PUSHBUTTON rocker sensors new photo reconnaissance rocket being tcated by Gan Brandon Man is prepared for launch from the back of be fired and guided bacir to its sender by remtoe control OP adair Ud at Camp Shilo near an army truck The OHS can Wirephotot FSIMCOE COUNTY NEWS caown iiiii By MRS DWSthBE Ilnder leadership of Miss Di ana Tack and Mrs Don Vernon another lH project has been completed moserecelvingcred It for unit Sleeping Garments are Karen Edgerton Judy At kinson Jane Sinclair Cheryl Partridge Heather Edgcrtnn Diane Tuclr Carol Vernon Con nie Ellsmere Sheila iIlclding UCW The annual meeting of United Church Women was held at the home of Mrs Howard Partridge Dec with to members pres cut The devotional period Ila keeping with obe season was prepared by Mrs Flower and given by Mrs Normanfliicir Reports were given The pres ldents report showed many ac complishments during 1967 The meeting voted everyfamily plan for The ob server to be financed by UCW Rcv Allison Hayneaconducted the election of officers for 963 The following is the slate of of gficrs pres Mrs Gordon At kinson secy lllrs Partridge assistant Mrs Bessie Spence tress Mrs Oscar HlBki ling up to board at Stewards Mrs Gordon Dunsmore mansc com Mrs Norman Tack and Mrs Miles llickllng social Mrs Maurice Partridge Mrs Mae Drury Mrs Hamid Drury Mrs Alvin Smth and Bessie ii Par dge phone Mrs Torn Posie and Mrs William Clark literature and supply Mrs rloy flewson social assistance Mrs nrman Tuck decorating Mrs Harold Drury Mrs Gordon Dunsmore Dubi LVMrs Miles Hickiing auditors Leon ard Ede and rs orijnan Thompsonnominatinns Mrs Wayne lliclrlirlg Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis will Howard and Essa council were served their annual hot turkay dinner Mr and Mrs Hector Turnhull Alliston were with the Harvey Turnbuils Sunday and Mr and Mrs Pratt of Cooksville were with the Vernon McCalriu Miss Marie Snlth arrived via FCA from Vancouver Saturday and will spend the Christmas season with her parents Mr and Mrs Eugene Smith Utopia Centennial committee held final meeting Monday night at the call of Chairman Lou lruax report of the many interesting and enjoyable events of this year was read and it was decided to finish with New Years party to be held Saturday Dec 21 dancing 912 allowed by bullet lunch burn ing of the cmlennialflamcrntc Mrs Minnie Mason is in Royal Victoria Hospital be leaving International Airport Tuesday to spread the holiday season with their daughter Mar garet and her fairiin in Lon don England NEWTON aoainson ACHIEVEMENT DAY On Saturday Dec the Tec Gwilt Homemakers attended chievement Day at Banting Memorial HighSdiool Allisinn They have completed the unit The Club Girl Entertains Each member gave written ans wers to quiz on etiquette judg ed dlning room bouquet anda plate of fancy sandwiches giving their reasons orally They also yoted on the course to be taken in the fall of 68 The club had displayoi sandwiches for at ternoon tea and commentary by Ruth Cornell Fourteen mem bers completed this unit and were in charge of the pmgram Reports of the yearswork were given by department secretaries Election and installationof of licers was conducted by Rev Mr Dahlln They are past pres Mrs Copeland pres Mrs William Rowe vicepres Mrs Dan Harvey rec secy Mrs flower traas Mrs Mehir cor secy Mrs Andrews stewardship Mrs Conncll Convencra of committees sup ply Mrs Gordon llnlbert Liter ature Mrs Houghtou social and flower Mrs Steers com munity friendship Mrs John son finance Mrs Chanllcr program Mrs West period icals Mrs Andrews Christ ian and Missionary education Mrs Copeland leader and developmentfltirs Coborn boardpf Stewardsrllirs Mat thews mansc Mrs Grcn Hale bert nomin lions Mr Hai Iieit By MRS JOHNSTON community pot luck supper and Christmas party was held in the Community Hall Friday evening with large attendance The ball was nicely decorated by the committee in charge Bob nidhope was chairman and led in the singing of carols Norman Langman showed three films BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs Archie Thomson Orillia icelebrated herjolh birthday MoudayDec11 Her daughters Mrs Hoechele Drillla and Mrs Berna Johnston gave her party Saturday evening at the latters home when over lorela tives came to help her celebrate coming from Gamebridge Ather lcy Orillfa Ardtrea Bass Lake and Hawkestnne procedures and plan DISTRICT WEATHER Snowfall Activity ToClear By sunday Snow flurry activity In the Southern Georgian Bay ueather district will continue today bit is expected to cease by Sunday Considerable cloudiness will Dre Green Christmas Traces Heritage Long Way Back sprig of mistletoe holly wreath an evergreen tree these and other decorgtioas oft greenery come into omea holiday time and tradition blooms The green Cbriatmasla an ancient wstom more universally observed than white Christ ms in earliest timesntthcpagan winter festivals evergreen and winter blooming plants were prized for then promise of spring and the suns return For the ï¬rst Christians the some green cry symbolized lilo eternal The Holly and the ivy As the old Christmas carol indi cates both holly and ivy share an ancient heritage as holiday greenery Early characterization of holly as masculine and Ivy as feminine goes back to pagan games with the holly and the ivy in friendly competition later tradition says that rpiny leaved holllea are he hollles while the smoothleaved plants are she hollles The kind at holly brought into the home at Christmas determines whether he or she will be head of the house for the com ing year Rosemary thats for homem brance When Shakespeare wrote this famous line rosemary was not only ior remembrance it was for Christmas decorat lag ton Rosemary fragrant herb that romaios evergreen tawarm climates fsinn longer used as holiday decoration but it still re tains its legendary connection with Christmas The legend says that during the flight into Egypt Mary spread the Holy infants clothing on rosemary bush todry At once the hush became sweetly scented audits psla Ilhite blossoms turned to lovely ue Mistletoe for Luck Todoy meeting beneath the mistletoe hringa good luck in tha formvoi iss Ancient peoples believed that mistletoe hadia more positive control over luck good and had bit of mistletoe hung over doorwaywaa said to ward olL evil later belief suggested that mistletoe could bring bad luck If mistletoe boughs put up tor Christmas are notrremoved by CandlemasEvetFeh this belief holds that each leaf will bring forth goblin to remain for the rest of the year harass ing the household expected to producer rortant changes in the equipment meth wail turning milder tomorrow Winds are Marty 15 The lommo Weather Ofï¬ce Pre dicts low tonight of 15 degrees for the Lake Slrncoc area rising to Sunday him of degrees in downtown Barrie at to am the Examiner themiomcter re finned degsea Synoyxil westerly to north westerly low of Arctic air is still prevailing nvar most of 0a tario but during thelast 24 hours it has weakened consider ably This trend will continue through Sunday Snowflurry Ic tlvity in the tee of Lake iiuron and Georgian Bay will likely continue through today but little or no activity is expected on Sunday Tomato Hamilton London Windsor Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Ontario Niagara II sl ib or on southern Lake lluron regions Variable cloud nus with chance of few snow flurrlea today Sunday sunny with few cloudy intervals and little milder Winds westerly is today light Sunday Northern Lake lluron south ern Georgian Bay regions Main ly cloudy with scattered snow llurries today Sunday variable cloudinessand little milder winds westerly 15 Drop In By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian woods were safer for hunters this year than in leashwlth Alberta the only prov ince reporting an increased toll as the national count of hunting fetalhtes dropped to as from 79 CrossCaoada Survey by The Canadian Press up to De cembar showed the lmprovo meat While Alberta free of hunting deaths in196o reported four deaths this year two other provinces reported no deaths in the woods Prince Edwardlsl land had an unmarred season for the second year while Manf tobas tail was cut to nothing ram four year earlier Saskatchewan with five deaths and Ontario with 13 had thereamo records as in 1966 whllcau other provinces report ed decreases The fatalities for this year with 1966 figures in brackets Newfoundland at VNcw Bninswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward island Quebec it ital0ntariorllisl Manitoba it Saskatchewan 5t Alberta1 to British Co Iurnbia 10 SAFER HUNTING Thedecrease in Quebec devel oped although there was no new legislation Ioprotefl hunters In Ontario ilegislatinn was The immanent will he held IIat Leonard Edgarton ata AWARD GIVEN lhef Explorers mother and daughter banquet was held Mon day Dec 11 in Crown lllllrlln ed Church Hall UCW members erved delicious meal assistï¬ by former Explorer members Scated atthe head table were blue and gold stars were an achievement and werdpresented My Mrs Gordon Diuismore Graduation certiï¬cates and but were presen Haynes to the following Bretid Posie Jane Atkinson Jane Sin clalr Lillian Clark Sheila trickling Mra Norman Tuck presented it SheilaHick Lillian Clark ling each ith an ï¬iplorera special Christmas donation from each girl realizedrpulil toys to be presented to pediatrics ward at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Theevming concluded by an exchange at gifts ï¬mSWDWEF Ruth Cnnnell liar upon completion of every two units Ruth Connell received countyhonois for com pletion of six units andDarlene Copeland re ei provincial hnnnrs having completed 42 units Theieader of the Club was Mrs Joan Jebb and assistant Ivy Groambridge Club The fina ormaltea Newton Robinson hall MissWarner borne econo mls wasprescnt also mother grandmothers former and interested Tec atlhitemember NEW omcans leaders De WI meeting was an in United hurch Women met at the hem of Mrs HAnclraws P3 home and contents by tire Girl Guidesleaders and guests enjoyed sleigh riding parw Sat day nig Beéent visitors with Mrs ene Trombley were Sister Mary Raine and Barry Trombleyand family Toronto zei Hayes strand has gpaortment with oscsinaea Tits NATIONAL aAtLar orcANan Pnonucrio or free NUTCRACKEltI It PsasbaMANcasfï¬ MATINEES EVE Fllth Deeemha 11 one ra PM monumcs Saturday Deoember 2a Monday December 10 PM Matinee Only atonement years Organization The center plemented jwithin the nexf than the delegates were taking part in the filth air navigation conference of the international once concluded The World Meteorologic ganization held al conference jointlywiih the navigation passed providing that all per Complete iAStudv air travel ade Fmecasting problems assoclah ed particularly wl the opera tions of supersonic aircraft will require shady he told pre conference atthe conclusion the sessions during the next is able to warh crews of super sonic aircraft he said Periodic Sr 19 titudes used by superson ic aircraft could be dangerous to humans An accumulated Sudhury North Bay northern Georgian Bay itmagami Corb rane western James Bay White River Algorna relioas Mainly cloudywlth few tight snowiiurries today Sinday var lable cloudiness and milder Winds westerly L5 Montreal and Ottawa regions Mainly xunoy today and Sun day Not so cool Sunday Winds westerly 15 Percent Temperature Low tonight High Sunday Windsor St Thomas Kitchener Mt Forest Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pctcrbnrough Kingston Trenton Killaloe llfuslrolra North Bay Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste arie Kapuslrasing white lliver lifoosonce Timmins oaassauuwssanuu ora via5 assuanguzaeuuaanunamma 10 Hunt Fatalities Canada sons applying for their first hunting licence must write test and also must pass prac tical exam demonstratingfa New legislation in New Bruits wick requires that in cases of death or lniury careless hunt ing convictions carry punish ment not less than one month inriail and fine $200 to $1000 in case of nondeath and non due cause sum as hitting cow the hunter is liable to is days in jail and fines of $50 to $500 SPECIAL COLORS Some provinces depend on volunteer safety programs to teach their hunters how to han dieï¬rcurms and most require their hunters to wear speelal colors to make sure they are not taken foranimals In Manitoba hunters are re quired to wear white with the only alternative being blaze or stage caps and belts onwhite coveralls Hunters in Alberta wear scarlet maroon or red ful Iysleeved garments and simi larlycolored bats Saskatche wanhuniers wear similar Eol 0T5 Ontario reported an unusual hunting accident nonfatal dog tried to stand up on its hind tags by pulling itself up on the trigger guard of his mas ters gun paw touched the trigger setting olt the gun and wounding tha hunter in the shoulde lauriiirnonri ourcant Flying MONTREAL Cl1 Dele gates frnm more than so nations have just completed month long study which the said is nu CANADIAN PORT dosage could be more danger tfl BART mm SATURDAY DEC it m1 Justice Rules No Discrimination SAULT STE MARIE Out chI Polite officials here here not discriminated againn Lois Beckett female member of the police force because of Mr serrhir Justice Fer guson ruled Friday bliss Beckett has endeavor ed to take advantage ol tedi nicality that was cove intended to be there said the Ontario Supreme Court Justice Miss Beckett brought court action against the police com migion the police association and the city alleging she was wrongfully dismissed as constable although she still worked for the force as clerk tynist hiruJustice Ferguson left one point still to be decided on Mon daywbcn the suit resumes That is whether she ls entitled to be member of the Police Association of Sault Ste Marie lie said she obviously WE that was mistake made by the police commission She is trying to take advan tage of careless methods said the luditc Miss Beckell counsel Henry Lang replic My client was dismissed wthout hearing The Police Act provides for hearing dismissed She as not dismissed said Mr Justice Fcrgusnn But she was forced to turn in her uniform in No be 1965 said Mr Lang hlr Justice Ferguson said sworn in as constable hut ore anyone can bc she still remains peace offi IMPERIAL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION moire 1mm mm rtivras mural IS Will0 $11 Mull mil arciima car He said police otficer of whatever rank derives his au thority through being sworn in peace officer Mr Lang contended that his client was entitled to equal pay with men under the Human Rights Code of Oiarlo it Is contrary to all the worlds economies that woman should receive equal pay to that of married man said Mr Justice Ferguson in his oral judgment he said there was no doubt at all that Miss Beckett remains mem her of the police department But he said she is only entitled to receive salary to which she has agreed and for which she is still accepting her pay cheque acne ASSOC 441 WING BINGO Every Monday at 800 pm SPECIAIS JACKPOT $31000 SHARETHE WEALTH Admission 50c 14 HIGH ST Above NitService Cleaners We SUNDAY T0 TUESDAY MAN RUNNING OUT OF TIME WOMAN RUNNING our OF MEN Shows at 78 LAST TIMES TO lTheWiId Rebelskand Indian Palnt lime 7233440 TODAY SUNDAY IltllllIllillllttllllltlilllflillllllil OKEEFE CENTRE FRONTH YONGE EMJbtvil AM and PM namrnmmroun iiicitsesou Where Your Roof is its hind its nocK Huian in In late siting on FoolinSo sin Hugliliitfï¬tii at pace aa Second in JOHN FRANKENHEIMEII nii