and inn limits or nlmd River 0n tnrin on 1413 January iv in ran BROWN Kelly in how up oiol wishes to announce In inn oi her broth Kevin llerhefl t1 ins leis ox born on Jamil 11 loss in st tn horn lclnrla Ilap Proud para or both no body and minute Many 3th to Dr mhir wonderful or prch on request COMING EVENTS Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT NOW 51 NUMBERS CALLED ADMISSION Site in support of the Barrie Brunch Navy Magi ot Canoda DEATHS AnRAsr cnuirr Rnnrl Noni Viciofla ltosollrl Sunday tnruarv 1i ioea marten le Abram of Dentro Street An ms urlmed husband or Jurrrrte Coyk WIN litter of Russel rmld Paul nd Anthony in his 50th year nestinr It the Patrick Funeral Home in humid Street Dlrrlr service In the char el rimv It run lntrnnent tome At Sunlhlven Nuttins Home Downlamina on Saturda Jmunrv lots Lottie Wobb loved wife or th irtn Bertram Green Iormrriy ot loo Clmrbwlnrid 5L Barrio Door motto Iriurrncli lDlntl or smart hurs rm thin Hoocvl or nnmonnllo sislcr or Nflnfl Webb and Nullrlc lists Albert Grnll both of linrrir loving rrnndmotnrr or trrnndcnlldren and nut nrnrldctllldrtrr Ruling rt the len rrctt Purim llama la nradtord 5L Barrie for service on nmdry ntemient Barrie Union contours KUIIN Mm Elmheth Lennon pused Auuv ut the Ouron Lll both llosnltnl Toronto Monday Janunn 22 loss linry Eurhut IAnrrox dear drutrhtcr nl lira II unnox no the lilo IIrnrrarl Um nor near sis of hr or Dzkville Isobel Mrs nnlnal or Villtwrv dale Jlmcs or Guelph and Louie or nrnmliul lusting It the ltuahrs hitters Home Cookstovm ror ser vlcn on Wednesday January at at mnorurv enlomtmrsnt Mllcln contourv Vault Coo with tutumerit law in Newton Robinson cemetery Flow nratctuiir decllncd In lieu ot flow klndlv donate to the slui liplo sclerorlr hind rsrnu Christoph by arrinortt It My madly Irv may to 1068 some Christopher hlrlonev Junior in his satn yrnr bur run or arr And Mrs lumen 12 $14000 acres of land in film axiom finimiin Mn in Barrie zoned BA now it tn that II Frclihrlflxilutirm°t or and serviced with over 300 it road frontage BINGO Every Wednesday at pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond onlLuA Thim PROPERTY FOR SALE PETERS WILES LTD Realtor BUILDERS imlths Falls William at Waterloo srud of Toronto rohn lum Courld rnu Daniel rll or nurtr rm after Tutsdu rt tar Slmklky runghum so mfg ltn Ban me was rryl Chum Barrio on Wedneo day rnurry at to inter ment SL sinyr cemetery Spatn winnllrrd Arm At an Rum Victnrh Eospltll state on ltmurry list lose Winni beloved true or wulrrm the of Win gs tn AMId rr is tins Hurrlsl and rot non or Guelph Grace and My strong Alice IIIH Scaddlnct runram run mum and wit llam or Toronto Naomi lllrs erst of Niagara run Infill or Elizabeth Mrs to sort Ind Robert as sin Carol rim norm of or arms Resting turret inm uni Home is arrarora st Bar rlo snrvlw on Wednesday rt Interment sous Una eerie our Irrnlsfll lNMEMORIAMS sum in loving mum of our rrlotiter and grandmother atuy Lnth who rrssrduwzy lanubnt urts your memory tlnsen and and true are on at think of yo tangy Lemma sadly mi ed by Family Photo liflSRealtor ROSE APPRAISALS nonrancaa RENTALS 15 OWEN ST 7232378 ONLY LEFI MORTGAGE Boautflully planned bedroom homes Wrhatlrs separate liv ing room and dining room These homes carry for $120 tcrest and taxes and have $5800 Call this otiice now for an appointment to inspect EAST END bedroom bungalow with at tached garage recreation room broadloonr and paved drive This is beauty and lnexcell eat condition All Rosa lies mom Bill Mackne Reshmfi RussnllSmlth Res moans Mary Valr Ros matter Dick Hartley 7257970 MIS Realtor WHITE 109 Bayfield St 728l07l Appraisals Listings invited ONEDPEN ordnroada Acozy bungalow two dining rnnm roomy PRINTING PROBLEMSj arses intlnrr lit Hayfield st rrssm cnassvsntan ADS wnr BRING RESULTS ITELEPHONE fit2414 alumna advertisements Ind notl scalar these one must his so celvedhysnm dry mural publication with tho exception 17 Glnssifiod Dirpl rammerrentn no not mammary gt at we mumps cmssmzn AnvtIRTIEINHIEIE blnc ntRntesappls unto wt in YIESIIIRIB Insertionbo our word rwn consecutive srrtlom Wlo oermrdnsr insertion Thre mmtlvnrlrrurtlomvde word Yer trisertlnrr tnlri nor is co kutlvntuaertlonrxtinnc In In total up sorboumny murdered molecv clncellaiton when Mutton runner obtained to no not nlunntu chm it onto wt We ave several within iew miles or Barrie ltd acres For further For reliable andper hela tention ur needs NI tsunami DIVESTORS monthly including principal in mortgage fillitpricomnly In Couriell noon5 names better column enornnrv kitc and ving room Oil good farms agar ESTAr RRorerv FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 96 Bryileid Street Film 1L5 RFALNBS MS Mortgags mods Availabh Re Custom Firkin summit noun hill basanent close to downtown Priced 1500 with low down payrtan For further particulars call Clill Goodlrad NOW is THE TIME TO PURCHASE Thu cottage and have It ready to motto into as soon as the weath er get warm Cottage consists at bedroom Walton and tivlnl roan completely furnished located on the nth mansion innit ii short distance from the water Will sell for the low prim OI H900 Call Lou Goederuoodt to inspect CUMY E7VESHSGS 11 7114 Rm GLORIA KossAlz mm unidi MARGAREK iroka Tiamt mu contraron mufl mm mum mm GRANT leAnTlml 57150617 mutt If HAY muoocun coonnmn moor SHELSWELL and WILLSON iILS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER 19 Dunlop St East 731421 or nslm its ACRE nanur mm Open quota includes or bend Jerseys and trill lists at Implements Hip root barn stable cleaner Call Jack Willson 77434631 or laughccd 14mm FOR REVT lhree bedroom bungalow ltrnnedluta pomesuloo Call hiss Brown motes ACREAGE Wllll lUllmil Ihis may be lust the spot youve been waiting for Study the desuiptlon then call mo for an ap poihtmcnt to sea lt Opportunity knocksl Thirty arm with small house and barn sin miles from Battle on main highway Keith Munster 4496068 llllluat Turbulh 0m Hm ll bred Atkinson mam grrflnh unlike In loan 11 so wonsmlgnngl CARSQuijrnoua metal HIGHWAY FARM lo acres bush balance under cultivation This is highly produc tive dairy farm milk contract bulk tank Good solid brick horse 10 rooms shapedbarn good stabllug silos implement shed and garage Ior lull particulars call our representative Import hchrath Elmvnle 739m $1000 down buys this cdnforlable older storey home beautiful condition natural woodwork Full price $17000 Call Russell Car son 725640Lnilcr prrt 750ml $2500 Large residential lot with trees lust miles outside Barrio on Suhnidalc ltd Call Russdl Carson Mal alter 530 pm moist OWMNG THE BARRIE BAY 515900 with $6000 down comfortable older storey home just blocks trom downtown Call Synnott Mal after pm Norm Synnott 7232533 Russ Carson 7256161 Bill Hamilton 7255315 Rupert McGrath Elmvale 739m Charles Hepworth motor FRANK NELLES Proton Realtor 79 swarm smear nouns SUMMER comes IN rm onrlvc 52 Building lots nrar Sandy Cove 25th side road lmh Concession lnnlslil 1m 200 would quality for VLA Asking onlyfim for both lots sunnm noun ALL YEAR very comfortable and spacious bedroom bungalow with extra large living room and fireplace Close to the water Ideal retirement home Full price $3000 EVENINGS CALL 7150961 Frank Wainwright 7166696 Cec Mills 7256682 ROGERS C7 CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET At the Five Points 415 BLAKE STREET Ansattractlve splitsstonescmiblmgalowwwlth mpcher self contatnéd How and bath apartment upsta Main fl broadloomed living room bigbright kitoltenz goodade bed rooms and bath This will provide comfortable modern homo tor small family plus steadylncome lromthe apartment $6000 cash is required and vendor will holda single open mort gage Call Fwd Eplett to arrange an InspectionNOW EVENINGS GAIL Stan Hammond Frank Nelles Mike Magus 7mm Ebonemoisa Rogers Mrs Norino Rogers moss REALTOR 7W1 10 nracnlmitarntcuums WEEWE AN ULTRA MODERN WIVEIIOME in one cars nvo car garage automatlc dishwasher ding glass doorsiead to patio NBA PHON an an arch ST ans 7mm large bedroomsrz baths mortgage at EssAnvo 71 toot of trout age and depth of res feet Good lroom ho Cali this Oillce for moroinlormatlon an inspection Fred Eplett motor REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Cholkan co LTD ma REALTOR 10 COLLIER ST Ml 31500 DOWN $90 per month is is first class home in tho llidlrurrt subdivision ans Mmmlng pool prlvueger Ibreo large bedrooms living room and kitchen with side porch is acre lot lo minqu in Barrie For no tnspec tion telephone Ed or Marilyn Jmu 72cm TIRED OF PAYING RENT Why not own bedroom bungalow urth heated gnrt 9B This homo is riluattd in Angus close to highway For further lulormatlon call Bruce Ellis Hoodoo TIRED 11nd of For Sale signs on your property Let Otollrnn Real Estate put Sold sign on it Cali Ed or Iiarilyn Jennings 7280 LAwnmcn mm GIBEY DIBSON MARION NEWMAN ANTIt SWIFT VGAIINEI mcomsart REALTOR ALLANDALE DISmlOr room brick home it bed rooms gas fumace Good house for the working man close to industrial area Asking $9500 all reasonable otters consider CLOSE TO ANGUS bedroom cement block and stucco housn on 126 180 lot Garage lion house patio wood iurnace pieco bath tiled floors Close to Highway No 90 Asking $2000 down HOUSE AND ACRE room insulbrlck house alum inum garage situated at tho edgo of town of Angus See this property and va us an offer Contact Anna ncor Thornton W1 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcoclr Barrie 7705095 Oolboumc Stroud WNW McLean Elmvale 1on4 lifarLeod Barrie 7234750 Show Stroud With Wood ro 4871028 Spencer Thornton mill Chhlll 4562510 Ed Green Barrie mam lBtEgiinton Ava East Toronto PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVERsLUMBER 129 Bradford St OPPORTUNITY level room plus an room and file Htleen bath mil from Ennis mulls bourhood possession tn Snlllll cnsh or IrrInn own mort nre ratmo LOTS FOR SALE TIN ACRES If nenr anrrt slow Box ass arrrla minim MORTGAGES lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on an nouns rams an comment raoranlrrs 90 OFVALUATIONS Need Money All interest Up ot your our party value low monthlypn Moon meats in to to lere inches or REAL ESTATE MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENE RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes ud General Glendale lravelux Parts and Service Cash or Tormt up Years 170 BURTON Avn moors RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT 1m unload dov iii wimea mum can mwn similar willon 1W lmlm Mm aultr only Merton monthly Telephone will IF in Yunnan DUI or not suit nblr or Dunn or mimic Bus stop door our North Col Ietlnlr In Box Burt EA miner mu name and slow Iutgt lied Recently decorated Terminal Ht pm 1er ucnnooor merits Inll ohio lately Awly st Vincent Ant in commonanumruntra tn Mm nedmornsumrlm Teirnnon mama MODERN reliantlined bedroom apartment newly decortoo no monthtv Ifltllu mama corner or can II and II it tnwitnlt Inna Telephonc Ilcl nod collect on cannon apartment or rent stove rud rimrentor Included Prrtrlnr mint rs Adults only cm 4569 uvenlnrr rormtnrr pari iculln ROOM HEATED abutment or root not and cold water mulled mini Telephone mm or van BEDROOM m4 floor Ivan meM privllc bath llvlnu room kitchen flute Bnytleld Inc Availtrio lawman Telephon or furtth particulars awo BEDROOM apartment located mt cnd Avrtinblo turmoilrely slow nlrlflrllm nrtro Ind llurr unifies moot ed Wish to rent flulel couplei liter urn Gnu wlnrlm to sum modern turntrnrd nsrtmrnt with buslrresl MW Codrlrrttnn street overlooking la bus mule Televhonl 1132319 Illa pm APARTMENTS WANTED IMALL furnished ApartMot vrlrrlld or housekeeping room with kitchen 9th Fastener widowerer It Fnhnnry lrt retention URGEN ILY REQUIRED Snnll MISth nourished required tor latnine couple tn howltll Am call 7160501 evenings swo Busmn nailean rennin two Moro7m apmrnrnt with stov Ind retriamtor by Fobnmv lo mum some sound Tole vhono mm evenlntrl ROOM AND BOARD MIT BOARD gentlenut MO erred in centrally locum home WERE lifibitiii nlr vowny en rgooso l3 amu details not AND hum Ivlilnblo at Blfltllra Ladle Mm Point lut hr rooms homo cooked meals packed lumen Telaphono no mo for rurther nnrtlcuinn ACCOMMWANT ED ELIle lflvlllfl would like can LII intro of WING or practical nmnwmi outta Plomnt sea llllllll Mm and own bathroom Re ly mint reference to Box Barrio klmlncr ROOMS TO LET rowan tran room to rent Korma floor minutes walk tron darnrim nulrt person no trounc ucx no monthly mam nsuanmm room tui rent In new home for busineruul amour run coo Inclusion lklnhrnuur sort on union hrdmnr roryountr auntie new is must or Telephone 1194556 Roast or rent with kitchenan bullies lid on crud putLLB flatlilies Tel more hummlnn room or mums rent Narrator And slow suplt gig oenmtu iocutcd anemone sroRss rcR RENT omcrtansator at no small Holst null or non roprtr runners tn mum month meta cram condition best ARTS FOR SALE ITS HERE THE FAMOUS SHERLOCK MANNING PIANO to dillrrrnt claim finisher Just not beautiful ton KEENANS MUSIC STORE Dunlop St CLEARANCE OF USED APPLIANCES Now is the time to buy your store relrlgerator washer tor the cottngs or home ROBINSON HARWARE at Dtnrlop St maul NQRTHWAY RUG CO LTD Ibo hours or line brontnoom DDLIFSIIC AND IMPORTED BROADWM Remnants all nlus and price 61 Collier St Phone 17513 rmvo urrtwsn am 3ta an rifles om no Johnson unwind Milli rrrmunn ran my or linltnfi°tietri on mom utter mm cmAGs hr at rm rt bu removed Lined In with nllrlrilnhhli lion Alt antm rlntrlr dock dalnt run in rt complete wiul unit in new con ditlnn netill for nulrir nil Telephone mm wasn Boron Nosrows Notional Notlmrrl 5w eul item clelrinl rt lo nu ma wnllr they rut um pow simi or BM 1mm cursortma altl hoot Ixcbunxb at Snortr no Colltrr street mrto out two Ildmmen tn lad condition Humble Tfll no alone in Mill 11H 11 Adm hump ADI to Rent Honn for so tit Mullbio ll Barfl hummer outnu oillu NEARLY NEW Dlnlnl room Inbln Ind thouu only runny used in sunny 1t nlritr St Bank too warm cums mulllier otter leln Dunno mom NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS tour or lint tics mm term Aunt FREEZER ONLY V6718 Vertical freezer 164 cu ft Shelves removable shelves storage in door ONLY Vows vertical Freezer 92 cu it Shelves Storage in Door Only 7A in widc ONLY ucz Chest Style cu ft Compact Model 252 lb Capacity SAVE ON ELECTRICRANGES ironar so inches wide Automaticclocis controlled oven Appliance Whitef snowClassifieds Bring Green Cash 7282414 Check Your Attic Storeroom thragel Somebody Will Pay For Your Discards Call Want AdVisor 7282414 ARTS FOR SALE sxownwm tar uk little used more call two is Sutton Anna scorn not rum out tor uk 1300 pound unclty not new no Tsltphonl 030mm mus um nirrr Arum Harlem or Rustctn Ornament lauded rumorr or harm Lin tnmcnnn inviird Also four inlle our rntrlitmt upturnborder milk until urn muss acA vrcrox rotors Manhattan tl ourA Muted rm llmrnlv late cantor ryua rolour buck In walla nu motor in lien on mum nouns sec all lacum ml hunt enlmatriment rm Singer nurse 1mm we run number or fur coats tum no stoic tor sale or ex chznn Irom moo to moo also nuts rcllno and remodel my old Inn at modal our Contact Mllbtnn nodson in now top Street West normien Beauty snort roulvnmlt chrome lurblmtor hrir aryer run chair as human Arr mnuuonro arm llIt enlr ms dner mum Lhermolllll rurth tor raruni rtyltnr cbllrl us Brlwdrrn hydraulic Iiyllnl malr H50 Night irurlr nynnulu morn rum sloo Btlvedlrd Ilium basin capital with has tum and rmmroo chair on All above my be urn tl Joan ntr styuru Cotilor ARTICLES FOR RENT Ytsrr rrurs tor Itcnt Propan Hontrd Aooly snsnlv lily Run or cut mam DOGS 8r PETS PUPPY Will uiv home small on rer v90 CONST MACHINERY UNIVERSAL sao Scnlor it Grout Crushan Plant nillr Git Diesel Ito Power unit Excellent condition msovm allroulette Em Ltd tol Boutd Avn Windsor out Pnnno coowoo FRUITS VEGETABLES artso CORnArms Mir mile Ioul ma nruvuv in bushel or more mourn cl ARTICLES WANTED FLOAT wanted for Lb Whiter cub nlval Prrrdn Saturny Su rt norm Winter cannan Cr Terry Colo now or mtolo altar uni mwaon WANTED nil hard wood or 00 inch itmrtlu Pierre writ Box Aso nrrzto bummer or mentions Tumult limitom chair sort oldMlorled lkml clocks llru chills rum boon lamps Annrun Crurr wamo Furniture stoves 93 rurnm Dlsurr Antluues Second Ulnd Shop IiL570 my in lobd mntht good lull my AN nxnnntan WANT an SPECIALS SPECIAL $23995 SPECIAL $17995 SPECIAL $15995 Fast Freeze Fast Freeze Ilt SPECIAL Outlet and Rotisserie Full width fluorescent MODEL arm TITAN 50 wide Deluxe iiiFashion Styling Fully automa tic with meat probe and Rotisserie Easy glean ovenwith removable door and recess SAVE $40 MODEL ours Ailthe feature oi the above with added Infinite broil heat wannendrawer SAVE $40 SPECIAL $209952 Titan Infidel ISPEdAL ant and $25995 Bopknnnim We mtoomaxiaam tuna Ace nunlonw mmmim

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