Offence Is As Pipers Defeated BELLEVILLE Goalinder Jim Couch deserved much bct ter late last night as Barrio Fly era went down to their fourth straight 011A Senior defeat Bellevflle MoHauks tripped the slump and climb back out of the league cellar before 697 home but Couch the former Oshawa General had spectacular but frustrating night as he was shell ed with is tough Beilaviils xholn Barrie club to to end along DISTRICT SPORTS County Honors Boxing Champion By BILL CURRAN Now RECOVERINGV from hernia operation which he underwent at Thornhilliust three weeks ago Walter Henry Suyearoid Canadian bantani weight boxing champion plans on goinginto training shortly to defend golden gloves title for New York State at Buffalo in February The softspoken 112pound salesman who was one of three Simcoe County athletes honored at Warden George MacKays banquet earlier in the week is boxing veteran who has been around He has held the Canadian title either flyweight or bantam off and on for seven years Today he holds both titles One of his most ardent admirers is his brother Jerry 28 who is an instructor With the Reynolds Health Studio here in Barrie Another is his father Hugh retired British army soldier who served With the Royal Ulster Rifles in Burma India Australia and other remote parts of the world in times of trouble Henry was born at Hong Kong where his father also served REEVE OF ELMVALE Alex McAuley presented Henry with the newest Simcoe County history book The Visible Past along With two other notable county athletes Brian Turnbull of Orilha winner at the PanAmerican games at Winnipeg last August and distance walker Felix Capella of Midland gatherin of about 300 gave the at letes standing ovation an they were congratulated Arthur Evans MPP Gordon Smith liiPP the war on and others As the chairman Kenneth Gillespie remarked the tin usual modesty of the trio ma noteworthy 1m pression One of family of 11 Henry boxed in Ireland before coming to Canada decade He received his first Canadian training at the amebndge Ath letic Club The manager Jack Duncan was so no ressed he took the lad to Toronto where his fast ootwork and courage led others to lake enough in terest to teach him more of the fundamentals ct championship bnxln The rest of the enry story and how he first won the Canadian flyweight elimination and ultimately thetitle isrwcllknown to mostaln tans He also has won the New York state flyweight tle in the gold en gloves tournament at Buffalo and this title he is going to resume training to defend in February brother Terry 21 won the noviceclass at the Buffalo tournament two years ago BARRIE PEOPLE who recall the Mr Barrie com petition of last summer perhaps will remember an other brother Phillip 19 winner of the junior class km 26 is instructin body building and weight lifting at the Reynolds studio and if the Henryboys are examples of what might be expected th classes should be well worthwhile in any event pl sure for this column to add congratulations tothe Henrys Turnbull and Capella worthy athletes all VIN THE GEORGlAN Bay Junior hockey league Barrie ACs will attempt to resume winning ways again when they invadeParrySound tomorrowafter that it to sheilacking from the Huntsville Merchants here on Thursday night After tomorrow the A05 visit Cpllingwood Tuesday night while the Shipbuilders Will be at the Barrie arena Thursday night for game starting at 830 WAS VERY MUCH interested in réading about iJake Gaudaur in your column last Saturday said Dr times Curran 90yearoldtimer now in hospital He recalled watching the elder Gaudaur father of lake Gaudaur president of Ha Tiger Cats at sculling practice on Lake Couchiching and Simone many times in his youth Gaudaur was one of the few Simcoe County natives to ever win worlds championship having been sculling champion from 1896 to 1901 About the same time Dr Curran Was champion canoeist Itwas an era when competitive water sports were their height of popularitylprobablybecause it was before the age of cars Canoe and sculling races were regular events at both Barrie and Orillia as well as elsewhere around the lakes he said re cigating in noe raceson vpaddlersto canoe theSimcoe gt County team defeated the challengers from Univers ity of Toronto both timesln these match races aruavinens CONSIDERED major events and the shore and wharves of Kempenfelt Bay were crowd ed Wlih spectatorsthe onetime paddling expert re called Lake passenger boats in he bay also were and he wasaniong the spectators Whil ddifls much the same except for more fille the shore has been greatly ch The Allandale station wasin the me ace and there were tracks alongthe shot but the buildings be said discussingtheyold wooden boat theshore Themld on replaced andnume improvements the greatest of which un ls Bames new centennial park Water SAlLlNG enthusiast barman haidhe was glad to see the Barrie Yacht Club thriving and re considerable current interest iii boatinginthls Meutionoirthisserved as reminde of the Tho Klicbmer native even follow ed in tho footsteps of Mals Johnny Bower at he chased rcl ace Cord Fevequ all the way to centge fee loudly protesting goaleariy in thesecond period llyer capLï¬n Ray Gariepy kept the upset Flier goalie from so coating Fevcreau and unlike Bower got away without pen alty However the goal was all lowed to stand ODD CALL The play in question was amazing to any the lust From the press box vantage point Couch rat on the puck during big scramble and the whistle wax distinctly heard Former King rton star Davey Jones rammed the loose puck into the net after the play was appalently dead and the score was mitled This very qucs onahle tally started Mollawks off to 30 advantage At 1048 former pro Hec Lalonda rifled backhand or past Couch from 10 feet off faccolf passout Less than two minutes later at 1214 Boh Thy ior former Barrio Junior Flyer fired high one into the net from close quarters after pretty stlckbandling job by John Shaker Baker Flycrs then responded by cut ting the gap down to one in quick succession Honlo Forbes bmire Holmes shutout at 1323 The Barrio dolencemau pounced on short rebound in close all Ron Vcrmctlca dim drive Jus 38 seconds later Jon Weeks dug the puck out of scramble for his ninth oi the year Rtght winger George Godsou made the score 44 in Bellevilles favor with spectacular indi vidual effort at ol the fin ale He surged passed fallen Forbes and out sharply in front ofthocreasotodekeCouchout of position The goal which tum ed out to be the winner came while the host club was short handed Corby Adams raised his sea son goal collcction to 16 at 157 on thesamn power play after forcing his way through the Mo Hnwk defence The game verycaslly could have mounted into double fig ures Coachs best performance of the season prevented Mo Hawks from grabbing fat first period lead Couch was like iHoratlo at the Bridge or Bcllc ville held to shooting edge after only six minutes Flyers failed to pick up two paints mainly on their inept of fence as they missed many op SENIOR STllX Kingston Gait Collwood Toronto Guelph Barrio Oakvillo Woodstk Bclleville Orilha GEEogomqsvm endpgmeund adg£383331 ssaeaggsengt saxasswnssfl lleiulis Friday Woodstock Guelph Barrie Belleviile Gait Colliugwood Games Tonight Colilngwood at Kingston Orillia at Toronto Games Sunday Barrie at oakville BOWLING moonshine Tuesday Afternoon wing single Acker no Triple Andrei soc High Average Gertie Dickey Team Standings summers 7o Trillium 51 Violets oi goosles so Petunlas35 Orchids mm ltllx Mens High Singles Jack Symes 218 154 Dennis Ge vais an illoger Woodard Ron Leblanc 187 Be 184 Ml Beatty Marie Rowe 110 Irene Donaghy 168 Mary Wake 166 Lorraine Milbnrn 155 Jeanne Marten 188 Mens High Triples 645 Frank Fully am ate ts safety hind InstalledSafety tTyrol Boot Straps Sir Band Press Poles Comp etc Rollin 1y over $100 ury when suggested in trophies and med aspan at near thtc portuoitles Both teams failed to score on number oi breaks wayl Fiyera Will try to end their slump and hold on to sixth place tomorrow night The are sched uled to visit Oak Oak It PAIR OF SURPRISES OaqundStuns Bruins AsLA KingsBlanked onion smug median Pm staff Writer The National Hockey league turned into bookmakerr gale to more than no minutes this season hay Cullen scored two goals for Minnesota in the third pe riod including one into on open littleahockc It was twowaybattie pm no PUNCH BarrioGoal Couch Defence Garicpy Hicks Robertson Fort ea Forwards Adams Weeks Vermette Stilt Knowles Fa guson Jacks Gibson Nicholl sben Kosowau Bedevthom Holmes Dc fcnoc Body Mardoen Taylor Mariocau Forwards Menard CberevotyGodcoo Gould Jon eS Baker Brown Maude Smrke Plane Referee Gard Fevereau of Toronto Lincsmen Al Brewer and Al Miller both of Trenton First Period No Scoring Penalties Adams int 043 Couch hold poem158 ltlarchen hook 856 Ferguson slash and Gould hold 1207 Gould hold 1517 Second Period Belleviilc Jones 1122 Belleville Lelande Jones Brown 1048 Belioviile Thyior Baker 1210 Barrie Forbm Vermeitc Adams 13211 Barrie Weeks Adams Forbes 10 Penalties Hicks ttnp 120 Hicks and Piano hiestick rough 335 Hicks trip 1522 Third Period Belleville Godson 11M Barrie Adams 157 Penalties Mnrchen trip 015 Weeks and Holmes 105 Ferguson slash and Piano fight l7zll Shots 0n Goal By Barrio is ofza By Belleville 15 15 535 Jenkins JIM COUCH Greot50pl Kings Advance To 2nd Share Frida night was good night to be aying on home ice in the Ontario Hockey Association Sen ior loop llome teams won all three games in league action Colllngwood Kings beat Gull Hornets 74 and moved into lie for scoondplace with the Hor nets Both have 21 points three behind Kingston in other action Guelph Re gals beat Woodstock Alcans To and Belleville liollawks won their first game in seven starts by edging Barrio Flyers 44 In the Guelph game Terry 01 iver contributed three goals or the winners with other Guelph goals from Rick lilcClOCHln Larry Jones Bob Erie and George Montague Woodstock had two goals from Jack Noirn and singles goals by Art Sullivan Bob Robinson and Dan Mahonv Joe Hamley led the attack for Collingwoixi with livo gosh against Gait Single goals ware scorcd by John Luiuloy Hec Br in Clerc Alexander Dave Filter and Gary Collins lor the losersuPete Brennan had two and Joe Hogan and Bill Hway one each Pleased With Honors PitCE EYE ssSpBrie or Fergio Jenkins down there in Chicago is shockedbut pleasedthat somebody up here likes him The Qsomehodtea are the majority of the sports writers and broadcasters who named the Chatham 0ntpitcher Ca nadian Male Athlete of 1961 knew was bithe running for it Jenkins saidby tele phone to Toronto Bill didnt think had chance limuw had 111 get lot of votes from lot of sporu writers across Canadasome body up there must beifoliowing baseball pretty close Im very grateful Jen us rnngy righthander for Chicago Cubs of the Nallon a1 League last season became the first Canadian in 59 years to win to games in the big leagues Fergle who playshasketball and operates as an advance man for Harlem Globetrotters during the offseason beat Bobby Hull of Chicago Black Hawks oi theNatlonal Hockey League in the Canadian Press yearend poll at Bobby he sake ainaxing Hes idolized by the peopledowu here Its great honor liri still tweenHIIll winner in 1965 and 1966 and Jenkins Richard Grubh 18 Canadas top jockey of 1967 came third Jenkins says he is locieur ew ion in the United States then they wan me to do anolh five after Christmasha2sald The JenkinsHull race was close Jenkins 42 second choices and was riasrsu SKIS at coatsm Asa recitation $10995 ln pleyotfs nedy beat John Hill ny ECL double boon hootprea Safely straps ski bands ski 150188 Marker toes and Glpron troutrelease bindings individ Voters named their top three choices iriordcr olpï¬ilerenbei Compuled on 341 points basis this gave Jenkins no points to 211 for Hull and 70 for Gruhb Terry Evanshen split end for Calgary Stampeders and most outstanding Canadian hi the Ca nadian Football league was fourth with appoints ahead of Hulls teammate Stan Mikita who came fifth with 11 Only two theyathletes hit double figures Andy Boychuk of Oshawa Ont goldsmedal marathoner iii the 1567 PanAmerican Games in Winnipeg pulled in Ross Jackson quarterback for fit lawn Rough Riders of the East ern Football Conference polled 10 cosine iii Barrie Coding Club In mens playoffs tor the La batt Trophy lastnightr at Bar rio Curling Club Bob Greens rink heal Murdie Campbells Bill Hewick beatrEhvood Webb Doug Fairbrolher beat Gerry Dryden Ross pso beat Gord Miinn Wlnners advance into send pm for memos and Simpson Trophy Ernie Wolfen den beat JackWebb Jack Lloyd beat Elliott Reynolds Jack Ken Frank Hersey beat Vern Adams oers go to semis Monday ght aacockletroleurnaJrophy Bob Bentleys rink defeated Orval Carrs foursome in an extra end John Lahings 31 beat Charge Spencers tour ssom ofthebest curlingof the season vfasseenin the Labatt games al ur goingright down tozthe last rock one them an exhaeud Toronto at Chicago nightmare Friday as favorlta were toppled Boston Bruins leader of the NHLs Eastern Division went down to an ignominious de feat at the badx of the lowly Oakland Seals and Los Angeles Kings tied forfirrt in the West with Philadelphia Flyera were lurprlled so by Minnesota North Stars The Scals victory their rev enth of the season moved them into liithplaca tie with St Louis Blues and ended two we losing streak They now 19 points 10 less than Loo Angelo and Philadelphia The Minan win moved the North Starrpost Pittsburgh Penguins into third place in the West with Le points Goaltender Cesare Maniogo continued to weave his brand of magic against the King for the second consecutive game He made 23 save in extending his scorelms string against Dos An Merge Bidders For NHL Team VANCOUVER GP Cyrus McLean president of Van couver Canucks of the Western Hockey league announced Fri day icam owners have merged their interests with grou headed by Vancouver industriz allot Frank McMahon in an of fort to obtain National Hockey League lrachlse llchoan in press release did not define merged inter ests butdidsay that new board of directors will be elected in the near future When the NHL expanded to 11 teamsrlilcleon and McMahon both applied for Vancouver franchise but were turned down Believed included in tho Mc Mahon group are Max Bell of Calgary chairman of FF Eubli cations lid and John David sun aloririer director of British Columbia Lions oi the Canadian Footbclltteoguc lllclieans group includes Fos tcr Hewitt of Toronto who has not with less than minute to play Deleoceman Mike Me hlahoo got his fourth goal of the lemon early in the first period and backed llaniago the rest of the way in the tightchecking contest Bostons high scoring line of Johnny hlcKaizie Fred Star field and John Mylx couldnt seem to get going Friday night Tom Williams got the Bruiiis only goal at 1036 01 the ï¬nal period as Oakland built an early on lead The defeat extended the Bndna lodng streak to three games They are only one point ahead of the rcdhot Chicago Black Hawksjnd three up on Toronto Maple Leafs crowd of 6095 one of the largest of the season in Oakland watched Wally Boyer scorebis first two goals of the season lead the Seals ADD INSURANCE Bill Hickc and Larry Popcln accounted for the other Oakland scoring as the Seals got thee TORONTO CF link lrom Elbow Sask that came to on international curling tauma merit as lastminute replace ment won the title early today But Doug Wankel Western ers had to deleat the defending Canadian champion skipped by Ali Phillips Jr 01 Toronto twice in six DOW towiu first prize in the elghtrink doubleknockout competition sponsored by the CBC Phillips was unbeaten going into the final Friday night and Wankel wilh loss Wednesday to Terry Braunslcin of Winni peg had to topple the Toronto foursomeiwlccxltndho iti no in the first loend game and 76 in the final ch went into been broadcasting NHL games lorts years an extra end Wankcla rink only made it to goals in the second period Po pcin veteran NHL performer was purchased thla week from Vancouver of the Western hague where he had playd several aeasons Tonight all six teams are to don Delioit lle lVingI villi Montreal Conadiens New York Rangers are in Toronto Boston plays Los Angeles Chicago mccls Pittsburgh Philadelphia is in St Louis and Minnesota plays Oakland Sunday Montreal is at De tmit Toronto in Chicago St Louis in New York and Pitta burgh visits Philadelphia But Philadelphia will be with out tho services of two of their top scorers Lcit winger Bil Suthcriand who leads the club with 10 goals reiniured groin muscle in practice Friday and centre Ed Hoekstra with nine goals hurt his ankle Elsewhere in the injury lists around the league delenceman Ted Green returned to the Bos ton lineup aller sixday ob sncc He picked up penalty and an assist Friday nighthis first point since ho stopped Frank Mahovlichs slapshot in Toronto last Saturday and bruised his knee FillIn Rink Trips Phillips the tournament when the Ron Northcoltskipped rink at Cal gary was unable to attend LASTMINUTE SUB We were in Edmonton last week curling in the big car bouspiel when we were asked to come to Toronto for this one said second Gay Wankel But there was one By in the oinlrnenLWankcls lead Elmer Knutson had decided to retire before the invitation arrived and had onlycurled to games thl year was really weary out there after three straigh games Jess than 12 hours laid lliird Artrlinutso Wankel and the Knulsona began the final day by defeating Hcc Gervnis of Edmonton to reach lhefinal HOCKEY RECORD ny run earianranrnnss Nitlonnl league Eastern Division Boston ibronio Chicago Detroit New York Montreal engaged assess Pittsburgh St Louis Oakland Reï¬lls Friday Boston Oakland Minnesota Los Angeles Games tonight Detroit at Montreal NewYork at Toronto Boston at Los Angelo Chicago at Pittsburgh Philadelphia at St Louis Minnesota at Oakland Games Smithy Montreal at Detroit £33518le 582832 assign IouisatNewYmk Hamilton Toronto Montreal St Calla Londim Oshawa Pethorougb Ottawa Easing an=n=ngg auuwN 88 gzamaqaa assassinate unsungth Results Ottawa lNiagarn Falls Peterborough Kitchener7 Montreal London Oshawa Toroulo Games Sunday option at Oshawa Peterborough at St Catharines Hamilton at Montreal Kitchener at Toronto Niagara Falls at Ottawa seawgswhagt ehnbmammï¬ Result many Laval Toronto 11 Gaines Today master at Western valatildoCill Western league Portland Vancouver Seattle San Diego Central lacuna Houston Oklahomath Omaha Kansas City Eastern League Clinton New Jersey Charlotte Greensboro Nashville Knoxvfllal Salem Florida CAR AND TRUCK LEhSlNG ATTRACTIVE YeARLv RATES 7266474 BARRIE LDRIVEACAN Fuht Safe Exce Manoeuvrabllity eclal Braking Scstom fo nick stops omouamn moons mmmowmobdewdlidduewmt who GYC toyoorwlntortbnolivlng lemhounofplemneg Snodetting wnroe