REAL ESTATE EMORY ills REALTOR 61 Dunlop St West SEEIIG VIEW OF THE DAY Stony stone home on uell landscaped lot extra large halt to spacious livingroem with stone tireplaee separate dining rum and iarriily srze kitchen with dining area rs it good size bedrooms and bathXVaennt and must be sold the key For lull detais and shorting call Rita Scandreti rr 7334866 45 52 11 ihes Mantoa 7236503 50 ACRE miles south o1 Barrie all seeded in hay and pasture Studied oil good road Call itarity Weber 4353815 NEAR THE LAKE bedroom baek split with panelled living room and fireplace boat ing and bathing privileges reduced irom 517200 Now altered at 315900 anti 11th be sold this month For appointment call Ken Miller 1364314 EXECUTIVE PROPERTY Centrally locattd on good lot large befroom home with modern bathroom and kitchen lull basement hot water oil treated 1n immaculate condition Priced to sell For particulars call Gord Spencer WESit 729583 7234865 WITgt508 72849341 72858 Emory Miller Robert Fleiielling Rita Sesndrett Peter Manton Percy tord Gordon Spcnccr SHELSWELL and WILLSON 115 REAL ESTATE 119 Diinlop St East IT COULD BE YOURS 1F YOU HURRY Immediate possession three heirocrn bungalow east end close to schools and shopping one Mortgage balance Call Mrs Brown miziï¬a No loo67 LOVELY MODERN BUNGALOW on iielltreed lot walking dis tance to downtown Three large bedrooms two Itrtploms modern kitehen iIIIi Lillllisiii stove Custom built home with many extras Call Mrs Atkinson 7399796 No rim liruwn Deed Atkinson 50 Keith steamer ROGERS Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST lit the Five Points FINE OLDER HOME ON 153 VIDE LOT DUNLOP AND $211900 Close enough to main shopping aroa to be quite conven ient this beautiiul and very spaciousvistorey brick home is set back on lovely wide towns with many shade trees with 11 rooms in all it features huge separate dining room lovely ornate tilte piaces and washroom on ground tloor Gracious vestibule wtth wide staircase and Bilit trontagc on Ktmpenielt Drive right on the hay Very well built it has divided lot and new iirsteluss forced air heating system For Iull parti culars call us NOWi Photo MIS EVENINGS CALL Conuell 7851765 Rogers 7mm CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 7282119 93 Dunlap St st and 2nd mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lst and 2nd mortgages iiiABlzr MARSHALL moons MARGUERITE MOORE 7234756 OhmA ziirlAilA 7135177 JANE YOUNG mtlll UMNS mut Ailisittn 4157514 12mm GUEDEIS atoms AND CO OWEN ST 7284485 MDRTGAG IIIONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor EVENIIIGS GORDON it com 7287175 sANpY corrirs 713413 Warren cows 1232311 BUYING on sELhrNG Ion Sea hurry iiilllnr Real Entath 51 nun inp st iv violent ran CENT MORTGAGE new homes on Themsil street or late Immediate el mamas WasLsson volume TWO liiaoltocm Kmlsu with storm at Minets Point wait to wall Dmitri loom piece brimgoon well iuli price $79m Large down payment roouimd mmo liter not PRIVATE SALE Attractive brick home with down mlrs parimsui rerturinn lame ionpayed drive tireploee and pans IVEuon llvineroom 11 ltleirose Av enue or telephone mouse Tantalum SALE REQUIRED bedroom brick nicely linlslied retrothin room rinse in vliooplnrt mammrnnhcttymmlt no tolllwr Tun nrientli risotto Grelsbadl heal Estate moon LOTS FOR SALE TEN Amps ueer hear Bantu slope Box Ass nurrin ixumiuer DACRBS on Hidiwoy tii miles on He Industrial expansion ltlnht tor dodlvldinn beautlrui trout stream on property spit it irvnl age on 27 Hwy Small down our easy terns Telephone Tas PROPERTY WANTED WANTED income properly art soilconï¬ned tutti organ men or no an buyei WIlie iinx MB Burl miner pus OPPORTUNITIES omvrco STATION with restaurant Ind excellent iivinrr uuartm ideal locntion on rnutn itiilhwly Please suit Teri iarirneii Representing tigums represent the return on your saving you may be working hard but your capital is net income property is rapidly becoming one the most popular and ï¬nancially rewarding taeets oi the investment tit1d Relatively small amounts otten provide an excellent return oier short periods Complete interruption regard ing iniestment opportunities In this area is available through Peter PROPERTY FOR SALE MILLER MORTGAGï¬ ARRANGED 132158 AND 77 7268605 4361314 4363815 4495105 44961 11 Emerson Swain Kenneth Miller iiprvoy Weber Marg Whiteï¬eld Les Lovegroie 7260353 MORTGAGE BROKER 7264422 or 715M211 13107 llarruct anbu Norn Trim Gladt sincinlr it Willson CONNELL Phone 7235568 KEMPENFELT basement with access to rear at No 3211 Fred Eplell 7289793 Mrs Norine Rogers 82 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOMES FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 or VALUATIONS It You Need Money Tn conloiidhil dchb Pny on exbtlnl mortalm our mortgage coining dun lllulzio tmpruvomcntn olipy worthwbllp Cause Write or Phone 725ml Mortgage Funding our SimpsonSears 129 DUNLOP ST Number 011qu Mortals Bruircn Association WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest Up to 807 of your pro perty value Low monthly pay meats up to fifteen years to repay For any mortgage pro blems see COREY Real Estate 93 DuniopVSt nil2419 To You owN momEst Road cash Ivlillhlo in purchase home we win even rind you money on your mongpue mun lilolilllo Funding 72mm MORTGAGES WANTED 3135011 FIRST izxollitagl wlnieii on flood residential propertv iriBdnie excellent security Teienimrle 17 Canton heultnr 7266481 after 530 pna 7266161 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobilglslomes General Glendale Travelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up Years 17o BURTON ave Tzoseos ha INSURANCE De moxmgghsler orget DISURANCE and it will needmeixtrn coverageo any see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST mum RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT Two EToitEY unSobcdro home tor pent oil iumnce°flgil arcirmcn transistutr mom or homo available at BARRIE EXAMINER you would have re oi oily vultures take by our stollvpbotographers pIeNEehil at our Redness Oti teo Wo tire lorry we and acculturation 24o Dunlap Stun nit Malt 31M monthly 11 mu amnion npo mm tor rnr nAnon wintry ru Barrio on ninnunv $31de lentrlvntherormï¬ldi Mall 555 location immedlat cloaks BWXET We ROOM AND BOARD Mi AND all Ladle MineUPolnt 111 gangaorï¬ hurts ignored inns All ureter minuns 300 AND BOARD In lawn Wlnncnmfll gnu sownWas NURSING HOMES VA 1110 mom hnlil liufll ouot lupin $31511me panic risk or IJurie Bavarsiocit my ililllllog Ilet lino it tuning RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT Lxitlmsllw upper duniu liv In mm kitrhrn bedroom and Dam Hell uni Putin close to can Aul nhle now eouoie unit it Clmobeii tvcnuc reams LAirnt unfurnished Hound mm npmrnenr in nriuin central inn litin room dining rm tuo hrei rooms piece bun tormentre poly lemon Telephone redits llrililA tsunami onmmrnt in utmost new build Ill mum rm chill and flame Apniy nmrtmcnt ilhr iniiou Anmmrnts as Dimr on LARGE modern prints central rrpund Iioor bedronm alumni $95 monthly hell Ind urtcr ingt ciudrd No rhiinrrn Antihie reamn Apply 10 out Stmt SELFC TA Eu nnrurn irhed spuimnnt Suitable tor couple uitb on chud Aulinbic npu mm MODERN Rifcanlllnm bedroom apartment newly decorated 11o monthly nduils prclerrcd corner or can it and tiny 11 nt lhititb stone Telephone are code 566a ssst collect GNP nltnitomi nputment all oil rid relrlccrutor rut Inarnrdtotelv ulilrr llnpl brute lnwAu upcrunzn unrumisip cd heated Iplflment painting lulu room kitchrn uith all and erilrrltol 7le bath laundry room with coin nrtircr nn liner AVAILbis lcbmarv Triernon use or zoom Apply 31 Day ne st om pmneorr Inllilnent or rent rim and lfllllalor included Ilrklnx Milli IS AdultI only Llii Zia95$ mninrr lor runner nsr licularu rultNisitlzo room heated spurt ruent Adult only so per month psrkinp facilitiel Telephone 71 mos ROOMS TO LET nEnslnlNG moms tor an part ly lurnirhed Ltuuncu iltrl pricier nd Telephone 7251111 ROD ilTIl twin beds nn turnt turt one block rrom downionn Girl only Lincn supplied TtIQA phone 72368 FURNISHED btdsfttlril main or Not centrntiv located on Elich warklnl so utokiy Telephone iirs Morrison Topsoil itnmt tvltibihln liltinch ultable rpr round Reliile nen runniicd tins stop at dour convenient to snack bar st rrncunn Street or trirpnons Tao ioso CLEAN honit tor rent in private home or business cirl close to pun Tclcpirunu 716531 uticr 510 nnr STORES FOR RENT OFFICE AREA or rent it Essa rcpIr busililsr cte rent sea Der month Tclepnune nilbill ltnnd rultnbic tor atqruu small ARTS FOR SALE CANADIAN WILD BIRD SEED 50 1b bags $650 25 lb bags 359 10 11 bags 149 lb bags 65 CHOICE SUNFLOWER SEEDS 50 lb bags $1070 25 1b bagsy 615 lb bags 159 1b bags 69 SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP SERVICES 259 Innisiil From ivompns point of view KITCHEN AID Dishwashers by Hobart are the greatest in time and temper savers See the tub line at ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house oi tine bmadlooin DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prices 61 Collier Phone fltrilil IMPORT CANADIAN GETS For those who have everything FINDLAYS GIFT SHOPPE Clapperlon St COSTUME JEWELLER REPAIRL FISH or rent her man ALTER dash cams WASHING ltmcnmn Baoflkvél site 111 rgnuflgilrui Tait nesn rphone tumor automatic pump timer Ind lint Iran General Electrin Nearly new Telephone 1185239 WEDDING rLiNG EST or sale stzs valued at slop iviu not can separately Also black diamond rinrt valued at 536 nest on ads coptcd ivrito tarcult It so or IBM street Admits liter Win NEWSPAPER MATS are 22 Men or Linile chicken coups ntt parapet etc perfect lnmlltor Only ll 1ch1 Milly Barri hammer leIENS SKI BM Ex but II pants spotin mi Coiiiir at Us FORCED MI up in good condiugmregrnrdfi ï¬ler ltMEIIILII tnieobm hm 11411011591115 edule or are dryers and chairs shampoo sink Reï¬t °érrri new mmmm we Bun DOG Show The not on zoo Teuva mason Slim uI7Nlor reinitialize double irureled good condition Also Poimid Swlnher Camera months old floTeltnlaflnl Tia 51m FOB IALB it 11 or to Mi Huuu ltyr SIh etc Available it taurip malt bum Milne Lflmgfllnlfl Ill occasions mmim tmwrkntr ii ne on corn piuun inelndn it cplnu in tumor dotIll Ewi 1k cardboard Bxmolt Bernard lloysr RRZ lioonstonn ï¬lm 7232431 ARTS FOR SALE ennuiER Special unui rar students Itsntri nailed on purehm Machines neural told noted reputed mo enlqu stir Tiypevmlrr Co tat Dunlap at West moss FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES spies Coanths Mace Dtiir tpiiL Free delivery in barrio on nusnri or morn mom Ii suntprd ARTICLES WANTED cAsil ma oldgtnnloprd items cloth ktu coins rum boob lumps Annnnr Cultr mm WANTED lirniiure stoves At nuances bistros Antiques Roth Snood lltnd shop 56 CAMPING rltAtLEli mum to buy lllist be Rmnlhie And in good condition Luci enough to Iteom module mi Au Earth mm II on CONST MACHINERY UNIVERSAL no senior Gravel crushlrtrt Plant with all Diesel ï¬le your unit Excellent condition 750007 umntrutn rim Lid aiot Howard Windsor out Phone coo11w ARTICLES FOR RENT CALL 7230580 you need itWo have it MARTIN Rental Centre 437 Dunlop st iv visit Inns lor rtcnt Propane limitd Apply sp shtntv luv Road or Call 711nm FARMEBiMRKT DIIAD STOCK Dead or crippled eoltie and horses Smull animals removed tree For fast service PHONE BARRIE 7286200 Collect orter NICKS DEAD STOC ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours only days melt RR Foxmead Ontario License No 298064 Niel Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY ntt CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Realty I79 BURTON AVE mm CASII TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delavai Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Putm Equipment Supplies Barne Holly Hwy 27 72541338 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE mlSTEIN HEIFERS tor sale In trcshcn immediately and in about two weeks Toirpnunn lliihes 11m Strand 03mm or Aldous 16 noon WEANER via weeks fétlij itcll ttnrtcd TnleItllelio Al 11 null or Holstein lichen rnr sale tildll to bmn Telephone 72o nEGisTEREn Yorkshire pom and and niltr ror salu serviceable use Alinesing Telephone mullet rs PIGS tor site it weeks old For further Information Telephone 725 1111 Hmvale YORKSHIRE boon or sale with pipers in months it plus weeks soivs one eitrl call one bull call one eoit month to chickens on duck linked FEED SEED 8r GRAIN loop llALBS of not Telephone azaleas HAY JWMBalesb allE Ray 533 bales to uh on use Borden 12min 2000 EALES 0F Rood tiny tor pale oisn 15m bath or wheat and out straw For rurther intermutton telephone moist tsp nounrrn lJALrAor whcnt pinyv ror sale Contact James Pen Base harden Telephone ml HAY FOR SALE slmcoe Form iiumiromtnt InII 45o straw ror tale AUTOMOTIVE sNOWMesILEs VMcCULLOCH SNOWMOBILES 155 up Lino Engine Ciearancé Saler REG $895 NOW $69995 SNOWMOBILE SUITS Regular from moo to $2995 Now $1540 tor$2095 WhileTIIey Lost SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP SERVICES 259 that motor ZISNOWMOBILES TOC1EAR $695 Nothlngdown and as low he $3895 per month til you quality 0ndisplayat HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALCONABEACH Telephone 4361770 THE LIVELYONE Bombar ler Skidtzo VSflquServlep nativitme 6AUTOMOTIVE You Havent Seen Them All Till You Visit The TRAIL SNOWMOBILE DEALER NEW YEAR SPECIAL For it Very 19 HP TRAIL BLAZER SNOWMOBILE SNOWMOBILE COVER SNOWMOBILE CUTTER SNOWMOBILE TRAILER From powuntii January 15 we will sell this package at an unbelievable low price See its to be assured FREE RIDE WEEKEND SPECIAL CUTTERS Normally priced $8050 TAX INCLUDED KNOTTY PINE North OI Detour 7287306 SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Service Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart $2211 you want the best See the CADDY of item all SKIDADDLER ill IIANDY PRO HARDWARE Aleppo Bosch MOTOSKI Sales and Service UNIROYAL CENTRES IIO Brndlord St 7285965 See the LitmklilABLO ROUGE and TRAIL BLAZER Now on display at ALCONA TAXI No 11 Highway South 01 Strand stoma 1961 oitc sNowchlilaEh plus can vu cor Model 1579 It iru top coliditlo Telephone Home liter 1966 iltlouct or llle iti no or titannu HP simian hIllIe rinr Telephone melon SKLDOD hittan It Wintenmp Acres open until 11 pm Clli iiiil Gninnns TRIM nllithl skldoo this week Ask your dealer tar hll tAC Purehaae plan TRUCKS FOR SALE PICKUP TRUCK OWNERS TAILGATE LOADING RAMPS To tit iiil makes $13995 on display at HANDY PRO HARDWARE ALCONA BEACH Telephone 4361770 lost 170111 If ionptckhp truck tor salt lonz box Telephone 7234551 FARMERS MRKT Full price $575 SNOWMOBILES BLAZER Special Deal of immediate delivery BRING THE FAMILY $12950 on pole at HWY 27 NORTH at lilidhursi CAR ACCESSORIES COOKSTOWN AUTO WRECKERS CHEV VB motors 183 CliEV ti motors 161 235 1111 FORD VB motors 332 3512 FORD motors All types at transmissions and diiierentioh Standard or Automatic good selection or body parts Open am to pm DAYS WEEK DELIVERY SERVICE Phone onswereri untillo pm COOKSIYJWN $9024 CAR WASH WAY Automatic minutes Driver stays in car Open days week BP STATION 15ft Bradiprd St AUTO REPAIRS SPECIALIZING SPORTmS CAR TUNING and small car repairs Redllne Import 16 itlary St 7261101 YOUR FRANCHISFD DAISUN DEALER MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 171 Dunlop St 7263241 Copy tor Want Ad Section accepted until pro Paohnmairi xerinr Pidd AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE VIAU RAMBLER l7 Gowao St mi cnnlLLAc tuiiy prymp one owner AI ran ho 193 Cadillac in ii ARIMI her um um spiced Ai shape rimnone motel ms itArutrchiuh tutornsti excellent condition xzoto or Dbl er Trierhone new lny time last COMET or uir Al condition throughout rcn and white pith red ht uhiie lllhl in it Ctutnni rndio tam original miles lost tei curv Coth moloi drirn by troy drticr as smart car Price uto PIS1931 1m PLYMOUTH or sale itrndsrd radio snort tires one owner Under numnty excciient condb Holt 1450 or nemst otter 72855 beiuun Ll Ind U0 Dm isio VOLKSWAGEN hood runhlnx ronditlnn Anon rirrr him Extra lurmucr rim on Him 330 Also to hnicrcury outboard motor in ciudinn oulrlisliter controls excel lent condition use itstoio 1966 enEvELLz door rlundrd Ixtllllnt ronuillpn isoto mllt hilanee ol now ear unmntv all this Telephone motto alter ti pm PERSONALS PERM SPECIAL $599 AND UP alsovTintihgsdm MARIES HAIRDRESSING 27 MAPLE AVE 723271it our IASIIIONED turn and retro rides lizid trill ls1m mn rigs lviiY FlGiIA Tart Entry It with an old iastrinncd rttiph ride Phone mom ovenluus drlriliiia help phon my unit 12mm Tlooslt no Yo rllrVVK p311 n1 proli iem vi wur home Imarv tiliirr lieli Estate 7211 not CONVEREATIONAL French Lady would iiRt uitoiiM in conversation rrl French Telephone 72134195 liter prn WEDDING invitatinns matcher unlcitu Telephone hoydcn John son 715150 Convcnicnt home tcrvlcn tor lelrurniv Eclectian or paper and type sivler unliunir rtiN AT llliitoo llAv iso ms at hills and uoodpd trails sillinbla Inr Snowmobiles miles souih or litrnwrv so on the tilt Concession ni mu call 4114406 or rates and lntormation WOMANS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School thorough training in all irrati ches or beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 VORSLEY ST LOST ET FOUND POLLED HEREFORD STEEit about 700 lbs strayed from Matt woods Firm Atrrus Inputn week ago Pillsu tcitphpnn masts WANT AD SAVE YOU MONEY 7282414 VIE3962 Start Replacement lyCalve pfmnds of your milk Compare the cost of 250 withronesbag of SHURGAIN milkltRepiacer fair see 110W you can savewith SHUEGAIN One po nti bagof SHOEGAIN Milit eer will epiaee 250 pounds of whole milk and will feed trait to live Weeks CalfScoilrs are controlled witirtire special medl cattonin satincant Milk Replacer Forliealihyfstroug Replacement Calves be sure to feEd satindam Milk BRADFORD BRADFORD FEED MILL Dennis piaizrvsssu mammo roomy Replaeer sARiziE CUMMINGSFEEDMEIL out dinner COOKSTOIVN amount ma wnsoNf DIaI 435272 2412 VastmSt out rootlets TITE HARRIS AMBERu FRIDAY JANUARY 12 I968 IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Route Salesman Position or nilin on established route Group insurance pension plan available Must be man ried Age It 35 with Grade in cducallon Apply to Mr Brotm SUNSHINE UNIFORM SUPPLY COMPANY 148 John Street YOUNG MAN wanted or umndink wood lndun try Applicant must tu rbic lo uori on his oun inlrnthc md ulna nrinu set up 10b Sultry accord lm to experience Good once toi rdvrnccnrrnt Telephone 76888 FEMALE HELP NEW IN 68 Make this year EARN 1TII AVON year In those longed tor extras tor home and tamily Write MRS TONI SMOLUIlt Box 4125 BARRIE or phone mom KLi morn ladlet lull or pm me luticr lerritnritx in Barrie zioom MIDI MA Lady Nuulnd Two is um per Apply 13 Writing loll iViSi Barrie Goon COOK lnr 11d Icntllea ilome in rich div tidy urnk ryrry olhlr Sunday orr iirr ii Archer its nsyiirin Harriet GENERAL KITCHEN lirlp reunier for sin itcmrt eleso to linrrie day iflk TC no TZBQJIIJor runner interruption Goon Kitchen Help Wanted to each day day ucrk everv other weekend on Anniv it Ainhu Iiaytlrirt st iisrro rtEOtsTithEn Nmisr rrauircdtor Slum llnnor nmton Onurio Litc in or out Apply in Dr McKeliEY Superintendent 7292581 ttchinriu linusukccpcr wanted to lamiiv nono cinun mndcrn hmno tor lbe rlitht person Would winter ninnis dirt or woman own room nrovIde with television find all conveniences Telephone 12111041 nt tcr phi ask tor Mrs iionpn SALES HELP AGENTS EALEsitAN wanted for retail Mcnl Wear nnu at to 45 riv week lull company henetiis Salary to exptrlelicc rinpiy ilnsivnp pan riu or lildinnd stprcr 10 ivoitK out or liarrie Advert trig sneelultv and calendar rnnn Full or out lime Airo no bars ricr better than average commis slï¬tg Contlct Hayden Jnhnscn ISO 514000 PLUS REGULAR cash born in or man Over It in Dorrie Take short nutn tr1ps to can act customers Air mail it Dicker non Southwestern Petroleum corp Fort Worth Texas Total EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG 11m 21 Grade 11 Mllfl tion years oiilee experience rs out ru employment heicmpces Telephone 4241571 pun Borden EXPERIENCED bookkecper an int set or books to trial balance and balance sheet part timo will pick up and dellvzr liox Ads AegistILLE Bamo Examiner INCOME TAX RETURN SERVICE Basic herd applications BI KIDD Accounting Service 269 DUNLOP 7268231 EQUIPMENT HARVESTER DEALER DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men are choosing Deykalb Pulléis Started readythirty aild idAyoid chicks For service or help on your poultry problems call CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD Silicon 43611111