Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1967, p. 6

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fill CHILDS DREAM OF CHRISTMAS The trio shown above will participate in haiihour tele vision presentation at 630 olt clock Sunday atternoon when the lips Caldwell Singers oi Barrie will explore Childs Dream oi Christmas From Lelt to Right are special guest Kim iiobcrtso portrays the part small child Joyce love and Jim Robert son Doug Lenoox will act as host oi the show which is pro duced by Doug Gnrraway The Singers and the Boys Chorus will be accompanied by pianist hill Brill organist Jim llari and lnsilllmrntillsls Margaret hchermid Stan Elliolaon Gib Wiley Andy Dyment and Alan hlcCurdy Informal Reception Marks 50th Weddi 0n the occasion or their gold en wedding anniversary his and Mrs Roy Hickl were guests oi honor at an open house reception held at the Vespre Township home oi their son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Gordon Bidding Dec Kssistlng with party arrange mcnls were the cciehranis other sons and their wives Charles Harold and Douglas oi Vesprs Township Cecil at Toronto and Ray oi Oakvillerfliete are iour grandsons and is granddaugh ters Approximately 250 relatives and lricnds called during the ai ternoon and evening to wish the ceiebrants continuedheaith and happiness The bridegroom at 50 years is the son at the late ML and Mrs Charles Matthew Hickling who had lived on the term where the anniversary party was held Roy was born there and remain ed on the homestead until 1956 when he and Mrs lliclsling mov ed to Barrie The term has re maincd in the Hickling name ior nearly as years The bride is the iormer Lydia Dnbson daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Dobson Utopia Who she was nine years old the family moved to Vespra RECALLS NUBTSHIP Mr Bickling recalls that cour ting was ditterent iii the days of his youth He was allowed the use at line horse and buggy two nights week and one night was to he spent going to church He took Lydia to Collier Street Methodist munch in Aug ustroi loll They were mafrlcd at the home oi the brides par ean Dec 12 1917 and the new lyweds became members or the church soon eiterwards Both Mr and Mrs Hickliog have been active in community lite Mrs trickling was char ter member oi Centre Yespra Jenn love wa memberoi the Womens Missionary Society or many years and is now mem berroi dreUnited Church wo men Mr iiickling has been engag edcln chumh activities school farmingnrgen ona HE Monti County in 195 From last until the present time irehas been Vespras representative to an rle and District High School Board He has also served on the Royal Victoria =ilospitai Board ior eight years as has been ings careerahdfgreatcst rater estf all his lite and he still works to improve farming lie was aoharter member at the Simcoe County Federation oi Ag rlculturewhich was inrined in 1M0 and was their presidentln ng Anniversary nor moms suckling and Mrs Charlesliicir ling was thelocal point on the lacecovered teatabie 7n iloral arrangements oi hry southe mums and tall golden taperan stais completed the table ap pointments Tea honors were periormd by Miss Mabel WHEEMISJWMIM Mrs Ted Dabs during the attemooo recep in the ev lng Mrs Wellie Dohson Mrs Fred Dobson Mr Wilbur Dob antiqueeandie holders with cry Phdpot Mrs Leslie Doan and ANN LANDERS sowsrs Some Learn To hear Aa landeu am fl hava fascinating Job and am very content it so happens that am not mlried and might new meet man would want to spend the rest of my llia with So does this make me treaki The other day encountered college chum whom had not seen ior several years Her lust uestion was Are you mar When replied No am not she lowered her eyes and said Oh lrn sorry as ii lhad told her my mother died Where do new so the idea that marriage ll the desirable state ior one and all can name to girls went to school with all under to years oi age who are divorced Two at these girls have been divorced more than once One girl has tour chddren and the is on her third THE STARS SAY Er mum FOR TOMORROW Yesterdays planetary restrrr tlons continue to degree in order to make Sunday the sails iying day it can be it will be important to curl emotions to light oii tendencies toward rest lessness and to exercise caution in all dealings Take it easy FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that it would be advisable to take ad vantage oi all opportunities to advance now since the stars promise an uptrend in emplo ment matters as or Maypro vlding oi course that youve made the most oi chances to progress since the iirst oi the year and continue to do so he member always that no matter how stimulating the planetary influences you must be cooper ative in orderto it by them iurther boost occupational interests is iorecast ior Septem ber when you will enter fine cycle which will last for at least three months Happy domestic and social re lationships should eolivenmost oi this new year in your tile hut midyear and next November should prove the most interest ing Bed periods ior new so manta andor marriage Late April iota Jim and late July child born on this day will beenrlnwcd with fine business acumen will also be lllerariiy inclined ens nav ems momw You may be laced with some complex situations on Monday but you can solve them by using good judgment and making careful investigation onto their cause Make no hasty decisions and dont lump to conclusions abotd anything FOE TflEvBlRTHDAY it Monday is your birthday your horoscope tm that team now until norm it weighs advisable than your attenh Mustangstoo and financial programs There are indications that by putting torthsoma extra effort you can make good gaim his the end oi September but thesewiil be relatively small compared with what you can achieve atter late Novemberwhen you will be governed by especially guerous influences So plan your moves in advanceand th marriage What else tell me is so special shoe that wish youd inlorm yur reading public that marriage is not ior everyone and that some people are much better oil with out it llying sale and using It Dear Flying The notion that any marriage is better than no marriage is strictly ior the cue koos The saddest thing about people who should not be mar ried is that they invariably lied each other and learn too late that they both would have been better oli single VITAL MOMMHON Dear Ann Under My prob lem has caused me many sleep less nights hope you can help went with John ior iour yenrs Twice during that time became pregnant snd miscar ricd Both times avoided our iamiLv doctor because didnt want my parents to know Iti though wa live in the same city had place oi my own and northern once week When went to the hospital with the mlscsmagar told on handy The sugar plum house shown above is attractin the attention oi visitors to La dlaw under good aspects ior most oi the iorthcomlng you but dont be overly sensitive in dealing with associates This willba especially important in June and midNovember when you may beunder somertansion and less tiva hr your thinking than you shouldvbe Look ior stimulating social activities and opportunities to travel in late April June August and Novem her child born on this day will be unusually intelligent ighly intuitive and endowed with ex cellent judgmen well rlersonal relatiooShips will be KN had kidney problem im sure they vbelieved rne John and have now been married two years and am pregnant again want to go to our lamlly doctor but am airald to because oi my pre vlous trouble it he been oi my miscarriages it might appear on my medical record and on the new babys certiiicate Please tell me what to dollaultcd by the Past Dear nanotedx Go to your ismhy doctor and tell him oi COLORFUL fsuoaa PLUM Residence The house can strucled olcanrly and cookies was made by Miss Pat Powers oi Chepstowrlunior=atodcot= nurse at Royal Victoria rte gxonai School oi Nursingxlick ets are being sold by the stu ran IAIN mum SATURDAY DEC il in your miscarriages Such tuior matlon can be vital to the health at your unborn child reputable physician is not inter ested in whether the miscar riages occurred beiore or alter your marriage And rest as sured the lninrmrtlon will not peer on your childs birth cer icste Good luck to you COMPARISONS Dar Ann Leaders have been kee lag studycompany with man whose who passed away two years ago At least so people have told me that look vary much lite his deceased wile tile has never mentioned it always icol uncnmiortabie when some one hrings up the soblcct it puts me in the position at the substitute and keep wondering it he is making other compari sons in his own mind The man wants to marry me but these thought stand in my way Do you think we could have good marriagetlltlrrar Imago Dclr Image There are bound dent nurses with proceeds don ated towards publication the Year Book The draw idr the house will take place during the Christmas party tor stu dent lililSeSneC 16 Exam iner Photo Late About Single Bliss to be comparisons either con scious or unconscious on when no physical resemblance exists Dont let this keep you irom marrying fine man Say yes and send me postcard irom your honeymoon LADYS CARllSlE BY LONDON FOG Colder ZIPIN Warmer llPOUT 12 Months SERVICE FROM ONE Navy Beige HMS Available Esclnslvelyln Barrie Guti ind Where ssh Meets The Man 11an and New ear her Crop and Soil Irn fiw rsociationwsince He has also years or thei Barri ducerslhe Whole Milk League and the Ontario Wheat Board For the sp al anniversary party Mrs liickiing looked arrmng adressotlaoeover Tl gdegmgfillmtucl if taiieta in rosebalgetones com er an in as so no piemented by corsage oi yellow W51 MF 15 SWFd orchids giitirom he ushand councilman and depu ingi elededras TEATABLE Reeveot Vespra Township irom threeti 1952 to 1951i iiehad the honor prepared by the ottbeing Warden oi Sinieoe daughtersin church ior many years and so at present an hoooraryeide lie was Collier Churchsvrepre sentativa tosimcoe Presbytery ior years and Sisncoea replt sesantatrve wtlreiathGener grotuhi receved tromCiauadasPiirne Minister tegB Pear Son Ontario Premier Johu Lt of Ontario imcoe Co War POLmCAL CAREE you are entertaining kformer re dse Bradlord and trout Hughenden Alberta fVELKAY MATERNITY The traditions and obser vaoces at ist as customs in theethemeol stewardshipand odtellowSillely aod Ford Gnu The Installation was conducted and otilearl in cluded Past President Mrs Emma PresideniMrs Grok ViceBfesidentfidrs ond VicFPmid

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