Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1968, p. 9

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Ch Buiialo Ch Buiiaio Ch Toronto Ch3 Barrie Ch Buffalo Ch 11 Hamilton FRmAY JANUARY It EVENING It 111m 11 1110nnleni1ruaden Vsemt Storm Fl II lot1C1 110 lUaatde Town 01rutn or nnseuuenees 1411111121711 Ianle IWltrltn For Th Prosecution tlcllnrru in mil in or 111111er 01 110 Plains llrrr Mason Lucv ixlnlfr non Uncle io Land And an 1Gun1moke 11Nwl AHllRl Sports 100 HNanst Weather Sportl 7410111 crlale Creek 11 Plerra uerton 010 211m 111011 Weather BARRIE lno srellx 10 Cat esunrisa semester dNen bNswl Walthur some ilmtimi inaction srwu Wllthlr 5W aVoyneo ereaole An nun bltollnwd Peirce llTlrun iNevrs weather 110 11emn tWtid Wild wm 7110 the ma Testament bka tltli in 1M apart Smut bMmie mil in Mm lkl 1143110111 anuuot 110 15hr mlr ylotna1 Hunter tGomer P110 11111 Untouchable lineavmru and 1100 lukl 60110 1A shot in the Dark blnr Hockey sun Hloillnood 501nm 1V1li sonnett lrsterv Grime 1000 zPmlociion 00 7111 lle Vlllry 1100 liltll We 11 rten1 snark Inn 11 11m Ground flinlla 11101101 or tulian lslovle Ololirudt oNe wulher 115910 0v 1M iillht and centre batovls bsze Probe II NSWERING SERVICE 11 years 01 stretch MONDAY JANUARY 15 MORNING AND AFTERNOON 010 IWlndmr On iue worla 66unriu Senate 1100 11000 dNIII 110 11011mm service 100 ecatnln Kane100v ilsehnluol Hours 110 IUnivmiiy oi the Air m0 lPat Bgonlh 36000 on tcontlet 1Dllllnl tor Dali1 bitotnoer 110011 1101 Alkn us sliOwrio Schools oum 01 ul Harlow 111th 12 no In llnltt Lcnata Cantern DCnnonbali llhiavtt Sliver We 1110 1100 1Pemmltiv allr 1Ternn101ian 1110 lnlI 14909114 wrtl 1hewllchra 1210 Tomorrow $101115 HAVEN 1Cnncentntlon llrtrndiy Giant LBevErly iitllbliliel 7Donm herd Dreuuo eAnav Grillirl nroronto Today 421 Westhn llUttln Peopl bMerv Grlmn stsureh tar xllollvwood snusm JPlrl ol the Week 0011 van D011 1llnvrn Your sloth 10utnle0us Ooinlorl lirnoto Finish 0410010 thund Spoil lMret the swim 7rertect listen OMmt 11hr llltdtller 1111mm Douala ti Tn w0r 10x tns 11111 Gum 00 ists or our Lives is Many Salendor Thin 3le Gum 13061 tglbvl GImC MU we lIPEHY an than id er or iii it 10 Tris 11 Ttheni 11min Dhlllllllltel CDIH 011 smee or iii 1Cummsnder Ton LIV Your HOVI 11100 Saint SHANIV HAY RD 7261001 For any hurinesl 01 pruiessl0n oat rinlt tiHobby Time 1100 Night and DayEvery nay Reliable Friendly Courteoul Theres ilwnys an Answer 39 Mary 726871 SATURDAY JANUARY MORNING AND AFTERNOON uoutdoon Unlimited 100 Your OMC Service Centre OMC Snow Crulsars Evlnrudo Outboard Motors MONDAY JANUARY 15 EVENING 7lelouy Sound Iia Patrol Lawn Boy Mowers Sales 81 Sarvica 1151 France 00 Hiutrh cum ecruln 11010000 15 der 110 ti5¢bnitlel House 110 zumutes tRocket surf bCartoon synouu 000 IMr 111100 emnxeunein lr 11Onur10 School 910 1Dlok Tracy tllerculoide 1000 Minna Jr ashunn 1r0p0y 0ou001es 11101 Allen 1010 150nmn sronnw I0 lTlil 81ch Ghost 1lnurney 1iluu1nsn 1suorr 1101001 tMohy Diet 7111 Kane Holder stem 10 JLttliefl Hobo Lsupmrnn 10mm 9112 nnun 111111 1200 140a c0 lNcwl oatav tselnt Jun 1210 10001 1100001 sWestern Jambom eYou Ind Y0ur Family Three stoodlres AUTO lilATIC lilalor Jr itllnor Repair Cumplete Car Care TRANSMISSION SERVICE 201 MinetI Pt 11 728159 100 2401 and Track XTennil Lnursl nevlew 1cnmlnn0hln lowlln 11000 About Glddtl 100 240 Basketball eoonortunity Line 11Wertling 300011 EISXIIDIU 1Daunl some 130 set 11 70611113 sGddsboul 100 11110mm Truth Silt an Lilia limo ssrunntv 101mm 11 avaNuro 100 abut all DAlter 11111110 110 Sport Fennel nouns Hutu Glomn tleI Put Di Your Jan cita n1 4G1euon 10110010 tlhe shsrhilzntere madden Gritiiih Movie insertn v10 zGat smut lNIlhnfioehago oMy so as 1LIw1e1ir0 Wall 500 tflaltyne China wtsports 1141an strla 110 0au sum 00 zaesth Valley 700 PPlttv Duh 110 0News yr olilnutones 110011 Hockey 100 Hiovto trettvmt Junction 74011000000011 Lamefwarluanuu 115010 010 1000 Lnisnnlx Hoternltlonll 1010 14101110 Humoresautt i1 zDiwrre Court snnnnle Prudden Haunt stnrn 01 Love Lucy 110 QMrrv Grim simst ltsnrer eTruln or consequences ollnvlr 11111101 cnuarcnl linlllinns Island 100 JMovie Twilltht For The Godll tPeny Mason 71 Lora Lucv iifimn From Uncle 101 Land and Sou 7auusmoka 000 eNswu Weather Sports 111001 itha Monocle ilPterra Berton 010 nHNews wellh Saoru nnkecs lGunmokc sllusie linii saewltrNed Illilovle iSVnanvnt I50 tLuclile 11011 71101 Patrol hFsmtly All 100 lPrnnt Pula Cnallcngl 4Andy Grttrllh Jlie And she llnnevmnnnnrr Svchand llundrea 11Itun For Your Lila Thunder in The V1llti lil lCnunlry Music 1111 010 sCnml Burnatt sAmsrtu 7Pet1on Place 91 51111 1000 21 50v Hnml Burnett 1701 111 Valley IlMerv oritnn 10 1110100 040mm 101 1100 11 Neu Weather sport 1Neu0 IlPlerrl amen 1110 1401mm Canon JDrognet Movia res and Smbllhvl 7Movla 1111 met or Carmen 04eer mas llViaa TUESDAY JANUARY 16 MORNING AND AFTERNOON Edi 1wtuanw 011 1100 World esunnre semester IIIMII News 1010 runan 1100 EPersnualitv iAnoy Grim 1Temalati0n 1Wind0w On The World 110 1110cketshlh 000 OCantlin Kahlua 11Sennltrei House 130 DUniverstLv 01 1100 Air 1110 1Ch011101ene entudsw bGlrflsons Gotill 11Movta ITPI Pumpkin El tr 1100 MOMNI Illil liner tM0vl tnmm 50118 IMovta Mus aMo II tstiaccrely rm imam All 11 Room Mimi TOR ssiwlcs 71°11er Truth 11110 and 100 LA 0110 van ewolxdotuin 11111010 04mm him Teammate 11a HAP 1110 011005 new unny uCIthmu chimes ado lHymn Book dUnclo Jerri0 Club 1noekstuuar 11111101 yumn01 11mm 0111111011 31m 11 Mlm lFm to mow IMovlo tomt Minna 1Cliureh IXIVIMVA titans HUD Prescots Thatlomelito XL ChainSnwa nwv NORTH we sunnhvlsnusnv 1t MORNING AFTERNOON 100 lHerald oe huts WWII HUI IIIIIDKIO 11110nt ire010 SUNDAY murmur Evaumo ms aunts lrum 100 14 9star 791 sores F1101 Talent 11m 400 11001111 04011 lloaor 71101 010m 111001 10 been i231 centre Hun mat1 900 ltllurtuce zPst Boone 1200 1011101 tor 110qu bRornper Room 11100 Allen aab 111onrsr10 schools 4110 11000 ouru 1000 zsno Judgement sCuudtln School Handid Camera acnnnonasu 1111mm Museum N12111 1News sNews 1uewltched 1110 arch romnrrnw 10utrale0u1 Dntninns aFilntstunes 100 610 LMIII Mills lNatws Hamil mdoen GGauet 519m Sporta In 4110110 Constantines 141nm IMovta 1511 on lor Mo uwc Mother alm Patrol lDalrt nlllerv Grillln 144A 10 ZConcontrntton aausmen 4Devrtrly Hillbillies 7Dnun0 Itqu 0411 and 11m in 0Tomnla Today 4chk Van Dyke 1llows Your Moth 0Uncle hobby confluentlsl Llnflonrdy sSuner Heroes 0Tor0nlo Today 1LLiiiie People llPhotp Finish sanr Went znnliynood suuares wasnsv 101011011110 avamm bNewl Westher Its zNawr Weather SHOUIQHJWLIW Sport dMidweltem vJahllsn lGarrtaanlGoniihl Hollywood Palace 11110 and 500 101 Lena mom satr 111 14mm 111100 on 110 Red sselton Hattioolt 11101061011 1le WOILIII 0511 WWWlid illPimheeton oek 11munat 000 gt Iddovla lTh Bonn 110 Tuna This 11 2y 100 JMovls Thank or 1110 cu tluer The Miller 11m ct Match thove 1110 Shadow 111101 Douala 110 tAs The World Tu ms 74an Gems at Our Liv 141 10 Min Spllndared Th 7Netvlywcd Game 230 LDoc10rs 4110use PIN 7Babv Glrnl BPunvle In Conflict liPerry Mason 100 LAnother world 1T11ra 10 410 Tail The Truth 1Gunarll Hospitll 9Maii5Lratea Court 110 11100 1100 511 4121 01 Nixht 7Connnsnaer ioln 9its Your ana liTha Saint 30mm Centre llUndcr Atlclr 0110 160 Morning 101 or £011 01 xi we aka eNaws sped1m 7invaaen Holman itllerv Gratin 1010 39 siletiectlon or 1100 Hilton 011 1110 About 1710111150111 1011110111111 111011111111511101 mam 1010 svnnm on use World Humanedon SFrlerldlu Iant lBeverly IIIIIMIIICI 79000 Reed 100 tit 1WIMUI an 150W imawu 100 Rename Wurst Ellnhm 1Tamrnsttou 11110 It ant 8000 10006 1300 3311 Drell Manor Week 011m unintu 171mm 10001 11 were 8110va eNm yearnr WWI 10 241011 1010333 5951 14100 You Mother siilirilaooo litan Confident than tionevwdi 405m 01 lania Anti in rut lMeet The Millers ZGenernl Howl idi iluNra noun0 at or lt 14101 my L1 or Li emn ii THORNTON Ry MR5 IIOLI More fluorescent street lights have been installed during ill past week on Barrie Stoddart Robert and Henry streets the latte being our new street to the south of Robert Thornton arena opened tor the season when public skating was enjoyed Jan Hockey curling etc will be held cer tain evenings with Wednesdays and Saturdays tor skating When the Museum Archives board of Sim County met to draw up the budget and arrange other matters in the County Building Jan Mrs George Holt attended representing south district Womens nstitute Thornton and community res idents spread some goodwill at the Christmas season by con tributing to iund for Mrs Stan ley Basin and assisting in the payment 01 her taxes Quite number are contined to their homes with in and colds Mrs Laura Wiggins heeton vlslled Miss lrene Barlow re cently The meeting at Thomion Wo mens Institute will be held Jan 111 015 pm at the home at Mrs Lcunard Vsndcrpost Roll call will be Whnt became of lust years New Years resulti tionsi Visitors will be welcome Members are reminded titat al ter lapse of two years Fam ily Night is being held in Thorn ion Orange Hall Jan com mencing with supper and tol lowed by entertainment Thornton iriends olltira How ard Lund RR Co0kstown would like to express sympathy in her and other relatives at this time in the sudden death 01 her husband Jan by Brian and George 17y irarw ier ot membership irom Wood brldge charge at the service 1101y Communion 1011 CROWN HILL DUNSMORE Enjoying the holidays here with their iamiliu were Hugh Dunsmore ot Queens University Kingston with Mr and Mrs Gordon Dugsrnora Miss Kath teen Kenny RegN Toronto at Tom Kennys Miss Ronnie P8 iridge of Lakeshore Teachers College and Jim Partridge oi 0AC Guelph with Mr and Mrs Howard Partridge Mrs AlmaMurray Tavi stock Mr undhirs Allan New son and Mrs Fontara 01 Wet land were Christmas visitors with Mr and Mrs Roy New son with Mr and Mrs George Flower were Mr and Mrs Ed ward Flower and ismily Bar rib and Mr and Mrs Jock Flower and turniiy lslington Mr and Mrs Terry Seuwrlght Galt and Mr and Mrs Leontmi Dunsmore and family Mldhurst were with Mr and lira Duns more Mr and Mrs William Clnrk and tumliy were hosts to tum ily gathering Christmas Day Present were Mr 0nd Mrs D00 McLean and iamily Elmvale Mr and Mrs Don Kerr and family Everett Dr and Mrs William McLean and daugher Kitchener Mr and Mrs Dan ney Alliston Mr and Mrs Jos eph McLean and family Mr and Mrs McLean and Mr and Mrs Allan McLean and family Mr and Mrs William Kenny and son London wcro Christmas guests with Mr and Mrs Gor uld Kenny Trinity United Church welcom ed Mr and Mrs Raymond Malt Mr and Mrs Sutton and Mrs Klmpton were with Mrs 100 ilmgtriiii am en tsuret storm DJ 1477 1017 110 146er again 00 own Truth or consequences 7Rintstonu Lliovie 1501101001 ltF Trnoh $1M JZorro lPerlv 31an 7I Lav Lucy 111100 From Unela iii Go lIillnsmoko HNewl Wu Eats 11 ran er rlst 1Pierrl Burial 110 ZNawl Ltd Window On Th c1111 llLocll News 100 1tll11d0w an The warirl 100 1nocket shin 000 tcuatlln Kangaroo llschnitlell House 33°01 10 nv 10 Air liSchnltzels House 900 zlnt Boon JGood Mornan Cnntact 7Dtlllnx 0r Doll1 shomuer Roanl ltEd Aim 1110 JuliOntario Sch eLoveol Lite DCutoon P10th 1000 zsnea Judgement scuudlun Scuaols tCandin Curlers bCamionhali 100 7Diwma com aannnla Pruriden Liectlt 5101111 have Duty 110 Ranta lflie Hunts Moll 1110 About Time Love III as liMsn From Uncle 000 ewa 00 on west 11 11min moon 010 iNawl Humaneuser Some tmtrwfianmif rN sNsews wellher Doria HNews Weather rt 11 BA 100 1lluel nutr1 ell0 smell world BHlnulonu 11 Thin Sonl 110 ZThn Vlrllhllll eLost in 50m 7Avenlers oinvsderr iiM0u1erlntlaw 100 111Lrslan rmnosriola 1111001 Hillier Squadron 1n0 maturity Hamlin econ urt 011111 Hockey 901 11 Ludtmlhdsilis liMovie The Black Khixhtl 1010 zconrentntlon Jtrtanrllv Giant Ffllyerlty Hillbillies 7Dnnns Reed DMr and 1111 1100 zPersonslily 3111 Dresxun Ftck or the Week 4Anuy Grltitth TTamotation DTorvnto Today 11n0 Zllollywood Soures 1111111 Van Dyke 71100 Your mother tniuw ounele Bobbi 11errtnge Confidential 4News wanna 7Bewltched 111110 People 1110 zlierv Grunts gt absurd For Tnmlorow 1Oulrueou caution 11th Finish 111m eNm Weather Sports 1141a 1310an 100 zmm 111 our 1173 anrla Ln His Arms oFiylne Nun sHonns heroes 151mi Nun 1111 13910de th in 140nm cuson WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 EVENING eGrern Acres 7luvie thuul 110 sreslltls tlte and sin lllllerv Grtrtln 1000 rnun 101 Your 1110 Honathln vinten llMerv Grittin 1010 sbmn Special fisowlll Hot Sen il Nen0 Weather snort llPiern Berton 10 40hnnv Canon IMovl All You Mani East Ply Ftngersiw 9Pcrrv1 Probe UMovi Outside The 111101 Lina 1210 livu wall THURSDAY JANUARY 13 MORNING AND AIIERNOON m0 3Movie Albert RN tlleei The liiilen 7Pemct match Ilrovle 111an st Socorro IlMlka Douglas 110 iAs The woria Tu rm 7Dltirllz Game 100 Lilyr or our Lives tLove llanv Splendor ntlntr INewiywed GImI 210 1Doct0n eHausa Pnrty 1Bnhy Guido LPeonle in conttint 11Pem Mason mo zAnotner World LTake 00 410 Tell The Truth TGEnefll Holnltat SMizlstntal Court 110 Loan amends Tom You have 11 ha saint rnvnsns remnants EVENING 170 out anen litrun 10 IPayton rise 10 2in0 Martin suunlnnyourur 7Onelatinn 1110 sMerv Grilrrn bliam The Man Inside 1110010 rtthk Widow Probe union mushy 10 1110101111111 AFTERNOON eutuert 11000 1500 marrow 011000110 00an IUMGIIMv Air arrnnaly aunt eneverly 1101011115 1Don1u Reed IN MI 1100 1Pqu SPtek JAnda 11311111 II 141 Your 0111 tram got Week iii gt To rent 421100 sullen Leerlecturing bMovie lihe my to um or Aden and an 11min Douglas 011 neworia Richard Aurora Mr and Mrs Evelyn Cough and Marian were guesLs 01 Mr and Mrs Nor man Dowling Ailisto Mr and Mrs Ernest Partridge were with their daughter John in Toronto and Mrs Frank Robinson was with her sister Mrs Storey Barrie Hosting Christmas Day family celebrations were Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair who had 01 guests Mrs Robert Sinclair Sr Mr and Mrs Robert Lackiu nnd lumiiy nl Shanty Bny Mr and Mrs Eldon Atkinson and iamin and Mrs Jumes 1111 and daughter Carol Mr and Mrs Norman Tuck entertained Mr and Mrs Roy Partridge and Clarence Mr and Mrs Maurice Partridge and family and Mr and Mrs llownrd Partridge 0nd inmiiy Mr and Mrs Leonard Edgcrlon new at home to Mr and Mrs Viuinm Edgerton Mr and Mrs Lionel Edgcrton and iamlly at Painswlclt Mr and Mrs Bart Jnnkcr and lamily Barrie and Mr and Mrs liar old Drury land lomlly Womens Insiilulc ill be held at the home at Mrs 11 11an ncdy Jan 10 pm roll cnil 11 satiety rule that applies to the home motto safety is just word unless you practise it comment Mrs Normnn Tuck Study of Manitoba by Mrs Nor ran Thompson hostessts Mrs Dunsmorc Mrs 110111011 CIIURCII NOTES Rev linyncs Dalston con ducted New Years Eve scr vlcc at the United church Mom bars from Dalston lliilsdalc und Vasey congregations intend ed as guests 01 the Crown lltll congregation United Chumh Sunduy School is holding skating pn riy nt Guthrie rink Jan iii zliicr wnrds returning to the Sunday School hall or lunch Annual congregational meeting 0i Crown Hill United Church will be held Jan 17 it p111 lit the Church IVY By MRS VILIIER WILSON large crowd attended the candlelight 0nd carol service Dec 24 In Christ Church 0101 around here enjoyed seeing Rev Vlllinm Hetvton 01 St Ninians Parish Scarborough lormcrly oi ivy on the Why it is program Dec 21 They lirst showed pictures 01 ivy then intenviewed llcwtun 0n lay mens pnrii potion recreation music not in the new 10 proneh Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Ranting Bur rie turmerly oi ivy in the death 01 their son Peter on Dec 22 also 10 his wile sisters nnd bro then interment was In Christ Church Cemetery Congrutulntions to Miss Marie Hoggnrth and Kalam Eynhart who were married D00 30 in the Presbyterian Church Mr and Mrs Len Amnn Rur lington Mr and Mrs Bruce Bourne and Crystal oalrville MI and Mrs Syd Hill Mr and Mrs Don Young Mr and Mrs Glen Young Allandale Miss ludy Young Brampton Mr nnd Mrs Hurry Baker were with Mr and Mrs Thomas Lyons Mr and Mrs Mark Nelson Mr and Mrs Terry Nelson Iim and Joe Pennelion Hocldlzy Mr AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Mr and Mrs Ken Sutherland and Gory with Maude ii son Mr and Mrs Iiuntcr Suthnrfi land and children from Snsknt chewarl were guests 01 Mr and Mrs Robert Parr by residents who were away during the holidays included Mr and Mrs Bert McLean and Mr and Mrs Lynii McLean and Iamiiy with Mr anti Mrs Fred Green Toronto Mr and Mrs Earl Reid and Brian in Parry Sound Mr and Mrs 11 1011 hell with Mrs Phair 2011 Credit Mr and Mrs Fousm lice exchanged Christmas and New Years with Mr and Mrs Watson Maridlam Mr and Mrs Richard Price anti Mr and Mrs Fred Dachcidcr with Tun onto tricnds Mr and Mrs I3 Jcnnett spent week with Mr and Mrs Don Neumnn Tor onin Mr and Mrs John Ham mond and Mr and Mrs Dona Hammond and Patricia were at Mr and Mrs Ariitis Mark ham Mr nnd lrs tl Davis and Donald and Mrs Davis in Aururn with Mr 1an Mrs llcnr Miss Dunnili was at her home in mutant iiiss Honihcr Cunningham ith Guelph friends Mrs Minnie Arnold spent week with Mr and Mrs Kciih Mrinnci Etnhi coke Mr and Mrs ll lennett Mr nnd Mrs Elwood Iunncitlt and Jack Banting aiicnrletltha funeral oi Frank llill in Toronto Jan AYPA executive is president llcnthcr Cunningham vicuprcsl dent Mike tilson secretary Linda Spears treasurer thod Price Social contcners Dan MCMaster Karon Marshall Lynn Davis Judy Wilson WAVERLEY By MRS II DRINKILL Mrs Vlulct Wood spent Christ4 mas week with her daughter and soninlnw Mr and Mrs E011 Louder Edgar Mrs Clnrkl French has retumw cd from Pcnetang General 1le pitul Mr and Mrs Cameron Strath Scarborough spent Christina and New Years with Mr and Mrs Morris Darby MrsAilan Drinkill and Doug as attended the wedding at nephew in St Catharincs Mr and Mrs Elmer Frenchw and Patsy spent few days ill Ottawa with Dr and Mrs Wan ran French Visitors with Mr and Mrs R0 Drinklli were Mr and Mrs M01 ley French and Patsy Mr and Mrs Howard Cotvie and ialnliy Brantiord Mr and Mrs Gra ham Drinkili and Donald at Downsviaw Mr and Mrs Eldon Reynolds and Iamily and Mrs Clarita French visited at Thumbury with Mr and Mrs Dove Srvnnso Mr and Mrs George Rooth we re with relatives at Namnitrite over the holiday Visitors with Mr and Mun John Miller were Mrs Alma Wood Midland Mr and Mr Nelson Edwards Vasey and their families of Vasey and Wasagafit Reach Mr and Mrs Lloyd Find lay and sons Whlowdale visitors with Mr and Mrs Artm Reynolds Mr and Mrs Chester Townes Drillin visited her railroad er Thomas Robson and Mrs 13011 Hirons Scarburr ough were with Mrs 11200 1lira OIIS Mr and Mrs Murray McVan 01 Miss Marion McVanel Tor onto hit and Mrs Keith Mc Vanel Etohiculre and Mrs Garnet Campbell and Heather Barrie Mr and Mrs Tipping were with Bruce McVnuel Mr and Mrs Art Carlson Tollendai and Mrs Thys Schhly and Bi ey SlruudkMr and Mr Cu is Gen Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Ranting were with Banting and Mr and Mrs Clove Patton nndMin Jnhn Watson Toronto Mr and Mrs Howard Major Penetang Mr and Mrs i111 McDelmott and sonStroud were with Mr and Mrs Jim Mc Dermot and Mrs Major Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson home were at Mrand Mrs Wilmer Wilsons Stt Sgt D0rr Cunningham and Wayne and friend Angus Miss Ella Mc 100011 Barrie with Mr Nld Mrs Elwood Jennei Mr and Mrs Keast an Rradley Barrie Miss Barbara Goudw Toronto Erank and Whitney Goodwin wither autier Ernest Good ev Mr an rs Robertson visited rlriends in Toronto Miss Beverley Robertson and an spentChristmaaat tha rectory Misaesmfielentsrntith land Mata lynG span 2w aysw Rev and Mrs WHewton Scar borough Miss Put Benton visit ed Lynn Davis three Mllna Wilson attended an AYP onierence at Boltonior Byl and Mrs Rogerlzourgeois and family Ottawa were guests 01 Mr and Mrs Rart McLean Mrs Estella Conwarth Danie apent is ideal With Mr and Mrs 11 Jennett TheAYPA dance in the Orange Hull Dec imwas mess Mr and Mrs William Parr Milton Mr and Mrs Sam Parr Toronto and Mr and Mrs Torn statham and lamily 0111110 with Mr and Mrs RohertParr 1010 0100111 Om HIM Com flanam any lowers 0100101 around bars are sick with had colds and tin Brongh and ltdllmtll MI 100 101mm 11mm Mn Arlltt and idmlly Markham spent Christ ma withhMr and Mrs John Hammond liiatidaa visitors iron Toronto with Ivytrims warez Min Davis 11111101112 with outrun 13011110100 1mm nllh Minimalist Wilt Shedtit NORTHWAY RUG co LTD Formerly Universal Rug THE 0111010 SPECIALIST in WALLTOWALL aRoAnLooM 0560111101011 son vaua CONVENIENCE LARGES ocK or REMNANTS

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