MRS OUGHS RINK WINS MILLS TROPHY Murray Mills at Toronto iormcr prominent Barrie resi dent who was actiye in muni cipal politics ireteroal circles and railway work is shown centre presenting the Mac Mills Memorial Trophy to Grace Oughs rink yesterday Final at ï¬rst ladles schedule was played yesterday altar noan at Barrie Giuling Club Winning rink from ldt Mrs lrciie Dart Mrs Ann Calico Mrs Ough Mrs th Taylor This is Mrs Oughe third win of the Mills Trophy In the ï¬rst an exciting game all through in ends at excellent curling she beat Mrs Barbara Smiths rink of hire Connie Merriam hire Dorothy Smith and Mrs Ann Garrett it was tied after nine ends linsl score 119 Alter the game Mr Mills and his son Don enter tained the players at dinner in the insulation tinal Mrs Yvonne Armstrongs rinlr de lcated Mrs Marion Parkers tour Examiner Photo ChriStinds Day Excitement May Be Trying For Family By GARRY MYERS PM Where there are ve at young children in the inmily Christmas with so much exclte ment can be very trying day tor these children and their par ents especially tor the mother and it cousins and other children are overnight guests lu the home Christmas can be still more trying Usually the must Joyous occa sion is the early Christmas morning opening at gilts Not only are the young children greatly excited then but the par ents and other older persons was as Some children get so many presents all at once on Christ mas morning that they may eel bewildered not knowing which toy to examine and operate ï¬rst it there are several very young children there soon may be contention and quoircling Thcscvare times when the par cnts are vise to spirit away some of the numerous play things alter they have been no wrapped and looked at to be brought out later The raucous radio or TV may add to the contusion their sl leucc to composure Soon alter the opening oi the gills end breakfast is ended Dad might wisely take over and have the children help him at collecting and disposing oi the wrappings He soon may be ehle to hire some ot the chil dren to go tor walk even tor car ride or go to one or more other rooms on enjoy tow playthings The children may like to go with dad to homes of playmates to see their glits though doing so may cause undue added ex citemeut When during the day other children come in to see your childrens gltts dad may find ways to keep the noise and lily low level READING AIDS iii the immune dad mayha hhieto supervise aquiet period with the children he or an older child reading to the younger children Duing may be many alluring sweets ithout eiiectivasupervlsion the childrennray consume them cessively then and during the liowinLdays So more may suit good many colds and upset stomachs The whole holiday season may not prove healthtul To exces ts added health he ds fromioiieii having During the holiday with school age children home we school children may face more hazards it may he good time to go with children old enough for outdoor excursions and vis its to museums the library and other good places ot interest Vise parents plan with con sldorablnthought and skill or the recreation ol olltheir chil dren during the holidays they plan moreover for some ros ponsihillties tor children in sc cordonce with their ages Plan some dolly periods or rest and quiet radio and TV usually sl leut then and lot oi reading orrbelng readto in all plans IAN EXAMINER SATURDAY DIX row Glitter Fashions Set Holiday Scene There newer was holiday tee eon when iuhion rovlded more glitter and rparke tu dresses than on the brightest Christmas tree Gold and silver brocade and lamea velvet and satius all set the scene or holiday par ties on new brilliance You dont have to glitter all over to get into the sparkling act Many well dressed women are wearing more subdued dress this season with metallic shoes and sparkling stockings with perhaps purse and sieve to match The shape and out at dresses runs from irllly icmlnloity out lined in lace and ruiiles right through to the crisper ilgure skimming lines so well suited to heavy brocades and metallic lob ric in general the shape is clos er to the body Dresses with line skirts usually have natur al waist Shirt dresses abound mgï¬ or them heltedwith ectage trained in Miles The women about to embark on the party season is wise to lay in her equipmenton in ad vame Dresses should he access sorlred and teamed with mat ching jewellery this season el with cutaway sides so theres absolutely no chance at peeping underplnnlngn to spoil the well eonsldercd line Many Egan pcs lind the pushup bra out lined in salt lace to the perfect complement to the nitrictrim med low neckline thats pop ular this seoson strapless bra well titted in either bandcau or longllne version can make all the dil icrence lo the world to gown exposing the shoulders With the new emphasis on waistlinu many women will tlnd longllne hrn is essential to streamlin ed unistovhittled look And tor the shorter skirt the shorter parity girdle is most with garters that adjust to arty length at stocking For the final touch oi ele gance ioundatlon garments should he keyed to that special dress Brown under brown tor instance or brown under beige is calculated to make women eel well groomed all the way through The printed lounda ttonstou are the underlylug testive touch to iestive eve is iniinite to psyche nlng The variety ranging irom pats ey swim or PEOPLE AND PLACES nor was silrrim Mra Lloyd Purde Strahana Ave was hcstus oi the annual Christmas pot luck supper oi the Barrie Good News Club attend ed by it members During the bestow meeting that wowed scripture was read by Mrs Smith and presentation at Christmas lessons and songs were given by Mrs Lockett Mrs Anne Bishop and Mrs Mary Fllgg ro mnmriwr hire Clarence Diamond Pro vincial Public Relations Ohich tor the Federated Womens ln rtitules oi Ontario has announclt ed that the C301 Country Cal endar will carry special pro tory from its minding tn Creek on Feb to 1367 throng worldwide growth to the present Canadian membership oi nearly 70000 members This feature will he prosentcdon EC TV on the aileran at Dec 17 REAL ESTATE 50AM Barrie and District Real Es tate Board inc played host to iesttve dance party Wednesr day evening at Placerest lloll Etmvslc The annual event be gen with turkey dinner serv ed to roe members and guests Frank Nclles Mrs Glen Scan drett airs Donald Moore and Mrs John Long convened the party Bert Lents orchestra pro vlded music tor dancing which lentured lucky spot dances Prize winners included Mrs Edwin In eson Aarn Kloosterman Harvle Weber Stan Hammond and lira Wittred Lawrence SIMPSON SEARS PARTY Stall employees oi Simpson Seors Limited Barrie and guests were entertained at gala Christmas buffet dinner party at the Continental lnn Wednes gram mr theWl tracing lte his cum and procedures during the holi days the slm should be to avoid undue excitement and nervous nborate earrings nttcn replace the pin and nckleco theme its well to gather preSonta stock oi special perlume plus party makerup which includes silvcr cd eyeshadow and nail varnish And most important oi all delica demure ginghnms to tlor air with lots of flower power This season many of the pretty prints are made into regular con trolling garments The woman requiring positive control can find it in print or toshion day evening with 45 in attend SNOWBOOTS strain and to promote home tranquility ANSWERING QUESTIONS Suppose you had two chil dren and the younger oiten was given outgrown clothes oi the elder child to wear that would you dolv would try to get occa sionally haudmedown gar ment irom cousin or else where ior the elder child For him always to get new clothes it the other didnt can cause serl yous problems yTISlDETILTilillt some The hue end cryher set in earnest Hats haute couture desiguers tell us are the and to prove their con tron all oi them have beén show many children and otherperr s7 crowded in the home For reasonable health practice there need to be so regula tionr strictly eniorc the holidays Wheu weather permits itis duirahieto get children out doors egood dent during this season Regulate the hours at the children in the evenings and oiperlods when neighbor chll dren are welcomed Emotional Time For PearsonFamily 1011on GP Mrs Wal tar Julianuah the prime mints here only danghteraaid her to thereelied her otter he anv trounced Ttmradayhe is migr ing as uberal party leader and primemtnister as man his successor is named He seemed very glad to ve gotit over with Mrs Hsunohï¬emother ttour raid ot caddu rully II mnelvnhout it its an emotional time or all Pro honestly net core my awesome the nature are but am he in several during hiwantntodoflebas agmoamoeowinio and Sirius presentation dolio lash thlstailored num her with sideswooped brim ot velour to tope tri and trim rover cloth coats vtioo roilno 412Laudernve Toronto recon the special dress requires the pertcct inundation garment So many bras or girdles are de signed to enhance particular line The drm with cirtaway armholcs will take its wearer through the evening to relaxed comfort it its worn with at bra color as well as in the basic shades TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS room nixmi DARKANLIGHT FRESH GOODTASTING Call in now for the best selection Priced trom 5798 Violirweli Shoes 58 Dunlop 7251891 who and Style Meets on Man puma sr BAlllttE bets notes are intended to cover the canal ceded tile the lit Dktfld Ieddlngr anniversaries bridal showers parties travellers and vtsilnra are all limos ot Intent to readers at this page Your help to supplying tats ml Irlil be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex mhrr 7mm and ask inf Andrey Content or Dec wis Iner at the Womens Depart ment once Miss Margaret Park and MrsPaul linger convened the annual yuletide event highlight ed by dancing to the music oi George Wilsons orchestra ltoy acted as Santa tor distrib ution oi gilt Mrs Erie Strep herd won the door prise Lucky spot prizes were won by illr and Mrs King Benunb Mrs Pet eririn and Paul Mcger lim Mo Donald and Mrs Dennison SQUARE DANCE NOTES Members oi the Beans Belles Club entertained at ics tire party Thursday evening at the Haylolt attended by eight sets at dancers Guests includ ed Bob Scott of Toledo Ohio and Fat Smith at West Hill The yulctide theme was carried through with Christmas tree and decorations convened by Mr and Mrs Ross McCiymont eluh vice presidents Mr and Mrs Cllti lenuell Miss Mae Ferg iuou and Bill Wright Dance in structors Mr and litre borne Hey directed the program at ammonium scene imam iflfltiï¬t smmstmeiomeu H1 squares and rounds with Ernie Brown calling tip The high light or the evening was the era rival at Mr and tire Santa Claus illr and Mrs George Bradley who distributed gilt irorn the tree Afterwards bni let supper or cold cuts salads and desserts was served concur ed by hlr and hirs Nefl Ken nedy The club wfli resume reg ular Thursday evening doom on Jan The ltaylolt Squares highlight ed their Christmas dance party Wednesday evening with ma ion show of beautiful square dance costumes Modelling the clothes were his and Mrs Dick McCoulcy Sir and Mrs Law rence Wiggins Mr and Mrs Norm Gelkrway Mr and Mrs Stan McLean Mr and Mrs lion Harbottlc Mr and Mrs Ross Mclellon Mr and Mrs John Goodicllow Mr and hire Gem rge Livingston and Mr and Mrs Ed Taylor Mrs lame lluy was commentator Ernie Brown assisted Lorne May as caller tor the it acts of dancers including guests trom Coltlngwood Allis ton Stayner und Orillia Mrs George Holloway Sn and Mrs Aubrey Miller convened the but let oi sandwiches cakes and col duslon Dancing for the liaylott Squares will resume Jan WATElt TMAE CONSTANT The earth has the some water it had at the beginningits con tent always rcmoins at about arsoooooo cubic miles 2173le Kl thermoluminescence Mmmim es on display an ooloreetyles and irrimiuivimm you iimitism